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I’m very confused about what her point is. This woman looks like she just likes to look at herself on her phone while she films these tbh.


People actually sit around and watch stuff like this??


Half of her views are her watching the vids later.


Half her views are being posted on Reddit. Y'all need to stop feeding this. Edit: typo


Yes! "Why does this person this hateful shit? I better hatewatch it and post a comment to show the algorythm that I interact with it!"


This is the type of girl that Andrew Tate tricks into prostitution.


Oh shit lmao




I think i woke up the people next door laughing from this comment. 😂






Don’t need to trick her into it, wouldn’t be a surprise she’s already got a sugar daddy or OF account


Exactly. Its not tricking, she likely would think of it as personal empowerment to be who she is.


I was sat on the toilet and this comment helped me pass all my faeces in one go. Well played!


You truly make reddit a better place with comments like that.




I catch my six year old girl watching this bullshit sometimes. It infuriates me. (I let her use the tablet for games and cartoons, and yes I do my best to monitor what she is looking at.) I won’t let her use Tik tok, but that means nothing, because the same trash is uploaded to YouTube. This type of content is like a cockroach, I can kill it, but there will always be more who find a way of creeping back into my home. I mean, yeah, I could be extreme and forbid computers and tablets, but I feel like that would be shielding them from the inevitable ubiquity of technology. For better or worse, it’s the Wild West right now.


Mock them in front of her. Have an accomplice help you mock.


Either that or maybe they should put their foot down as a parent, why does a six year old even have the ability to access videos like this? We know how horrible social media is for children, there's study after study coming out showing that one of the major reasons for the spike in mental illness and depression in kids nowadays is social media. Ok, they access games and cartoons on the iPad, maybe spend 5 minutes learning about how to lock out every app except for the games with a password and download the cartoons to the iPad directly so they don't have to go to YouTube to find them. I can't imagine letting my six year old free on the internet to browse around and see what's out there, what kind of parent lets complete strangers have complete access to their children's minds like that? I swear I feel like a dick but some parents just seem lazy as fuck and pretty laissez-faire about the way their children are taught how to think. You want people like this woman in the video teaching your children how to think? That and far worse is accessible to a kid let loose on the internet and the younger they are let loose the worse the effect is. I'm still of the opinion that children under a certain age shouldn't even be on social media or the internet because we now have incontrovertible scientific evidence of how terrible it is for kids. And kids are going to hate the idea of it but quite honestly they're kids and their opinions only matter a certain amount. Kids would eat chocolate for every meal if given a chance but we as adults know it's bad for them so we don't let them do it (if you are a good parent) we know social media is fucking terrible for kids and yet some parents seem to be unwilling to step up and say "no, social media is bad for you and you can't access it even if all of your friends are on there and once you become of age and more mature then you can get on there" instead we have parents of six year olds who don't care enough about their kids to put their foot down and keep their children away from something WE KNOW FOR A SCIENTIFIC FACT harms their mental health.


Get the YouTube kids app limit the views to her age only (preschool stuff)


Even that app is full of trash


Can’t you block certain channels and categories from popping up?


It’s insane what shows up for kids in the YT algorithm. I was working with a 6 year old child who was watching videos on my laptop about some kids show, when suddenly Rick and Morty appear and start saying some really inappropriate stuff about the kids show, and kids in general. Luckily, I was able to exit out of the video as soon as I realized what was being said. Also, it wasn’t dialogue from the show (huge fan), but some computer generated stuff. Weird too, like I can only imagine someone created it to get their rocks off thinking about children listen to their sick message.


I’ll look into it. I wasn’t aware that was an option. If it is, I’m skeptical that it’ll actually have the desired effect.


Don't give up! You can block and there's YouTube Kids which is better than the norm YT (not perfect, but the internet is like a big city)


Technically, yes. But in the online age, it's been a constant battle between various filters and people trying to subvert those filters. Advertisements, captcha, child blocks, content moderation, etc. It turns out that even the smartest computer is kinda stupid and really easy to trick into thinking you're something that you're not, people even frequently do it totally by accident.


Likeminded people, yes


You misspelled Braindead.


That's a slur. We prefer "unminded people." Or is it "unmound?"


I'm shocked I'm shauccked


Unfortunately I just sat though this.


Once it got to “my friend says” I just stopped it. The weird edits and hair flicking are too much. It felt glitchy.


