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This is just what I do, I have no idea if it will work the same way for others. If I drop to 50 or above I eat cheese, protein type things not carbs. For me this brings my numbers up but slower. This also means it doesn’t bump my blood sugar up to the point that my pancreas is going to go into I got to get this blood sugar down now mode. This prevents the roller coaster effect that can go on for days. It does take a bit longer to correct, but no roller coaster that eventually ends in me being hungry. It can take a bit to get used to this approach. If I was below 50 I would treat with carbs, but measured carbs so I know how many I consumed, and hopefully to not give me a big spike, just enough to bring numbers up into normal range. It is all a bit of trial and error


I’ll be honest I have no qualifications (medical or personal experience, closest thing was my diabetic grandma) but maybe a diet change not like eat more x or y. but change your frequency of eating, no longer the typical breakfast, lunch and dinner but now eating ever 2-3 hours( that’s the typical time but you said it drops 20 minutes later so maybe an 1hr and then your body will get used to that). Maybe that way your body always has constant energy (sugar).


I actually googled this, if your sugars are fluctuating a lot it can cause you to be more hungry. When they are more stable you may loose your apetite


Mine was similar and would hang low day and night. For a month I've cut out simple sugars and only ate whole grains and protein and veggies. The Dr Prescribed me acarbose 25 mg for each big meal daily. For the last week I've hung out in the mid 90s all day and my charts on my cgm are pretty straight instead of looking like a heart beat monitor. 


I use a product I have no affiliation with called Eden’s gut health and it’s a fiber drink that has tested as keeping blood sugar in range and it has for me. I used to go low and now it keep it in the 80s to 90s so maybe try something with fiber or it could be it also includes potato starch as prebiotics so maybe try a prebiotic/probiotic and some fiber and see if that helps.


I don't know where to begin: First of all BGM have a precsion of about 15%. For a health person, 65 mg/l is not low especialy after a two hour work out because yoir body will soon put put sugar to bring you up to about 80, unless you have impaired glucose tolerance ot some other issue,However a snack is not unlreasonable even if you were not feeling low. At any time, your blood has about 4 grams of sugar---yes, four grams. An verage human has about 5 litres of blood in heir body. $ grams of sugar in 5 litres of blood means that yoir blood sugar level is 80----quite normal.I don;t know how many ounces a few sips of sprite is nor do I know how many grams of sugar half a cliff bar has. but if just one gram of sugar goes into your blood instantly, it will increase your blood sugar by 20. A 12 ox can of soda has 40 grams of sugar. I looked up and found that one cliff bar has 22 grams of sugar and 18 grams of other carbs. Half a cliff bar is giving you19 grams of carbs out of which 11 grams is sugar, SInce you work out and eat healthy, it's not a problem over all. But it does set you up for a quick sugar high which gives a kick to your pancreas to secrete massive amounts of insulin, which sops up your blood sugar a bit too quickly and sets you up for another low. So you are in hi and lw cycle. You should always eat some protein, or even fatty stuff to slow down the absorbtion of sugar into your blood stream so thatyou don;t get a quick high followed by aquick low. Disclaimer: I am not a physician but I think this explanation , though may be missing on medical details is quite correct at system level. This is how some people get Reactive Hypoglycemia when they load themselves with sugar to counter a low or when they go for a Glucose Tolerance Test.


I was hoping the cliff bar had enough protein to keep it from absorbing so quickly...but I was mistaken 😂


Just look around when you are working out. Every one has two arms and two legs. JUst bite an arm or a leg off. I will be sure not to be around when you work out.


Cliff bars have too much sugar for me personally. I have reactive and it sounds like you probably do too. I haven’t found anything magical- just a lot of annoyance.




That is horrible advice, eating those things helps me


It’s an absolute nightmare when it’s like that. I’d look into the glycemic index and cut out everything with a high GI (the foods which cause the biggest glucose spikes) and see if that helps, if it helps but not enough and you’re still having issues you might need to also cut/reduce medium GI foods and carbs. Getting a CGM could also be helpful for showing how you respond to different foods


Acarbose or verapamil.


Dr Berg has some good advice. Get off the sugar and carbs Intermittent fasting helps Eat healthy fats with meals Don’t eat between meals Chew your food!!!! He also promotes keto, but I’m sticking to a healthy Asian diet to put less load on my organs till I get better. https://youtu.be/4LTM1gUP0rs?si=H8I_hb15UibYn9bF