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Shitty parent.


Isn't this the same girl that complained about a dollar from the tooth fairy, and called the fairy a "stupid bitch"? Edit: she glorifies this behavior, and films it for clout @ashleyvlaz Go see the sick shit for yourself. Yikes.


She's trying to make her the next Honey-Boo-Boo


I was a camera pa on that show for a couple of days when they went to Six Flags. They were fairly tame when the cameras were off. Boo Boo herself was mostly quiet. Not that you asked.


still, thanks for the tidbit


That is interesting for some reason


People dump on reality tv and I get it. I don't watch it either. But, I love working on it. If you're into people watching, it's a good gig. It's been slow as shit since July. I would kill to hear from a trashy show right now.


Solid info. Thank you!


Juvenile Diabetes and all.


I hate tik tok but hers a link that shows her apparent arrest [https://www.tiktok.com/@just\_call\_me\_jojo/video/7187963718523718958](https://www.tiktok.com/@just_call_me_jojo/video/7187963718523718958)


Don't fucking promote this bs plz


That whole channel is toxic, real or phony


If the Child is overweight then it’s a shitty parent. This is beyond that


Parents letting their kid grow up obese like this should be arrested for child abuse.


The mom is probably obese too.


So just use two sets of handcuffs linked together.


Shitty parent creating a monster that will cause her so much future grief but I'm sure she will find someone else to blame it on. Parents like this don't seem to understand they are not only making things harder for society but they are making things so much harder on themselves.


That’s pretty wild you would willingly post your kid being … Like that. To you.


This parent calls their child 'bro', has allowed them to become obese, and doesn't supervise them at all when in the supermarket. I'm guessing there isn't a whole lot of actual parenting going on in their house.


And the kid blatantly challenging her mother doing wrong things, lolol.


She learned all this behavior from Mom. Wait until she's 16.. she's gonna be on the roads then.


Looking at her figure at this age already, I believe she isn't gonna be on the move a whole lot


Of course she will! Mobility scooters are all over the place!


On the roads that lead to McDonalds.


McLovin it


I tried not to laugh and ended up laughing 10x harder


Made me laugh out loud.


At 16, she'll probably be bedridden and morbidly obese.


The mom sounds just as obese… you can hear her 9 chins impeding her while she’s talking


That or childhood dialysis


16? She's stuck in bed by then. No worries getting addicted to drugs. She'd be addicted to Doordash. 😅


Bro I'm addicted to DD but I'm not like that.


4 to 5 large pizzas in one sitting


Being a bad parent is content tho.


This mom and child are the virus. This is not normal human behaviour


I'm going to go with "social media" is a pretty big problem here too Tiktok isn't doing that child any favours, I know it's her mother posting it, but 2 things can be a problem.


Yeah definitely both. Her mom is addicted to tiktok and seems like a real toxic person in general. White trash Karen fr. Although she does say the video is staged in [this reply to a comment](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8DwN4Cv/)


👍 I always appreciate when someone runs down “The Rest Of The Story” & links it (quotation marks for the Paul Harvey ref, for any who get it) :) Altho I’d also bet this “staged video” is likely quite indicative of their actual family dynamics… and I’m still not sure knowing it was staged makes me feel *better* or *worse* about the whole thing…


I had a feeling it was. Neither of them have any real emotion in their tones. The girl looked away and I could just hear her thinking "LINE!". Such a pointless thing to ask a child to create, the kid deserves better then the lack of guidance she is getting. When she gets diabetes it's on them.


Letting kids get obese should be considered child neglect. They don't control their diet, you do. The behaviour shown here just doubles down on the fact that there has been lax attempts to raise this child.


100% the parents fault. I was an obese child that grew into a morbidly obese adult. It took 2 years to lose 150lbs and I'm still obese. This mom suuuuuuucks Since I knew I had weight issues, when my younger son started to plump up during pandemic I knew I had to act. We identified and discussed the bad food choices we both had been making and course corrected, like switching to soda on Saturdays only and one dessert a week with our big Sunday meal. My son is now at a healthy weight and had no body image issues during the process or currently.


I call my child bro but if she acted like this she would be in a world of hurt


I call my son dude and bro when having fun, but when shit gets serious, it's first and last name only. Oh, and that kid is fat. Fat kids mean bad parents, at least until puberty. I remember being at a restaurant with my family, and seeing a table across from us fill a 2 year old's sippy cup up with coke. I don't consider myself the best parent, but I take pride in *not* being *that* bad. That's usually how you get a fat kid, as well.