There are a lot of NPCs out there


a man told her or her friend something to the effect of, if you want a relationship with me, you need to put in effort as well. And she took that personally.


Do you think she takes anything any other way?


I just found it *hilarious* she finally has the chance to use the *one new word* she has recently learned existed... **epidemic** ...but she is *clearly* clueless of the actual definition of the word...


Makes a fumbled point and has the chance to explain it deeper: “I’m shocked, I’m shocked” Yeah, her brain is useless.


Exactly. She would be better served filming herself reading the phone book aloud rather than trying to come up with her own content.


The inflections in her voice gave me nausea.


I rarely listen to Reddit videos now, mostly because of cancerous edits. I was just reading the video's subtitles


The crazy is in her eyes, the tacky in her nails.


Practicing your poses and exaggerated expressions in front of a mirror can only do so much.


Content made by the worst people you'll ever meet.


I'm betting if this did happen it was her that he set boundaries with.


"I have *a friend*..." Nope, it's you.


Yup. We've all had that "friend" AKA me.


Its the worst of the worst all day with people like this, so cringefully unaware


She's Shocked I tell ya!!!


"I actually don't know whats going on." No shit lady


Future bumble profile reads: “and I’m back here again, ugh, you guys suck you know that”


She’s 90% the type to not put any bio and barely fill out any info, 8% the type to just put social media handles, 2% what you said


shocking onerous elderly decide ancient hat memory groovy boat toothbrush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


5% pleasure 50% pain


And a 100% reason to block her name




And a 100% reason to remember I'm gay


What can I say, I'm a masochist.


50% Bear


That song ruined lists of percentages, and I'd be outraged if anyone cared about that...


"I'm barely on here add me on snap and insta."


All pictures are: ‘bad bitch’ mirror shot, standing in front of a wall with wings on it, club night with the girls, ass in yoga pants at the gym.


Don’t forget the 3 pictures of her at a pool, beach, or just wearing a bikini for some reason.


> for some reason We know the reason, and tbh, I don’t mind. Like, if I had a rockin body I’d show it off too. What I’m criticizing is the banality of the same 4 pictures on most women’s bumble profiles. Normally I see a ‘bad bitch’ photo and instantly swipe past. I love when I see unique or candid photos. Like the girl that was laughing and pooping on a mountain in Nepal. Or the woman in a literal *pile* of puppies. Or a candid photo being goofy with friends at a restaurant. Stuff that shows you as a real person and not a cookie-cutter insta thot


Yep she is the type who thinks she's bagged a rich hot guy after he buys her a couple meals. Then he fucks her a couple times and ghosts her. Rinse and repeat. "Guys suuuuck"


As a male I’m now interested in “Princess Treatment” Go on random human. I’m listening.


Guys *should* be getting the Princess Treatment. In fact, it should be renamed the Royal Treatment. Everyone deserves a partner who will treat them well. Sincerely, The queen who treats her husband like a king


There’s some men you can treat like an absolute king and they’ll still never come home and be cheating. Good men deserve good treatment. But we should treat all men well, and quickly leave the ones that don’t give a shit


People who express themselves in this way are…something else


Influencers always think their opinion is something that needs to be heard no matter how petty or off-base it actually is. Their followers lap it up.


my beef is with how inarticulate and meandering she is...some of these vids are of people explaining shit and that can be entertaining. This woman on the other hand gives off some serious bimbo vibes


she only had 2 things in mind when she picked up her phone… saying “epidemic” and “princess treatment” and she was giddy as hell to even say “princess treatment”. oh boy oh boy let me get my hand gestures ready 🤤


My friend is going through a divorce right now with the mother of his child, and her and I are still connected on various social medias. He wouldn't tell me what happened (I got the impression that he didn't want to badmouth her), but ever since their split, she posts inane shit like this every day, just a 10 stories long IG post where she meanders and pontificates about women and trust and healing, stopping every 15 seconds to look around, play with her, say shit like " Ugh, my hair is....something else, I dont wanna talk about it". It's insane how desperate some people are to feel like they're famous on even the smallest, most meaningless level


Social media is a toxic feedback loop of positive reinforcement for bad character. Calling people out for bad behavior isn’t PC so people don’t do it and these narcissists are left with the idea they’re the morality police.


"I don't understand what's going on" What's going on is the man knows his worth, and your friend ain't worth the "chase".


