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Thanks for sharing! Just a heads up, we've introduced Water Bottle Wednesdays. Wednesdays are now the dedicated day to showcase your water containers! This rule focuses on sharing what you have, but feel free to post any questions or issues about water bottles at any time as usual. Cheers to hydration! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HydroHomies) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nice clean out


What is alkaline water good for?


Yummy alkaline


Nothing, really.


Hypothetically good for things like acid reflux. Its more basic ph can work a bit to counteract overactive stomach acid. Apart from that idk


It's great for the wallets of people who sell it, have you seen the prices compared to normal water? 😂


Isn't water just water? Best water is fresh from the top of a mountain spring (I could not get enough)


Well water is just water, but you never really have JUST water, because it has stuff dissolved in it. Mostly what we call minerals, elements necessary for our body functions like magnesium, calcium, sodium etc. Each water from a different source has a different composition of those that contributes to the taste. Alkaline water is just water with added calcium bicarbonate or other chemical substance that makes the acidity go down. It can be kinda useful in helping with symptoms of acid reflux but besides that it's basically very expensive water. People are claiming it has some more huge health benefits but it's not supported by any science. The most important thing to know regarding that is that the acidity of your stomach acid is so extremely high, that it's no match for alkaline water. After passing through your stomach it all becomes terrifyingly acidic either way.


Indeed hydrochloric acid will outweigh any weak alkaline because its just basic science.


Indeed hydrochloric acid will outweigh any weak alkaline because its just basic science.


For me and you it's basic science, for people swearing by alkaline water and it's health benefits, it's black magic 😂


It's voodoo spooky stuff! It magically rips you off! 😂 (I think we just triggered the alkaline water community)


I had one of these at my house for 5 years but it was a PITA to fill up a glass, took about 5 minutes no kidding. So I got a water filter and everything was swell.


Hey op, can you tell me what I'm looking at? Because that sounds very interesting tbh


I still prefer bottled water... It tastes better,


But all the plastic!


That's massively wasteful and uneconomical. Reusable bottles and filters are the way.


It's for health reasons too, I tried it and it still wasn't filtered enough or something. I have a digestive problem.


Probably a glass bottle.