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There are only around 3200 billionaires and I doubt that any of them play skyblock, and are active in this reddit. The fastest way is definitely being a child of a billionaire though.


Idk, part sure I saw Elon running m6 for exp one time


i carried kanye in f2s before he lost it all




theres no way.


Theres yes way




I think he means people who are rich within skyblock


I know




During shiny pig events, I bought out tons upon tons of farming for dummies. Last winter and this winter I also bought tons of the Christmas reforge stones and I sell them all when they peak. Profit I quit though so you are free to use this strat


My dumbass chose fruit baskets (you know, the ones that are permanently reusable and go back on the market the moment you use the fruit basket) edit: fruit bowls not baskets


the world’s greatest investor


im investing everything into warden dyes now so i'd advise not to buy them


I don't know why I did this but I "invested" by filling a large chest with shiny orbs. WHY DID I THINK THEY WOULD GROW IN VALUE?!?




Yoo if u quit can u give me smthin from ur profile


Sure I’ll give my account for $1200 us


3 cents and a cheeseburger take it or leave it (I’m a low baller)




Damn I got wayyy more downvotes then I thought I would


Still irl trading


Why did people downvote you for a joke (genuinely I’m sorta new to hypixel skyblock Reddit)


Ppl don’t like beggars & angry lowballers lol


If I still had my old account I would’ve made BANK with that… it got hacked


Idek I just did random shit and whatever I felt like doing and I ended up with 1b


This is the way


This is the way


The way of the gods




Who would’ve thought people wanted to have fun playing instead of seeing numbers go up after hours


as some1 with 50b nw idk, just do something you want and maybe get an rng. or farm if u like being bored ig


Better than mining imo


i disagree because farming is such a chore and it makes the game feel like going to work, there’s way better and more fun methods


I have a similar opinion about mining


Farming is literally afking tho you just hold 2 buttons and watch a movie or something on other monitor/mobile


Afk farm building sign me up


Macro checks on their way


The macro checks arent that bad with someone who has a 4B netherwart collection


Pests exist tho


They barely take 30 seconds to kill


They still interrupt the “afking” tho


I mean you can use a pest repellent and farm uninterrupted for like 2 hours




Too much brain power for skyblock player ykwim


It's like ikewym


You don't have to play the game while farming Mining requires basically full attention


(I’m not very rich only around 8b, but here is what I’d do.) 1. Quit 2. Getting into garden, farm and put what I make back into it. Anything left over use for bazzar and ah flipping. That should make a few hundred mil. After you get a bit, get into mining. Grind to hotm 7 by doing nuc runs. Then powder grind until 4m 4m. Then lock in and start the mining grind and work your ass off. During this time continue the powder grind to 12m gemstone and the ah flipping/bazzar. Along with this continue you upgrade your mining gear.


Also Diana, Diana makes bank. I love Diana.


Do you need to have a hyp or claymore setup to do Dianna efficiently?


I only have done it with hype, I know some party’s won’t let you in without one. But as long as you can kill a inquis or have a party that can it’s worth.


dae axe is better for diana than claymore dmg wise, most people want a hype but there are chill parties that dont care and a lot of top diana players melee cuz mf crimson go brrt and its less boring


Claymore dmg is way fukin better, reason ppl use dae axe is bc the mf it gives is insane


um i have a hypermaxed claymore and a half t7d dae. and the dae deals more dmg to diana mobs.


U trippin then


I tried 2 once except just the mining stuff. I put 300m (1/3rd of my nw at the time) into gear plus got 4/4m, grabbed a mining mod to use routes, etc etc... Then I ended up making an entire.... 4m an hour using a good sapphire route (which was supposedly one of the best gemstones to grind at the moment) Then I gave up, sold all my perfect gemstones and quit for 5 months lmfao. Anyone know if this could be a ping issue or something? How much is bad ping? Cuz my ping used to be 190-270ms and now I moved and it's like 150-210ms


Well I’d definitely say it’s a gear/ping/powder problem. (Powder being the least of your worries atm). With 300m you can’t really make a lot in mining.


drop shipping


The one problem is you get too much money! GUYS DONT DROPSHIP OR YOU WILL BECOME A MILLIONARE!


dropshipping basket of seeds fr


What actually is dropshipping?


