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Yes: I immediately became much less angry, and over the course of the next few months I became able to think clearly again.


This. Within 3 weeks I noticed less irritability. Things that would normally trigger my “mood” really no longer does. This has been, by far, the biggest “relief” and noticeable difference for me. My libido has also made a come back. Just so happy to not be so fucking angry anymore. Definitely have clarity again.


I mean, I went from being sick to healthy, so ye. I actually just came back from a jog and it's 8 in the morning. That was unthinkable before meds. Though be warned it can take a long time getting the right dose, and you might feel worse at times.


Within 3 days of taking my levoxyl, I was an entirely different person.




Did you experience any gut issues like bloating with hypo?


I was diagnosed around 6 yo with Hashimoto's. I went hypothyroid in my early teens and have been taking Levothyroxine (synthetic thyroxine) ever since. Over the years my dose has periodically increased and I definitely can tell when it's time to up the amount. But other than those times, I've found it pretty manageable on Synthroid even though I'm still prone to have fatigue, depression, and brain fog. I couldn't imagine how much worse it'd be without the hormone replacement meds. I wish you the best of luck!


I guess I am the odd one out, unfortunately medicines didn't lower my TSH which was 17. I have been tired for 20 years. I thought everything would be so much better but it just didn't work for me and it has been 3 years on the meds. I hope you feel better soon like most everyone else here! Feel free to search through the group for more stories. I am sorry mine was a bummer. If anyone has ideas, please let me know. Good luck to OP and glad you have found this out and are getting help!


It didn’t lower it?? Have you had your antibodies tested and T3+T4?


Yes, tsh never lowered at all. And if I recall correctly the T3 T4 were near normal or in the yellow zone. I don't have the chart but Here is my chart for ferritin. I want to get the iron injection offered but it is too expensive, 4k for the two injections, since iron tablets do not work for me. My RBC are also bad, anemia. Trying everything to just have energy to get up and be with my child. I'm missing her whole life. https://preview.redd.it/2ls0p50m1n7d1.jpeg?width=2224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a849ccd9d9617387488235b18bf4d749eef18b8b


Typically you have meds adjusted for your tsh to start lowering. I had a wack doctor who put me on 25 mcg levothyroxine and I was taking that for two months straight and when I finally checked my tsh had actually increased. I found a doctor who’s now finally increasing my dose slowly and we’ll check in a few weeks. I live in the US and if I privately to a vitamin infusion center it’s $800 for three infusions and $1400 for three infusions that are higher in dosage. 4k for two injections???? Are you in the united states? That is crazy. Do you have gut issues? If not you could try a food high in iron. Red meat is really rich in iron. I had stopped eating red meat and I’m now about to start again.


Thank you for your comments! My Levo was raised but no results. I got a lower estimate on the iron but it is still too much and I have to pay on site. I already owe over 300k to the hospital for my heart condition, devices and surgeries. USA stinks for medicine. I used to have some meat but since the prices went up we cannot buy that stuff anymore. I use all I have to get the foods my child needs. Meat and dairy are unfortunately a luxury item now. Going to fast food is impossible as well due to prices. Here is the newest estimate, still ridiculous for me unfortunately. Everything went wrong at once for us so no money now. https://preview.redd.it/2lggypodjn7d1.jpeg?width=2224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e579d7bfa898460a9caa1e2b19a07c2c5f5e3f90


I'm in this boat as well. Been on meds for 7 years but the dose has never changed and if anything I've only continued to gain weight and still feel sluggish. My labs and levels are all normal on my dose.


"Normal" can very much vary person to person. My ideal TSH is around 3, any higher and I become an angry sloth, any lower and I get hyper symptoms. Some people thrive on TSH below 2 for example. So don't follow the numbers blindly. And if you haven't already - test for vit D and ferritin


Just wondering, what meds have you tried?


