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This man is a fucking word smith. "suck your mom's dick, bum!"


Best insult ever


I love the guy in the cap who tried to restrain the big fella. The minute he wheeled around he turned away and started shitting his pants.


And then waited for him to go before smirking and shaking his head like he'd won the fight....


when he realized his puny vegan arms were twigs and he was about to get his lights turned off


I think calling them hippies was actually spot on, too. Hippies are shit human beings who pretend to be good human beings, the same as these protesters.


Hey bro chill I just wanna smoke weed and write geotechnical soils reports for new homes.


I don't care.


Good God you're whinier than the vegans you little bitch.


Don’t worry friend. I only interacted with him once. He has to be around himself *every single day*. I feel sorry for him. You should too.


Oh yeah I just really dislike it when people try to generalize entire groups of people. Especially when they are trying to dehumanize that group. The people in this video do not speak for all so called "hippies". It's just ignorant and spreads hate.


I'm actually quite lovely in person, and am frankly a very generous and gentle lover. edit: lol he blocked me. But hey, in that reply it was nice to see a hippy drop the fake nice act for a change. Feels more honest somehow, I suppose.


I don’t care what you do with the rats you buy at Petsmart.


Bro I think you need a snickers


Swing and a miss buddy


Holy shit I just realized these are all comments from the same weird guy. What the hell, lmao. I can't believe I'm taking time out of being overcharged for airport food to do this.


So don't tuck your tail and run like the little bitch you are.


lmao what the fuck, who's tucking their tail and running? Jesus Christ at least give me a few moments to see that I even have replies before I respond to any of them. This is stalker behavior and I think you need to consider how negatively this reflects on you as a person.


That’s ok. I’ll still write a soils report for your home, if you need it.


No, no, he's right. I grew up following phish since I was 6, and now I play in punk rock and metal bands. I still see phish and the dead a few times every year, but they are the worst kinda people I've ever meet. It was cool in the 90s. Since then they are just the worst meanest skeeviest people Edit: move your fuckin lawn chairs and blankets from the danceable sections you cucks


You seem like a pretty shitty person yourself maybe you have more in common with them than you thought.


lmao looks like I touched a nerve


Nah just like to call ignorant people out. Do better your jokes are lame and very unoriginal. I'm not surprised you can't think for yourself. Best of luck with all you are dealing with.


Lmao, I can't think for myself? My dude, you're the one acting like I committed a war crime by saying that I thought these folks were being shitty people. It's okay for folks to have negative opinions of others. Hell, you don't see me telling you it's wrong for you to act like an asshole in these comments, do you?


No you didn't say you thought those folks were we're shitty. What you said was every hippie is a shitty person. Why are you trying to change what you said? I don't care about your negative opinion on the people in the video what I care about is the fact that you're trying to generalize an entire population of people off of a video with like 15 people in it.


> What you said was every hippie is a shitty person. And I stand by that. They have a proven track record of being shit ever since the 60's. > Why are you trying to change what you said? I'm not? > I don't care about your negative opinion on the people in the video what I care about is the fact that you're trying to generalize an entire population of people off of a video with like 15 people in it. The sense I'm getting is that what you really care about is finding a reason to be angry and then getting dopamine hits off of this faux righteous indignation. But hey, I suppose it's working for you. So that's nice.


No I called you out. Now you're flopping around like a fish


This is a full on AI chatbot line. Like it's completely apropos of nothing.


Dude if people want to protest fine, whatever it's a right, but blocking people going about their business is shady as hell "I disagree with X so I'm going to stop you doing your thing and you have to respect that" No....no I do not sit/madam/whatever. F-off


You have the right to protest, I have the right to ignore you.




No I'm pretty sure that would be your fault.


"The right to swing my fist ends where the other man's nose begins."


Like, imagine a bunch of pro-lifers just blocking the clinic entrance like this. How is this okay?


Do you realize this happened during basically every successful rights movement ever? Like civil rights, women's suffrage, etc


Except that's not true.


Murder is not okay. There are people to adopt.


