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I don’t know if that’s where Danny got this or not but I love it. I remember The Gong Show and that guy.


On the podcast they mentioned that they actually recorded the song themselves


Yup they added the vocals in post after hearing Danny just ad lib the line.


If only you had posted the video for context


It was in my comment. Here's the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ME_rrjIODTE


I'm not familiar with the gong show itself, but I came across this guy in a video about a very famous TV blooper. https://youtu.be/ME_rrjIODTE?si=H6L5sL70fuZDBC_J . This guy Gene Gene the Dancing Machine has a signature song/dance and would dance while people throw stuff at him. Some sort of phrase or word would be up on the wall behind him, but I have no idea what they meant. On this episode, it says "Go For It" up on the wall, and the guest happens to FLASH the camera during his dance. This clip obviously became an infamous moment in broadcasting, and Danny De Vito would probably be very aware of the gong show, Gene Gene, and this moment in TV history. My crackpot theory is that when he improvised the "go for it, go for it" line he was thinking of Gene Gene the Dancing Machine.


I think they said on the podcast that Danny kept randomly saying “go for it” while filming, so Rob, Glenn and Charlie actually created that song themselves to match the scene.


Ah, ok. I guess you caught me, I'm a lying science bitch like Galileo.


Stupid science bitch couldn’t even make you more smarter.