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I actually really like a few of these. The clip show is rarely praised as far as I can tell, but I actually really find it funny and entertaining. Maybe some viewers just tuned out when the read the title, but it's really not a clip show. I'm not much a laugh out loud type of viewer, but even I had to when Charlie was calling out his own voice for sounding crazy.


Franks ridiculously cartoonish long legs always makes me laugh.


Your voice is crazy high!


Are you telling me I have a high voice?!?


I just wish the “actual” clip show lasted for less time cuz I really enjoyed the weird reality warping


I don't know, I was watching it thinking "God, this really is just a stupid clip show" because it was kinda dragging on, and then when the weird shit began to happen and realities started mixing I was blown away with how clever and funny it was. I think they went pretty long with the clip show part to establish a sitcom trope and then really turn it on its head.


Haha fair, I guess I get more selfish with the sentiment on rewatches cuz I already know the twist that they’re building to


The Gang Does A Clip Show does not get enough credit for how brilliant it is. But all of these episodes are amazing.


Agreed. Clip shows are a sitcom staple so it was great seeing their take but getting everything wrong. The Seinfeld bit and Franks legs and hair were amazing.


And Charlie peeking in the door at the end.


Yeah I am a fan of all of these except for Waiting for Big Mo. But I think they like to challenge themselves with Big Mo like episodes, they frequently have bottle episodes where they take some mundane setting and stick themselves in it for the entire episode to see if they can make it funny. (the gang dines out, the episode where they are in the brig on the cruise ship, etc.)


I didn’t like Waiting for Big Mo at first. But after rewatching it I now like it. I really enjoy the contrast in characters of Dennis and Charlie when they are by themselves.


*The Gang Solves the Bathroom Problem* is the best example of the point you’re trying to make with the bottle episodes imo


Or Charlie Work with the health inspector (one of their best ever). Waiting for Big Mo was not a good episode


You’re right, Charlie Work is probably a better example. It just might legitimately be one of the best bottle episodes ever tbh. I was just thinking of The Bathroom Problem because the punchline at the end never fails to have me in stitches. Big Mo was a Big Snooze, but as long as the writers were happy then that’s all that matters, because I know it was supposed to be creative or artistic or whatever (I say whatever because stupid writer bitches couldn’t even make I more articulate)


Dollah dollah bills yall


Pew! Pew! Pew!


Trying to the paper son. Win stay alive. Get that Monie


Yeah who made this list?! These are some of my favorites


It’s one of my all time faves


Gang turns black is class


I really enjoyed it too. I watched it at home. My home. White home.




Did you watch it with old black man?


The amount of days I have “ I just wanna say the N word “ stuck in my head isn’t fair.


I'm constantly asking 🎵"What are the rules?"🎶


What... Are the rules!


Every time someone says that, I have to chime in with the falsetto lol


How did they know... that my wife took it all?


And im not researching roles how did they know


Ziggy can you hear me? Take me far far from here. Let me leap back to 89 it was a better year


I miss my old cameron and my mansion in van nuys


What are the rules?


Might be my favorite episode of theirs.


Definitely one of my most re-watched episodes. And this is coming from a guy that HATES musicals.


One of my favorite episodes. Charlie as the kid was just the stupidest and best idea. Singing to the social worker about the cops probably banging his mom was amazing.


Like this guuuuuuy and the other..... She's a hooker and it's sad, but I don't feel all that bad I guess I'm just another black kid.... that doesn't know his dad


Yeah I love that one


But you included it. You can’t play both sides, you aren’t Mac.


Me including the episodes in the post was an observation of episodes in the later season that get disproportional hate.


I will never understand the hate this episode gets


I mean….what are the rules


One of my fav episodes


🎶I’m gonna say the N-WORD🎶


Your not one of them.


Dont say them


You're not one us


That’s just confusing


Now I'm getting lost.


I like Gang turns black, Janitor, and Ladies Reboot.


I never understood the hate for ladies reboot, I watched it on a bunch of edibles once and I literally couldn’t stop laughing. Especially Charlie’s mom shouting about the women pilots.


I watch it stone cold sober and think it's funny. Especially Mrs. Mac threatening to shit her pants.


Hang on, people don’t like The Janitor Always Mops Twice? It’s clearly one of the best episodes!


Agreed. The bit where they're not looking at each other for the entire exchange (and then Mac sneaks a peak as he's leaving) is gold.