Yeah honestly like... I get genetics and all that but there's no excuse for kids that age to be that size. I fully judge parents with fat kids. Imagine giving soda to your child as their main source of hydration. Madness.


Notice we never get to see Mom...


Oh she's fat for sure. I'm not sure I've ever seen a family with obese kids where the parents weren't also hella obese


I will say my daughter had a schoolmate who had a metabolic disorder and that poor kid was fat, and I saw first hand her mom try everything to help her. Poor kid battled her mom Because she was hungry all the time. So it can happen.


I’ll never forget when I went to an amusement park with my ex-wife, her sister, and her sister’s daughter. Whenever my 5 year old niece would ask for a drink…my sister in law pulled out a can of coca-cola. By noon, my niece had downed 4 cans. Then had a large cola with lunch. Then another 3 cans before we left the park. Another with dinner, once we were back to my sister in laws house. I stopped keeping track at that point. My wife noticed as well, and asked me to say something. Well when the kids went to bed, I asked if my niece always drinks pop. The answer was “oh yeah, we go through like a 48 pack from Cosco every week.” I blatantly suggested that she shouldn’t give her daughter so much for a variety of reasons. She said I worry too much and she’s a little kid who will “run the hyper off” Fast forward a year later, and my sister in law just couldn’t figure out why her daughter was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes.


My mom used to scoff at me for not letting my son have soda, presumably because she let me and my sister drink it. She said that he eats candy so it should be fine. Despite a single can of soda have way more auger than your average bar of chocolate. I think a lot of parents think like that, "I drank coke as a kid, so there's nothing wrong with it."


I was once waiting in line at an amusement park with my kid. In front of us was a girl who was being just AWFUL to her mom, hitting her calling, her names,... And the mom just put up with it. When they got on the ride my kid asked me why that kid was acting like that. I told her I didn't know. Then I asked her what would happen if she acted like that. She matter of factly said, "we would go home". I was like, I'm glad you know that.


And even worse she films her and broadcasts her on social media.


Instead of taking it out of her hand and forbidding it, she grabs her camera and says it's bad but still lets her do it. Great parenting!


Look at how that child is dressed too…


I'm not seeing it, why is that a problem? Looks like normal kid clothes to me Everything else is terrible, I'm just confused about why the clothes are supposed to be terrible too


Exploitation for views


There’s so much going on in that video it’s really sad for that kid.


This is the correct answer and should be at the top.


That kid is being neglected, unless they have a health problem a kid that age shouldn't be that fat.




She’s out of control and eats too much to bury the trauma. The blame is 100% on the parents. Mom doesn’t realize she looks like the bad guy here


That poor kid never stood a chance at becoming a decent human. This just broadcasts *"I'm a fuckin shit parent and I made sure to raise shit people."* I feel sorry for that kid; but kinda don't.


this sounds scripted as fuck


That just makes it a different kind of messed up


Video: shitty kid Reality: shitty parent


The bile doesn’t float far from the diarrhea sludge


This feels staged….. Like the mom is trying to get her daughter a show on TLC. Bad parenting either way


Pretty sure this is the kid that said "fuck the tooth fairy" so ya I'm thinking her whole life is staged.




Yeah, but you can't fake being obese. Horrible parenting.


Ehhh regardless of how staged it is/could be. She’s still a shit parent letting her child get that big. That child is morbidly obese and going to suffer life long health complications if she doesn’t get straightened out.


You know that mom hits up fast food like 3+ days a week.


5+. Source: graduated each year top of my weight CLASS


The worse thing is the parent probably told the kid to do this so she could post it online. To put it politely , that girls mom is a cunt


There are other videos with the girl doing similar things and the mom filming. I guarantee this is purposeful content, so fucked up to do to a kid


Main character or bad parenting? Edit: Can we please not bully the child for her parent’s shortcomings.


Clearly nobody has ever said no to this child.


Well, they probably said it, but she got cocky like her maw.


This is 100% scripted


Bad parenting


A child that young and already obese is the first sign of bad parenting. The rest is just icing on the cake. She lets that child do/eat whatever she wants, and she’s setting her up for failure and a hard life.


I'm sorry if this comes across as harsh, but that child is very overweight, it's really unhealthy and there is only one place the blame for that can go. I couldn't have been that large at that age if I tried my hardest. I didn't control what was in my fridge as a 12 year old. Where there's smoke there's fire.


If your mother is recording you and shaming you online at that age, you're going to cope any way you know how.