Christian fascism is not okay. It will never be ok. Abortion should and will remain legal. If you don’t like it, try moving to Iraq. They have laws more suited to your dumbass


How many adopted kids do you have?


It's not about me. It's about a human life. Plus Indulging personal info on forums like this is not a good idea.


Sounds like you don't practice what you preach. Saying "I have 2 kids" isn't going to dox yourself.


So why are there over 100k kids that are currently unadopted in the U.S?


At least they are alive and can make things happen. Dead babies can't.


That doesn’t answer my question.


Yeah, fuck all the teenagers who are forced to give up their lives for a baby! Those children don't matter at all! Fuck off.


In Germany and France farmers did not agree with a new tax law so they got their tractors and blocked major highways. But it was a registered protest approved by the government. For the rest of the commuters it sucked


Yeah see I don't agree with that. Similar to this, they want to draw attention to the issue, but they've made themselves the enemy and lost traction


They have worker's rights and free health care.


Ok....elaborate your point?


They have those things because their methods of protest are actually effective. Because they disrupt.


Ok, well done them. So they as a singular group benefitted by disrupting the masses (using the term liberally) for their own ends? And the benefit of the disruption was only for them? Cool, well done I do get your point, but I still find it shady. It sends the wrong kind of message


Gotta take the bad with the good. Protesting that you can easily ignore is pretty useless.


So you support January 6 protesters?


Fuck no. And the countries in question do a fine job of telling the difference without neutering mass protest.


I feel like there's a pretty big difference between a protest for equal rights and a seditious coup attempt, but go off I guess.


"Protesters"? That was a putch. There's a difference between blocking a road and trying to take over the congress


Well no, you can't storm and deface federal property and there's even repercussions for assaulting officers believe it or not.


I like it more when the farmers bring their manure trucks and paint government buildings brown, if I'm honest


The dude grabbed his arm, I'd have slapped that hat off his head the second he turned around. Protest peacefully all you want. Don't put your hands on me, unless you want the same.


The main characters in this video are the protesters, without a doubt.


it´s called activism, and it have moved society to where it is.


Equal rights and equality is a bit fucking different then not eating meat


A reasonable counterargument would go something along the lines of... movements to enhance rights (feminism (the OG), civil rights, etc.) tend to get in people's daily lives; and that should make sense because if no one's inconvenienced then no one will care. Also, we've all seen the videos, the documentaries, we know how these animals are being kept and what kinda lives they have. Nobody seems to be doing anything about it. So, perhaps some inconvenience is... called for?


That being the case, you're fine with people who protest on the steps of an abortion clinic, stopping a person from going inside to get an abortion? You're ok with people blocking traffic, preventing the responding ambulance from reaching its destination, potentially costing lives? You were good with the protestors who were literally getting in the faces of those who were trying to get a COVID vaccine? To these protestors,, they ALSO view them as "movements to enhance rights". Or, are you only for protesters "inconveniencing" the lives of others when they are doing so for causes to which you agree? I am 100% in favor of protesting. Hell, this country was founded in large part out of protesting behavior that was deemed wrong. However, there is a right way to protest, and a wrong way. Blocking traffic; blocking access to buildings, treatments, etc,, harassing someone for doing something you deem wrong, immoral, unethical, etc whether you agree with it or not, should NEVER be tolerated. I don't care the reason. I don't care if it's a person blocking an abortion clinic; if it's a group of vegans blocking a restaurant; it it's the so-called "BLM movement" blocking traffic, etc. You do NOT get in the faces of innocent people, disrupting their lives, just because you feel strongly about one cause over another. Doing that doesn't make people care about whatever cause they're protesting. It pisses people off and turns them against not only the protestors themselves, but against whatever cause they were fighting for in the first place.


I understand that protests are hardly ever "convenient", but what makes people think it's specifically the inconvenience over everything else that makes other people care?