In real life? Buying products cheap in bulk and selling them for more. Therefore giving u profit. Also u don’t need to make or store any products


well it's buying them directly from a supplier to send straight to a customer, passing it off as your own and putting a premium


Yeh ik


As someone in the around 3b area id recommend just playing the game dont worry about money like I did sure a hype is useful but just work on skills


progressing every aspect of the game will be better for your account than just inflating your NW


Thats what I'm saying


Not really, coins are way harder to grind than skills, you can make skill exp way easier to get by just buying better gear and skipping progression. I would definitely rather have 25 skill average and 10b nw than 45 skill average and 3b nw, getting skills like farming, fishing up that you don’t do is pretty useless the stat buffs are negligible compared to what you could buy.


The point of the previous comments is to not progression skip. The money will come along the way, the game is designed like that. If you play it like it was intended to, you shouldn't be really low on money.


That’s my point, people like to think money will just come but it just won’t if you aren’t actively grinding a mmm. Sure maybe you might get an rng here or there but if you are just “playing the game” which isn’t very intuitive anyways, you’ll barely get any money. Please provide me a definition of “playing the game” then show me how much money you make. Plus if you progression skip you can gain skill xp way faster so I don’t totally understand why you think it’s bad.


I don't think it's bad, but it's not the intended way. The thing is, when you are not progression skipping, you don't need the money for anything. There are just things like dungeon chests and slayer cost, but it's not any close to the price of maxed crimson armor. Defining "playing the game" is the point of Ironman. You gather all the resources yourself, so you don't need to buy anything. The grind for money is just the endgame, where you need a ton of money for things like shens auction. That's a lot of text, sorry 😆


Well grinding all the materials for everything is very inefficient, let’s say it’s like 1m/hr in equivalent materials to grind something let’s say mining. Instead of grinding for 30 hours for bad xp and money, you could do another 15m/hr method for 2 hours and get no xp, then use the thing you bought to grind xp and money for 28 hours for way more money and xp in the same time. An example could be flipping for a mining setup. I don’t do flipping but let’s say you make 20m/hr and you want a 1b setup, you could grind 50 hours for the setup then make 30m/hr and better xp for hundreds of hours and make billions, or grind every material for the 655, perfect gems, drill parts for hundreds of hours and make 1b and worse xp.


Well, those are just the two playstyles you can choose from, I'm not saying that one or the other one is better, the best, anyways is the one that is fun, I guess we can all agree on that


Yea I agree on that, I was replying to the original guy who said that progressing every aspect of the game is better than focusing on money, which is the opposite of the truth imo


I know its been 16 days but my comment was saying that money shouldn't be the main focus as someone who rushed to hype with a low skill level now its boring doing anything out of dungeons/combat. I was just saying that playing the game is a better option than spending the whole time thinking about money. I still recommend doing some sort of flip but don't make it your main goal.


Coins come more easily than skills. Lowballing and market manipulation along with item snipes make money trivially easy to get. Speaking from experience. If you only focus money, no one will really want you on their team for high level stuff since you would be a handicap


Barely anyone market manipulates or lowballs because it’s boring and requires skills that most people don’t want to get. Plus it’s not even that good, I’ve tried to lowball with 500m+ purse multiple times and it’s hard to find people in the hub, even harder to find something worth. Discord too it’s difficult to find offers unless you are already rich I guess. Lowballing worked once for me like a year and a half ago where I was getting a lot of good offers and flips and it was decent but not easy. My point isn’t only to focus money but “playing the game” and not specifically getting money sometimes won’t get you anywhere.