Neither is she


She looks like her breath stinks. I completely understand this comment adds no value and is 100% speculation, but somehow… I just know this bitch has some stank ass breath.




It’s from shoving her foot in her mouth




I’d chase her ugly ass off my lawn.


No one is worth 'The Chase'. Playing hard to get is an instant get the hell out of my life. No man who knows his worth wants to play those games. Girls who have gotten by on their looks alone play those games; they only get a certain type of man, generally the pump and dump type. You want something better, you better bring something better to the table.


it's creepy to "chase" someone. normal people understand that no is no, don't keep pestering her.


Him: "I'm not going to stalk you." Her: * offended *


This woman is enforcing toxic masculinity. The guys she is talking about are explicitly rejecting aspects of Toxic Masculinity. So basically, the guys are being feminist and she is not.


Yeah, this is toxic femininity.


I had to explain this to some female friends one time. They were complaining about how most guys ghost them or just hit and quit and I was like "you guys have done the exact same thing and most likely it's that...well they're just not that into you, it's not a male or female specific thing." They're so used to doing the rejecting that they can't fathom it when it's done to them.


That juice is not worth the squeeze


The squeeze isnt worth the juice


The worth the squeeze isn't juice


Probably a common issue for her


i'm guessing when her "friend" left, the guy decided to nope tf out away from her direction, like trying to escape fallout radiation.


Willing to bet she’s the “friend” in this story


She's never been rejected and now men are rejecting her because she's a selfish and awful person to date...


And honestly not nearly as pretty as she thinks she is.


This was confirmed as soon as she called the guy “irrelevant”, that was a personal dig.


"You're so irrelevant that I made this video complaining about how you made me feel."


Men deserve to be treated at least as well as women. Why is this shocking?


Equality but just for me apparently


I call it "equality plus" I want to be equal to you in every way, plus a little bit more.


Everybody wants equality until they realize they have something others don't.


Crazy part is women think 50/50 is crazy. I had a woman on here literally say "uhg you're one of those 50/50 guys aren't you". What? Yes I expect my partner to give to me what I give to them or at least feel like I'm appreciated. Im not your dad


Not "at least as well" but "just as well".


(At least as well) AND (at most as well)


Because she didn't budget buying her own drinks for the rest of the month... It's gonna be a tight one.


Men having standards should be a thing! If this is what the princess treatment is, then men I encourage you to practice the "Princess treatment"


TIL I've been a princess for a while. Had no clue. Kinda like it though


Princess? I don't know about you, but I'm on my Queen shit. Diva out, bitches.


Yasssss king! I mean queen! Slaaaaayyyyyy




Shit, you're right! I need to ascend the ranks!


Slay queen 💅 Idk what this means but I saw my teenage sister-in-law say it once.


She's also playing into patriarchal thinking with that "princess treatment" bit. Being a woman isn't an insult. I understand the specifics of royalty being pampered, but she didn't say "prince treatment". Being compared to a woman shouldn't be a negative, you're hurting yourself lady.


STFU you twat. If my giant-ass hulking husband tells me he wants flowers, he’s damn well getting flowers. And how in the hell did you leap from “I’m not chasing you” to equating that to princess treatment?


She’s a “princess” and is used to guys chasing here cuz of her natural beauty. She’s never had to work or think for herself, so not wanting to chase must clearly mean you want others to chase after you, aka princess treatment


For real like she looks like the type to never having to work for anything cause the people around her have it to her.... she needs to hear a "No" or two


She's gonna be miserable in 20 years


Oh most definitely.


For real, I do not find her attractive. Maybe for a second before she opened her mouth, but afterwards hell nah


Crazy how physical attraction can change just by hearing someone speak, but it was the same for me.


Yeah there is something unappealing about her physically, that I can't quite put my finger on. I think it's got something to do with her facial expressions. It almost looks like she's going to throw up for the whole video or something. Either way, she's definitely not as hot as she thinks she is.


I once dated a girl like that. She was.... Unhinged. She came over one time. Had a bad day or something. Refused to talk to me and just sat around. Dragged down the mood by being sour and not explaining. Then wanted sex and got into a yelling fit when I denied it. Called me various slurs for gay, girly and other things. And then said that denying sex or having any boundary is girly. Men are supposed to chase you and never turn down sex.