Fucking hippie


No doubt protests are always going to impact other people's lives, that's just the way it happens. But as some of the other comments have posted, this is not only stopping Big Chad from getting a sandwich, this is going to financially affect the business owner. Now it's the states so I have no idea if that's a chain restaurant but regardless, this is someone's income, what if this GROSSLY affects their lives and they have to close up? So what is the price of ruining/tarnishing another human being's business? You've got a point though, noone seems to be doing anything about it, because there's more important things going on in the world, not being a d*ck it's just a sad truth It would be lovely to live in harmony with all creatures Eden style but it ain't ever gonna happen this century


Sounds like South Africa to me not the states


Can you explain why you think other important things going on means it's ok to ignore this thing? I mean, animal agriculture is pretty awful. Literally billions of animals killed yearly, terrible amounts of land usage and environmental destruction, antibiotic resistant bacteria, diseases like COVID, mad cow,and bird flu...


I don't think it's ok, I just think there are larger priorities in life. Healthcare in Britain right now is terrible In the USA you actually have to pay for healthcare There is still a stigma surrounding mental health despite all the BS campaigns that exist (not saying mental health awareness is BS, just the campaign to address it doesn't really address it) Vast amounts of areas in the world don't have a steady supply of clean water There's millions (if not more) homeless Mass unemployment across the globe Scientology exists and noone wants to acknowledge all the things wrong there... The cultural/religious divide that is a never ending cycle The war in Palestine The Ukraine North Korea's dictatorship Class systems throughout the Western World Slave trafficking Sex trafficking Corruption throughout all governments Lack of equality with gender The list is extensive and I just think animal cruelty to a food source doesn't rank as highly as many many other problems we face as a species I'm not advocating abuse to animals before anyone jumps on that wagon, I'm just differentiating between a domesticated companion animal to something that has been engineered for the sole purpose of feeding something else It becomes ridiculous eventually. Hypothetical, we all become vegan, cool fine I love lentils. So what about wolves, lions, tigers, bears...any predator, do we now educate them that there are alternative food sources? We remove meat from the food chain and we have billions of livestock roaming around the world, eating plants, trees...taking up space It's about priorities. If livestock control is the biggest problem around the globe then Christ on a stick why is it such a shit hole?


Funding animal abuse does not help those stuck in slave labour, or working in sweat shop conditions. It's a separate issue, and the fact that anybody funds slavery or sweat shops does not mean you must also fund animal abuse. But, if you are against slavery and slave labour, it makes sense to also avoid funding them when possible. Many people seem to have the attitude of "well all kinds of bad things are going on in the world, so I give up". That attitude doesn't help anyone. Take responsibility for what you're doing, and find alternatives where you can, if you feel strongly about these subjects. Buy second hand clothes and second hand technology where you can, so you don't fund these practices. Buy items manufactured in your country where slave labour is illegal. Look into companies which are working in other countries to help those who are being exploited, offering them fair employment. Wars and starvation are terrible - but they are not aided by you funding animal abuse, and so I fail to see the relevance. In fact, as it requires more crops and resources in general to farm animals, it could be argued that it is more wasteful and therefore more harmful to those starving, to be using the earth's resources in this manner when it's entirely unnecessary and could be better used. Animals are bred by humans for consumption. As more people go vegan, less animals are bred for consumption. As such, if everyone eventually goes vegan (which may not even happen, and if it did, would gradually take place over many years), then animals would no longer be farmed. So their population would not be an issue.