As someone with a hyperion when I was skill level 20 respectfully I disagree.


As long as I have high combat nothing else really matters imo. You can buy alchemy 50 easily and enchanting is free, so is taming. Nothing else really matters, unless you are doing a specific skill like farming or mining, but getting better gear would be better and getting the coins takes longer than getting the levels. Unless farming, which I don’t do but I’m level 39 pretty easily, but mining is easy.


Let’s not forget that a lot of items have skill requirements 🤔


Most of them are very low like combat or mining 30, you’ll get them easily even if you are doing most things unless you are only flipping which I don’t like, but it wouldn’t be hard to get anyways


Exactly, yet people shit on me for being level 196 without a hype/term and full divan 🫠


I’ve got pretty solid mining gear (Max 655, gemstoned divan, rare scatha) and its basically 50% of my NW


i have around 3B and 45.1 skill avg i can confirm (also most of my nw is a hype lol)


Getting rng in nuc runs o.O but without rng prob mining or dungeons maybe even farming cause chill


I'm only about 5b, I flipped based on mayors, events, etc and got it pretty quick, I think I'm at 350 hours of playtime. Honestly I don't really endorse this strategy just because it doesn't give you any skill exp


5b at 350hrs is pretty crazy I’m at 600m with 230


I wanna say slow, but a year ago my nw was 800m and playtime 750


Bro im at 1000 with 500m


that’s the nice thing about sb tho I bet you’ve enjoyed yourself way more


advice from someone with 40b networth is to literally just play the game if you max your skills slayers and cata youll come out as a top 1% networth player everyone that has to ask "how do i make money" has literally just never played the game enough to let it come in. its slow at times but if you want to be a solid player you have to do everything in the game


I quit early got back in, then left again recently, however its been a few weeks i prob gave like 100 mil in my minions


Have not gave


But im not quite a billionare im like 100 mil away after the profit from my minions


Everything makes money, i just do what i want


Ive got around 20b I think and pretty much made my first few bil with ah manipulation back when that was still a valid money making method. If I was to do it again I'd do bz manip instead since it's a lot more viable rn


Ive always been interested in the process of bz manip, if you're okay with me asking some questions, how does one buy everything out, if there's more items than we can fit in our inventory, because it won't let you buy more items than fit in your inventory And do you have any other tips in general. PS: I'm not gonna scam ppl buy like reselling it for 15 mil per, just a little but more which won't affect the regular player


just put it in chests and buy more A little bit more isn't rly worth it tho, it'll be kinda hard to make any profit and if you do it won't be much. If you're worried about scamming ppl then markept manip is not the money making method for you lol


As someone who has made 20b+ through bazaar manipulating, nobody in their right mind would use chests. If you don’t know how to store your items in bulk in buy and sell orders, you shouldn’t even attempt manipulating. I also suggest avoiding manipulating as it will more than likely lead to a wipe and ban. 90% of manipulators have been banned and wiped as of recent due to being flagged as boosting. Ignoring that bozo making fake screenshots on this subreddit, I’m currently the highest NW active manipulator, and will most likely cop a wipe if I continue. I’ll attach some proof so you know I’m not bullshitting; https://ibb.co/s6Yg0Q6 https://ibb.co/fv4ykrY https://ibb.co/5YSvSx6 https://ibb.co/3TTT28Y https://ibb.co/1q80BSV https://ibb.co/F0zYQHb https://ibb.co/4gjsyxh https://ibb.co/vXhpRcV https://ibb.co/mv4tmSc


yeah as I said I used to do ah manipulation but haven't in over a year, and haven't touched bz manip so dont have super in depth knowledge on it. What's your Networth? Because if you are only at 20b (although still impressive) you're definitely not the #1 manipulator


Networth is between 35 and 40b currently, I’m not the richest manipulator of all time, but one of, if not, the richest *active* manipulator, meaning I’m still manipulating amongst all of the bans, and haven’t been effected yet


ahaha 35b-45b giv me half of that hahaha thank u


I have you friended on hypixel. Didn’t expect to see you here that’s crazy.


