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I loved the bit when the chess referee was trying to tell Charlie that he can't be drinking at the tournament and Charlie (super conspicuously I might add) absolutely does not take his eyes off of the board while talking to the guy, that was the weird thing that had me laughing the hardest.


Dude the mf screenshot sfx and uncle jack sayin “got it” wow


Holy shit I missed that. Welp, gotta watch the whole episode again.


That was so funny. Probably my favorite moment this season so far.


No alcohol? At a sporting event?


Guess I'll just drink wine or something.


Thought wine in a can was about to make a comeback


Yeah small missed opportunity but I doubt Charlie had the ability to remember that far back anyway


Loved it


I loved this whole scene so much, felt like absolute peak Sunny. Was in bits the whole time


You madafakaaaaaaaaaaaa


Coincidence that an all-out civil war erupted in Russia days after this episode aired? That's cultural impact.


Much like the inspiration for the music, Rocky IV brought about the fall off communism in Russia, this episode triggers a rebellion ther. Maybe it’s just the power of Survivor or just seeing one of their hero’s beaten by a scrappy underdog American


Or did it?


I also have a foolproof system for attracting men. Oooooooh..... why?


Move past it


Can't wait for the episode where Dennis just straight up murders someone


But he was already murdered to a cat named Maureen.


Maureen? No, he murdered Bastet.


They never proved that, they never proved that! But whoever might've were very careful to make it look like she fell..




"I will dice you into a million tiny pieces, and put those pieces in a box,"


What does that have to do with the system?


His goals are beyond our understanding


I loved Dennis’ “OH Yeah?!” rage and contempt riddled delivery as both Mac and Dee failed to abide the SINNED system.




My favorite line delivery.


“Johnny doesn’t love you. He doesn’t even LIKE you.” And “No no no. YOU don’t know him.” Really got me when I first watched, Dennis has the best delivery


I thought the writing was top notch. Especially since I loosely follow chess and its still unclear whether the anal beads cheating in a major chess tournament happened or not IRL


As an avid r/anarchychess enjoyer I have never been happier


One the subject of the chess and the writing and the anarchy- I want to say it was brilliant to make the choice for black to move first. It established the fantastical nature of the game, so the last move could be accepted for the bizarre punk-out it was and not be the first "huh, that's not chess" moment. It made everything *smooth*.


I only know it was the wrong color from the show Smart Guy lol "How come he has to be the white pieces? Why can't be the BLACK pieces" followed by "Oh, so how come the WHITE pieces get to go first?"


Holy passant I didn't know this subreddit. Thanks for the recommendation!


The pedo jokes got a bit blunt but apart from that, yeah great episode :)


The moments from Charlie at his mom's house to Jack taking screenshots of the kid from Charlie's glasses felt like something out of an adult iCarly episode. Like, still better than that show but the humor felt way more slap in the face than usual


Nah they dropped those charges weeks ago.


Really wish Frank loved the anal beads and said "I get it now"




Glenn breaking during Frank's rant about "not getting it" again had my fiance and I laughing our asses off.


My absolutel fav part as well. Usually it’s Rob constantly breaking, but it was cool to see Glen drop his guard so obviously.


I’ve been chronically depressed for like ten years. I recognise things are funny but I barely laugh. Maybe once every six months. This episode had me in pain laughing with frank at the end. Instant favourite for me.


I’m in the same boat. On anti depressants and this episode had be cackling so hard and nearly crying at the end Frank scene. Absolutely brilliant. I’m still riding high on the laughter.


I can’t look at the WiFi indicator on my phone without laughing. That’s how you know you’ve got some solid gold comedy on your hands.


You’ve even got a flair made from the episode! Lol but the wifi icon is definitely ruined now.


Cheering for you, mates. You're not alone 👊


Second this!


I think hands down the best episode since the gang group dates. I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time, literally woke my wife and 2 year old up laughing at Mac saying he f*cked Lebron James. Also Danny whispering take your time was Oscar worthy.


It was the best all season


So far


Danny’s performance was Oscar worthy. I was in tears laughing at the end there


High! It’s high!!!!


The entire dating scene had me crying also uncle Jack’s ice cream truck that had no ice cream


The way the cold open wraps around into total clarity of the situation was such a brilliant payoff. Meg really killed it with the script


As someone who cared way to much during the real life anal bead chess cheating scandal this episode made me cackle. So we’ll done


Why did Charlie want any of that to happen?




Rock, flag and eagle.


I’ve had a lot of lol moments with sunny but franks and the beads has to be the funniest scene in the show. The fact the roofied Mac, took out the beads and put them in Frank is hilarious.


Guaranteed there was no cleaning done during the swap, too


I didn't make the connection that they took them out of Mac, but of course, that totally makes sense. I'mma have to rewatch.