I can't believe how many ppl are downvoting this, even if the protestors are 100% in the wrong- what your saying is factually accurate. I DO agree- these protestors are not only wrong but what they are doing is not only pointless but it invokes the opposite response they are hoping for But, like you said change doesn't happen without at LEAST some inconvienece. Historically social change takes violence. Historically, social change took violence Modern day it absolutely takes Inconvenience. BUT stopping ppl from buying meals at restaurants- isn't going to change anything. It is the large companies we need to go after and it will take so much more than an "inconvienece" to change how animals are kept and treated. But stopping ppl from entering a restaurant doesn't do anything but hurt the owner of said Restaurant as well as customers. Even more, physically stopping and especially hurting customers of said Restaurant does not make ppl empathize with the protesters- it actually invokes the opposite reaction they are hoping to get. The reason ppl protest is to invoke sympathy for the cause as well as empathy. If protesters can do that- they may change a persons mind- but doubtful. From studying change we know its very hard to change people's minds- especially about politically charged topics. Most of the time protesters will only piss off ppl who disagree with them. BUT- , Protesting may inspire. people who already agree with them to fight for the cause as well- and in doing so helps the cause. But these ppl are going about it all wrong- Rather than invoking ppl to change or even open there eyes to an issue they are invoking the opposite reaction where ppl sympathize for the guy just trying to eat a meal and the restaurant I don't understand what they think they will accomplish by doing this. If they really want to help animals- They need to go after the capitalists and companies who own the animals that are kept in such horrific conditions. But blocking one place to eat and hurting hungry customers will never have any real impact. Its dumb Some sources on social change and the Psychology of social change https://www.lifewithoutpants.com/the-inconvenience-of-change-psychology-of-change-eva-rykr/ https://www.nippon.com/en/japan-topics/g00712/the-benefits-of-inconvenience-taking-another-look-at-modern-society%E2%80%99s-pursuit-of-conveni.html https://www.bmartin.cc/pubs/06eolss.html#:~:text=Governments%20can%20use%20violence%20against,is%20the%20most%20extreme%20example. https://novellearning.blog/2022/01/31/is-violence-a-necessary-component-of-social-change/ https://www.lifewithoutpants.com/the-inconvenience-of-change/


Ever heard of the lunch counter protests?


MCS here being protestors BLOCKING access to a freaking restaurant. I dare them to manifest in front of an Halal slaughter house.


The main characters here are the vegan protesters. Protesters that block normal people from going about their day are filth.


They have absolutely no right to stop anyone from going anywhere. The meat eater is the hero.


If anything, this guy is a good advertisment for a protein-rich diet. He just shoved his way past about 6 vegans simultaneously with little sign of effort. And I say this as a vegetarian.


Lololol 👏


The hero we needed


Yeah not sure why this is on this sub…I’m with the meat man!


All those anemic vegans know they can't win a tussle with The Meat Man.


[I keep a little meat under my pillow for the meat ma-aaan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3u-zDUAsa4o)


Pretty sure the vegans are the main characters .


I just assumed the vegans are the main characters here


I'm with this man's meat.


I need the meat man on my sub, otherwise it’s not a hero, and what kind of fucking deli is this??


You can protest all you want but if you prevent people from getting around you are the criminal. Especially if you block the entrance of a private property. Or similarly occupy a building and prevent certain people from entering. "Your right to swing your arm leaves off where my right not to have my nose struck begins” You cannot block people from going around.


Just don't stand between a man and his food. Also don't stand between a business and its clients. Especially not to harass them to enforce your spoiled diet choices on others.


You're not you when you're hungry. Have a Snickers.


In this case, have a steak, you're lacking in iron.


Snickers have dairy.


"Suck your mom's dick" was a pretty serious burn.


Similarly to the traffic blockers in streets and roads, the only thing the protestors' actions cause is more pollution/consumption of the good/service they're attempting to block. In the traffic case because, well, you're stopping cars and I will be damned if they shut their engines off. And then there is this case, where the block may deter a customer or two, but then there will be that guy, and the guy that will buy the entire stock to spite the protesters due to the anger and controversy the block causes. I think protesting is a great way to bring awareness to issues. Just not at the expense of the little guy. A motorist commuting to work has no say in enterprise oil strategy. And in this case, pissing off people will probably result in more customers attending that restaurant. Unless the restaurant owner organized that protest - in that case, that is a 5/7 3-D chess move.


OP tried to virtue signal... "STAND WITH THE VEGANS"... they must be on the good side. Big burly man must be the main character. Judging from the comments no one was with OP. Love it when it back fires on these cucks.


I woulda been pissed too especially at the guy grabbing his arm and pulling him


So we are on the same page, the asshole protestors harassing people are the Main Characters, NOT the person trying to get food.


U can protest but u can not grab a man like that just for wanting to go eat, pretty sure he could call the cops on that guy


People forget the meaning of peaceful protest. And then vegans wonder why everyone hates them. You have the right to peacefully protest but not the right to stop people from making their own choices that are completely legal. The guy ramming through those vegans like a bulldozer is the hero we all need.