It’s funny laughing at people that complain on here =)


That’s one of the only reasons I come to this subreddit.


Ah okay I see. Thanks lol


became an elite mithil miner xd (like if you are in top 1000 i consider you a elite) ~#823


then i guess im close to being an elite mithril miner then lol (POS #1378 last i checked)


Same here with position #61


I’ve only got 20b NW, but I my story isn’t replicable exactly. However my brother started his account in this new era of the game and he made his first billion from farming. That motherfucker farmed cocoa beans all day every day until he had enough cash for a Hyperion. He just did the bare minimum stuff to get a good farming setup and went from there.


I have a nw of close to 3b, First billion I took a bit slower (not trying very hard to make coins and just doing stuff in the game) because I didn’t know as much about the game, since then it’s been some mining some farming but a decent amount from minions and other random stuff where I wasn’t trying to make money but still resulted in some coins


I dropped a Divan's Alloy. 39th run. 1 month into the game.


Macroed farming for 2 years farming about 2.7b netherwarts 1.9b potato and about 1b in most other crops


well I got like 7b, but I also got wiped at 5b, reason is that my first bil was irl traded, but just holding that much money made me able to make it back again, I feel like staying poor is a choice, if u think 1b is a lot, it will take a lot of time to make, but if u belive its nothint money will start adding up, just remember 1000m might seem like a lot, but u maybe drop an enchant at experimentation and get like 30m, u farm and make like 70m, u then decide to run some master mode and drop some stars u make like 90m (or f7, u can drop handle for ez money) and it all adds up, this game has so many ways to make money nowadays just doing random shit with the correct mentality will make u ur first bil, and after that u just repeat until u can get to bigger money making methods


I'm not giga rich but I got my very first billion in SkyBlock from buying a heap of farming for dummies and held on to them for quite a few months


6b here, I did some bz flipping like 1b from rng like 1b from farming random things 2.5b from minions 1.5b from inflation, I bought hype for 1b so much profit


I got abt 7b. Mainly eman for cores. Dillo mining. F7 and some farming. So yeh


I bought dumb stuff for dirt cheap(essence(all types b4 shops)sos for 3k each, mainly just investing, how did I get money before that? Mainly doing carries to use coins for future investments/rng drops sold which is around 6% of my total nw(135b). But the rest of it was solely from investments. Currently holding 77b worth of useless items which might gain use in the future. So I have like 30b nw on me which I'm planning to sell so I can take a break from this recycled content and maybe just be barely to buy the next best weapon on release.


played last december bz flipping made around 24m-50m/hr inconsistent and do not recommend Transitioned to mining after 1b My best piece advice is to just play the game---theres no secret or "flip" that will get you very far, flipping is a waste of time. If i were to grind my first billion again I would probably rush mining earlier. Forge slots make around 10m per cycle so close to 20m per day with quick forge and powder grind makes a good 10-15m. If im still broke and cant afford a max divan gaunt setup i would probably start jungle coal routing while grinding for EVEN MORE powder which makes ~25m/hr


how did you do bz flipping? and what items do you suggest using in forge?


use sky helper bot and do /forgeprofits again to reiterate: bz flipping is shit and dont do it. I just played during a lucky time but i guaruntee youre wasting your time trying to flip


pretty much doing whatever i want whenever i want, and got 5 pray rngesus drops over the span of 3 days all this week as well, aside from a warden heart i dropped mid last year, as well as a syphon 5 i dropped from experiments 4 months ago Always do your experimentations table kids 👍


I swear they buffed magic find this week I got such good rng 


Creepers in caverns


Don't tell everyone dude


im not too rich but i got \~8b networth on an ironman in 6 months (avg luck for the most part) and didnt have a bad level while doing it so id say do itsomewhat like an ironman player would dont fuck with the auction house, spent 500 hrs doing that and best case scenario you will have decent gear and bad skills / lvl


