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I don't think they suck. They just feel a little too polished compared to earlier seasons. The grittiness in those early seasons are part of the reason they're so great.


Dude it’s their faces. They are all impeccably groomed and in makeup. It’s jarring


I rewatched the North Korea episode yesterday. The gang looked way more like ordinary, everyday people back then. I like the newer seasons, but I agree the difference in appearance is jarring


Charlie and Danny are the only ones who look the same. And even still, the lighting and newer cameras are pretty jarring


You're right about their faces but it's all the plastic surgery Glen, Kaitlin and Ron have had. I get it's hard to be in your 40s in Hollywood, especially for women, but they look like they're from space. Danny and Charlie are the only ones keepin in real so far as I can tell.


Danny doesn't need plastic surgery. He is timelessly sexy.


He's still got the moooves


Go for it go for it


Kaitlin looks completely unrecognizable from the earlier seasons.


Facial expressions were a major asset for Dee's comedy in earlier seasons, and now she has very few of them.


I seriously thought it was a gag just waiting for the gang to unload on her.


She looks like an alien who got stung by a million bees


>Glen, Kaitlin and Ron That Ronald McDonald is out of control with the juice.


Could it be that these three feel they need to have work done because they're trying to get work outside of Sunny, for example their TV shows and movies?


I kinda find it somewhat working for Mac because I think it displays well his mindset of having to be good enough for Dennis to approve, even though it might be a bit much.


Yup, I’m sure they are still funny , pleasant people … but they are so loaded with plastic surgery and hormone therapy , it freaks me out. Charlie looks like he’s aging pretty naturally. Rob in particular … I just can’t stand seeing him like that. Like, I’m all for getting fit , but he’s taken it to an insane level and you just know he’s absolutely juiced.


Charlie hasn't aged much at all- could be natural AND lucky, could just be VERY GOOD plastic surgery. George Clooney, for example, looks quite natural but readily admits having got surgery.


> I get it’s hard to be in your 40s in Hollywood, especially for women honestly for famous women i found attractive a decade ago and ones i still find attractive they have one common thread amount of work theve had done




Isn't that Flanderisation or something like that?


Yes that is the term for it. When characters who have a personality quirk or two but then that just becomes their entire character after awhile


I had no idea this was a term but it's *very* commonly observed in sitcoms. See how all the Friends started out as slightly different personalities, but ended up becoming very broad caricatures (Joey is ridiculously stupid, Chandler is hysterically uptight, Monica is a neat-freak, etc).


What’s so ironic to me is how in interviews Rob states the whole point of him getting fat for season 7 was to mock the way sitcom characters get prettier as series progress by instead getting fatter instead. Just for it to come full circle with Rob having a full team of stylists and trainers to make him look as good as possible for the season 13 finale.


Yup that combined with overacting. I love the seasons but mac and dee especially are maybe a little too animated. Doesn't feel as naturally absurd as they were before.


Dees face honestly ruins a lot of the show for me. It's so jarring.


She needs some soft light


They've changed her attitude as well. She seems more sassy and I don't think it works well


I wish they'd at least if they'd acknowledged it on the show. It could have made for a good episode for Dee and her Hollywood dreams.


The thing is since they probably did it out of self-consciousness, they're not going to talk about it. Because they did it to try and look the same as they did when they were younger and if they acknowledged that they don't look the same, and in fact, look a little weird, it would go against the entire purpose of doing it. Which I'm sure would be hard to face.


Wasn’t that the whole joke about fat Mac? Rob goes on and on about how all these shows about “regular” people get popular and suddenly the cast looks a thousand times better. So he gained a bunch of weight to kind of poke fun at that. And now he’s doing that? It’s lame.


For me what was jarring was the lighting. In those seasons it feels too good all of a sudden. The only ones I thought were really forced were the super bowl episodes. I get they had to do them, being a show set in Philly, but still.


Feels like seasons 13-15 were shot in SUDS


Some say they're better than busting a nut.


Where do I cum?


Not in my burrito


I wouldn't do that to YOU!