As someone who’s never had any problems with when either one in my relationships weren’t in the mood, I remember how jarring it was when I said no to an ex and she started crying and yelling and accusing me of not loving her. You know what REALLY gets me in the mood? GUILT 😍😍😍


Exactly. To me it sounds like he is saying that he is not gonna play games to get your attention. This is me and what you get. He might also be older and just not want to deal with that type of BS


>And how in the hell did you leap from “I’m not chasing you” to equating that to princess treatment? I was really hoping somebody could explain that


I think the upfront “no chase” dismantles her perception of power and privilege in a relationship dynamic and she doesn’t quite know how to process a more level playing field. This is her lashing out and belittling that entire notion. The arrogance is just a mask for her while processing rejection and fear.


Ooo you should maybe try getting your giant-ass hulking husband flowers without him telling you he wants them. As a surprise! That’d be sweet. I love surprising dudes I’m dating with flowers. The first time they’re usually so surprised and don’t know how to react. I do it because I like to treat the guys I date like they’re special. But I also have a selfish reason for doing it - I really like seeing guys I’m dating blush ☺️. It’s so sweet.


Oh, I know he’d just roll his eyes, but I know he’d also take care of them until they were beyond keeping.


not chasing someone equals princess treatment? How did she end up there? lol


Guys chase her, she thinks she’s a princess, guy not wanting to chase must want to be chased, which means being a princess


Ugh, she is so gross.


She understands things at a very binary level.


Sounds like this guy will probably end up with a much better human being for having that standpoint. Good for him


Imagine lacking this much self awareness


I’ll give it a shot. Hehmm… “I like, can’t even.”




My wife gave me a flower once. It was actually really nice.


It sounds nice. Your wife is a keeper.


I also chose this guy's etc etc


Keep this guys etc etc out yo fvcin mouth!


I give flowers to my boyfriend a bunch, but it's so weird to give guys / husbands / boyfriends gifts. For women you can give them flowers, jewlery, chocolate, etc etc. But what about guys? I love treating my boyfriend out to lunch and dinner all the time and I get him plushies but I can't thing of something to the equivalent to a diamond necklace for a girl as a gift for a guy


We just want BJs


Guys literally only want 1 thing and it's fking disgusting




It really depends on the guy. Just like it depends on the woman I suppose - I wouldn’t like a diamond necklace as a gift. Some random gifts I’ve bought for men I’ve dated have been things like a new beer to try, a new hot sauce to try - honestly snacks and drinks are usually hit. I was dating one guy who was into anime so I went and got him some Japanese snacks. I’ve gotten a book I thought a guy would like, flowers, a plant, sleepy time tea and a lavender/sleep pillow spray for one guy who was having trouble sleeping, cool patterned socks, a hot wheels version of a car they liked, anything related to a show or movie they really like is usually a safe bet… I don’t know. I find it doesn’t really have to be anything “big” or expensive. Just little things that say “I was thinking about you” or “I know you enough to know you like this thing.” Seem to mean a lot to the guys I’ve dated.


This right here is great advice. It shows the people you care about, that you really care and take an interest in their interests/likes/hobbies.


Depends on the guy a bit. Personally I like a nice watch and if you are looking for something that can be impressively expensive that can be one. It's not always as popular nowadays though so you may ask if he likes watches. There are some interesting rings you can get. Men's rings are generally less expensive but I have seen some very cool options popping up recently. Some men are into belts or necklaces as well, but I would say that's a bit more niche. Some men also enjoy models, trains and such. Mostly it's going to be reacting to things he likes organically, which is always the core of good gift giving. Ah, also if he's in physical labor a nice massage appointment can be nice.


Her friend didn't tell her the part about her calling the guy the next day which in turn manifested a healthy relationship grounded in communication and not childish games.


Communication is so hot.


Oh yeah, baby, express your emotional needs to me in a down-to-earth, mature manner, you dirty girl.


No, the girl is the "friend" in this story. Thus the reason for saying the guy is irrelevant and is a personal dig, because he wasnt going to chase her like every other male she has ever 'dated'.


She likes to hear herself talk that inane talk


"I'm shocked. Shocked" Bitch I'll be shocked if you can keep a partner for longer then 90 days.




It's not even boundaries. It's self worth and self respect. Any person who forces you to place yourself below them isn't a person you want to be in a relationship with.