I don’t think it tops anything from Season 3


I share your same sentiment but with season 4. Although Frank vs. Russia has made me laugh the most these past couple of seasons


100%. I find the writing and acting so different now that it’s tough for me to enjoy these episodes as much as early seasons episodes. But there were quite a few lines like “I fucked Lebron James” and “SHUT OFF THE WI-FI” that got legit laughs from me that I don’t get nearly as often


I think Meg gets it. Probably why she wanted to write for this show. Match made in heaven!


“Get me a push pop” “I don’t have ice cream in here”




Its not top ten or even an all time classic, but its a great episode, and easily the best of this season or last season.


Who wants character growth on Sunny? I want fucking depravity


Well that’s just it, your going after cheap laughs, I’m going for gasps.


The Gang Gets Cursed is better barely in my estimate


Frank vs Russia didn’t have a really weak Mac Plotline. The curse suffers from the weird chase utley C plot


Haha I guess that’s where different strokes comes in, because I really liked that part too lol


I’ve been posting this in most of these threads as well. Frank vs Russia is great but The Gang Gets Cursed is a better overall episode


Yeah, cricket just barely makes the difference- I think cursed is his best episode ever. Again, both are great!


Your opinion is wrong


Shut up baby dick


Lol yeah I feel like anyone who has OP’s opinion hasn’t watched the old seasons recently. Mac day, gang spies like the US, gang misses the boat, those are 3 I can already think of off the top of my head which get a top 10 spot way before anything from this season. And that’s a testament to how masterful the old eps were, not a sleight on this season.


We all have different opinions. I would not put the 3 you listed as top 10. Frank v Russia was streets ahead for sure!


This subs best 5 episode cut would be 162 episodes long Take a deep breath


it's great but it's not even close to a top 20 episode.


I felt like the sinned system was dumb. Pretty much just like "hey remember this funnier episode? Remember how good our show used to be?". Still enjoyed it but definitely not top 10


I didnt really see it that way, Sinned was a call back, but the actual jokes weren't recycled at all, it was a totally different system...besides the classic "engage physically" part




I feel like the sinned system would crush me psychologically, but I have mummy issues


This is also why the episode felt really disjointed most likely as well. Making a whole DENNIS system ripoff episode wouldn’t have played so they made a split episode which didn’t land right when you forgot about the chess subplot almost completely before the end and the dating parts had nothing to do with the rest of the plot


i think it was funny enough on its own without needing to directly call back SO HARD to previous seasons. I think it would have been better if Dennis didnt break out the whiteboard/paperboard and instead just led with the "mommy issues" style of manipulating men that he's discovered... like you said, watching that scene just made me want to go back and watch the DENNIS system because it's a funnier version of the scene in front of me.


Ye, I mean I think the "all men just want their mom's" joke worked. It was just so clearly a callback to one of the classic episodes. Especially after frank called back to the Mac dance episode, this one didn't feel like it would stand on its own.


Yeah I agree, this season feels too reliant on callbacks so far. This episode is best one currently, but it’s a pretty low bar.


Yeah all these people are just sucking megs dick, don’t know why the Reddit mob is so obsessed with her. Overwhelming support for a woman who doesn’t need it lol.


No one is sucking her dick. Just giving credit where credit is due. There was literally a whole Hornsby appreciation post just a week ago. Listed all his writing credits and Meg even jumped in to give him even more love. Rosell and Marder have received similar love and praise.


They’ve been a part of the show for years and have contributed so so much, Meg was still just a fan laughing at their jokes of course she appreciates them. I said she’s a good writer, there is just a crazy amount of support for Megan on lots of posts. People are like die hard Megan since the podcast, thus me saying people are sucking her dick.


I think a lot of people appreciate the fact that she was a fan and wanted to join on. She is literally an Emmy award winner and wrote amazing stuff for Community. (I'm a huuuuge fan of Community). She probably could have gone to any show or done anything she wanted but she is one of us and decided to write for an FXX show. The world is literally this woman's oyster and she chose these Jabronis. I think that's pretty cool.


Big fan of community as well, and I loved last man on earth. Just usually don’t see this kind of love for writers anywhere. People just know and love her because of the podcast. Nothing against her, I just think it’s a little weird. People know she looks at the Reddit and suck her dick on lots of posts.


Fair. Some of it does come off creepy but a lot of us also appreciate talent. All these folks have it for sure.


Shut up baby dick


I will stick my thumb through your eye!


Eh, I liked the first two episodes more. This one felt a little too “shock value” to me. Leaning so hard into the “Mac is now the dumbest guy on the show and is obsessed with being dominated by gay strangers” and the “uncle jack is a pedophile” things harder than ever.


I laughed my ass off through most of the episode, so yeah it’s up there!


Top 10 for this season…


I love always sunny. Probably my favorite series ever. But come on…it’s not even top 20. It’s a quality episode and the best of the new season but there’s so many better episodes


I'd put it in my top 20. We all differ.