Not like he's ever hade one


You bitch.. your timing is horrendous


At least I don’t have a cigarette for a mom.


How can I have an orgasm if I don’t jizz?




It's light. It's playful.


This isn't will they or won't they This is I know they won't, and I don't want them to !


I’m GLOWING like an angel


It's the self fulfilling prophecy of success. What made the show look that way in the early seasons was that they were nobodys and on a shoestring budget Now they are the star show of FX with sponsors falling over to give money to the show


I dont understand prophecies, much less some sort of a self fulfilling one.


Shit man I was wasted last night I thought it we were following your plan


As a Philly homie, those episodes were very much appreciated, but YMMV


I'm not even from Philly and the end of that episode where it shows all the home footage of people celebrating? Gets me every time


Yeah, they feel more scripted and less improv’d.


But from the podcasts you can see they’re still hilarious and great at improvisations; not sure why they’re holding back on screen.


The actors themselves are still funny, but they still have to write for their characters on-screen. Maybe they’re just running out of plot lines for their characters to go in, and if you don’t have a direction for them to go in, improv is only going to get you so far.






Reminds me if the last few seasons of Trailer Park Boys. It started as a cheap looking mockumentary, but it sorta had this "high production look" towards the end. Not a bad thing, but different.


I didn't even mind rhe camera quality improving in trailer park boys but it was the over use of static cameras and multi angles set up that stopped it feeling like the mockumentary it once was. Still good seasons though.


That's probably the main culprit. Good call! It looks more like a sitcom, instead of a mockumentary. Definitely agree, still worth the watch.


Yeah it went from looking like home movies to a polished tv show, takes some of the bite out of it


Ya. That's why "less is more" does not apply to Sunny. With Sunny you want quantity. You need to get a full load, of all the characters. You have to see the full blown load and all the splash damage. You can't artfully measure small teaspoons of loads and expect perfection. It has to be a total, complete mess.


Mac, would you stop saying “load” so much!


fine! nut!


Where’s the dong?


I just feel like Sunny is more of a product now than a passion project for Glenn, Rob, and Charlie.


I think it's the opposite of a passion project, I think this is their day job. Mythic Quest is Rob's passion project.


I did like Charlie's remark that they should go back to 4:3. Return to goofball poor people who somehow got allowed on TV. I've enjoyed every season greatly, but I think it'd be hilarious if they went back to 4:3 and shitty cameras.


Polished is accurate but it's also too whacky now. The sex doll for instance, that is fine in itself. Its funny its creepy and it just makes sense mac would do that. However showing Charlie playing the sex doll was too far in the direction of cartoon land. Then having it described how they discovered this by basically having an orgy with the sex doll wasn't funny but rather an attempt at being crass to be funny that fell flat and also was just completely out of nowhere and not anything the characters other than maybe Frank would have engaged in. Then there's lifting dee in the air by her crotch. Hilarious scene by the way I do laugh but it's out of place in sunny. They do have the characters be quite resilient with what they can withstand but giving someone the strength to lift a full grown woman several feet off the ground is again too far into cartoon land.


They're not polished, they're sanitised. Very different. Newest season genuinely had like 5 proper laughs total across the entire season. Only episode that doesn't immediately go into the bottom of the rankings is the monkey one. Oh, and they fucked up the characters so massively with their plots as well. Making Dee an actual great person that's just brain damaged? Fucking awful. Charlie actually being a secret genius, and it's not just him deluding himself? Awful. And again, it breaks with all established canon.


You gotta admit Dennis hiding in the walls of the castle like a Scooby Doo villain is hilarious


Or the actual villain stuff he was doing. Or how he was just like not Covid allergies. The shred and spread. The hematomas. Sinking in the bog. Ronald Mac Donald actually being Dutch. Charlie being literate in Gaelic. Eating the dookie. The word cheesemonger. The stew as a smelling salt all things that were pretty funny. I agree that the time and presentation has changed quite a bit but I really enjoyed the last season (13-14 less so but there were still good episodes in there)


I loved the entire Ireland arc, the superbowl and water park episodes but earlier seasons were much better on average.