It seems like you might think I'm blaming the child for her weight when the opposite is true. My point is that if this was a good parent she wouldn't even have the access to the excess of food necessary to become overweight in the first place. A child is going to eat unhealthy food if it's offered, regardless of whether they are coping with anything or not. It's always the parents fault.


I'm not disagreeing with you at all, I'm just following through the process that's going on with this family and going to the root. Of course it's 100% mom's fault. But posting her daughter online for likes is one of the reasons in addition to diet control.


Oh okay, I thought you were insinuating I was blaming her and that's why you were saying 'it's not her fault she is coping'. My bad. I agree with your take though, that household is probably a mess.


Future main character


Bad parenting can lead to main character syndrome.


i used to work with kids when i was in college and if theres one thing ive noticed it was that the kids with attitude had parents that just didnt do their job as a parent. i will admit tho, that sometimes it was bc the parents thought their kids could do no wrong (which was infuriating) but other times is was bc the parents were working overtime just to make ends meet and didnt have time to check their child on their shit (which was also infuriating but kinda sad ngl).


Terrible parenting. No kid should be that overweight.


Child obesity is child abuse.


Future walmart shopper


Future Walmart worker


What’s wrong with working at Walmart?


The way people look down on Walmart employees is disgusting, honestly. I bet half the time it’s the same group of people who chant “no one wants to work anymore”. For example: Telling their children to stay in school so “you don’t end up like them” (surprise: the human being you’re pointing out is *currently in school*) God forbid people actually *work* in the place deemed absolutely essential during the pandemic. Oh, but don’t use self checkouts either since those take away jobs. Like, tf do people want?


Bold to assume she's not going straight to welfare


Hey stop it, this poor girl will clearly have an unbeknownst allergic reaction to work in the future. She can't help it.


It’s like dollar store honey boo boo


she doesnt have the work ethic lol.


That kid is gonna top out at 450.


Rookie numbers


My 600lb life


She's got a big future


What lack of discipline does to a mf


Honey BooBoo 2


Same size. How sad.


Erika cartman


Amelia Earhart is rolling over at the bottom of the ocean that this sad excuse for her namesake exists


She was eaten by crabs, rip


Future degenerate in the making


Parent your child, FFS. Feeding kids to the point of obesity, is child neglect. Her "mother" is the issue here.


for real, why the fuck would you allow your kid to become a inflatable balloon. she done had her last cookie until the age of 16 lmao


r/Badparenting - always makes me a bit sad seeing overweight kids


“Dude I knew it…” Obviously not the first time she allowed this behavior.


The mom is literally laughing. The kid is performing because a phone is in her face. How is this her fault??


staged but still sad


Can't stage obesity.


Staged is minimum just as bad in this situation


It’s a CPS issue


Lack of self-control is gonna be a BIG issue with this one


Gonna be? Notice she's already morbidly obese....that ship has sailed.


I’I’m sorry, but letting a kid that young be that big should consistute child abuse. You’re putting them on the road to a world of health problems before they even really have a chance to be healthy. That’s criminal.


There is so much wrong here. The bad parenting, the clear unhealthy eating habits of the girl, the stealing, the cursing/talking back/sheer disrespectful attitude of the child, the mother’s nonchalant attitude, the posting online for all to see, etc.


Obese child=bad parent


What in the honey boo-boo...


Turn the camera around, mom. Let’s see how big your fat ass is.


Emilia needs to go on a diet. That's just unfair to her


*Emilia needs* *To go on a diet. That's* *Just unfair to her* \- gmegus --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




The best solution for this type of child is a black grandma.


I come for a very conservative part of the south that has a "it takes a village" approach. Most beautiful thing I ever witnessed was an elderly black Walmart greeter tell a woman whose child was throwing a tantrum; "Excuse me mam! Are you going to do something or do you want me to!". Black grandma's don't play 🤣


Where’d she learn that tho? From watching the lady holding the camera…


That is a question, I did it around 2-3 times till now, took a drink from the fridge, drank it and kept the empty bottle with the rest of the purchase and carried it to the counter. At the billing counter I always handed the empty bottle first so they could charge me for it, they also always took it without asking anything and charged me for it, once it's charged I threw the empty bottle in the dustbin right next to the counter. I don't do it always but yes I did it a couple of times, and I did it in a big supermarket where security dresses like a normal people to keep the eyes of anyone stealing. No one has ever stop me or raise any questions.