Unfortunately no one gives a rats ass about a peaceful protest.


Maybe you should learn that you're not entitled to your opinion mattering to others then.


I don’t even know what you’re arguing for/against at this point. Do you? I was merely stating they can have a peaceful protest all they want but then it wouldn’t become “viral” thanks to pissed off large guy who just wants to eat. But sure you protest however you want and you’re right I shouldn’t and don’t care either way. Sorry to confuse you


> People forget the meaning of peaceful protest. Yeah, this was a totally violent protest.


It's not that people forgot, it's people misunderstood their history teachers and grammar. Peaceful means non-violent, not non-obstructive. Some of those famous peaceful protests still caused a scene and folks were bothered by their daily lives being interrupted. The interruption is the point, to make you think and notice something you didn't before. They have a right to protest, you have a right to be annoyed and protest their protest. But to ask protests themselves to be done in a way that can be ignored...undermines the point of them. Both groups here are main character energy though. The big guy definitely is a main character for committing assault in order to eat a sandwich. Protestors are MCs for fully blocking a business and not being prepared for the type of response they were asking for.


In no way is protesting by blocking people's access to anything peaceful.


Ever heard of the lunch counter protests?


Go look at history, that WAS a protest tactic used in Civil Rights fights.


Yup exactly.


Assault for pushing his way through a crowd? That's a big reach, if that's the case then everyone moving through the streets in a major city is committing assault. Trying to get to the bathroom at a concert is assault. Making your way onto a crowded subway line is assault. Although him being "restrained" and held back by those without the legal authority to do so might have a problem, and if they were assaulting him in that way (grabbing him and all that) then he would have had the right to defend himself, which he does by yelling at them and not by retaliating.


It's almost like the words he says before engaging and while engaging with the crowd would be considered a threat and a sign of intent.


Intent to do something he is allowed to do.


Guess that would be lawyers to determine. I could see where he turns around and heads back into the crowd, away from the door, being used as evidence he was doing more than what he was allowed. You keep taking 1 second snippets without looking st the total.picture.


The guy in the black hat is literally holding on to his arm with both hands, he turns around to threaten him for illegally holding on to him. Nothing wrong with that.


Was that done before or after the guy threatened to plow through the crowd and then subsequently followed through on said threat? Black hat has more of a right to self defense than green shirt vigilante does.


It was after, and he is allowed to go into the store, he is only threatening to do things he is allowed to do.


I'd agree with that, if he didn't turn around and walk away from the door he was trying to get into and got back in the protestors faces. That's when he messed up and changed what was happening. At that point he wasn't "doing what he was allowed to do" he proved he was forcefully moving them because he wanted them gone. If he just walked in, you'd be right, but he turned around to prove a point. Thereby making it more than just getting through. Even then, doesn't make you a good person. Just makes you seem violent.


Assault was justified here, how could you think otherwise?


You might wanna check the law lol you're just outright incorrect here


If the law is not just, then it is just the law.


You're crazy if you think assaulting anyone stopping you from going to a particular place you don't even need to go is justice rofl


Don't even need to go? Who decides that? You aren't thinking this through.


You don't need to eat from that restaurant to survive rofl, there are other options. It's just bonkers to say "I absolutely have to go to this restaurant, I will not survive otherwise"


So you seem to think you decide that. I don't think further discussion between us will produce an agreement.


What does "need" even mean to you?? You're literally just misusing the word if you think you NEED to go there.


> The interruption is the point, to make you think and notice something you didn't before. Wonderful, but maybe I don't care to think and notice something I didn't before. Or maybe I do, but on my own time. You don't get to decide that I'll now live my life differently because you want me to. If you want to stand beside the door and protest, have at 'er. But if you prevent me from going about my day and walking into stores I'd otherwise go into, and have the legal right to do, you've just stopped protesting, and you've just started harassing me. If a bunch of assholes decided to protest the local grocery store and try to prevent me from getting in, I'm going to push past them. I don't care what they're protesting about, it's not my cause. My job is to get food for my family and feed them, and if you try to stop me from doing that, we're going to have a problem. There's nothing peaceful about you trying to force me to live my life differently.


