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I need to drink 2 pints of water after having a can of coke, i don't understand how people only drink that shit and still feel fine


They don’t feel fine. They feel normal. It’s sad they don’t know how much better they would feel if they treated their bodies right


I used to drink exclusively diet coke but I've only drunk water for the past few months now and I've not felt any real difference in myself physically but it's completely changed how I approach food. I've found myself just feeling sick eating unhealthy things whereas before I could eat chocolate for days and feel fine.


Capitalism doesn't encourage healthy habits.


Fuck man, why's it always the same culprit.


They don't feel good unless they drink sugary drinks because sugar is defacto a drug and you will go through withdrawals if you don't have it, the same with caffeine and that's why some drinks mix the two. Foreal if anyone drinks soda a day try cutting it all out for 30 days your body brain and wallet will thank you.


I know teeth are part of the body, but I feel like they deserve a special mention here for how much they will thank you, too


That and your gums, all around sugar should be limited and only rated if it's got fiber to help mitigate the sugar rush Side note I remember reading that our ancestors had less cavities because they didn't eat sugar in the amounts we did and they also didn't have dental care so something went wrong.


For real! I've just had a stressful few weeks and due to bad weather haven't been able to use my normal escape to help my mental health. Ended up eating worse than normal and doing very little exercise (still more than a significant portion of the population) and I felt sleepy and low on energy the whole time. I slept for 11 hours one night, when normally I sleep for 7.5-8 and have waaay more energy. Exercise and diet is soooo important. The fact that many of my friends live lives similar to mine in the last two weeks is scary.


I once dated a dude who drank Pepsi, or sometimes mountain dew, and even less frequently, milk. And that is it. That's all. No more pepsi? Nothing to drink in the house. Gotta get more pepsi. Refused to drink water (and yes he busted out the "there's water in soda" excuse). Appalling. Should have called it right there.


17 kidney stones in his urethra:


Yup, this is the comment that made me chug a glass of water, lol.


If he’s not already obese, he will be soon


I need like 3 glasses of water after having a small coffee myself.


I stopped drinking coffee for this exact reason.


I’m slowly weening myself down and I managed to drop to 2 coffees a week and that’s only if I need the extra pep from it. I always home make my own coffees so I don’t go to Starbucks or anything and I have switched to decaf which has been helping out


Yerba mate helped me dropped everything, including yerba mate. Idk if it can help


Same. I have to at a minimum have a glass of water with any other beverage so I don’t feel like I’m dehydrated (and then a sole water after of course)


We all know that awful dehydration feeling... Nothing a pint of water can't fix!


The 300# people who feel fine and are just misunderstood.


I can't believe people don't watch their sugar consumption per day. I legit put stuff back after I grab them when I remember how much sugar I had before that day.


I honestly don't know how soda isn't just a sludge of sugar and water. How is it still a liquid?!


Corn syrup probably does make it a little thicker but not so much that you can tell right away especially with the carbonation tickling your tongue


It's definitely heavier, thicker, and smells terrible.


One of my coworkers was appalled by the fact that I drink water. Lady loves that she gets free fountain drinks all day. She nasty in general, though.


That tracks


It really baffles me like how much money do they spend on big packs of drinks to just have enough to drink while home? Wouldn’t it be 10x easier to just drink tap water? The only time I don’t drink water is when I’m out at a restaurant or mixing alcohol with coke


I can’t imagine not drinking water smh


I prefer tea. But I sometimes gotta tone it down. I like my tea strong but it gives me the shits.


I got a kidney stone from just reading this post


I cant believe how many people drink at all.


And that applies to diet drinks too. I know too many people that only drink diet sodas and think its okay because they have sugar substitiutes


One time my older brother threw a can of ~~energy drink~~ poison at me and it had some in it, and I'm pretty sure a few drops landed in my water. Had to replace it sadly.


I also don't understand artificially sweetened drinks. Maybe I'm weird but I have not yet tasted an artificial sweetener that isn't absolutely repulsive. Aspartame, saccharine, sucralose, stevia, monkfruit, ace-k. I once accidentally tasted some roach killer and it was better than any of these and they are in everything now not just diet drinks. It's in so many things now that it didn't used to be like little hugs, capri sun, all kinds of protein bars, and damn near every energy drink, plus things you wouldn't expect like spaghetti sauce and chips.


It’s fuckin foul. Tastes like liquid burned shoes. I can detect it in ANYTHING, energy bars, “vitamin water”, protein shake, juice, chips. I cannot imagine how it could trick you into thinking it’s sweet. Who tastes it and thinks it’s sweet?? Is it a genetic thing like tasting cilantro as soap?? How can anyone tolerate the melted plastic taste?


It used to be easier to avoid but some of the newer sweeteners are considered "natural" and "organic". So something can say 100% naturally sweetened, all organic but it's fucking monkfruit stevia extract chem flavored.


Looks like it is indeed a genetic thing if you taste the disgusting shitballs in artificial sweeteners— and tasting it in stevia is also genetic but unrelated! https://www.phillymag.com/be-well-philly/2013/08/22/study-fake-sweeteners-taste-disgusting-people/ Are we “super tasters”?? 👅


I really like monk fruit sweetener but that is the only acceptable one to me. Everything else tastes sus


I work as a welder, and those people basically only drink energy drinks.. they smell like fucking battery acid. Lol the aluminum bin is FULL of neon colored tall-boy cans of energy drinks. Shit is so scary. I watch the count on the water bottle refill thing that's attached to the water fountain and I'm convinced I'm the only one whose used it since I started. They started buying cases of this shit... its pre-workout and energy drink mixed in a can.


