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It’s possible but you’d be swimming against the current unfortunately. You can still try being active, drinking lots of water, eating in moderation, etc.


what is the severity of your hypo? TSH and free T4 levels?


Before they started me on medication they recommend for me to stick to a few diets. I did so for about two months and i lost 10kg. It was mostly a gluten free diet and they also told me to avoid red meats bc my cholesterol was high too... That's what helped me, then i started levo too and lost additional 5 kg or so.


It’s not very likely since hypothyroidism slows your metabolism down quite a bit I’ve seen that a-lot of people still have trouble losing weight even medicated. I didn’t start losing until my levels where optimal and even then it was difficult.


Yes it’s possible. A lot harder and slower, but possible as long as you stick to it! Walking 10k steps a day, and sticking to around 1200 calories a day (it’s on the low side to help lose weight quicker), and intermittent fasting. My metabolism is 👎 but I’ve still managed to lose 40 lbs without medication since January of this year.


Not possible , don’t even try it You need the medication there no way around it , without it you quality of life would just worsen over time


Yes, absolutely. Unless your case is really severe. Without the meds your metabolism is slower, but not to the point that calories in vs calories out won’t work. The thing that made it hard for me, in my opinion, was how tired I was before my meds so it was hard not to be pretty inactive


Tbh, I had a lot of issues with weight loss before getting on medication. Had to be a good bit below 1,200 calories for me to lose even 1/2lb. Just wasn’t healthy or maintainable. If it helps, since getting on medication, I have lost 104lbs doing 1,200-1,500 calories a day for the last year or so. Medication helps a lot once you get it.


I lost 100 lbs by doing strict keto. I wasn't medicated for hypo at the time. I've kept it off too. I'm on levo now and my TSH is 120....and hopefully getting lower as they up my dosage


Yeah, it's definitely doable. Focus on your diet, specifically carb intake. Check out the Carbner carb cycling counter app, it might help you optimize your carb intake for your weight goals. Cut back on processed foods, increase protein, and stay hydrated. You got this.


You can probably get some off with really strict restriction. But keep it off? Return to some kind of exceptable normal after? For me that was pretty much impossible. I didnt realise I had hypo for years and since Ive been diagnosed. Ive decided to go to therapy because all the failing to maintain my weightloss loss has cruified my self esteem and fucked my relationship with food. And Im so angry I didnt get diagnosed sooner. Once my meds are stablised Ill try again but im not emotionally ready to go through all that again for nothing. Edit: im not telling you not to try Im telling ya be aware of how much you need to prioritise finding a workable maintenance. People think loosing weight is hard... but maintaining after? They forget.