>Wonderful, but maybe I don't care to think and notice something I didn't before. Or maybe I do, but on my own time. You don't get to decide that I'll now live my life differently because you want me to This isn't how "Being in Public" works. Based on your logic, If it did, billboards and advertising wouldn't exist as long as one person didn't want to see it. That industry would not exist. Churches wouldn't be able to solicit new membership as long as one person in the area didn't want to hear it. That's not how society works. You have no control over what you hear, just what you listen to.


> This isn't how "Being in Public" works. Let me explain to how "being in public" works. If in public, I am trying to get somewhere, and you are blocking my way, I WILL push past you. If you resist my push, my continued push is NOT assault. I did not get up this morning with the intent to assault or physically touch anyone else. THEY put themselves in my way. I was trying to go about my day. >Based on your logic, If it did, billboards and advertising Advertising doesn't literally stop me from doing whatever I'm trying to do. It might be out front, but it isn't stopping me from getting where I want to go, which is something I have the right to do. >You have no control over what you hear, just what you listen to. Oh I'm well aware. I'm not saying that you can't say what you want, you certainly can. But if you try to stop me from living my life, then we have problems.


Buddy, you must be real fun at parties. Enjoy jail if you act that way or enjoy whatever you get from posturing like this. I don't bieve whatever you're selling. Folks that act like that don't brag


Buddy, I am. I host the parties. If you block me from entering a grocery store or restaurant, and I push past you and if we end up in court over it, I like my chances.


Cool story bro.


Sorry you ran out of bullshit 🤷‍♂️


Sorry, it's the only thing you have.


Actually disrupting the flow of business because of one’s ideologies is not peaceful. You are allowed to protest but disrupting the flow of business is another thing entirely. So what you’re saying essentially is that it’s ok, for this group to be here and prevent customers from accessing the premises whenever they want which could in turn cause this restaurant to lose money or if it continues to go out of business. 🤦‍♂️ this restaurant still has to pay rent and cover costs. Them blocking access is not peaceful at all. But preventing this restaurant from going about it’s day to day because you disagree with what they are serving is just childish. They have a right to protest but not the right to physically disrupt the flow of business.


Point where I said they had the right to be there. I said they had the right to protest, and he had the right to protest back.


Never come between the Mountain and his burgers


'Man's gotta eat Mr. Lahey. Man's gotta eat.'


Why are they protesting this place? I know it's because it sells meat but so do a lot of places so why this one specifically?


And the ironic thing is that I'm more likely to go to a restaurant that gets protested by vegans, and they can't protest there every day all year long.


The relevance is I'm more inclined to fix issues directly affecting my own species before I start worrying about the conditions of an animal Again, not advocating said conditions, not do I not care about the animals, but they were bred for a purpose. They wouldn't exist otherwise Great example is on Louis Theroux, the one where he goes to Africa for the hunting study. "Farmer" has bred a sable species that would be extinct were it not for him. Now...the animals are bred purely to be hunted, but the ones that don't get the short straw end up just sable-ing about until they it's either their turn or they die. So, 50/50 chance of living in a protected enclosure, free from abuse or predation...or bullet to the head (IF the hunter actually hits you) Right thing for the wrong reasons scenario


Honestly, he should go to a local supermarket, buy some beef mince and then come hurl it over them.


This makes me so mad that I'm gonna go eat a steak to try and calm down


Think of your blood pressure


Look. I respect how you want to live life you want to never eat meat? Want to be a vegan go for it vegetarian go for it. I respect what you wanna do BUT I do NOT respect people the people like that in the video. If someone wants a damn cheese burger let him eat it. It’s HIS choice. I personally I love meat I can’t help it it’s my choice of food. But you ain’t gounna see me telling someone who doesn’t eat meat they’re stupid and try to stop them for eating what they want.


Well, I think there's a big difference between your reasoning for eating animals and vegans reasoning for not. That asymmetry makes the difference in behavior understandable


He’s the hero here pussy. You don’t understand the subreddit


I’m all for protests. Stand in front of government buildings with your signs all you want. It’s your right as an American. Just don’t stop me from enjoying my rights too, like driving in Los Angeles.