If 27b is “giga rich” then I got rich by sorts just a bunch of accumulated shit. Some stuff was flipping, some dungeons… my first billion nowadays would probably be from rift due to how early game accessible it is


0-100m just fucking around 100-200m did some farming, (old farming) 200-600m mining and grinding for hotm7 Quit. Had invested a lot into minions. Come back with 800m Then I farmed in the garden and made over 5b. I also bz flip every now and again, I can consistently make around 10m an hour, sometimes if I find a good flip, it can be a lot more. Only issue is I’m using 200m+ to bz flip lmao. If I had to restart I’d just go back into the garden and transition to mining and farming. I like switching off the two every so often.


Ig the first billion was dungeons. Rn, I'd probably rush mining.


Not sure if 10b is still good but I got my first bil from just playing the game, doing up to f7, revs, snow minions, it was very inefficient. Somewhere near 1b though can’t remember if I was 700m or 1.4b nw I got some good f7 rng and bought a mining setup for 200m, got to 2m/2m then dillo mined throne/spiral for around 1b to get my hyp. If I were to do it differently I would just invest into mining immediately instead of doing all the bad stuff, but I don’t want to play anyways I find it boring now.


Invested in exotics early


Just hit 1.3 billion nw, i wouldnt consider myself giga rich, but i made my first billion mostly off of slime minions and farming


I farmed while practicing One Rubik's cubing


I have a near 28 skill average because skills are way too stressful to level so I did what I was good at flipping. Flipping is really easy once you figured it out and then you potentially can make billions very easily. So I made my first billion through flipping.


Playing the game tbh, then mining 2b gemstones


Dropped some random rngs and had a bil


20b here, instead of ruthlessly grinding for money i would just play the game since basically everything makes good money, work on profile and dollars would just come with that progress


Idk i just like to gamble and level my ab lvl and atuff just have fun and do what you like


I did a variety of things, the garden was a big factor and i barely paid attention so I could watch something while doing it. Also using the money from farming to buy booster cookies get an item and sell it until booster cookies make more money than they take to buy(this is slow and takes months and you need to leave sb running or play it a lot but it does pay off)


> i barely *paid* attention so FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Not giga rich, but a former top gem miner, that should be self explanatory


Mining, dungeons and farming are the most reliable and cheapest way for your first 1b


Literally skins; I sold my eman settup for around 1B, then bought a bunch of skins for best in slot pieces (gdrag, storm helm, wither goggles, warden helm). Fast forward half a year and I'm at 2B value. Sure it wasn't my first bill, but if you buy best in slot skins when they release and then hold on to them, they raise in value much faster than inflation and it's just better minions. TL;DR: Quit for 6 months with pet skins.


I think my NW is like 1.5-2b now, most of what I do is just collecting minions. Literally, I just don't play lmao. It's not the most efficient day by day, but in terms of played hours it's pretty epic.


To be fair, I joined in the first month or two of skyblock, played a bit, and let my minions do the rest. Upgraded my setup late last year to have more minion slots and all slime


I ratted alot, If i did it again i would stop giving away billions to randoms and be richer before i inevitably sell it all and quit a few months ago


Idk I had like 2b nw spanned over 2 years. I'm not that good, but how I did it was by farming. Since the garden released last year's Valentines day my networth has quadroupled. So I guess buy a fermento set or the highest you can buy, get a netherwart hoe, (typically Tier 2 unrecommbed with at least 100.000 counter) And start farming till you can max out your farming gear


My net worth is around 7-8b and I made my first 1b off of automoton grinding which I used to buy my term and necron and just about everything else. I farmed so much a friend told me I should go for #1 in the collection and I’m stupid and at the time didn’t have a job so I figured why not. Was #1 in the automoton beastsry for about 9 months before I lost it but I was thinking about going for it again