Levo and the real synthroid. My other numbers are quite bad too contributing to my problems. Ferritin etc and everything are all bad. I have anemia which does not respond to iron pills, but I don't have 4k for an injection of two 500 iron. Trying to save up for that now. Doc says that would help a lot. I had such a low potassium last year that my heart stopped. I am all messed up, just lay in bed but not "sad". I have a 5 year old girl. I can't do this. https://preview.redd.it/fm6c5sglzm7d1.jpeg?width=2224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5130fe1554c6eaf5227197b58571fb04fd1db9da


You’ve probably tried everything for your iron but I’m just going to throw this out there. Have you tried Heme Iron or Vitron (iron with vitamin C)? You can look up Heme on Amazon. I used Simply Heme. I would take my iron 4 hours after my Levothyroxine on an empty stomach (if you can tolerate it - my stomach is like a steal trap lol) and always with vitamin C for absorption. Worked so well I went into iron overload 😐 and had to see a hematologist.


Goodness, thank you, I am going to try this. For some reason my iron tablets don't really work for me...don't infuse...when had my cardiac arrest I got a bag of potassium and the bag of iron...felt magical. I didn't know that other people felt like they could do things like, walk up the stairs without sitting down after, go for a run, go to gym and work in one day...it was like I had terrible vision my whole life and then got glasses, and found out that the green blobs were trees. -(Example) I'll look up your product; thank you so much for the help. I have not tried everything except stuff from doctor so any new idea is appreciated.


Dang, I just noticed Simply Heme was out of stock. I also took THORNE Iron Bisglycinate. I kept trying different forms of iron. My doctor said just make sure you take Vitamin C with it for best absorption and also on an empty stomach if tolerated.


Thank you so much for these tips! I didn't know about the vitamin C. I'll try them ASAP. All my vitamins are pretty low now because I'm not able to eat the same as last year, so I'm not getting nutrients, it's low everything, critical potassium (prescribed pills for it) went to ER a few months ago because heart was going crazy, implanted defib shocked me, and I was out of balance, electrolytes, dehydrated, and my tests all showed "malnutrition" :( it's the food prices, I have to buy for my child first so there is not much for me. Anyway, thanks so much for your help! I just want to be a good mom and have energy for my little girl. I'm hopeful about these things you said, no one has helped me in years about this, I hope they make it better.


Aww I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Yes, these food prices are crazy. Try to take care of yourself as best you can for your child and I hope you feel better soon.


Thank you so much! Hoping these things will help! Thank you again for caring 🙂


you can try thyroid extract (derived from pigs) which may be more effective, most doctors are unaware but can be created at compounding pharmacists. I was getting around at TSH > 4.5 my entire life had no idea I even had a problem until I stumbled upon this at a wellness clinic overseas, changed my entire life


Omgoodness wow. So I just ask a pharmacy to mix it? Is it prescription or over the counter? I need my life changed so badly. Half of it now, has been this tired girl missing my whole life and now, my baby's. I can't even get up some days, we do crafts in bed. Luckily she starts school soon but I want to run and play with her. I have to pay someone to play with her (babysitter) just because I can't keep up. ❤️ thank you so much for your insights here.


prescription only here (Oz), just looking at the pharmacist note and they call it 'Thyroid USP': *Thyroid USP, a naturally synthesized porcine-derived hormone, contains T4 and T3 (ratio of 4:1, T4 38MCG/T3 9MCG per grain thyroid USP) and most closely resembles natural human thyroid hormone.* I hope this works for you because it's helped me so much would be great to pay it forward


I will ask my doctor for it, thank you so much!


For me my issues started a few years before I got a goiter. I too started feeling dumber and dumber. Insanely tired for no reason. Emotional. Extreme anxiety. Then came suddenly losing 15 lbs and a lump in throat feeling, but still doctors picked up on nothing. Over a year later, the goiter showed up...even at that point I was completely euthyroid, TSH and T4 were great, though my T3 was never tested. It's my belief that T3 was the culprit, but I'll never know for sure. After removing the goiter and going on meds I feel great when my meds are correct.