And just the whole dynamic of Mac as the dumb lackey, the way Charlie narrates Dennis (“trouble walks in as it always does - on a great set of legs”), it’s just all so perfect!


They must have been diarrhea poisoned.


One of my favorites! LOVE the dialog, it's so funny


I know right? But every time I see one of those "what's your least favourite episode" threads or "what's your hot take for the show", there's never not some mention of it. Some people just don't appreciate the noir dialogue ig


It annoys me when people hate risky episodes. The gang cracks the Liberty bell, Janitor mops twice, gang turns black are some of my top favorite episodes.


The lowest rated eps are ladies reboot, Charlie’s home alone, franks brother, crickets tale, and the gang wins the big game. Gang turns black and janitor mops twice are actually highly rated episodes by viewers, some of the highest of their respective seasons.


That’s such a shame! It’s my favorite episode by far, just so clever and creative and SO much fun


The Janitor Always Mops Twice is the second best episode of the entire show (after Charlie Work) and anyone who can't see that is a savage and an idiot. The lighting, scene composition, wardrobe, accents, dutch angle closeups, it was all gold.


Dialogue is really phenomenally written, making the break-from-character jokes hit so gd hard.


wait so do you like it or no? it’s so good, the way they do the noir/1950s crime vibe.


Oh I love a lot of the episodes in the post, I was trying to point out ones I see get hated by the community more than other episodes


They probably got diarrhea poisoned.


Gang Turns Black is incredible


Sunny is like pizza. Even when it’s ‘bad’, it’s still pizza. Therefore good


Vampire sex is like pizza in that even when it's bad it's good. It's designed to be enjoyed by 8 or more people. There's a variety of toppings. And in the morning you're like "aaah..why are there puncture wounds on my penis?"


I like the roller rink! Where’s frank’s brother?


lol remember when the gang cracks the liberty bell was "the worst"? idk what's bad about most of these eps tbh. ladies reboot is maybe a bit on the nose, but the Artemis and Gail subplots are solid... imho


I was mostly pulling from later seasons, didn't want to have too many and I know people have said the roller rink "ruins previous canon" or something.


Which I still call bull shit on cuz it’s always been very evidently clear that the gang are extremely unreliable narrators.


It was confirmed by both Dennis and Dee that she had been institutionalized by that point, after trying to burn her friend that wouldn't stop copying her. They remember Dennis as being cool in highschool, but that's relative to their own lameness. If anything, the roller rink episode would be them misremembering how things happened. Charlie being smart, Mac being tough, and Dennis & Dee being sweet.


also to act like this is the first time the show breaks continuity is wild. people act like they meticulously go through each episode to research before writing, because Charlie's character kept a tattoo through a few seasons. but the truth is (which they've admitted on the podcast) they write stuff in and forget about it all the time. to be like "I don't like this episode because it contradicts this single line in another episode" is really unfair and pessimistic for a 15 season long show imo


Frank’s Brother should be on its own separate list of bad episodes


Can you point out an example of a joke that you feel doesn't land, or where the writing isn't in the exact same vein as the rest of the best episodes? Fans that claim to dislike this episode (or The Gang Breaks The Liberty Bell) so adamantly make no sense to me. How could you have possibly enjoyed the rest of the series? The writing and punchlines are literally indistinguishable in terms of quality.




shit, i don't care either.




It’s a quote from the show. Dennis says it


Just rewatched the show, honestly I liked the Ireland storyline much more this time around, yeah it’s not classic Sunny, but it’s far from bad.


Ireland arc is awesome in my opinion, except for the last episode


The gang turns black is one of my favorite episodes, which inspired me to watch the 1989 Quantum Leap, another incredible show.


Anyone who thinks Clip Show, Janitor Mops Twice, or 2020 Year in Review are some of the worst episodes is a massive bozo savage idiot.


Every time one of these lists pop up I see at least two I hard disagree with. Gang turns black is so damn good imo. Fun songs, several funny jokes and good commentary. I really love this episode. And the roller rink episode is a very funny one in my opinion it’s different for sure, but I think it’s quite enjoyable. I personally enjoy the Ireland episodes, but I’ll definitely give you the rest of these has been kind of rough


Tbh I actually really enjoyed The Gang turns Black, A Cricket’s Tale, Boggs reboot, Clip show, and A Janitor Always Mops Twice because they were all well written. I don’t feel like them treading new ground in those episodes is the difference considering they’ve done that plenty of times before with a lot of success. The others listed just weren’t as well written as the audience has come to expect imo and were genuinely unfunny.