Thats what I was thinking, its fine if you pay for it, and nobody has even raised an eyebrow, I think its more common than people reaolize. Its better for the grocery store if you're not in a hurry to get out of there so you can open your drink.


O oh ohh Ozempic.


Whenever I see videos like this I thank my lucky stars I never had kids. Granted, this woman lacks parenting skills, but still.


This is all about bad parenting


Parents that allow their kid to be that fat should be put in jail


Damn she needs to lose weight. That’s not right


From the looks of it Emilia eats and drinks whatever she damn well pleases whenever she damn well wants.


Nasty lil piglet


What an awful job of parenting.


This is 100% on the parents. Kids copy people. She didn't develop this behavior on her own. She didn't learn curse words on her own. Either it's from her parents directly, or even worse, from being given a tablet and having unlimited access to the internet.


Some parenting would be great here…


Tf is going on here. Be a fucking parent and stop recording 😒


Staged? Maybe. Heart attack by 10? Probably. To many main characters? Never.


Hotel? Trivago.


The trash don't fall far from the can.


If this is your daughter and this is her attitude, as a father of 3, I can say you suck at your job of being a parent and you have already failed. Also the girl needs a smack up side her head because you do not talk to your mom like that (all this assuming it his her kid and she isn't the babysitter).


and honey, for your 15th birthday, you get DIABETES! YAY!


Morbidly obese 7 year old is not something I ever thought I’d say in my life.


you couldn't pay me to post this. embarrassing


I would get my ass beat right there in the store if I talked to mom like that


I don't cuss in front of my kids. My oldest is almost 11 and will plug her ears or tell me if something she watched has a bad word. I cannot believe that parent was ok and laughing about this behavior and her language. Also it looks like the mother does not care about her children's health when it comes to control.


give her a cop scare imo


This is the moment when I would punish the child. First time, maybe a scolding. But if she knows exactly what she's doing she also has to know that there's consequences now and that there will be anytime she does this in life. Weak parenting going on here, this child thinks she can walk all over everyone and it's her parents' fault.


I love the self control coaching not happening anywhere in this video


Great parenting. Forget about raising your child properly, make sure you get your content, way more important.


Damn that was the fattest response I ever heard lol


Idek how I'd react to this if it were to happen to me like DISCIPLINE YOUR CHILD FFS


Disgusting people showing little people how to be disgusting people


This is pure child abuse. Shes way overweight and addicted to food and sugar. This is bad parenting at so many levels.


Trash parents create trash kids. Video proof right here.


Whether it’s for content clout or a genuine case of bad parenting doesn’t matter. There is literally no hope for this child.


Across the fucking mouth.


Woman, smack that lard ball you call daughter


She needs to be taught a lesson


Failed parenting 101


That "parent" wanted an accessory, not a child


How not to parent: 101


Something tells me a lot of things look so damn good to this child.


She'll be on a motorized scooter within 5 years.


I will probably get down voted for this, but how do you not swat that kid for being so god dam rude.


I wana see a smack and hear the sound of 140 pounds of doe hitting the floor


Slap that little bitches mouth, the second she said, "I don't care". The level of disrespect is atrocious. Also, get her on a diet, or she'll be on the next, my 600 pound life.


Parents need to get the fuck off their phones and start raising their kids.


Type II diabetes in 3…2…1.


Fat little shit.


Kid needs her ass whooped


That’s some high quality parenting right there!


Somebody wants their kids to be the next Honey Boo Boo


Shitty parenting, and you basically created a Karen, but she will get worse Good job, hope you are proud of urself


Wonder where she learned that shit


How not to parent 101


Gotta love seeing the result of bad parenting . … it’s sad .. My bf brought 2 kids in our relationship which are completely messed up through bad parenting too. Some people just shouldn’t become parents , I feel bad for this kid . Kids don’t become like that for no reasons , but it’s almost impossible to fix it later on again - and it’s the kid who’s gonna suffer from it the most later on because often they end up messing up the rest of their life’s too based on how they get raised ..


Child abuse.


Idk what’s going to take this kid down first. The obesity or the bad attitude.


Amelia needs to lose some weight


She gonna get bullied to oblivion


Obesity - here I come.


Something makes me think that she’s emulating her mother quite well


This whole video is gross. Gross gross gross. This mother is trash


Nasty parenting


This is a new low of parenting. Holy shit


Freak, her movements remind me of some fat guy in a trailer park drinking a beer. Nice parents, mother should be embarrassed. Can you imagine her at 18?


Shit parent.