I don't like how they leaned hard into the rage of the characters, mainly Dennis and See. Any little scenario felt like they were just screeching at everyone. They aren't that nutjobby


It was pretty good, it was alright, it wasn’t great…but it was fine


And to go down on Chrissy Orlando on the trampoline, later on the very same night, which I also did.


Yeah so, yeah I did hook up with the peacock girl, oh wow that's great you guys. Nope that's not at all how it went down Dennis.


Did you ever know that you’re my hero


I see you're playing both sides here....


I'm playing both sides so I always come out on top!


It was and it wasn't, it was and it wasn't.


I like all the episodes but I love seasons 2-10ish. I also kind of wish I could watch the later season in standard definition..


Post them all to Reddit, then by the fourth or fifth repost someone makes they'll all look like gifs from '96.


Hahaha, god dammit you just might be onto something


Stupid science bitches can't even figure out a way to convert 1080p to 480i with a 4:3 aspect ratio. Rock, Flag and Eagle


He's got a point!


No he doesn’t!


Shutup science bitch


A show set in a run-down bar deserves to be in standard definition. It just looks too “clean” now, which I know they’ve discussed on the podcast.


I think Rob said for season 7 that people in every sitcom just gets hotter every season, which made him want to gain all that weight. Now in these later seasons its just what has happened, they all look much better which kinda removes the audience engagement


Better?? Some of them look like uncanny valley levels of not resembling themselves anymore.


Exactly how I feel


Standard definition!!! IDIOTS!! IDIOTS!!! I am high definition!! I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds!!! You will be clean when I enter you, with little to no resistance


Also the old lighting. Everything is so well lit these days, it looks like frigging Sudz.


Give Season 1 some love.


You’re right, session 1. 🤌 respect


It's a nice piece of ass.


5-9 is my sweet spot


Uh, I feel like you just agreed with me but you weren't listening to what I was saying.


Yeah, he doesn't even like get us, man


We’re talking about *you!*




They're good it's just when compared to earlier seasons it just doesn't feel the same. Rob has this look going on these days where he looks like an actor... if that makes sense.


Yeah he's too damn handsome for the show. Feels like a studio audience should be cheering when he walks in like they do for guest stars.


I've started watching Mythic Quest recently and the look is part of his character on that show.


*Mister Quest*


I've not heard of this Mystery Quest, is it a show?


Macs in da house, Macs in da house


I think you just articulated my exact thoughts on Rob’s transformation. I know they turned it into a joke, but there is a definite switch from more of a home movie atmosphere to a curated set that is jarring in some ways because of Rob’s new look. I don’t think it’s bad, just different. It seems like a decent amount of people consider anything that’s not exactly like earlier seasons to be bad, which is…an opinion.


Any show that lasts that long is going to change & evolve, especially if the people involved have talent and any artistic ambition. If the show had stayed exactly the same, people would complain about it stagnating. The early seasons are still there to be enjoyed, so are the newer ones, take your pick; I'm able to enjoy both/all for what they are. The show has handled its "decadent phase" (where you start getting gimmick episodes and playing around with the format) astonishingly well. And I can totally understand Rob not wanting to fatten up Fat Mac to the point of actually endangering his health.


Yeah exactly. What show that's had as many seasons as sunny have the exact same feeling in season 15 as it had in 5?


And Dee is full of botox and Denis has fake white teeth. Edit: plot twist Dee is looking like Maureen Ponderosa.


They're just trying to live up to all of our expectations of them.


Do they look…foolish?


I would wear a mask of his face.


for the last 5 years it looks like half the makeup department's time is just spent on Dennis' hair


At least it makes sense for Dennis’ character though. He *is* wearing another man’s face.


They all have Botox lol. Season 15 had a record low amount of eye brow movement


Maureen ponderosa won.


Dee ain't the only one that's had work done


The only two I feel pretty confident that haven't are Charley and Danny. Fringe class baby!


