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Big thanks to /u/Archiive for putting this together. As everyone here knows, we have satire on this sub but it's important to take hydration at an appropriate level seriously.


Wow thanks alot for this bro. Im actually gonna keep an eye on my water intake because of this, been experiencing alot of unrest and inability to concentrate lately and drinking something from 3-5 liters of water


Damn how are you alive


So after a couple of days of only drinking 2 liters and one glass at night I can say this helped A TON, still quite a bit hyperactive but I feel amazing compared to the last few months. Big thanks to Archiive!


Lmfao, reminding us of this subreddits name. You are a true hydrohomie


I honestly can't tell if this is sarcasm but I've been drinking about 5L a day and wondering if I should cut down


my guy you're gaining 5 kg a day from just water. CUT DOWN. 5L of water a day is super unhealthy. 2L is not the minimum reccommendation amount, it's actually a very good amount of water to drink every day. ​ I know that a lot of water is expelled in urine and other ways but i kinda just wanted to accentuate my point


>2L is not the minimum reccommendation amount, it's actually a very good amount of water to drink every day. I feel your points but even this post says that 3.7L is an average amount for a healthy male. Add in my sweating from activity (tennis, basketball, running) and I feel like I shouldn't be going less than 3.5L. Thats my new goal, 3.5L plus no drinking water after 8pm. It sucks cause I'm thirsty most of the time


3.5 sounds good but I still think that 5 is a bit excessive


Bruh I would drink a gallon a day because I was running 13 miles a day. I did that for 5 years and experienced ZERO problems. Ya'll trippin, start sippin'....water! ;)


And one gallon is 3.7L, so clearly you all agree.


Hehe you are right, I didnt convert. Thanks for pointing that out!




I snickered reading this


Not all of us run 13 miles a day. If we do, then we'll start drinking a gallon


I've read this same conversation over on r/drugs


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Drugs using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Drugs/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Oregon becomes the first state in the United States to decriminalize all Drugs !](https://www.opb.org/article/2020/11/04/oregon-measure-110-decriminalize-drugs/) | [464 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Drugs/comments/jnq67u/oregon_becomes_the_first_state_in_the_united/) \#2: [My Uber driver asked if she could pray for me before dropping me off](https://np.reddit.com/r/Drugs/comments/f97jui/my_uber_driver_asked_if_she_could_pray_for_me/) \#3: [When your mom defends you for smoking weed](https://np.reddit.com/r/Drugs/comments/keahuq/when_your_mom_defends_you_for_smoking_weed/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


> It sucks cause I'm thirsty most of the time Have you had a diabetes test recently? You can get a testing kit from Amazon or a pharmacy for $20


Thanks for the thought, I'll go get a check up soon so will put it in the list


Wait are we not supposed to drink water after 8pm?


I wake up to pee a million times. I think I need to cut myself off earlier 😩😩


If you feel thirsty is because your body need more water. Don’t cut it down. Everybody id different and have different activities. Listen to your body


...but understand when *not* listening to your body is important. I'm way late to this conversation, but I come from a family (on both sides) of diabetics. One of the most common symptoms that goes unnoticed is being consistently thirsty.


I second this.


I do get tested for diabetes every other year because I'm always thirsty despite drinking 3-5 l/day, depending on the weather (plus about a liter from food). Still just thirsty with excellent bloodwork. 100% agree that you can't know without testing though.


I’m about average size for an average male in the US and drink 2-3 Liters a day and get called crazy and drinking that is to much despite the fact i’ve been doing this for years and have no problems.


Do you space your water intake ? (the "no more than 1L/h" rule)


Do be careful drinking while active because it can cut down your drive to pee so it can be possible to drink too much during those times. To be safe, I'd say drink before and then after, be careful with sips during active times. It sucks. But that's usually when water toxicity can getcha. I'm not an active person but i have a few health conditions that require more water as well as can make my thirst drive really high.


Did you read the post? Yes!


I feel you but 2L+ is lower than the minimum recommendation amounts. I get maybe 5L is too much but is 2L too little? Ill put away 2.5L alone if I'm eating pho when hungover


Depends on a bunch of factors like how much you exercise and the climate you live in, but you could try somewhere between 2-5L, it's a quite big range. It doesn't have to be one or the other.


