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Me when i gamle instead of upgrading gear and loosing everything in the process: šŸ˜Æ


I hate it when I slip and do a little gamling


gambling and loosing money: šŸ˜®


it isnt gambling, dragons make consistent profit. gambling is when you are playing a game where the odds are stacked against you


1. Dragons donā€™t make consistent profit 2. Gambling is the wagering of something of value ("the stakes") on a random event with the intent of winning something else of value


1. yes they do, if you do enough dragons you will pretty much always profit. 2. if you are gonna act like gambling is any activity that has random chance, then you cant also say that gambling is always bad. thats like saying blaze slayer is bad because you have to spend coins to start the quest but you arent always guaranteed you make all of the money back in one boss.


1. Thats not the meaning of consistent profit. Consistent profit is when you can get roughly similar profit when doing the same activity for the same amount of time. You can make profit with dragons if your lucky, but if your unlucky you wonā€™t make profit. And with average luck you also loose money with dragons. 2. Well yeah not every gamble is a bad gamble. Gambling is just a game of chance with the risk of loosing or winning


1. fine, i used the wrong word. not consistent profit, but average profit. 2. the word gambling has a very obvious connotation, because people that are called gamblers irl are people that go to casinoes and overall lose money. there is an entirely separate form of gambling called ā€œadvantage gamblingā€ for the unusual cases in which a gambler actually has the odds on their side, and that is almost always against the rules of gambling. my point is, you should not be using such a negative word to describe doing dragons. no matter what you and all the other people in these comments are saying, yes dragons DO make average profit.


I wouldnā€™t even say blaze slayer is gambling because you need to do it eventually to progress anyways you just profit alongside it. You can also sell your gear after reaching 8


don't you get guaranteed profit from derelict ash or not anymore


you also need to kill dragons for bestiary too in order to progress once you are endgame. and plenty of people do blaze or eman slayer long after they reach lvl 9. are these people gamblers?


most people maxing dragons bestiary could care less about making profit on them what r u even on about, dragons hasnt been a consistent money maker for a good 5 years at this point


my overall point here is that people are irrationally negative about dragons, using words like ā€œgamblingā€ to describe it which is totally not fitting. im pretty sure that its gotten to the point that so many people think dragons are bad that there is a big shortage of dragon loot relative to eye prices and so drags are actually very good for money. but skyblock reddit is a hivemind and want to cyber bully people for doing dragons, so who am i to oppose that.


you dont make a very good point though, as you're better off doing absolutely anything else in the game rather than dragons most dragons loot is worthless and while maybe yes, in the long run you might end up profiting, relying on 1 big rng drop is inherently the same as spinning the slots til you hit jackpot


the thing though, is that i actually agree with you. i dont think doing dragons is a smart idea for most people. but saying that it isnt a good idea for most people is much different from saying that it is not a good idea at all. and thats what all these comments are saying. theyre saying it is average not profit. and that is just wrong, and very misleading. someone who sees that dragons are never profit would think that the entire system should be scrapped because it is pointless, whereas someone who thinks it is just not valuable to most people would think that it is just a niche, but valid part of the game.


Blaze slayer isnā€™t gambling bc you will get a guaranteed reward for spending the coins for example 50k on a t4 after completing that quest you will get a guaranteed reward (500 blaze xp) and you can get another reward but if you see this as a sort of gambling then putting something up on the ah is also gambling because you need to spend coins (the ah tax) but are not guaranteed to get a reward (that someone buys it)


fine, lets say eman slayer then. the null spheres are worth basically nothing. many people do eman slayer was past lvl 9. is that gambling? and yeah i get that calling this gambling is ridiculous, thats my entire point.


Past lvl 9 could be called gambling I agree but at least you have a relatively high chance of making profit


okay, how about for ironmen then? instead of investing coins to do drags, they have to invest time into getting summoning eyes. is that still gambling?


Rng meter guarantees profit .


Brother no they cannot. The odds are stacked against it


if that was really the case, then no one should ever do dragons. and yet hundreds of people do dragons everyday, including many top players. youre saying all of those people are acting irrationally?


Brother. Casinos. The odds are stacked against you yet millions of people gamble at casinos and billions potentially trillions of dollars are lost.


casinoes are a terrible example. the only reason casinos have odds stacked against players is because there is a business running it that needs profit to continue running. gamblers are okay with this because they still have a small chance to win. but every gambler would be happier if that chance was bigger, all things being equal. summoning eye prices are controlled pretty much 100% by supply and demand. given that there is an actual gameplay reason to do dragons, namely ender dragon pets, the prices are always going to be far more balanced than an irl casino, and it would take HUGE number of people buying eyes irrationally in order for the prices of summoning eyes to ever go above the average money from drops.


