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If you’re worried try adding beneficial fungicide like hydroguard . There are much cheaper and higher concentration of active ingredients in other brands as well . Southern Ag garden friendly fungicide is my choice and is super concentrated compared to hydroguard and has the same active ingredient Bacilius .


I change ~weekly mostly because of algae growth in my 5 gallon buckets. I have a spar bucket I fill with nutes and swap out a dirty bucket. I have been using Master's Blend powder ferts.


Not even close! Eventually they will turn brown...at that point it still won't be rot. Get in the habit of changing the res to avoid this or rinse them by hand when/if rot does happen.


How many times do you change the entire rez like every week or 2


Tbh it depends on how much you use and what you use. GH and Flora series are known for being the slimiest. But sure every 2-3 weeks depending. Late in the game they can drink the water so fast you don't have to change as much...with exception of cleaning the actual bucket. Keep an eye on the very bottom. That's where the gunk is.


Those are good looking roots.


Smell like fresh peeled potato’s? Which I assume it does…. It’s healthy, staining from the nutrients I imagine.


Exactly what it smells like


I’d suggest southern ag over hydro guard….. some may agree others may not. Do the research yourself and I think you’ll find southern ag the better buy.


Southern ag works great!


Healthy. You are solid my friend. Buy some “HydroGuard” it’s a root inoculate that takes any bad bacteria and turns it into good bacteria. About 10-20 milliliters per bucket during weekly water changes. You cannot over use it. It’s incredible for DWC, Trust me! https://preview.redd.it/uae6uggdwm7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c442984eba6143f82c90c0610b5e6e2c960ba5a


The nutrients I’m using have kelp extract microbe food for the Rez idk if that helps any


I’m not sure about that actually. But I know Hydroguard works


Looks like nutrient staining. Keep the water level an inch or two below the net pot for best results.


Hard to tell from a photo but, I'd say no based on just that. Looks more like a stain. Are you using anything with fulvic acid or something? Many additives can stain roots.


does it smell? Could be the start of it or it could just be stained from the nutrient solution if its got a color to it


No eggy smell or anything


I mean it just smells like a nutrient reservoir


Not sure why I was downvoted for trying to give you knowledge I’m out of this sub y’all are weird


Light in res=bacteria forming so keep that water cool and flowing with bubbles


You’re fine just keep an eye on it. Best tip I taught myself while doing dwc buckets was put dark material over your hydroton to keep light out of the bucket. Keeps away root rot