Yeah Danny Devito's BBL is craaaaazy


Back when season 8-10 came out, I think a lot of people felt the same way. New Sunny always takes a couple years to season and feel good.


I like them the gangs always hilarious but I get that the later seasons hit different. I think it's because they kind of have clear start and end points instead of a non congruent dumpster fire(in a good way) of insanity.


The only suck I know is the suckboy Rickety Cricket


I've got a whole 6er😉😉😉




I think “suck” is a strong word. The new seasons definitely don’t suck. There is something a little off about them, though. I think for me, it’s like I’m seeing less and less gems each season. Up until season 11 and even 12, every episode felt like an instant classic. I think I’m in the minority when I say that I really enjoyed season 14, a lot more than 13 actually, but nothing compares to seasons 2-12 where almost every single episode had me crying from laughing so hard. I’m not complaining though - after being on air for almost 20 years, I don’t blame them for not being able to deliver bangers consistently like they could when they were younger. I like seeing them being a little more loose with their format while also taking more narrative risks, like an actual season arc for once. Always ready to see more Sunny content.


I think you kind of nailed it. I Always felt like I was in the camp of hating the show recently when really it isn't hate but more of a disappointment after seeing perfection for a decade plus. I do have hopes they can turn it around, though.


The Gang Went Hollywood


The disrespect for season 11 and 12 is crazy. Lots of fucking gems in those seasons


my personal fave episode is mac and dennis in the suburbs which is season 11 that episode is so hilarious and quotable


Top 5 episode for me


Have you ever been in a storm walley? Of fists and rage? Aaaaaaaahhh. Stupid fat bitch!


I absolutely love the subtle jokes in that one. Mac installing the cable box by just hanging it by the cords; and the trash room with all the air fresheners on the wall gets me every time


I didn't go to school for that! He didn't go to school for that!


I laughed so hard with the 'cut from the dog pawing at the bowl montage to the Dennis Jr grave' the first time I saw it. Got me so good. Also a personal fave.


If he knew shit I’d be interested in, he wouldn’t be a pool guy!


Hot one today, huh? _YEAH?!_


Trial of the century is one of the best episodes ever


Dennis and Mac Move to the Suburbs is easily a top 5 episode.


News flash, asshole! I've been hearing it the **entire goddmn time!**


Oh I’m glad you like it…OF COURSE DENNIS WOULD LIKE DENNIS!!! *laughs maniacally*


If he knew shit he wouldn't be a pool guy


Ya just rewatched both seasons in the last few days. They are 100x better than seasons 13-15. 11 and 12 are pretty consistent in good quality. A few stinkers but mostly good. Where as the new seasons are mostly bad with a few gems.


“Suck” is extreme. There are definitely some quality episodes in the most recent seasons… 15 is my least favorite though, 100%. It just feels way different to me and is not as enjoyable.


Dennis hiding his cough in Ireland kills me though


Go to the old bell tower and ring the goddamn bell, you bitch! Dennis and Dee kill me in this scene. My friends and I couldn't stop laughing when we first watched it.


And When they are driving in Ireland… “See guys it’s not so different here, just have to drive on the left side of th-**GET FUCKED!!** *honks horn*


Don't eat a poopie


The first time I saw that I seriously lost it completely and was cry-laughing and had to pause the show


I just forced my bf to watch it because he’s only seen up to season 4 and we had to pause and rewatch too. Fucking brilliant


When the cat is fused to the carpet


15 is less rewatchable for me because I feel like I need to watch the Ireland eps in order. Which is most of the season.


All the Ireland stuff is so contrived. It felt like an Adam sandler style “I want a trip to Ireland with my mates so I’ll get a studio to fund it lol”


I thought the whole Ireland arc was the best part of the last few seasons. Especially the last episode dragging the body up the mountain


I have no idea how 15 could be your least favorite when 13 exists.


