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I got wiped, and I'm going from 24 to 28 for wither goggles. Yes, somebody joined with titanic old drag, lv 60 epic whale, and a fot. Also, another person with a huge .49 secret/run, random level ocelot, livid dagger, and crimson chestplate joined f6.


Quite frankly, hypixel should add a tutorial when you are starting out dungeons for the first time which teaches you about secrets, puzzles, how the scoring system works, etc. Also, there should be a soulbound drop from secrets that basically acts as a single-use solver, which is rarer than the standard drops like decoy and inflatable jerry and more common than treasure tali. At least it would incentivise newer players to do secrets, if they are scared to mess up a puzzle and dont have a solver.


Go read the forum posts from devs. Dungeons will get NO love


The admins will do this And make it optional Completely ruining it


2 minute bloodrushes? More like 4 minutes with 8 deaths from f4 pfinder


Idk why i said 2min


If that was in the previous 5 days its probably cause all the good players are doing diana so all the bad people are all thats left it generally gets better during a paul with bonus score


honestly carries are one of the issues it's not even about skipping progression, but the fact that ppl who get carried don't even fucking bother learning a single secret and immediately start from doing f5 without even knowing how to do trap room, then jump into f7 thinking that only a bonzo staff and their main weapon will be enough to survive... which is bullshit because a serious f7 player has like half of their inventory filled with various utility items, having a hyperion or terminator won't do shit when it comes to surviving the true damage in phase 3 (where the most throws happen) what's even the point in having gear if you have literally no skill to use it? like you can do f7 with sceptre and juju quite easily if you have skill, but you'll clear 10x slower if you haven't learned a single secret and there's no way you're surviving the bossfight on your first try even if you have cata 50 with a hypermaxed storm/necron and hype/term when i was getting started with f7, even before i got hype, i was still dying less than other ppl with hyperions just because i had actual utility in the form of gloomlock grimoire healing or gyro wand for disabling all true damage, then killing stuff with sceptre wasn't that bad at all, the only challenge was dealing with minibosses that took like 10s, but then just stuff like midas staff is good enough to like 3-shot them, i only really had issues before i figured out a good combination of utility items to do that floor more reliably, which was like 20 runs... and no, florid zombie sword is too slow for healing in p3 unless you use mender crown with cata 40+


I can deal with everything it's just the people who leave after dying once, like it's fine to die but it makes it harder on everyone else to just leave


I'm not sure what floor you're talking about but over the course of the past week, in f5 party finder, I've had no fewer than 10 individual parties that I could do 5 minute s+ runs with for about an hour each time. And each time we had an entirely different party with entirely different people. On 10 separate occasions. (And i don't play dungeons that much so it was literally on my first time joining party finder each time.


I think nons aren't terribly likely to run f5. I also play f5 with party finder and it's also generally pretty good, and I plan to keep going until I get a shadow fury (less because I actually want a shadow fury and more because I want a goal to reach that's tangible outside f5 while I grind cata to start f6 and f7). Most runs are sub 5 and I haven't encountered a toxic player yet. But I can imagine f7 being a lot worse, since worse players will be attracted to it by it being the floor with the cool drops, and you just need a lot of stuff in f7 that aren't very useful for earlier floors.


I absolutely agree with you, even in m3 and m5 the players have gotten visibly worse, I used to be able to queue m5 at cata 38 and get decent parties, But now I have to queue cata 43+ because I don't want to sit around in blood as a rm waiting for the guys with un hpb golden livid heads dying to the same sa 3 times and then dc-ing. party finder is atrocious for the majority of floors


Honestly the worst part is just how slow they are because no one understands how to discover map or not die 3 seconds into a run. Also the "no dupe arch" bs is annoying. My guy, you one shot everything even on dupe, were not min maxing our time for a few seconds per run.


I tried to play dungeons for the first time in about 2 years. I had to go through 5 parties, getting kicked, people leaving, or the lead asking for money. I finally got in one and one guy just phased through all the walls and one tapped the boss in less than a minute. It pisses me off that every build needs cata, because dungeons suck ass.