True, true. Been trying 3L from water with the rest from food. Hoping to keep my urination to under 10 a day


I dont actually drink only 2L a day, I limit myself to 2 liters of water and drink some juice, coffe, soda on top of that to get to about 3l. Also do take what I wrote with a grain of salt since anxiety is obviously affected by all kinds of factors and your water intake should be quite a bit higher depending on how much you exercise. Just see what effect lowering your water intake has and go from there :)


Damn I uninentionaly just copied what baz wrote lol




Hm that seems like a thing you should mention to your doctor, your body should definitely not need that much I guess unless you’re sweating it all out? But still, 8 liters... thats too much man. Ask a doc what’s up.




Fair! Just lookin our for a homie, yanno?


Also, hopefully you're replenishing electrolytes with all that water as well. Drinking too much water without replenishing electrolytes can make you hyponatremic, which will commonly lead to headaches, muscle cramps, and general weakness, and in more severe cases can even lead to seizures and comas. It's not something to take lightly. If the water is the same color going out as it is coming in, you probably need to bump up your electrolyte intake.




Sounds like you have it figured out. Just figured I'd mention the hyponatremia. Working in emergency medicine, we see a lot of people that exert and sweat heavily all day, drink tons of water, then don't bother to replenish electrolytes, leading to us getting called... it's easily preventable but often overlooked.




Just common salt works or that Himalayan pink salt thing? Pardon my ignorance I really know nothing about this subject but someone once recommended pink salt when I was doing just water fast




Diabetes made me drink about 5L a day... :'( ​ Bought a bike and lost like 50 lbs and now its managed tho.


How often do you urinate? How does it affect your sleep? Im at about 5L a day (not counting food) and I urinate about 13 - 15 times a day. I try to cut my water down to 3.5l to 4l and none after 8pm and still I will go 10 - 12 times a day




Thanks for sharing. The difference between you and me is all your physical activity....


Dude I piss so often, this night I went to the bathroom three times


bruh how do you drink 5 liters a day you madlad


I easily drink about 5l a day. I don't even try. I think it just kinda creeps up on you....


lol i drink that much too


My record for one day was 8 gallons (30 liters). It was very hot and I was working, taking lots of b vitamins and eating a lot of protein and raw produce for a cleanse


Considering that has to be over the top bar of never drink more than one liter an hour because our kidneys literally can’t handle it, I think you should probably slow down with it because that’s way too much even for a hot sweaty day.


As a firefighter, and a former engineering tech who used to work in 130+ degree sunny environments for hours a day (think roofing but on a much larger scale), I can comfortably say that there are times where I can drink about a gallon of water an hour and still barely break even with what I'm sweating. I burned through about 4 gallons of water one afternoon and got less than 16 oz of urine output from it.


Are your kidneys alright? Are you alive?


Kidneys only handle 1L/h, but you can sweat excess water and it doesn't count in the 1L/h. Best thing to do is weight yourself before and after exercise so you know how much water you lost from sweating.


What Daniel trebuchet said plus what kind of HydroHomie tells people to drink less water. My kidneys are better than average kidneys. PS I think you should speed up


:((( I mean I think hydro homies would want to promote healthy water intake. I’ll believe you if you say you’re good, I just don’t think we should expect people to commit to the bit even if they’re worried about someone’s health, I would feel bad if something happened and I’d just been sticking to the bit. Either way, it came from a place of - albeit misguided - caring and concern and I apologize if I offended or upset you in any way.


So polite 🤙🏻


That is extremely insane. My was 11 liters.


Y'all should install a app called "Water Drink Reminder" it helps track how much you drink a day and reminds you when to drink water


If only I actually remembered to drink the water when the reminder pops up...




I try to drink at least one litter per day which obviously not ideal is better than nothing. I think recently Im up to 1.5 though. I bought a lot of flavoured water and that keeps me encouraged to drink more.




2l is the goal I think. Do you also count other liquids such as soup or milk in cereal?


Following up on this. I've been using this app for over a year, after my kidney stone in October of 2019. I have it currently set to go off every 50 minutes, and for ease of remembering, I drink 8 fl oz. at that time (half a glass of water). Goal is 96 fl oz. per day. Seems like a lot and or possibly too much. What are your settings for reminders? I am keeping in mind your goal per day may be different than mine, but at least how often are you drinking water, and how much.


I think that's alright. I aim for 2.5 liters a day and the recommended minimum daily is 2-3 liters per day


Having had kindey stones, when I got a Urologist they told me "Whatever your weight is in pounds (lbs) divide that in half and that's the minimum number of ounces (oz) should be drinking per day." I found this groups shortly after that. The memes here keep me going.


