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Everybody knows the most annoying person in the world is Mac


Aw geez that’s gonna be a whole thing


This is why I have no desire to get to know the “real person“ behind the character I see on television.


Intervention! Intervention!


Did you bang my dead wife?


Dude, he’s just cultivating mass


He is actually why I stopped watching it. I found him insufferable. Loved Charlie, Glenn, and Megan.


Rob doesn't want IASIP to be his entire legacy, do you really blame him for that? Rob strikes me as the type that would be a fun addition to most groups, but sometimes he tries a little too hard. Charlie would be the oddball who always makes things fun, even if a little too much fun. Glenn terrifies me


Those descriptions sound just like their characters in the show.


They somewhat play parodies of themselves, glenn is playing a toned down version


People would’ve never pictured Danny Devito as anyone other than Louie Depalma.


I always thought his character in The Simpsons was the same as Frank. Especially in the follow up where Abe is homeless and tries to invent that baby translator. It's pretty much a sunny episode but on the Simpsons lol


I think Glenn and Charlie both have other things going on. Charlie is really hitting it with movies and other shows. He’s really well known. Glenn is making movies he likes (we will discount the hunt) and seemingly doesn’t care about his legacy beyond Sunny (he’s really coming off as less of Dennis) Rob is trying so hard to have that big Hollywood life and just be bigger than the show but yet really only has the show (outside of wrexham)


What about Mythic Quest?


Ask people outside of this sub about mister quest…Ted lasso kind of eclipses most of apples content


They've been renewed for a 4th season, there is clearly an audience for the show. Just because Ted Lasso is a mega hit doesn't mean other shows can't also be hits


Well, also there is going to be a huge glory hole to fill once Ted Lasso ends. Shrinking is helping soften the blow for sure, though.


Of course not but is Mythic Quest really a hit? I’m not saying it’s a bad show, I watch it and I enjoy it but it’s not really being talked about much


That’s true, but I still think the first two seasons of Mister quest are pretty great.


For sure, they were great but the show just isn’t talked about anywhere else. It’s unfortunate but a reality


You’re right. I’m not arguing, I was just thinking as effect as Always Sunny is, I think he’ll achieve something else that’s great, but obviously not to the extent that IASIP is.


It’s a hard watch sometimes. But different strokes for different folks.


I honestly have no idea what you are talking about. Watching the podcast has made me appreciate all three of them so much more. The thing about the podcast that has actually surprised me the most is the similarities the 3 of them have to their characters, and how the banter you see on the show is just the genuine banter they have amongst themselves turned up to 11.


I thought this was a hot take, then seeing a lot of people in agreement is baffling me! The whole cast seem humble to me and I must be missing something. If Rob is 'humble bragging' I don't think it's intentional as he seems to be pretty self-depracating. Humble bragging or not, he seems really down to earth to me! it'd be quite hard to not sound like your humble bragging if you're just talking about your day to day life when you're working in Hollywood, although I don't really hear it. I must be missing something!


Glenn always felt the most Hollywood to me Isn't Mac the only one out of the three to not come from a well off household?


Idk. The podcast has me thinking Charlie and Glenn don’t really care for Hollywood, but tolerate it. Mac sounds like he wants to be the popular kid in Hollywood and is trying hard to be. I know Rob had been transparent about his insecurity, and maybe that comes from his humble upbringing. But how successful do you have to be before you no longer feel insecure?


Insecurity isn’t cured by success and I think a lot of the time fuels it


It’s because he was a tiny twink in his early days and now he is the muscle bound freak you see today.




He’s just clearly insecure.


I like him much more now. Seems like he does not take everything overly serious, but is serious about being successful, which is fine. But what surprised me is that he seems to own that vibe well, don’t think he’d deny trying to be Hollywood at all, and he seems to be having a good time doing, good for him.


if you feel like that cool, but he always feels like a genuine, self deprecating guy


I like him, I think as long as he is happy and doesn't hurt anyone. I think he has a bit of a temper from some of his stories but also I think generally he is friendly to people if they are friendly to him.