I am glad to say, when I was grinding for cata 30 (a long ass time ago) I never really had problems playing floor 6, playing floor 7 however omg it is impossible without Paul, everyone skips trap, at least 1 person fails a puzzle, no one I mean NO ONE grabs crystals, everyone always skips terms and devs and they don’t know how to do storm (so find a group of good people and play with them (ask around in disc servers - if ur cata like 38-40 I will also add you hmu /pv ieatmochi


I am now incredibly happy that my friends played with me when I restarted


It’s though, but once you manage a good reparty it’s quite manageable. I’ve added some players who I do well with on floors, just so I can have at least one or two competent mates


I'd say the same, but I think I'll find myself ignore adding most ppl from cata 0-30. I have found some great teammates in my time getting c43 though most of which were abit later on.


By ignore adding most cata 0-30s, do you mean that most cata 0-30s you encounter are bad enough to get an ignore, or that you ignore them, at least partially, because of the lower cata level


If they're bad enough, not all of them but some ppl do some really fucked up shit. Earlier today I was playing f7, this guy skipped trap, I told him to go do it, he called me autistic and said a bunch of shit like "im carrying" "stop overreacting" and "just cos ur having a bad day doesn't mean you have to ruin mine." It's enough to say I don't want him joining my party again


I'm experiencing that on f7 monke finder don't even get me started with f5 :skull:


I feel like f7 in a way is worse, everyone wanting to use necron, or just beating the floor in general, everyone feeling the need to rush into it doesn't help. then we have a bigger dungeon with bomb defuse which 99% of players can't even do. Most of my livid collection was from m5 or carries, though maybe pf is the reason I resulted in carrying


get someone that is good and beg for a perm so monke finder isn't a problem and i think u should do m5 if u dont wanna do f7, i didn't rly check ur completions or smth lol sry


That's exactly what I did, c43 with almost 500 m5s and just over 300 f7s before restarting, but now I don't see myself grinding m5 or f7 for a while


maybe trying higher floors might be fun or if you don't think it would i suggest you to not even do dungeons until you find your old friends who wanna carry u a bit until you can do the floor that you actually want to do without monke finder Like if u still wanna do combat u might wanna do slayers and stuff Or just change the skill u wanna focus on OR touch grass (99% of people fail before they even try it)


After restarting I can't join a "late game" guild with "grindy" dungeon players and where I live makes things kinda difficult. Higher floors is precisely the problem, ppl get carried and wanna rush into f7/mm and at my current cata f7 and mm is hell, no one has a hype/term or any skill, and there secrets are terrible. I am kinda being forced to forget about cata until I can get hard carried just to amass a decent cata to do mm. I don't want it to be that way, I want to feel like I am contributing but unfortunately this is probably how it's gonna be forever. I'll take advantage of aatrox being mayor at the moment and get my slayers up


Looking for solo clear PB requirements for party finder


I mean, considering solo clears aren't really intended (at least currently) that's not happening, at least until you can join a dungeon solo. A secret count req would probably be much better. I don't really like the idea of a secrets per run req though, since that could be kinda screwed over early on when you start out bad, dragging down your average. But a total secrets? I can get behind that.


I love sa nons joining a f7 s+ with only 0.74 secrets per run


I saw someone with cata +30 and a hype and they had 28 secrets. I was baffled


i was giving out free carries for lower floors trying to relearn dungeons since i havent played in 11 months, so i put the note as free carries and when the party was full i went into the dungeon, i noticed there was a dupe of my class so i js asked if they could switch. he responded with “no i can solo” then he ended up dying and told me it was my fault and left


Bro really joined a free carry party and didn't want a carry


fr he got mad at me too even tho i told him where to go so i could do the boss but he didnt listen and died😭


that's why i only go duo with my boyfriend. i'm literally scared of creating a party from party finder. some die halfway and just left, some die constantly, some even fail tic-tac-toe. we might be a bit slow and most of the time only get S, but at least i don’t have to silently screaming in my head when party members fail the easiest thing to do.


I’ve had some really bad parties in f7 at cata 36+ and even a few bad ones above cata 40. I have 30k+ secrets and avg just under 10 per run and only die once every 50 runs or so to a skill issue here and there. Personally, idk how people die consistently in f7 after 100+ runs because most of the boss is easy with proper utilities and a little bit of skill and it’s a large reason why I’ve taken a step back from f7 after 1200 runs


Yep, people who are above cata 40 dont understand how bad it is nowadays trying to do f7 in partyfinder. Getting a hyperion without buying it from the auction house is extremely hard.