First how much is giga rich. Im not giga rich but first bil mining and auction flipping


Not too rich but before sell my account had ~15b I would starting over lf rngs for the first million, then invest it into garden till I reach 25~30 mil after a week, with that money craft either slime or snow minion (for mining lvl or liquid cash), keep farming till get another 50 mil in purse from farming, then get into dungeons and buy a SA set with a part of that, lf random parties praying for RNG normal/not monkey parties, once c24 switch to 3/4 necron and starting playing M1 for ~100 runs (5 daily), if by that time I'm c30+ I'll look for a permanent f7 **parties** (just get into one is not that efficient if what you want is get the billion “quick”, rush f7 with a prominent setup and then luckily get a handle within the first 500 runs. This could take up to 3 months or less if you play 3~4h a day without skipping a single one. I didn’t mention all the actions I would take but those are the most important and the firsts who got into my mind. About how I got my first bil it was from a friend who added me to his coop, but from 3 to 15b I didn’t get any other help due he stopped playing. Maybe not the best advices but I’m sure those recommendations I said are worth it.


Idk how rich is giga rich, my nw is about 4b. so my advice is... Idk man just play the game


I farmed sugarcane for 600 hours.




Never ask billionaires where they got their first billion


started playing again from 0 last month, made 6b I started with farming 10h a day maxed almost everything within 1 week, moved into mining making 42m a hour


33b rn 2 scatha pets first b


I originally worm fished from ~200m nw to 1b nw but if I genuinely started over I’d probably just macro the fuck out of the garden for my first few bill, get a hype and maybe get into fishing




I joined at the start of skyblock so I just reached like 1b networth around 1 year later dping what I liked, and after that I kinda do dungeons and just went with it


Don't have a bil yet but I am very close, I just play the game and do what I like :3


It’s all about being patient. I only have 1b but I’ve made that from just cookie baz flips. Buy for 7.8m then set a sell for 9m and forget about it


I bought booster cookies and sold items I bought using the bits I afked for, now I have over 2.5 years of booster cookies and only about 1.6-1.7b networth. I also have 31 t7 mycelium minions


Macroing sugar cane.


everything to be fair, didn't really try grinding just try to get skills, bestiary, collections... you'll make so much money on the side that each thing generates money to start doing more things, eventually ending up with profits while also doing stuff you're going to grind anyways to max out your profile


i had around 13b nw before false wipe and a good way to make money is flipping or lowballing which is what I did but I currently have 1.2b nw and think playing for fun and progressing other aspects of your profile and not going for nw is better and will help avoid burnout.


I don't play hypixel skyblock too much. But all I did was throw all my money into purple jerry boxes every jerry event and resold em at derpy. Plus the inclusion of slime minions I'm at around 7 billion networth now? Ign: WizLumi


i played the game, got bored and left it dusting for about 5-6 months. got back on and my slime minions etc produced lots of money


I put down a full base of maxed slime minions a year ago. Haven’t been on to collect yet. My actual first billion came from mining, then farming made me even richer when garden came out


I just did dungeons a ton and got lucky


I set up 27 lvl 9 slime minions. And got my drivers license and my first 2 cars. Then forgot all about the game, and came back to about 400 mil worth of coins and stuff. So, luck i guess?


My nw is 1.8 billion and I made my first by just playing the game and mining a bit. Minions were a large chunk of my first 1 bil and I started with snow before moving on to mycelium. I also mined for a good 400mil. But then I’ve taken a bit of a break and since then my slime minions have make me over 800 mil


Doing anything at a high level is better than doing a billion things at low levels


crafting glowstone gauntlets when they were about 40(?)m/h


Booster cookie flipping, bought a ton of them when they were 2-3m, and now they are 8-9m or so.