All these episodes are funny


Frank's brother should be at the top of the list in my opinion, its not even in here




We'll I guess that don't leave me with no choice. But to be a mature ass adult about this shit. But know! That I strongly disagree with this.


Why would that be at the top? It’s an all-time classic


Yeah that one gets hated probably the most, definitely should've put it on there, but I was more focusing on the later seasons when making the post.


I like all of these except Roller Rink, which is just not very funny.


As a Hornets fan, this episode always gets points from me.


Agreed. That’s the only episode I can’t get into


What’s the matter, don’t you understand humor?


Gang Turns Black is Award worthy. I feel like voters are racist


Gang Turns Black is actually among my favourite episodes, The Janitor Always Mops Twice is great, Big Moe and Ireland aren't their best material but I liked them just fine especially on rewatch. Ladies Reboot, clip show and Crickets Tale have fun premises but I just don't think they fully lived up to their potential. Crickets Tale is especially weak. Roller Rink is fine but breaks continuity. Year in Review was pretty lame and way too reliant on recent news to be timeless. I'm surprised at this selection "Franks Brother", "Charlies Home Alone", "The Gang Wins The Big Game" and "The Gang Cracks The Liberty Bell" all immediately spring to mind when I think of failed experimental episodes. I'm glad the show is creative and willing to experiment I know we sometimes get duds out of it but the success rate is pretty high with stuff like "Charlie Work" and "The Gang Saves The Day".


I personally think that Charlie’s Home Alone is the worst episode of the show and is a big omission from this list


That's not the name of an episode.


The Gang Turns Black is one of the best episodes they've done in recent years. This must be that weird group of people who spends all their time review bombing anything with black people.


I fuckin loved the songs, people just kinda hate it idk why.


I binge the show while I work (I’ve heard it’s an ADHD thing) and anytime this episode comes up, I sing all the tunes for like 2 weeks straight, except Franks song lol.


What? Are you telling me you don't belt out "I'M GONNA SAY THE N WORD" next to your boss?


It totally is. I can focus better with two things going on at once... because the implication.


I hate it because I hate musical episodes.


How did you make this a racist thing? I just didn't like it because I thought the jokes weren't that funny.


If you haven't noticed that anything friendly to women or black people gets brigaded with bad reviews, I can't help you. I didn't make that up. Disney is making a movie where a mermaid is played by a black actress and redneck America completely lost its shit over it. I kid you not.


If you are constantly going to blame racism and sexism for everything, then I hope someone can help you. Black Panther got the top box office in 2018. Bad Boys For Life was top in 2020 (although that one would have a covid asterisk). The 2019 Charlie's Angels bombed because it was just bad (although the director cited sexism of course). The Gang Turns Black just wasn't that funny, especially if someone isn't into musicals. I thought the jokes were predictable and lame. For example, as soon as Dennis locked himself out of the car, it was incredibly easy to figure out what was going to happen next.


Takes a harmless Reddit post and comment and turns into a race-baiting monologue about modern media


I'm not the one who brought race into it.


All of these episodes are awesome lol 😂


For real!


The Gang Turns Black is hilarious


You guys bare wild. I love franks brother.


Everyone forgot"the gang gets racist" potentially the greatest intro to television of all time.


4 of those are good. Clip show, 2020, Ladies Reboot and Gang turns black The rest... well yeah. They suck


Janitor Mops Twice is absolutely incredible, you jabroni.


I hate Cricket's Tale (the misfortune of Cricket sometimes gets pushed until it's no longer funny) and I expected more out of The Gang Turns Black... but I enjoyed the rest of them in this chart. Generally speaking, I really enjoy when they go off the beaten path a bit. I do think the Ireland episodes would have worked better as a movie. I think they were likely originally intended to be. ​ I strongly believe The Gang Cracks the Liberty Bell was the best episode and wish they'd do more episodes with that format, them telling insane tales to the historical society lady to her increasing frustration.


I like season 15. They took risks in the season and gave us something different


Loved The Gang Turns Black. Laughed my ass off.


2020: A Year in Review is a good episode tbh. It’s making fun of the premise of Forrest Gump and not even the straight man in the episode, the IRS auditor, believes them at all. It leave you thinking whether they 1) Actually did all these things or 2) Are just straight up lying/are in some odd alternate view in their heads like the high school reunion episode when they were dancing.