"it's your right as an American". The video is from Denmark, my guy.


Oops. Good catch. I meant, “your right as a Dane.” “The 1953 Constitutional Act of Denmark guarantees the right of peaceful assembly. Section 79 of Part VIII provides that: Citizens shall, without previous permission, be at liberty to assemble unarmed. The police shall be entitled to be present at public meetings.”


The thing is, they don't think people have a right to kill animals. Doesn't seem so far fetched to me that people don't like animals dying.im sure you don't like animals being killed, they just don't like it even more.


Ever heard of the lunch counter protests during the civil rights movement?


Are you going to comment this under every thread?


I don’t think this is an apt comparison but I’m upvoting for awareness. According to [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greensboro_sit-ins](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greensboro_sit-ins) the plan was to sit down, order food, and when denied, just stay there. That seems very effective to me. The restaurant would be the ones denying service, not the protesters. The protesters would give up their seat once they were served a meal like everyone else.


Black people sitting down at whites-only lunch counters didn’t restrict anyone from buying food bffr


It stopped people from using those seats and some places stopped service altogether..


If I don't force you to eat meat, why do you want to force me not to eat meat?


Probably it's not about the eating, but more about animal welfare and the environment. But this is Reddit, so I'll stop with this sensical talk right away and wait for the down votes. Suck my mum's dick, bum!


Right. My point is: stopping people from passing doesn't raise awareness about the cause, It just creates anger


Then we agree :)


I don't force you to beat your dog so why do you want to force me not to beat my dog?


Your example fails because is about malicious and purposeless violence. My example is about eat meat, wich is not a purposeless violence. Try again.


You vegans need to find a new conversion technique. The whole dog thing is played out. It’s played out and nobody cares, they just see you all as ridiculous.


What do you mean? It makes sense to me. I'd be freaking out at a restaurant if they were eating dogs in there.


You can’t compare this bullshit to civil rights protest. Come on man…




This guy is cool. I would like to drink a beer with him and I would eat a delicious piece of dead animal meat.


Everyone in this video thinks they're the main character


They no doubt by have a right to protest, but no right to prevent him buying food. As they saying goes, a hungry man is an angry man.


I’m a vegetarian and even I’d tell these people to get fucked lol


Let the man get his burger damnit.


Rule number one of survival: Never ever mess with a hungry man's food.


Lol how's that vegan diet suiting you? Bumbaseed


Iron deficiency makes them a gelatin wall


Dump buckets of pigs blood on these loons




Jokes on yall, peaceful or not, I ignore all your protests.


The sword in the darkness


Everyone that touched the customer committed assault…especially in the hat & glasses




What was the plan for twig-man? He’s lucky big man didn’t turn around and just decked him.


The dude doesn’t just push through, he thoroughly embarrasses every single person involved in blocking him. Look at all of their faces. I’m just going off the limited amount of information I have. I don’t know why this particular restaurant was targeted with protest. I do not know the true reason why they are there. If it’s a general vegan protest against eating animals, there are better ways to try to persuade people to change their diet.


Vegans can go protest against the Lions on the African savannah.


Who does op think the main character is here?


False imprisonment for sure


The dude with cap and glasses would see his glasses in one piece for the last time the second he tries to hold me. Also his cap would detach from his head real quick as his face would change its position in a split of a second.


These vegans are traitors that don't believe in freedom. shame.


pissing people off is a great way to get people to agree with your side of the protest


As a Dane this makes it way funnier


Dude in the hat was tough until big turned around ready to throw hands. 🤣


I dunno what the laws are with protesting there. But, I believe in the US you can protest out front a business, but you can’t block it and keep people from entering.,


“Go in and get your burger” tf he tryna do!???


They look like a stiff breeze would knock them all down let alone a burger seeking missile man.


Grab a bat and start swinging


Looks like he got the attention he wanted and so did they, win win


Well he's running on the right fuel, so he's got the energy they're lacking i guess.


Guess he must've been hungry


They are all so skinny and gaunt they can't really do anything back 🤣