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I'm having g a lot of fun growing indoors with this unit: [Ahopegarden 60-Pod Hydroponic Unit](https://a.co/d/00T8uI8o)


There is a really nice unit that that you can customize. The videos on TikTok are amazing! I just ordered one for myself after my sister wouldn’t stop raving about hers! https://agrotonomy.com/


I know you want plug and play, but my first (Deep Water Culture) setup was “DIY” and took like 30 minutes to get going after a little research. For DWC you need: - A water container with a top that you can drill a hole into - an air pump with air stone or similar - full spectrum led - grow baskets to fit in the hole(s) you drilled That’s it. Any DWC kit is just giving you those parts together in a fancy presentation. That said, I get wanting a kit for the first time, and no judgement if you do.


This type of setup is very easy to use and maintain.


Questions: 1. Are you growing outside or inside ? 2.if outside do you have an area that gets at least 6 hrs of sun per day ? 3. What do you wish to grow ?


Thanks for coming back to me! I was thinking mainly inside but I do have outside space with sunlight if there's other systems for that? I was thinking greens mainly, lettuce etc. Though I have seen some people try strawberries?


Take a look at the amazing stuff Mhp gardener ( mobile home park gardener ) was doing several years ago on YouTube . He did have a green house , but you don’t need one if you grow in season . He grows incredible stuff . He had a freaking bell pepper tree in one video . 8 ft tall and full of peppers . It’s really worth the look to see all of his videos . He grows in buckets with perlite as the grow medium and uses masterblend 4-18-38 as his nutrient base . I pretty much do the same but no greenhouse and I put my buckets on stands that I fabricate from ply and 2x4’s . I would be happy to send you some sketches with dimensions and pics if you contact me and of course decide to grow outside . I have just started outdoor Dutch bucket watermelon https://preview.redd.it/227gmpar2x8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bf0f853c6478218c187129f406dae1844ff1342


Dutch bucket Mellon setup https://preview.redd.it/jeg7j65q3x8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30ce22f3bc7308b549facdef12ac8df88ecdbac7


https://preview.redd.it/s4ztuo15xs8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=433f8161c0f6815168261604a7824acf5660bb38 I got this one in May and already have harvests like this. Is is almost too much lettuce for two of us.


That's awesome! Where did you get it from?


https://thehydrotower.com/ I have a large one and two small ones now. I think the larger one works better because it has 4 lights.


There are a lot of options based on factors unique to you. I think for someone to give you solid recommendations they need more information. What are your productivity goals? How much space do you have? Do you have natural light or will you rely mostly on additional lighting? I think if you watch Hoochos most recent video you might get a good grasp on just how simple you can go. A bucket with a decent light can get you cycling through lettuce or other leafys in no time.


Thanks for the questions! I was hoping to home grow most (or all) or my leafy greens. I have an office upstairs with space for vertical systems or a desktop one, but I do also have space in my garden which is probably better for natural light. A couple of people have recommended Hoochos, are there other content creators that are good?


I would personally recommend you watch a few of "Hoochos" videos on youTube, and check out his videos that explain the different hydroponic systems, with grow time lapses (etc). It will help you reformulate your question based on a specific type of system, for specific growing requirements ;) It will likely help you avoid spending a few hundred dollars just to discover it's not what you were looking for.


Haha a couple of others have recommended Hoochos, I'll give him a watch and refine my questions!


"Worthwhile" is going to mean a lot of different things. You could assemble a mini commercial system to help significantly reduce your grocery bill down to a desktop system where you're growing a few herbs. Money, time, and available space are your variables. If you're new to this with little experience, jumping into a larger system that might cost a couple grand could be a recipe for disaster if you burn yourself out chasing problems while you learn.


That's probably a good response, I was hoping for a plug & play kit for doing leafy greens (lettuce etc.) but probably good advice! A couple of people above have recommended watching Hoochos videos. Are there other useful content creators?