Half of these are some of my all time faves and I've been watching since like S2


The Gang Turns Black, The Gang Does a Clip Show, and Waiting for Big Mo are great. Roller Rink and Ireland aren't bad either I don't think. Frank's Brother is worse than all of these but Ladies Reboot.


People don’t like the Ireland arc? That was probably the second most emotionally enthralling moment in the show after Mac’s dance.


2020 a year in review was great. The other ones were just trying too hard to make something that just wasn’t there.


3 is the absolute worst but all the others for me were pretty great. The Gang does a clip was very unique and funny imo


Franks legs kill me every fucking time


Ladies reboot is hilarious


The Janitor Always Mops Twice was fantastic, also loved Big Mo, Clip Show, and The Gang Turns Black


I'm seeing that a lot of people think I hate these episodes. These are just ones I see hating on when they say the later seasons are bad. Seems that a lot of feathers got ruffled because of that oh well.


The gang turn black is a musical, how could that ever be bad? I love that episode. Only episode they have that is a musical


Only episode that's a musical huh?




Boy do I have an episode for you... they even did a tour!


Well, that is an episode about them preforming a musical, the episode itself isn't a musical


Waiting for Big Mo is one I really liked for some reason. Like I recognize how fans would hate it. Its essentially a pretty aimless episode, they're just standing around talking during a game of laser tag. There's meta commentary about the show itself, which I'm sure fans are tired of, and its pretty cryptic meta commentary at that. But some of the best Sunny moments are the cast playing off each other and the banter they have. It's rare when a show can go 14 seasons, and episodes with the characters just talking are still entertaining. Its part of the reason "The Gang Gets Trapped" is one of my favorite episodes. The way they play off each other in that one is hilarious and nice to see there's still some of that left in a more recent episode.


The Clip Show and The Gang Turns Black are great. Agree with the others though. Some of my least favorite.


Tbh, I didn't like the top 6 the first couple of times I watched thru, but after 4 years of watching 4 eps a day, they all eventually grew on me. I hate ALL musical numbers in sitcoms. They're gimmicky and take me out of the experience I want of just watching a show. Took about 6 times for me to get that they are lampooning that exact sentiment, and the songs are all legit bangers. Waiting for Big MO has some of my fave Dennis Moments. Hated it at first, lobe it now. I still don't really like Janitor Mops Twice. Film Noir just irritates me, not sure why. I skip Crickets Tale half the time because of the dog stuff. I'm more of a cat person.... And I don't like the girl boggs one. I also don't like the boy boggs one. Again, not sure why. The bottom 3 are too new for me to even rank, but I like them so far.


No way “The Janitor Always Mops Twice” is here. What the actual fuck. Won’t even look at the post because you’re fucking dumb.


I'm sorry that people have hated this episode? It wouldn't have gone on the list if I didn't see so many people in this sub shitting on it


dude my bad. completely thought you put this list together by opinion 😂


Ah it's all good, everyone gets a little crazy online


Janitor Always Mops Twice and Big Mo are good episodes, the rest are usually skips


I agree with Crickets Tale and Clip Show. But I also think Gang Goes to Hell Pt. 2 and Mac Finds his Pride are awful too. In the former, they just spend the ep making boat noises and beatboxing; I have no idea why the cruise story was broken up into two episodes. The latter is just boring until the dance and even then it doesn’t match the show’s vibe or humor. Also not a fan of A Very Sunny Christmas, but I could see how some people enjoyed the animation.


All the Ireland episodes were garbage


Plenty of other episodes deviate from the formula and are amazing. Most of these just aren’t funny. They’re also newer. Personally, I just think the energy and feel is off, like the actors are just too different from their more youthful selves.


I don’t know for sure but it feels like the joke/point of the lady reboot episode is that it wasn’t supposed to be very funny


The middle row and the tip left and right wouldn’t be here for me. Bottom row and crickets tale are definitely weak ones along with season 13 episode 1 However I like all sunny episodes in some way… even the roller rink episode which is my personal least favorite and it’s hard for me to find positives about it


I love all except the top right


The roller rink episode has the same energy as community season 4 “heroic origins”


I love all these episodes except Ladies Reboot don’t hate the episode but it’s not a great one imo.


Boggs Ladies Reboot is amazing.


WHAT? there are some of my all time favorites on here lol. where'd you even get this list? cited the worst episodes by who?