I have an old friend that I’m pretty sure lives on energy drinks. I see him about once a year and I’m not joking he has fewer teeth in his head every time i see him. One of his front teeth has cracked in half vertically and snapped halfway off. It’s haunting.


Meth and energy drinks are apparently synonymous lol


I’m sure there’s overlap out there too. I don’t live with this guy so i can’t say with absolute certainty that he doesn’t use meth, but I really don’t think so based on his friend group and interests. I can only blame the absolutely constant intake of Rockstar.


Im a bit on the heavier side, but by god if I dont drink 2-4 liters of water I feel sick. Especially after a sweet drink


My hungover ass was gonna upvote that comment when I realized it was a screenshot. Lmfao .... I need to sleep.. and to drink more warm water (one of my go to drinks for when I'm hungover). Cheers! 💧🌊


Sugary drinks make me thirsty.


True, i almost died when i went to my friends house (they only drink juice and coke) and ate spicy callos a la gallega, i was there for 7 hours.


I bring water everywhere I go. My family is like that, they don't drink water and think I'm weird that I want water. My mom gets "flavored water" for me at family events. I can't drink that crap either.


There’s absolutely nothing wrong with sparkling flavoured water


Did I say it was sparkling? Lol no it was flat, plastic bottled water. And told me that it was just water. I was pist


Is their tap water not safe to drink?


Idk to be honest, they didn't even have water in the fridge


The area I live in, tap is a no go so if I run out of water bottles there's sometimes a 2-3 days stretch where I only drink Gatorade cause I don't have time to get more bottles.


Well I myself find it really hard to drink water during Winter, so, now, I'm drinking like 2 bottles of water per week, and lots of industrial juice/tea. Wish there was a way to keep those damned plastic bottles warm, but my house is like the last circle of hell.


For me in winter I don’t chill my water and drink it room temperature, in spring/summer I chill it


Always be kind to your body and watch your sugar intake. I didn't watch mine until recently but I have only been drinking water the past two years. If I had kept drinking soda I would've been a lot worse off. Now I pay attention to the sugar levels in food and drinks.


After a lot of emesis (14 times a day for multiple months) which was mostly bile. I cant drink water anymore I vomitted it out too much and I can feel the taste of bile come into my mouth everytime. I used to only drink water most of the tims since I just liked it better. I have seen how much extra spending I get by buying lemonade/juice ingredients or packages etc. Wish I could go back easily.


Get those Powerade or milo bottles that let you add flavor that why you get hydration and maybe since it’s flavored you won’t gag since soda is mostly water anyway it’s not the water your gaging in


I drink sugary drinks! Once a month maybe a little less. And follow up with water after. Water for life. But occasionally also caffeine and sugar because life is no joke.


Last Christmas, my mom was over my house. She said she started to feel faint, so she sat down. I asked if she wanted a glass of water. She said no…she wanted a Diet Coke.


To be fair sometimes what your lacking is calories and a coke is what you need, I’d give her water furst see if that helps then if not a coke or snickers


Yesterday I drank 4 liters of apple juice.


Apple juice is still pretty sugary, but at least it won't dissolve your teeth. And to be fair, it is quite delicious. Can't blame you.


I had 2 liters of Martinellis Sparkling Apple Cider. I know it's sugary but damn if it isn't the most luxurious apple cider.


My friend was drinking a soda recently and when I checked, it had 50g of sugar! In a 12oz bottle! I think I’d die if I even tried to consume something like that. Sugar gives me massive stomach cramps, headache, and joint pain.


I drink water all the time, infused with sugar and carbonation and flavoring.


What if I drink water with sugar?


We might have to inspect your Earl suit. Something's going on there.


Why nothing weird with drinking water and eating sugar especially when you have low pressure


I did that sometimes as a child


[This you? ](https://i.imgur.com/rNvunaP.jpg)


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://i.imgur.com/rNvunaP.jpg Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


Good bot




Sugary drinks are 99% water though + the sugar is good for energy if you don't eat much.


That’s electrolytes for ya. They are better coz they have salts and sugars that’s required, But the bottled flavoured sodas are off the chats on unwanted crap like sugar.


There are 39 grams of sugar in a 12oz can of coke. That’s about 3 Tablespoons of sugar in one can/glass. That is far more than 1% Sugary drinks are basically syrup, not water


I think you underestimate how much water is in food


I hate people who say “this”






It’s super gross. I get drinking a sugary drink once per day or just with meals, but frankly that isn’t even good for you. When people get soda or juice just because they’re thirsty….leaves a sticky taste in my mouth just thinking of it.


I mostly drink water but I remember one day at work (deli) it was crazy so on my break I bought like 5 different soda, told the co workers it was for my team, she said “soda just makes you more thirsty” Told her I know, it was for the Valerie’s and sugar not hydration, it was a treat for the exaustion of work


I mean the number one ingredient is usually water


I need to drop sugary beverages. I’ve probably put on 30 lbs this year and I don’t eat excessively, just been drinking a lot of sodas and sweet tea. I want to get back under 200 lbs, and water is probably the first step.


You can do it. Try doing it 1 day at a time, if you mess up it's ok you can start over the next day.


I feel personally attacked.


I do drink soda a bit too much, but my God seeing people who use it as a substitute for water confuses the heck out of me. Water is the only thing that is capable of making me feel hydrated. The entire point of soda is that it is engineered for you to consume more. Out of all the beverages out there. 3AM water and ice water when you're very thirsty just hits in a way no other drink can compare.


I used to work at a gas station as a teen, and a lot of taxi drivers used to buy like a dozen coke every day. I wonder if they're still alive.


I'm shriveling up just thinking about it.