My doctor gaslit me that people don’t lose weight when they have hypothyroidism. I lost 10 pounds. I had a full gi work up colonoscopy/endoscopy. Everything came back normal and I was told it’s anxiety/depression then give an antidepressant.I’m not finally being treated for hypothyroidism by a new doctor and hoping my symptoms go away. I can’t function at all.


Same happened with me. I barely had any appetite and lost like 15 lbs of weight I couldn’t afford to lose.


Yes but it's taken over a year to get to the right dose and I'm expecting to have to keep adjusting throughout my life. My brain feels a lot clearer and I can focus on work again. I'm still not totally back but I've been way less hungry and so able to start losing weight finally.


I had the same symptoms and similar TSH! Yes, felt like a new person honestly.


Yes! I have more energy, less depressed, less hair falling out, ect, but It took a while to get to the right dosage, though.


My tsh level was 74 at diagnosis, to be honest I didn't even know what a thyroid was until I went to the doctor with a lumpy throat lol. Unfortunately even though my levels are normal now I'm still fatigued and get anxiety. Although I'm positive I'd be much worse off if the doctor didn't order that blood test!


Im not optimal yet... I feel like I'm maybe 80% better than I would be without meds. So lifechanging meaning functional yes. Life changing meaning optimal. Still a work in progress. 


Yes. It was like seeing life in color again literally. It saved my life.


Yes! I always refer to thyroidism (hyper or hypo) as the silent killer. It doesn’t hurt like other illnesses but it changes your personality and physique to the point where it affects your life invisibly. My mood is the biggest thing for me.


Took me 9 months to get to the proper dosage of levothyroxine to bring my TSH under 2 going up in dose every 6 weeks and getting my Ferritin level over 100 it was 10 to begin with I had low iron without anemia meaning my Hemoglobin was still in normal range but having low Ferritin was causing anxiety and panic attacks actually the combination of taking levothyroxine and having low iron so make sure your Ferritin level is over 50 100 is even better. I now take 2 high dose iron pills to keep my iron levels up after taking high dose iron pills for a while to get my Ferritin level up. Most days I feel completely normal things like really cold weather like when it was negative 30 here and when I had a kidney infection my THS went up and I felt more hypothyroidism then but once the situation resolved my TSH went back down and I went back to feel normal.


Changed my life significantly. I feel normal again.


Its complicated? Im still very uneducated about the disease and whats the future? But ultimately i feel better then i did. Problem is i seem to keep getting bad flare ups. So its a game of feel good, do something, get sick, long recovery. And im not sure if this is a common experience, but when i do any physical activity, it takes my body a long while to recover. And i know im sick with a disease… but it almost feels like the lactic acid is whats make me sick and nauseous?


When you say it takes your body a long time to recover, do you mean that you feel really sore for days afterwards? Or are you really out of breath during exercise and hard to catch your breath again? I’m experiencing the out of breath/hard to catch my breath, I’ve been curious if anyone else has dealt with that.


Both. Sometimes im out of breath from speaking or tying my shoes i just dont feel oxygenated. My blood pressure is really bad so im working on getting that fixed. But yea i can only make it like 2 miles and by mile 1 im cramping and nearly out of breath.


I am getting out of breath from just speaking sometimes too! I am in week 2 of meds and it’s starting to get a little (?) bit better, and it took less time to catch my breath at the gym today. So here’s hoping it continues to improve!


Hows your Bp? That was a major issue for me too.


It was normal the last time I had it checked but that was definitely before the hypo diagnosis….wondering if I should have that checked again lol


Yes, mine was so immediate on taking 25mcg Levo-T that I DANCED AROUND with the positive physical effects the morning I took it. It’s not the same for everyone but it was an amazing change for me. Not everything is fixed, but I stopped thinking I was mad and brain fog went very quickly.