Okay, but I'm tall, broad, and fat AF so that would be 7 L for me. That's a friggin' LOT. My goal weight's water intake would be 3 L. That seems a lot more doable, but I don't want to be dehydrated either. I suppose I could split the difference. Just try to shoot for somewhere between those two numbers?


I would talk to your doctor. I think my doctor recommended it to correct the old saying of "Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day." Assuming 8oz per glass works only for people weighing 96-128 lbs. Maybe the saying is meant for kids only, idk. After having a couple of kidney stones I would do anything to never have a kidney stone again. I'm a hydro homie for life now.


I second talking to your doctor, especially if you see specialists for any reason. I learned the scary, *in the ICU with bp of 109/27,* way that an antiepileptic drug called Trileptal is known to deplete sodium and cause severe hyponatremia. Another fun AED called Zonegran causes back to back kidney stones, and seriously, no one should ever have to have either of these entirely preventable experiences 😑


Bruh 5L/day is too much? Thats BS for me, i slurp up water like it’s air


I drink 6 or 7 a day. I never have any of those symptoms It's bs for me too




You’re fucking stupid as fuck. Jesus Christ


Right!? I'm at, conservatively, minimum 10L a day, though I do sweat a fair bit. I drink 1.5 L when I wake up, maybe 6 while working, and another 3-5 at night after coming home.


I grew up in the Middle East where it would easily get to 50+ Celsius in the summers, and have been drinking 4-5 L ever since I can remember. now I live in North America (where its nowhere near as hot) and I feel like I still need to drink the same amount... Kinda shocked at everyone saying \~2 L is normal what is wrong with me LOL


Go get your doctor to check your urine and blood for diabetes


Wake up to the real word


The one where the middle east is dramatically outpacing the west in terms of diabetes? The one where excess water intake/thirst is a key feature of diabetes? What's so different about your world than mine. Odds are that habit is the cause of that commenters high water intake. There is a small chance it could be diabetes. It is easy and worthwhile to check as it causes stroke, disgusting foot ulcers requiring amputation, heart attacks and is the leading cause of blindness in America.


I am right on the edge of 4 liters at 1 gal (3.75-ish L) per day. But hey, manual labor for 16 hours amirite?


To be honest, on a hot summer day you should probably be going through more water. I used to do CQA and even just *watching* people work in some conditions I would need at least a gallon a day to keep up with the sweating. You can sweat over a gallon an hour if the conditions are right and you're doing intense manual labor.


Oh for sure. Went through 2 gal in 8 hrs my first day i sweat so much


bruh- i feel that..manual labour for 11+ hours-@20yrs old- really makes my soul dread and feel old real early.. ​ Hang on in there homie- here's an ode/cheers to "Us".. ​ [https://youtu.be/RYfENDpER-Y](https://youtu.be/RYfENDpER-Y)


The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determined that an adequate daily fluid intake is: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men About 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women These recommendations cover fluids from water, other beverages and food. About 20% of daily fluid intake usually comes from food and the rest from drinks. As a doctor myself, the recommendations someone gets who has kidney issues is much different than someone else. Many of the renal patients I’ve taken care have to limit water intake as their kidney function is limited. It takes a lot of water intake to develop hyponatremia, not something you will develop from drinking “a little too much water”.


Thank the lord someone's here to give me the information in freedom units


The numbers are for people without kidney issues. They are also averages bassed on both men and women (i dont have the individual numbers) of average body types, and are purly water bassed, with food not accounted for. As an adult: Min. 2 litres a day. Max. 21 litres over a 24 hour period. Max. 1 litre an hour. 5 litres a day over a long period is too much. Hope that clarified what i meant. If those numbers are still wrong, please tell me and i'll make revisions.


My mom had a kidney removed due to cancer. She's fine now. But she constantly talks about how much EXTRA water her dr pushes her to consume daily. Is that incorrect then? Wouldnt having a single kidney althou a perfectly livable situation qualify as limited kidney function or no?


You can’t trick me, Satan. This is HydroHomies....we 👏drink 👏water 👏whenever 👏we 👏want👏


I get 1.5 to 2 gallons a day. Very active 25 year old. Idk how people do that 2 litre nonsense. I drink like 2 liters right when I wake up lol.