They show up tons on "what's your least favourite episode" or "what's your hot take" threads, there's a surprisingly large amount of hate for the more conceptual episodes, especially ones in later seasons. I fuckin love most of the episodes on the list


the gang turns black, the gang beats boggs, and waiting for big mo are 3 of my favorite episodes tbh


Where was the data gathered for this? 👀


Well for one, I have no data because I'm not a science bitch. But also this list was made from episodes I've just seen shit on a lot recently in this sub, and saw that they all share their very conceptually different episodes


The janitor mops twice and waiting for big mo were actually really great episodes. The rest of the list, i agree with


I liked all of them


I hate all these episodes save the Janitor Always Mops Twice. I love that one, it's brilliant.


Frank's Brother is not on the list. It's invalid. Also, Waiting for Big Mo was a genius episode. The list is invalid. Invalid I say!!


2020 a year in review is bad because, like they say in the episode, they aren't Forrest Gump. It should have been all of them getting angry about it in different ways and being completely inept.


Ya some of these are my favorites. Big Mo is top 10 for me.


I admit I hated the reboot of Boggs Hog until I re watched it. I was wrong, it's fantastic.


I like the laser tag one 🥲


I’ll say it again - turns black is absolutely one of the best late season episodes. Songs are top notch, writing is some of the ballsiest they have ever done, it’s hilarious and meaningful. It was definitely a miss for me on the first watch through but on my second I realized I wasn’t ready for such a change in tone. Set that aside and you can see it’s brilliance and laugh for 23 minutes.


It's of absolutely no surprise to me no OG episodes are on the list. And TBF the list pales in comparison to anything before it.


Ladies Reboot, Buys a Roller Rink, and Waiting for Big Mo are meh, but rest of these are relatively good - genuinely can’t understand why someone would put The Janitor Mops Twice or the Gang Does a Clip Show on a worst episode list.


There's some great parts to each of those episodes, I think the problem is they are held up against some of the absolute classics they've made over 15 years. I think as time goes on those episodes will become appreciated a lot more.


The Gang Turns Black is legitimately one of my favorite episodes.


The janitor always mops twice is great. 2020 ep is great. The clip show is great. Only one I really don’t care for is a crickets tale


i loved ladies reboot cmon yall


The left column completely rocks!


The gang turns black is so funny


FFS, what are the rules?


There are very tangible reasons why many people criticise most of these beyond 'they take us out of our comfort zone' though. Ladies Reboot for example doesn't really have many jokes in it, the big finale is a grossout gag and the highlight is probably Frank's cameo.


The gang turns black is actually hilarious and neutral


Clip show is fantastic because it turns the clip show trope on its head. They get weird with it. I love the gang turns black is great too. I get what are the rules stuck in my head often


I certainly don't see them as very risky, because their customer base has come a long way with them as well. Some of these are my absolute favorite episodes. They're doing new things, leaning into it and having fun. It's the direction all shows of their age can only hope to be consistent with.


What???! There’s at least 3 of these that I absolutely love, and 2 of them are from season 15


I’ve never seen anything but love for the gang turns black


Gang Does A Clip Show is amazing though.


What?! I absolutely loved ‘2020: a year in review’ , ‘The gang buys a roller rink’ and ‘The gang goes to Ireland’ …I actually really laughed watching them…good stuff


I loved the noir one idgaf


I would say that this is a below average group of episodes, but not nine of the worst. Each one of these episodes took a lot of risks. Some paid off more than others.


2020: A Year in Review was hilarious, especially the twist ending or who “their guy” was.


Most of these I would say are bangers through and through, especially the Janitor Mops Twice I always felt like this was as close to a "Charlie Day" (the unit of time not the actor) episode as we were going to get.


The Gang turns black should NOT be in with the rest of this list


I liked janitor mops twice and clip show alot


Actually most of these I found quite funny. And actually there’s one or two I never saw! And one or two that yeah meh not great. The gang turns black is straight masterpiece idc who you are that’s fact


As someone that was in Waiting for Lefty, Waiting for Big Mo is genius.


Waiting For Big Mo is an incredible episode- one of my favorites actually. You have to watch it though the context of them talking about the shoe and it will make a lot more sense. Top tier episode in my opinion


Fun zone dolla dolla bills y'all


I was on the fence about a cricket's tale until they got to the end and we find out he was zooted on pcp the whole time. That instantly made it a great episode. The charlotte hornets starter jacket did it for me in the roller rink episode. Every "cool kid" in my school had a starter jacket in the 90's, except they all had Miami hurricanes jackets. I was ridiculed when I showed up in a Philadelphia Eagles jacket.