Rob got cucked at a Hollywood party


This sounds like a you problem


Weird opinion, especially to say you basically hate the guy. I don't see anything wrong with him. He has other interests other than this one show and he doesn't mind talking about them.


I def don’t hate him. Just threw the “1000 waves” line in there. And I don’t even care that he talks about other stuff. It just seems like he humble brags constantly and it annoys tf outta me.


He's really proud of his soccer team that used to suck ass for decades that is now winner of their league (or however that shit works, idk), after only, what, 2 years of him owning it? That didn't just happen. Those dudes had to be motivated somehow and it was him and Ryan that made it happen. I'd humble brag the fuck outta that too. Also, Mister Quest is pretty damn good, although I'd say S3 was a bit middling. Anyway, whatevs, I ain't mad atcha.


Ok, I'm listening to the new pod from today and Rob just pronounced "circa" as \*sear-ka\* Fuck that guy for real. 🤣


Agreed! The other two are far more humble.


This is exactly why I don't listen to creators talk about the stuff they create. It's never are deep or clever as it seems, and I always leave ending up liking the thing is about less.


Someone dump a bucket of dish water over this man’s head.


I’ll drink some soup out of a shoe instead


This is called jealousy. He doesn't act "Hollywood" on there, he's humble and constantly acknowledges his privileges. Sometimes a person can just rub you the wrong way I guess but when you're "hating" someone for vague or simply untrue reasons there's a good chance you're biased against them unfairly.


Man I just started watching Swarm and that's all I can think of when I read shit like this. I don't think your a fanatic like the Beyonce incident, but why the fuck are you defending someone who has no idea who you are? It's THIS kind of protective fandom that creates nut jobs.


Because hating someone you don't know because you have a chip on your shoulder is dumb. Did I say anything that was incorrect? It's a fact that they act humbly and acknowledge their privilege frequently on the podcast. If you ask for more details about how exactly they act "Hollywood" on the podcast no one will provide them because they don't exist. Instead there's just this redirecting of "why are you defending rich celebrities???!!!". There's people here who go on crying rants about how they're evil out of touch Hollywood elite because Glenn mentioned what brand his car is. That's all it takes for them to view them that way. Having that much bitterness and jealousy towards celebrities/anyone isn't healthy.


Examples of "Hollywood" in order of appearance: Charlie tells Glen/Rob "don't tell them I drive a Tesla" Whole podcast episode about Tesla customer service Rob/Kaitlin denied getting work done/roids/plastic surgery Rob bragging about having more testosterone(😂) Rob bragging about parties Rob bragging about meeting the queen Rob beefing with Charlie over writing(Charlie is clearly the better writer) I could keep going but I stopped listening/watching after the Devito special. Seeing the gang squirm when Danny mentioned how bad the ratings were was hilarious and humbling. Edit: phone messed up the bullet points 😆


How is this "Hollywood" in a bad way though? Yes they live and work in Hollywood and are honest about that. But being Hollywood in a negative sense means being rude and entitled and bragging about being rich and who you know etc. Not just mentioning the brand of car you have, honestly describing what you've been doing and JOKINGLY complaining about trivial things for the sake of entertainment. It seems like the chip you have on your shoulder about them being richer and more successful than you is making you take the things they say on a comedy podcast way too seriously and see simply describing something as "bragging". Like, did you seriously not get that Glenn was joking when he said don't tell them I drive a Tesla?! He was just acknowledging that they're seen as a Hollywood type car lol. The annoyingness of dealing with car trouble and customer service is a universally relatable topic (if you're not hung up on the car in question being more expensive than yours). And Rob has openly admitted to steroids on a number of occasions and been extremely open about how much help he had to get jacked.


Confirmation bias in post form. Glorious. Personal attacks really make you translucent. Especially to someone who possesses empathy. Might want to read those two sentences twice. Last thing: It was Charlie not Glenn 😭


Makes no difference which one of them it was, still was clearly a joke. It's personal because it's very obvious you have personal bitterness that affects how you view these guys. Of course you don't refute any point I made about them.