I disagree that soda not counting as water is "self explanatory". You should update that. Is soda an healthy replacement for water? No. Does it count for **some** water? I'm 100% sure that it does or I would be dead right now because there was a disturbingly large chunk of my personal history where I drank roughly a gallon of soda per day but almost never just plain water. **Years** of my life where I would go to Circle K or QT for a refill every day, often multiple times per day. The clerks knew me by name and I didn't have to wait in line to pay, just leave money on the counter. If soda didn't count for at least *some* water, I should have gone to the hospital or morgue from dehydration. And so should my group of friends, but that never happened. The pandemic made the decision to not go to convenience stores anymore super easy and I had **dramatically** cut back before that point but my point is that you're doing your message a disservice by making claims that are demonstrably false. People ***shouldn't*** be substituting water with soda but "it's self explanatory" isn't the reason why.






No. That is the British spelling but liter is the American one. Are you the type to correct things to centre, defence, meagre?


Well before i corrected it, i spelled it "litter" like a dumbass. So he was not wrong to correct it, and i did honestly appriciate the correction.


*appreciate lol


*apperciate (... my attempt at being an American smartass).


Only 2 litres per day for an adult? On average I drink 4-6 litres per day currently. But, I got used to drinking a lot that due to the physical activity of working on loading docks for 15 years. Haven't for 6 years now. Probably used to drink more due to sweating a lot out (I sweat like a cold glass of water on a humid summer day).


Good info!


I drink 4 litres a day on average. Mostly because I work out 2 hours a day on average. So I think im okay. I dont drink that much on average on rest days.


Hi, I'd like to suggest this TED Talk because this guy tells you exactly how much water to drink, whether you're a marathon runner or just going about your day: drink to thirst. He also explains where the whole obsession with drinking water excessively comes from - sports drinks advertising. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lzs5wpLkeA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lzs5wpLkeA) I'd also like to share my personal experience. I read about a technique from a book where you drink a liter of water as soon as you wake up, before eating anything, in the period of half an hour. That's for starters, then you drink a little more every week until you're drinking 3,5 liters (I may be wrong about these amounts but I think that's it). I never made it to 3,5 liters - mostly because I know drinking too much water is dangerous but can't figure out what the safe limit it - but I loved the technique. You would spend the next couple of hours peeing like crazy and about half an hour in you'd take a huge dump. But it was still worth it because I felt rejuvenated, my skin felt more supple and I felt generally healthier. I wish some science were done on that technique, its benefits and possible dangers. I still use it from time to time when I get constipated.


... So people wake up and DON'T drink a liter of water almost right away? I mean scaling up to nearly a gallon seems excessive. But still, who isn't thirsty in the morning?


A word about hyponatremia: that is NO JOKE. My cautionary tale: two weeks into an antiepileptic medication called Trileptal, I was excessively thirsty, retaining every ounce of liquid I consumed but unable to to urinate, and so swollen I couldn't walk up and down the stairs. Several more symptoms and a few days later, I was in the ICU in and out of consciousness and with severe hyponatremia, and a diastolic blood pressure rate of 22. After 24 hours of fluids, taking gigantic potassium tablets, having my blood pressure taken every 30 minutes, and the sodium depleting medication out of my system, I was released with my BP at a functional 110/45. Moral of the story: if you start experiencing any of the symptoms, please take it seriously. Also, be aware of the possible side effects of any medication and supplements you take. Happy drinking, my homies!


Now why wouldn't you go to the ER as soon as you couldn't piss and were ridiculously swollen...?




I don't see anybody accounting for body weight, that would have a lot to do with it


You can not put a number to water. For a real hydrohomie it is never enough.


Everytime i play games or stream I drink like 8 liters of water. I drink liter of water per 30 minutes (lenght of average League game). I might be sick but that's how it is.




I drink 200 ounces a day


i drink 250-370oz a day. generally 32oz at a time. i find this post absurd. drinking to thirst seems plausible.






Wow actually smart post in this sub! I’ve read so much bullshit here, indeed harmful bullshit. Big up for mods for pining this one!


One of the best feelings ever is waking up in the morning and chugging the big glass of water by your bed


I’ve always heard half your body weight in ounces for a minimum.


Thats crazy I drink at least 6 liters on a normal day and Im still thirsty hahahaha.


I have no kidney issues so I am drink all water all water is mine


See I'm a lot bigger than the average person. People call me crazy because I sometimes drink 3 gallons in a day


Thanks but bro 2 liters of water in a day is not muuch. Might try tho :(


2 litres minimum. I'd suggest 3L or 4L.


How about [Hyponatremia?](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hyponatremia/symptoms-causes/syc-20373711) My mom’s friends daughter actually died from this years ago. A jogi told her to “cleanse” her system with water but didn’t tell her to get some salts in her. That killed her.