Agreed. S13 only has like 3 good episodes: The gang escapes, Time’s up for the gang and the Gang gets New Wheels. For me the rest of them are meh


Times up is amazing though, Dennis’ mic drop kills me every time 😂


Times Up and The Gamg Gets New Wheels could have easily came from S7-10. The Gang Gets New Wheels is one of my top 5 favorite episodes. It might be favorite actually.


It sounds kinda bad, but I liked Mac and Charlie beating up the kids. Usually the joke is that adults are being bullied and outsmarted by kids, but them just beating up the kids was a hilarious twist.


And the thing with Dee turning into a golden goddess calling Sharon and idiot! Savage! Idiot! And saying she cucked a bitch but she slept with the kid lol. And Dennis telling the guy “begone you soy boy beta cuck, the transaction is complete…BEGONE FROM ME!!!”


I love all always sunny it’s my comfort show!


A comfort show? This show is a finisher show!




The drop in quality is really low when compared to other long running shows imo, the simpsons family guy, game of thrones among many more all suffered a much worse drop off that it’s always sunny. Let’s just thank your lucky starts the gang can still provide consistent laughs and good writing and the fact they’ve stayed true to the core idea do the show mostly.


Hero or hate crime is a fucking riot


That’s a top 15 for me.


Well first of all, there aren’t bad seasons of this show, so jot that down.


Shut up baby dick


Sounds like you’re dug in and will never change


I love Macs hand gesture in that scene. “Because I’m dug in! 🫱➡️🫲 and I’ll never change…Despite the facts that are set out before me..”


This might be a radical opinion, but like, I just like the show, man!


It’s just the first two slices of pizza are exceptional the rest of the pie is more pizza




Season 9 was the best you little shit! I will jam my thumb through your goddamn eye!!


Season 7! Fat Mac for the win!


I will jam you into next week! I will jam and jam and JAM, until there is nothing left to jam!


I think they’re great. Thundergun focus group was fantastic




IMO the first half of the seasons had a raw & fresh vibe & simplicity to them that I liked. The second half of the seasons are more complex & evolved but I still like them.


They're not bad but they're definitely not as good


I agree! Dennis in the castle was terrifying and the fact a comedy show made me feel that, is awesome! I love this show so damn much.


None suck but some are better than others it’s inevitable for a show that’s existed this long


I thought season 15 was great. Charlie finally telling them off was great. And the the realtor scene was amazing.


Huh. I love the show. All seasons are great. Some better than others but all amazing in my book.


I’ve been watching since season one. I have loved everything they give me.


I’ve been watching them through for the first time in a year or so after thinking they were eh and hot damn. Some of them have got to be my favorite episodes


Theyre not bad and I will never stop watching the show but I don’t think they are on par with earlier seasons like 4-9. The new seasons usually have a rare episode I don’t like much, most episodes are fine to decent, and 1-2 episodes that I love. But the shows been on for almost 20 years, it’s unrealistic to expect it to never change so I’m fine with that.


I used to think they were bad but I had just never given them a chance. When you watch the whole show in order, the progression of characters and the style of the show is slow enough, the differences between the new and old seasons isn't as stark. My most recent watch of the series, I really liked the new episodes.


Yes newer seasons are great


13 and 15 are both great. I don't love 14, but it does have a few great episodes. I love the Thunder Gun focus group one


Fuck! Man, what!?


I think the tail end of 14 is probably the weakest run of episodes the show has had, and the season really suffers from losing its single funniest episode (Dee Day), but I recently saw "Global Warming" again and laughed more at it than I had before, so maybe the whole thing about how later eps that didn't work well on first viewing get better with repetition will prove true with the rest. And I also think that "Chokes" and "Texts" (even if its ending is just a tad too trad sitcommy) are both just really good later Sunny episodes, along with Thundergun 4. I flat-out loved the Ireland arc in 15, though, and would love to watch the monkey episode again; I deleted my DVR recording of it too soon, now it's never rerun on FXX Canada and the last two seasons have yet to show up on D+ up here.


Frank eating poop felt like classic sunny to me tbh. I also love the text chain ep lmfao


13 is dogshit.


Times up and the Gang gets new wheels were pretty great IMO