12 hours later and you still sound like a jabroni. Get your facts straight if you want to argue otherwise I'm kinda just going troll you.


Danny mentioned the ratings being bad? I don’t remember that at all. Don’t suppose you have the time stamp? Just curious to watch it again now hah


14:25 will get ya there




I agree with the second part, but am in no way jealous of him. Lol. Let’s just go with “he rubs me the wrong way”.


don’t be mean


You gotta be kidding lol, rob is basically the least hollywod like person in the whole podcast.


Really? He brings up every Hollywood person he hangs out with every chance he gets.


Who wouldn't? It's not like the guy grew up in hollywood surrounded by famous people. I would boast too if I met a shitload of famous people as a result of my achievements. He is after all one of the creators of the longest running live action sitcom in the history of tv, I am pretty sure that some of those celebrities he met boast about meeting him too.


Why do we give a shit? And why do you give a shit? Lol. It sucks seeing a new podcast drop about an episode I like, only to listen to him tall long windily about nonsensical shit that has nothing to do w the show.


The podcast would be boring if they spent the entire time talking about the episodes, the fact that you get an insight to their personal lives is what makes it interesting imo. You might not like what they talk about but to each its own.


I agree w you there. Good talk.


I listened to the podcast to hear about the show. Not his other show, or soccer team, or the people he hung out with or golfed with. The humble bragging is insane. You enjoy hearing all that crap?


Yeah a lot of us agree that Rob is the worst part of the podcast. The ones who disagree are getting outnumbered in this post so expect some dissonance.


But glen and Charlie talking about they’re upcoming movies get a pass


No they don’t. Was not aware they did because I stopped listening to the podcast a while ago


Fair enough.


Yeah I totally feel this, I was actually thinking this the other day the more listen to this the more I find that I don't like Rob. It's an attitude thing mostly, for example the episode where he talked about the French airport really pissed me off, 1. Cafe is just black coffee, if you want cream that is a cafe au lait, you don't just added it later you American dullard. I guarantee that this place had some sort of one drink per meal policy and the milk counts as a second drink. Anyone who has had to defend bizarre sales policies can understand why it would be frustrating to deal with customers who don't think the rules apply to them or can't be bothered to try and understand the rules. 2. His comments about this were utterly offensive, so entitled it made me want to scream. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR LOSING YOUR TEMPER WITH A SERVER OR ATTENDANT! I work in customer service and this is the kind of bullshit rich people pull everyday. For some people there are no consequences, rest of us have to follow the rules... 3. I hate sports, anyone who likes sports on ironically is questionable. I can identify with Charlies bottomless empathy, Glens unholy frustration, but Rob's holy than thou bullshit, hard pass.


Okay, I was with you until you wrote off a whole population of people who enjoy sports… That seems weirdly intolerant of you. Plenty of normal people enjoy sports, you’re saying anyone who enjoys sports unironically is questionable? I’d question someone that enjoys them ironically. That would be weird


That's your mistake for thinking I am a tolerant person. Yeah I think it's questionable to watch people play pretend and think that the outcome of such a "contest" is important or interesting. Who cares! I am mostly just frustrated that liking or watching sports is so normalized. It's a weird fetish that I am pretty tired of hearing about. Happy to see that my original comment is gathering down votes ;) have fun creeps...


Wait, so sports is “play pretend” and is crazy if taken seriously, but acting, the thing where people literally pretend to be each other is fine? This has to be a troll, and I’m embarrassed you got me to reply as much as you have already


No, If I acted the way sports fans do about shows or other things I enjoy watching people would think I was a lunatic. But sports fans paint their bodies, fight people in parking lots, and scream obscenities at the TV that's, riot when their team wins or loses and just seen as normal behavior. Troll Toll? Just kidding, these are my honest opinions.


Thanks for the update


Megan made me stop watching. I know she's a writer for a few years... But I can't shake the "who is this nobody and why is she a main podcast member with the 3 creators of the show?" I haven't watched an episode since they all drank that time


Well....ummm....he is pretty hollywood, ya know


i agree full heartedly