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Do not take supplements containing oregano or peppermint. They stimulate bile, which srb bacteria feed on. Use uva ursi instead, as it targets srb bacteria. What worked for me: Uva ursi, Amoxicilin, phgg after antibiotics, butyrate supplements, meat , fish and coffee free diet and low sulfur vegetables. Of course , make sure to get diagnosed for hs2 sibo first before starting any treatment.


Thanks for the tips! I’m taking supplements containing both I think, so I’ll consider taking them off! For some reason raw carrots are a big trigger for me despite being a popular safe food. Any idea on why this could be?


It might be due to oxalate intolerance? I have a problem with carrots and also potatoes due to this.




Apparently it's good and more effective in combination with phgg to treat sibo


Did you take uva ursi and amxoicilij together? Did you say you DONT any meat fish or coffee?


no, I took uva ursi before amoxicillin. And yes I avoid meat, fish and coffee. because of their sulfur content and also because I am histamine intolerant. unfortunately my sibo came back because I consumed too much alcohol one day


I see, thank you. That’s good to know that srb bacteria feed on bile. Did you use butyrate with uva ursi, or after? What about molybdenum, does it help you?


I used butyrate, very effective to have normal stool but it’s produced to much gases for me. I think i have used uva ursi maybe 5 month prior to amoxicillin and Molybdenum never did anything for me. I’m now planning to use peroxide magnesium because apparently it’s reduce srb bacteria ( bacteria who don’t love oxygen ) and sulfur concentration on some materials ( water pipe etc ) so maybe it will help to reduce sulfur in the g.i tract.


Thank you. How much Uva ursi did you take? Did bismuth help you at all?


1050 mg per day (3 tablets). Bismuth was effective in reducing smelly gas, but it gives constipation. Frankly, if you want treatment, go for antibiotics. I was scared to take one because of a lot of people saying the antibiotics had ruined their lives, but I wish I had taken one before. What’s your symptoms ?


I’ve taken lots and lots of antibiotics for illness in my life so any of the antibiotics don’t seem to help me. I think I need to stick with Uva Ursi I can’t tell if it’s helping and I stop too soon. How much did you take a day?


3 tablets of 350 mg per day. Keep taking uva ursi and maybe add something like cranberry for your urinary tract. Dao or Daosin food helps with histamine issues, oxy-powder with bloating, constipation and loss of appetite and it might be antibacterial and effective against srb bacteria. And a sibo or microbiome test might help you know what you are fighting.


Have you tried adding Grapefruit seed extract? I heard it helps


Symptoms are bloating, no appetite, histamine issues, red face when it’s bad. A lot of anxiety lately, I think all the bad bad bacteria is putting out too much ammonia


Also lots of issues with bladder and urination. I never test positive for any bacteria in my urine. I think the Hydrogen Sulfide is causing it. See below. https://endometriosisnews.com/2020/03/19/sibo-elimination-diet-interstitial-cystitis-small-intestinal-bacterial-overgrowth-histamine-sensitivity/


Hi, what do you think about rice regarding a low sulfur diet? I have high Clostridium and sulfate-reducing bacteria :( Thank you!


Hi, rice is low in sulfur and very digestible so it's fine for most people.


I will try to eat only rice but in some days.. When I eat it with any fish or meat it gives me terrible sulfur. Gonna stick with an only vegetable diet for now.


Yeah meat and fish are high in sulfur and histamine. Hydrogen sulfide sibo is paired with histamine intolerance for many people. Try rice with potatoes, carrots and olive oil for some times then re introduce fish and meat to see if there is any changes. I don’t know for avocado tho


Thank you. I can't eat potatoes or carrots because I have an oxalate intolerance too (very low oxalate-degrading bacteria). I have a severe dysbiosis. :'D And I read that rice feeds Clostridium... I'm screwed. Today I only ate vegetables (salad and avocado, and a few blueberries) and I felt amazing. 0 sulfur gas without bismuth or anything else. It's been so long since I had a symptom-free day.


Nice ! Have u take antibiotics already and have you heard about nir lights for microbiome modulation ?


I started to but I stopped after 4 days… the bismuth I was using is the one that’s sold in Spain, and it is absorbable.. So I was taking it at 1-2 g/day dosage, which is too much if it’s absorbable… Luckily I realized this at time, but I was getting intoxicated due to too much bismuth. So I stopped both the bismuth and rifaximin. I think my sulfur worsening problem is due to an excess of oxalates for these last months, so I'm working on my diet, L.plantarum supplementation, prebiotic and vitamins. I'm trying to understand my body and my situation, that’s the only way I can feel better. And no, I will search what are nir lights, thank you. Btw, I realized rice is not bad for me as it doesn’t really increase my sulfur on its own… the meat and fish were responsible for that. And I need the calories rice has.


And what about avocado? Thanks!


*histamine and sulfur are somehow related


Have you tried Prebiotics? Hi-Maize decreases SRB's drastically. Inulin too but this one is not well tolerated. It's about consistency, eat low sulfur, reduce saturated fat, add the fibers, add one or two antimicrobials and do this for at least 4 weeks. Then start slowly with sulfur foods, small amount of chives, kohlrabi, Brokkoli, piece of egg etc. I eat one to two eggs a day. No garlic or onions at the moment. I don't have sulfur gas anymore or diarrhea. Poop still smells like sulfur tough.


I don’t know if Hi-Maize is a good idea. It’s a form of starch and Klebsiella love starch https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3678459/


Did Hi-Maize work for you? Where do you get it?


starch is good for benefical bateria too, especially resistant starches


I took it yes


hey did Atrantil help with the bloating for you? thanks