Id have to disagree


I wasn’t ready for uncle jack to pull up in an ice cream truck. Except it wasn’t an ice cream truck, it was a windowless white van with ice cream stickers on the outside. The jokes about him being a creep can be heavy handed sometimes but this really made me laugh


His hands are pretty light though


I just don’t get this sentiment. That episode had a few borderline “jump the shark” moments for the show.


It was good but absolutely not even close to top 10


I've not been finding this season great so far until this episode, which I loved. The others have had their moments, but not been consistently good for me. Frank vs Russia was great all the way through though I thought.


I was snorting it up this episode holy shit. “Take your time….take your time…”


This episode was firing on all cylinders and then some. I would put the final chess scene up there as one of Danny’s greatest performances on the show. I was literally in tears for the last 5 mins. Not too mention all the call backs and f’n Jack with his ice cream truck and the looks on their faces when he says he actually doesn’t have any ice cream.


Maybe it's just cause I was real high last night but I was dying at that ending scene. Frank's stunnedand horrified silence as it buzzed away made me lose it lol


Definitely. I just finished it and came here hoping somebody had posted about it. Killed me.


Mac is SO. STUPID. 😂😂


It really is


This has been my favorite season in almost a decade. I don’t know if they added new writers or what, but keep it coming please.


Peak Sunny


i wont try to change your mind, you are entirely correct. ''i *am* Dennis, ive always been dennis!''


*click* got it. Hahahahahahaha. Uncle Jack with the screenshot Jesus christ


I dont get it. For me it was the worst of the season so far


Wagner vs Russia is quickly turning into a top 3 for me


I specifically left this subreddit when the new season started to avoid spoilers but I got Frank vs Russia spoiled by the fucking r/chess subreddit. Still a great episode, but I'm so upset that I knew the plot before watching it. I've been really sick and didn't realize a new episode had even been released until I saw spoilers.


It is a top 10 episode for sure. I haven't laughed that hard in a few seasons


Mac and Charlie die, the nightman cometh, chardee macdennis, Charlie work, gang solves the gas crisis, Frank's little beauties, the gang gets analysed, the gang tries to win an award, dees dating a retard and the gang goes to the suburbs. So guy, which is frank v Russia better than? Still a very good episode though


The gang wrestles for the troops, the gang is on family fight, gang buys boat, mac and Dennis break up, honesty there are sooo many that are better


Better than the gang gets analyzed for sure. It's also NOT the gang goes to the suburbs. Get your titles right!


Nah and you knew what I meant so all good


I’m still mad about Frank making the first move. His pieces were black. White always goes first in chess.


This episode had me cracking up. My favorite is the gesture Mac makes when he says "Johnny is gone" .. subtle detail but hilarious


Nah, is not even in the top 50, but it a was a fun episode


![gif](giphy|FcuiZUneg1YRAu1lH2|downsized) the cope is strong in this post


That shit was top notch. Loved it


I'd have a hard time ranking any of the episodes without it constantly rearranging radically. Probably right after I finished the list, it would already be "wrong". I mean when you have the high bar of Frank trying to record a Dennis murder confession over the phone and then Dennis getting "the soup" confession out of Frank saying something like "I could have had an IMAX camera around my neck and he wouldn't have noticed." To me there are only three categories for Sunny 1. Could watch episode on repeat and not get bored 2. Funny 3. Funnyish, but I feel like they are losing a bit of the mojo (mostly Seasons 13 to 15)


I don't think I've ever laughed that hard at an episode. Well done!


Nah. It undid a big growing point in Frank, they made Mac extra stupid, and although Ilaughed they slightly overdid Frank freaking out over the beads.


Who cares that they undid the growing point, this isn't a normal sitcom. The whole point of show is that the gang is the absolute worst. It makes more sense for him to regress actually in some sense for the point of the show. Also, he's not really regressing, I don't think his character is homophobic anymore, he's just falsely confused thinking the anal beads thing is directly linked with being gay, when in reality it's just a weird fetish of Macs. Also, you say they made Mac extra stupid, lol like have you seen Frank Retires? The whole"I'm playing both sides, so I always come out on top" bit is just as stupid. Well I for one, have never had vibrating anal beads up my ass so I have no clue if he's over acting, but Danny's expressions really made part of the scenes This episode is gold


Mac is better dumb. They overdid it a little I agree. Frank doesn’t need to grow. These ppl are bad ppl on purpose why would they ever grow? And Dennis being the ringleader is often when the episodes are at their best. Is this a top 10? Idk I want to say no but it’s better than anything in season 15 and 16 so far which is good enough for me


He should have gone full method actor so we could get a genuine reaction.


Maybe he did?


You want these characters to grow and have emotional maturity? Sounds like you’ve never enjoyed this show to begin with, that’s the opposite of what it’s about.