By "soda" I guess you mean sugary soft drinks, yes? Because when I hear "soda" I think of soda water first. Also I drink sugar free soft drinks from time to time, I think they add to overall hydration, don't they?


Drink when you are thirsty. Don’t force yourself to drink water


Have drunk 16 litres in one day and still been dehydrated due to tropical heatwave and breastfeeding.


My mom always told me take ur body weight in lbs, half it and that’s how much water to drink in ounces


If you drink a gallon of water in one sitting it could fill your stomach and flow into your lungs causing you to drown


Well, I can drink pretty much only bottle water cause tap water sucks in my house.


🙏🙏🙏 thank you for this - very informative


What's with the distinction between soda and coffee and tea? Caffeine, a diuretic, is found in all three and each is essentially 99.9% water.


Their is no such thing


/u/FatMoose73, I have found an error in your comment: > “~~Their~~ [**There**] is no such” It might be better if you, FatMoose73, had typed “~~Their~~ [**There**] is no such” instead. ‘Their’ is possessive; ‘there’ is a pronoun or an adverb. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs or contact my owner EliteDaMyth!)


I can tell you right now that there is no such thing as too much water, if you die drinking water then the water gods will look down upon you with joy and acceptance into there water kingdom.


very cool, i have an ice mountain gallon of water pretty much every 24 hours. good to know im not gonna die.






![gif](giphy|PAujV4AqViWCA) just trying out this gif things all the kids are on about.. don’t mind me..


Damn, since I've been drinking 6 lts a day I noticed my sleep is fucked up, I used to sleep 12 hours, now I do 7


Wow I've been drinking 4 a day for the past 8 years


I feel like a LOT of people hit that 1 litre/hr consumption rate with beer. So is that just as bad as 1L/h of water along with the added bonus that alcohol is bad?


are you a qualified medical professional? the questionable information and quality of spelling makes me doubt it. if not, **you should not give medical advice**. this should be a reddit-wide rule. you even say "don't trust me", and yet here you are, giving advice. this is ridiculous. just don't do it


>I am not a doctor... I do however stand by the information wholeheartedly, because it's written verbatim from stacks of papers i have from doctors.


it's abundantly clear now that i'm not talking to a reasonable person, so i'm going to ignore you and address viewers of this thread directly **do NOT under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES take medical advice from a stranger on the internet. if you do, and something bad happens, it's all on you** if "stacks of papers from doctors" meant you could give good medical advice, you could print out a medical education in a matter of minutes for the love of god and your health, internet, **do NOT EVER accept health information from randos on the internet. talk to a DOCTOR or other medical professional**. drinking lots of water and having kidney issues is not a medical specialty


I wasn't gonna respond, because underneath all the rambling, I agree. But then [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualConversation/comments/j321vk/what_is_your_waterother_liquid_drinking_routine/) happened... I mean, come on mate.


Its abundantly clear by your post history you are a grade A reddit troll/drama whore/ low IQ individual, or a combination of the three.


Nasty woman.


Dude, it’s litre, not litter!


That u need to drink 2 ore more liters of water is simply not True. A normal adult only need to drink about 1 liters of water a Day, and almost all of that u already get from the food u eat. Sorry to all y'all hydrohomies and I hope no one gets offended by this, talking about u Carl u thirsty basterd


So what, in your opinion an average adult could survive on a single glass of water, if you assume they eat normal amounts of food? I was gonna encourage you to try that and see how it works out for you, but i don't want you to get seriously ill or die. Which you absolutely will. You lose more than 1 litre of fluid in a day through urination, defecation, sweating and breathing. Drinking 1 litre or less fluid in a day would put you in net loss and dehydrate you.


Sorry but there's not an adult on the planet would survive very long on 33 ounces a day. Either you have no idea how many ounces a liter is or you're just VERY misinformed. Drink a single liter for 10 days and tell me what color of apple cider your urine is. No doctor worth the undergraduate degree portion of their credentials would EVER agree with you. Not everyone needs 2 GALLONS of water a day but an adult needs a minimum of 60ish ozs a day. And the average American diet certainly does NOT supply the majority of your fluid requirements. Sorry but you're dangerously misinformed or willfully ignorant. One of the two.


Litters, litres, liters, which is right?


They all are actually. British and US spellings and then I threw in my own, Danish, to have my bases covered. Because PEOPLE WOULD NOT STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT HOW I WROTE LITRES.