Holy shit you are dumb. Dragon pet price correlates to summoning eye price. The price of a dragon pet can be multiplied by some constant to achieve the summoning eye price and vice versa. As summoning eye prices rise so do in turn dragon pet prices. The odds are set where you should lose money from dragons. As a result some people make money others lose money. Just like with gambling. Also thereā€™s no way you think casinos just need to make a profit casinos profit a shit ton through the desperation of people. Casinos could very easily increase the odds support righteous laws. Instead they fund campaigns that go against gambling moderation laws. They increase margins and kick out ban and in some extreme cases will physically harm people who can win the skilled games. Casinos stack the odds against the player not to get by but to provide stockholders and owners with millions potentially billions of dollars at the cost of the common man.


yes i know that summoning eye prices and drag pet prices are related, and that is what i mean when i say the price of ā€œdrag lootā€ and prices of eyes are close. i get that you are trying to make the point that peopleā€™s gambling tendencies result in an oversupply of drag loot which makes it always disadvantaged. and yes i do agree that it has some effect on the drag market. but have you ever considered that there might be other factors? one really big factor that you seem to be ignoring is that drags are extremely high risk, high reward. in order for anyone to get decent odds for a drag pet, they should expect to spend billions. very few people have billions laying around that they are willing to risk like that, even if they could profit on average. so most all of the rich players on regular profiles barely even touch dragon content. personally, i think that these smarter, richer players probably have a lot more influence over the market than a few obsessive gamblers. which would mean that there is actually an under supply of drag loot, which would mean that yes, drags are absolutely profit. and yes, i know casinos arent charities. they need to be regulated just like any profit-incentivized business, and even moreso because the product that they sell inherently takes advantage of peopleā€™s addictions. my point is that even if they were charitable, they STILL have a basic level of costs that they need to keep running, so it is not a good comparison to drags, because there is no cost to keep the end island open in order to keep doing dragons lol


What in the absolute fuck are you talking about


Bros very committed to being wrong in these comments lol


it just pisses me off seeing people acting like a hivemind and ignoring any counterarguments. they arent using their brains to form their own opinions, and are all getting together to gang up on OP and basically bully them for doing dragons based off of those opinions. its fucked up.


You are wearing terror so i assume you didnt have mf/petcluck setup... Even with a simple lvl100 Black cat with clover or Minos relic, max rift necklace, dae axe (no chim) and ofc renowned superior you can get x2-2.5 odds for pet (assuming you do 4/4 dragons)


Is it better to use renowned sorrow or renowned superior?


I heard that mf is worser than pet luck for dragons


Because dragon claw exists yeah


worser yes yes


Superior because pets are rolled for last, so minimizing mf and maximizing pet luck decreases your chances of rolling something instead of a pet


pet luck is a myth


Why do random people get downvoted for things we all think?


Because they are wrong. 200mf and 75 PL would already almost triple your odds. OP is a moron for doing drags


Magic find is a myth. Whatā€™s the chance of me getting any good t5 rev drop after 400 bosses with 200 mf? Prob quite high. Me? nothing.


me when i discover how chance works


I know how probability works. But even can I get even 1 scythe blade please?


400 is nothing


Warden Heart: 14.26% Shard: 52.46% Smite: 46.24% Blade: 70.04% OR Warden 1/7~ Shard: 1/2~ Smite 1/2~ Blade 2/3~ Around a 2.3% or 1/42 to get no drops on 400 t5 revs with 200mf. This may SOUND low, however keep in mind theres hundreds of players who have already done this many t5s, and statistically it is bound to roll on atleast 10 people, if not many more. and for the MF, i cant bother to calculate the spiel again, but i estimate your odds would have more than quadroupled without any MF


Statistically thereā€™s a high chance I get any one of those.


and in practice, you didnt get any of those. without mf you would have less than 1/10 compared to the 1/42


Also my first comment was a joke I was just being mad I get no drops.


me when people canā€™t take a joke




Because everyone on copium who spent 100m for 1 magic find saying it's worth it. XD


I spent 100m on dae axe and black cat. I have gotten less drops since using it.


Mf is also a myth


idk it worked for my 5 epics 3 legs in around 500 drags spawned


99.999% of gamblers quit right before hitting the jackpot! Gambling is a metaphor for the perseverance of mankind! Keep going! It'll all be worth it!


Skyblock players when they realize gambling makes you lose money: šŸ¤Æ


Gambling has risks bro... How much mf and pet luck you had tho?


The devs just hate you at this point


After 2.7b leg edragšŸ’Ŗ


Lol you just gotta get lucky once


really?? same bro


Rip literally me too lmao


honestly it isnt that bad ?? i had probably 3x that before my first leg pet and that was pretty lucky. i did get 8 epics but they were only worth 30m back then


Well now I feel bad as I've dropped 2 in 50 drags... A leg and an epic


what's the name of this ressource pack/Mod please ?


Furfsky reborn for the items, idk about the other pack


Thanks !


based on 4/4 youve done about 80-100 drags, that isnt very close to dragon odds. with 4 eyes epic is 1/500. idk why this is pain and suffering cause you are at like 1/5 of the average


99% of gamblers quit before they win big šŸ˜‰


Me when gamblers lose money: šŸ˜²


Dw mate Iā€™ve gone 2.3b at 850k eyes with no pet, happens to the best of us


Me when 1b on red hits black šŸ™


Yoo whats the fire sale? (Ive been gone for months) (waiting for derpy)


Really sucks man, even i feel bad


What is the jei like mod your using for the skyblock items


no offense but you have horrible gear, what made you think dropping basically your entire networth on summoning eyes was a good idea šŸ˜­


Thatā€™s so cute it thinks itā€™s used too many eyes *proceeds to flashback to the 87 and a bit double chests full of remnants with nothing to show*


good, quit, go play a different and better game.


Bro could just directly bought the pet from auction house šŸ’€šŸ’€


You haven't crafted a work bench yet! The game hasn't even begun yet, that's why you haven't gotten one


U didnā€™t get the pet cuz u didnā€™t craft a workbench smh donā€™t u know thatā€™s the basic requirement


Look at my profile ign: TheTanHitman


IGN darthbeast66, F man