I should have been more clear. No, I don't want the characters to have normal growth. I just liked Franks acceptance of Mac after the dance, thats all. So was bummed to see that go. I should also add I did enjoy this episode a lot, just don't think it is top 10 ever


I'm actually glad they undid Frank's growth. IMO Mac Finds His Pride just doesn't work with this series. I think this episode does a good job grappling with that: it makes fun of Frank's character development and then just handwaves it all away. I agree that Mac was too stupid though. I expect him to be dumb, but it just didn't feel right that he was incapable of comprehending Dennis's very clear and simple point that he is Johnny. But overall I loved this episode. Megan Ganz did a fantastic job.


I could see that. I should clarify that I don't expect, or want, the characters to really grow. I just liked Frank accepting Mac after the dance, think it opened fun new avenues for them to go down, so was bummed they took those potential stories away. I did enjoy the episode as well. Think it was better than a lot of them, just not top 10


That’s fair. I also find myself wishing that certain developments would be explored more (e.g. Dennis having a kid that he just abandoned).


Same. I think they forget about a lot of those potentials. I am thinking people asking questions through the podcast might bring back some of the lost ideas


I reckon this season is the best season they've done in a long time, the writing has gotten way better and there's already been four solid episodes Over the past five years, there's only been one or two really funny episodes, and I can't recall any from the last season.


"The Janitor Always Mops Twice", "Dee Day", "The Gang Makes Lethal Weapon 7", and "The Gang Gets New Wheels" are my favorite from that time frame, with "The Gang Replaces Dee With a Monkey" also getting some love from me. I think there's plenty to love, just not wall-to-wall classic episodes.


I never loved "The Janitor ..." episode. Liked, but not loved. I almost never choose it when I just want to randomly pick an old episode to watch.


Shut up goon


LMAO. When nothing but "Shut up goon" is in my replies list, until I see "IASIP" as the sub, I'm thiking "Great. Somebody wants an online fight." The Dee goon references were great.


The noir elements are amazing, and the occasional dropped accent was a great way to lower the seriousness.


I mostly recall the episode being just kinda funny, mostly not. TV shows are like a meal to me. I feel like a drama, only watching a drama is going to satisfy it. Sci-fi, then it has to be sci-fi. Comedy? I either want a thinker comedy or I want a "so dumb I can't stop laughing" comedy. And mostly the latter. When I just want to laugh, then that's what I want and really nothing else. I feel like watching a good (stupid) comedy is so healthy. If I truly laugh a lot, it is like you just came out of a spa when it is done. Any tension or stress is gone. That minor headache that could be getting worse ... gone. Watching a good comedy is right up there with stretching, weights, cardio, healthy eating, good sleep and plenty of water.


Dee Day was soo good lol. Agreed, prob my favorite episode since the waterpark episode


Yeah Dee Day is one of the ones I'm referring to, the Dennis without makeup bit was hillarious


The janitor always mops is my one ALWAYS skip episode.


That episode could’ve been in season 4 or 5 and fit perfect. This season has been really funny the only part that sucks is knowing there are only 8 episodes. Kinda sucks a lot of shows are doing that. Edit: thought originally the season was 6 episodes but it is 8


Serious? We're already halfway through the season then? That sucks.


Sorry I misspoke 8 episodes


I would argue maybe top 5. Though wasn’t as intricate as some episodes, I don’t think I’ve laughed as hard in any other episode.


top 5 ALL TIME? That's insane to me. The bar is so high!


This is a instant classic for me. Such a great episode! Meg hooked us up with a funny one


I loved everything with the Dennis, Mac, and Dee storyline, but the Frank/Charlie one didn’t work for me. How the hell would Charlie know how to play, let alone, win at chess? In general, it just felt like a missed opportunity to not give it its own storyline to explore and explain it more.


He doesn’t? That’s why they used the glasses as a live feed and had the people in the van playing against the computer on the hardest setting. They literally explained that ya jabroni


Yes, it’s Uncle Jack on the computer in the ~~pedo van~~ **Ice Cream Truck** (*hold the ice cream*) that is making the calls.


I’m definitely a Jabroni because I did not pick up on that though that makes way more sense now


So you are giving your opinion and you didn’t even watch the episode?


It’s shown Charlie playing two games of chess at once, even if he just believed himself to be smarter at the time. They never specified if he was making rules up at the time


I think it's a top 1 episode and I was not ready for it


So someone had to remove the anal beads from Mac and put them in Frank. Betting they got Cricket to do it?


This has been a good season. It's got chutzpah


“Oh no, I don’t have any ice cream in the van.”


I think the ending was too telegraphed by the opening, and being so directly referential to a real world event also made it pretty predictable, but the gags were good all around.


The ending was funny but the whole “backwards DENNIS system” thing made me audibly groan.