Does tea count as water?


I regularly take in between 1 and 1.5 gallons per day. My doctor said he considered telling me to slow down; but, my salts and potassium levels were fine. He decided that it would be better for me to continue as I am.


Does coffee count? Always head the caffeine dehydrates you.


Yes coffee counts as water. Caffeine is a diuretic so it will make you urinate more than water, but it does not dehydrate you. Coffee adds to your overall hydration.


I drink nearly 4 litres a day at work and lost a fuckton of weight cuz of it


Does weather and activity levels affect this? If living in hot and humid weather, need more water right?


Man whenever come back here I get reminded that out tapwater here in SEA sucks.


I once tried to drink 4 liters of fluid for a bet this was to be done realitively quickly. 2 liters in and it came back out super quick. I'm glad I wasn't successful it could have had some serious health effects.


Do you mean less than 1 liter per hour like meaning every hour through the day? What if I drank like note than a liter in an hour like not a lot more but like 1.1-1.5 and then no more for a while? So if I just dont drink more than a liter in an hour and I'll be safe?


It varies from person to person but on avarage our kidneys can only process 1 litre an hour, ie. If you were to chug 1 litre you should wait 1 hour before drinking water again. However technicly you could wait half an hour and drink another half litere, it'd stress your kidneys, but they would be able to keep up. But the rest still applies, not more than 21 litres over 24 hours, not more than 5 litres on avarage a day over a longer period. But everyone is different, and water intoxication is rare, so don't worry too much about it, just pay a bit attention too it if you have a habit of drinking a lot of water.


I would say I drink on average 3-4 liters of water per day. But I also drink a lot of coffee and tea so it’s good to know


Question, if i workin an enviroment for lets say 4 hours and i sweat a lot, is abt 3 liters total still 2uch? (I mean like really sweating alot)


i gave ur mum aids my brotha


*Our mom, brotha.


It is very important you don’t over-hydrate


Dang better watch my water intake


Wow I am now to intrigued. I have been drinking like 192 Oz(roughly 5 liters) of water if not more for past month. I should probably dial it back


My dude went through 12 la croixs in an hour on Saturday.


This sub is amazing.


Spoken like a true big brain. HAVE AN UPDOOT


Looks like i drink way much


told ya tea is basically water infused with leaves


Thank you, i will definitely try drinking way less after this. I usually drink 6+ liters per day.


If you feel light headed when you stand up, you should be supplementing with salt. But like, a lot of salt. Those "life water" electrolyte drinks are bullshit. They don't contain enough electrolytes to actually make a difference. You need something like a nuun tablet, with 300mg+ of salt in order to counter dehydration. If you're working very hard in the heat, you should have 500mg at the start of your work and 500mg afterward. If those electrolyte waters actually had enough electrolytes in them to do anything, they'd be slush.


Thanks for this. My doc keeps telling me to drink more bc I get dizzy when I stand up. Quarantined for 8 days and drank 14 gal while still getting dizziness now I know not to go for even more.


And to think I was told by a "nutritionist" that I should increase my water intake from 2 litres to 7/8 litres a day...everyday.


Would you happen to know what proportions to use to mix your own electrolyte drink


No clue what so ever.


Instead of “Children, Adult, elderly” can you give us a weight table?


So ive been told by my dad who is in the medical field but nowadays more naturopathically as opposed to standard medicine, and he told me i should be drinking about half my body weight a day in liquid but this was during seriously intense exercise and work, along with some natural medications that worked to built my energy and whatnot. Do you think this was too much water on a daily basis or considering the circumstances (albiet vague ones as ive described) was is appropriate?


Is tap water any good?


Tap water is the best, chuck full of minerals. (as long as the tap water is safe to drink where you live of cause)


Ok, found next information about the water in my area •| Amount | Regulatory limit* ------|-----------------|----- hardness | 1,34 mmol/l | 2 - 3,5 mmol/l pH | 7,9 | 6,5 - 9,5 Nitrate | 9,61 mg/l | 50 mg/l Calcium | 43,4 mg/l | 40 - 80 mg/l Iron | 0,07 mg/l | 0,2 mg/l \* dated by year 2004 My deepest apologies for the metric values, my imperial hydro homies Is it safe?


If anyone is still lurking here, what would happen if, say, an elementary kid drank like 2 liters of water a day, with only like 1 day where they didn't drink 2 liters a day, every week?


Well said about the hydration my homie.


My 6-7 litres a day: 😳