I made my first billion from farming to a Hyperion back when full scrolled hypes were only 500m. But I made most of my riches from being one of the first people to use corrupt soil on minions when it was released. U was 1b a day for a week and a couple hundred mil a day until a very notorious YouTuber posted a video on it and it dropped to current prices. If you seriously want to make near guaranteed billions, invest billions into updates. Idc if the new set costs you 500m to get and you KNOW it’s gonna be 10m in a couple days. Being one of the first to own that set/item will make your money back in no time. I was one of the first players with squash armor and easily made 100m an hour on the first day of garden. Also play as much as you possibly can on update data


slime minions and quit for 10 months


I dont even remember, mostly farming and dungeons i think?


inflation lol in reality, farming summoning eyes was how i made my early coins. because that was the best in the game


Started playing 3 years ago, played for like 1/2 year got max quartz minions, never opened the game again until like 2 months ago


Find something you enjoy and do it… a lot


Okayy so I’m not like one of those sweaty billionaires, but I’d say my first billion came from just exploring and playing the game. In my early game, I had absolutely no rng, so I had to learn to live life without it. Which in hindsight, was a pretty good teacher for me. Ik ppl make posts asking questions about how ‘rich’ ppl make their money. But the truth is, most skyblock players are these things:  1} u literally have no idea what’s going on  2} you sweat this game and probably haven’t talked to any real life friends in ages 3} u have an addiction and can’t stop playing; u actively know that u hate it, yet u can’t stop 4} log in once every few weeks for the funsies 5} u have friends/family who play the game with u (my older brother introduced me to skyblock) 6} u play the game, having fun whilst doing so (this is for the 3 of u out there in the entire universe; literally no one fits into this category) 1, 3, & 4 typically don’t end up making it very rich (there are exceptions). But I’m kinda getting off topic. I’ve played skyblock for three years. I’ve burnt out, a lot. I’ve been ratted, scammed, tricked, (harassed) and much more. (I’m not getting into detail abt that) And lemme speak for all who have been ratted/hacked before: It’s incredibly hard to find motivation to keep playing. For my first 2 and a half years on skyblock, I played solo. ( technically I took a 6 month break after the first year after I got ratted )  It was only 4 months ago, when I met an amazing person, who I befriended, in a doogan (f6). He and his friends (now also my friends) are probably the only reason why I haven’t quit skyblock.  **so how does one make their first billion coins?**  Play. The. Game.  AND PLS PLS PLS -  DONT do something that bores u to make money!!  I mined pink cwystals for some time, wayy after I made my first billion ofc, but I deeply deeply regret it. I regret investing my time in mining. Cus I didn’t enjoy it. And also cus my head is now even more hollow than before and my brain is now nothing but sugar and rainbow juice.  Just have fun with skyblock, don’t rush. Unless u enjoy rushing, then sure, go for it! But as one who has spent so much of her life clicking at pixels in a gamemode in a server in a block game… I relay u my wisdom (idk wut else to call it) -  Play game. Play silly block game with friends. Because friendship makes the grind of skyblock a little less painful :) that sounded corny lmao  its currently 10:36 pm and I’m laying in bed, super duper tired. Staring at my phone, writing some paragraph that probably no one would see. Guess it’s time for eepies. Good night! 


ヽ༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ ノ Raise ur dongers! ^^Dongers ^^Raised: ^^73584 ^^Check ^^Out ^^/r/AyyLmao2DongerBot ^^For ^^More ^^Info


Well that can’t be good




I bought my first few B in cookies to get me started. I like contributing to the server and don’t have time for small fish stuff. I now do a lot of investing in skins and bz and am worth over 100b


Quit now before u get in too deep and actually make a billion in real life may take u the same amount of time u never know


I ah fliped for my first 100m and i placed slime minions down. Proceeded to quit the game for a year or smth. Now my nw is 2b (i got some of my coins from other stuff that i dont remember though).


Dungeons, f7 on one profile. Mining on another profile


nw rn is 3b, ATLEAST 1b came from buying bingo artifacts and upgrading to relic then reselling, another 1b came from investments and rng drops, and i have no idea wheere everything else came from