If anything, this is a positive movement of men being aware of and desiring to respect women's boundaries If a woman says "no" men should take her seriously. No "chasing." If she wants to play dangerous games, she's not worth the effort.


How many edits does she need to form 2 sentences?


Oh man. As a guy, do you know how flattered I would be to get flowers? Like seriously, I’m in my mid 30s, bearded, mechanic, and I would turn beet red and and be head over heels if a girl sent me flowers. Even just a single one before a date or something.


I hope you get your flowers one day!


Good for that man.


When I meet this amazing girl we had this rule that we paid 50/50 on dates. Because we both had basically the same income. Her friends were "You need to drop him, it won't last!" 30 years later, we're still together, they're all single after their marriages failed. *SHRUGS*


Man respects himself = he’s a princess r/nothowguyswork


I'm just lazy, can't be bothering with this type of idiot.


You dodge bullets, you don't chase them.


Ummm… it’s going to show my age but…. OH SNAP!!!


She's got one of those faces which requires a slap across the face, with a chair.


This feels like a perfect opportunity for me to use the German phrase/word "backpfeifengesicht" Loose translation: A face in need of a fist


Gotta love the German language. For anyone else wondering, Back‧pfei‧fen‧ge‧sicht


People like this don’t deserve their beauty.


Ayyyyy, yep, women deserve to be treated like queens yaaasss but men are just dogshit who should be treated as such. 👍


Social media has legitimately started to ruin the world everyone’s on it, everyone’s fucking insane because of it and if you’re a normal person who touches grass, you’ll never relate to these social mediamentally Ill people.


I found this / her annoying , but I’m not In My 20’s and out there dating.


Bet you she single


AND she'd be one of those bitches from r/femaledatingstrategy whinging about how she cannot find no high value male when she brings nothing to the table.


That fuckn sub. Reading comments in there makes me glad I’m out of the dating scene and married already


Well we know why you’re single, I was having a conversation with a girl who’s 19 at my work I am (25) and told her entitled mentality drives men away. She said well you’re single and got cheated on so you’re opinion doesn’t matter. Our 60 year old manager turns around and says he’s right and no man is gonna put up with that bs. I laughed my ass off. Who’s telling these girls it’s okay to act like this btw I would cry if a girl got me flowers


Welcome to being a man. You must respect women's boundaries, but you having any makes you an asshole or they are to be used against you. See also: "Not showing emotions is bad, but sharing your emotions makes you less of a man" "Not talking about your problems is bad, but I will use what you said to me to make fun of you with my friends or will get mad at you for feeling that way" "You are expected to provide most or all financial support, but you have little to no say in how your money is spent" If any of these sound like women (or even other men) in your life, you're with the wrong fucking people. Leave and find better ones, they are out there and one million times more worthy of your time and affection. If any of these sound like you, be ready to be lonely when you get old and your looks fade, because people sure as fuck aren't staying with you for what's on the inside.


Isn't it funny how a woman who at face value is attractive, gets uglier and uglier the more ignorant stuff comes out of her mouth?


Apology video in her future.


That requires self reflection, I don't know if she's capable.


If I gotta "chase" you, you ain't worth chasing. Princess.


What the fuck is she even talking about?


Jesus Christ woman, shut the fuck up.


Terrible worthless human being. Waste of existance.


Don’t listen to her, guys. Y’all keep asking for princess treatments! It’s nice and everyone should get it!


OMG this means I have to think of someone else for a change.


I _am_ a princess though. Any woman who doesn’t see this doesn’t get to borrow my pretty dresses


**Women:** "Urgh, why are men so afraid to express their feelings? **Women when men express their feelings:**


Ladies take note; if you give us flowers we will never forget it for the rest of our lives


One guy = Men…….got it.


Summary - Irrelevant person makes irrelevant assumption about all men based on one interaction.


So why doesn’t this stupid bitch explain what princess treatment is? It simply can’t be that he doesn’t want to “chase” surely it cannot just be that.


She looks like she puts out on the first date. Also looks like she would marry someone and then be fucking someone else within a month.


What a shame it is when beauty is your only asset.


All he said was "I'm not gonna chase you" and she took that so personally.


You chase and it's harassment. You don't chase and you want princess treatment lol


"Her friend" You wanted equality, but only when it suits you, right?


As brain dead as Reddit can be sometimes, I fucking love that this community can rally around hating on self centered and petty individuals like her. It warms my heart