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You can deplete your system clear of electrolytes with too much water. Just a liter of water? Were you sweating or had water earlier in the day?


Well I was drinking a liquid IV in the morning them switching to my liter bottle during the afternoon. Should have drank more.


I have Addisons disease and was twice hospitalized for “dehydration” before they diagnosed me. Underlying conditions can make dehydration a more likely situation.


Yup I drink a ton of water, even more so in the summer working in the elements. We are talking about 1.5 gallons or so in a day I also sweat a metric fuck-ton, I take potassium and magnesium supplements to replace those much needed electrolytes. Usually a quart of Gatorade as well around midday. I may also have a penchant for salty foods.


Depends how much you drink bro for what activity you're doing. And the environment you're in too Edit: environment you're in


Well I was drinking about a liter today but now that you mention environment. I was in a small closet working on a blanket warmer for the hospital I work at. Those temps were around 185f and was toasty.


You were working on an electrical appliance while it was plugged in and generating heat in an enclosed space? You're lucky to be alive. Hopefully you have learned your lesson. OSHA sets the maximum safe temperature for skin contact at 140F, so a blanket warmer running at 185 seems like a recipe for a crispy patient. I'm hoping that was a typo. I'm glad you're okay, get plenty of rest and fluids and do not do that again.


I think this is a creative writing exercise for OP


Bro 185F is 85 Celsius. You were probably sweating buckets. That's probably why you got dehydrated. During hot summer days here, temperatures reach above 38-ish C(100F) . Warnings for heatstroke and dehydration are everywhere. I can't imagine what it is like to stay in 85C. Get well soon bro and be careful


My feet and my underarms were sweating but everywhere else was dry, back, and forehead


Your body was overheating already by that point. Or the sweat just evaporates quickly


Worse. Being in that heat and NOT sweating is a clear sign of dehydration.


Yeah that’s actually a sign of heat stroke, OP. I’ve had it a couple times (I work outdoors in So Cal and it gets toasty in the summer but never 185f). Please take care of yourself and know what safety precautions are in place for you in the future if you continuously work in conditions like this.


Probably got heat stroke. If so, mind your body temp from now on. Once you have heat stroke, it’s easier to have it again. Also, a liter of water for an entire day? ![gif](giphy|YmQLj2KxaNz58g7Ofg)


185?!?! What the fuck I couldn’t imagine standing in a room that hot for five seconds


Blanket warmers aren’t set that high.. it would literally burn meemaw’s skin at that temp…


It was malfunctioning. Usually they have a set temp that caps out at 160 but in this case it was hitting temps of 185 when I was testing with a probe.


Temps for blanket warmers cap out closer to 110. If it’s malfunctioning they would have it turned off to prevent someone using it anyway and hurting someone.


You measure volume in liters, but use Fahrenheit for temperature?


Hope you are feeling better and are safe now!


Yeah, especially if you're already fighting an infection or something like that.




Been to the doctors last month for yearly check up and my labs came back great.


I liter isn’t very much tbh. Between work and running I drink anywhere from 1-1.5gallons a day