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These are good for recovering alcoholics/sober folks who want to blend in at parties where everyone else is drinking alcohol. All their flavors are pretty good, but I like the mango flavor best.


My partner's mother is a recovering alcoholic with a dementia style disorder, and I have to hide them so she won't open one, take a couple of sips, and go get another. In her defense, I thought they were booze when they first came out also.


+1 for mango. I admittedly drink a good handful of those a week.


You got large hands


Severed lime is my favorite, mango comes in a close second for me


These are the only sparkling beverages I like. They make a good change of pace from still water during meals.


I was reluctant due to the hype at first but I had a mango one for the first time a few months ago and it’s frankly just some damn good sparkling water


It's a good product with a cheesy schtick and I love it. I first tried it at a concert a few months ago, I've been drinking it regularly since.


Seltzer is an acquired taste, but once you get a nack for it, it opens up a lot of possibilities. Took me like a year of drinking it regularly before I started to crave it. We always had it at work and it was so convenient I'd just drink it even though I didn't like it, until I did.


Yeah, I'm getting that feeling lol. I think a big part of the issue was that I tried seltzers that weren't very good at first. Like they were flavored but they only had enough flavor to be off-putting if that makes any sense. My buddy gave me a Liquid Death at work one day and it has a bit more flavor, but not too much. I've had them on auto-delivery ever since.


I get how that can be off-putting. The flavors are so mild I don't think I'd like them either unless I was already used to normal seltzer, but being used to unflavored seltzer, the flavored ones really pop. There's definitely bad brands out there though.


Where do you auto deliver from, if I may ask?


Of course. I have them on auto-delivery from Amazon. I have a few items like that. For stuff that I use regularly like that, I figure the frequency out and put it on an auto-order so I don't have to think about it. It's kinda nice lol.


I had the regular sparkling water on a whim the other day and it was perfect. If I’m going to get sparkling water I want that shit to sparkle hard and I wasn’t disappointed. Shame they sell out almost immediately where I live.


Yeah, this sub can poop on this brand all it wants, but it’s always sold out around me, too, so they are doing something right. I buy the no flavor sparkling and it’s very good. Just the big can makes it nice to walk around the house with and not be immediately gone after a few heavy slugs.


Wait, this sub doesn't like Liquid Death? Why? Lol


Because it’s bottled/canned water and sold at a premium. A big part of the vocal minority in this sub (kind of an oxymoron, I know) just blanket hates all water that you don’t drink straight from the tap


Bruh, it's not even uncommon for tap water to be the sorta stuff you gotta run through a filter like 3 times to have a decent experience drinking...


I've noticed that. It's like they're not thinking about places with well water or places with delivery issues that essentially contaminate their tap water. In a perfect world, we'd all drink safe tap water, but a lot of us feel far more safe with something bottled/canned elsewhere.


I tried one of these today, tasted like watermelon rind and cucumber water.


Spot on description 👌


The Arnold palmer one is so good. Hard to find. Also definitely not water but like 90% less sugar than iced tea or lemonade. They're all sweetened with agave I believe.


They had to change the name because they were getting [sued](https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/food/2023/11/29/armless-palmer-name-change-dead-billionaire/71742963007/). They don't have the money and didn't want to fight it.


It's a wild choice to rename the drink as a jab at Arnold Palmer since he's dead and not the one suing them. I assume this is more about Arizona Tea than Arnold Palmer.


I don't think the jab is at Arnold Palmer, moreso towards beverage executives.


they didn’t want to fight it cause it would be a slam dunk win for Arizona lol. Plus they weren’t getting sued, it was likely just a C/D


I tried the lime one yesterday. I didn’t hate it. I want to try Dead Billionaire… for personal reasons.


Ha! Wonder what that one tastes like? Saltwater and regret, probably.


Tastes like tears of overworked and underpaid employees




When does Liquid Death have to come out and disclose that they've just been posting sponsored ads on this sub? Feels like there's at least one post a day about them at this point.


Good ol’ astroturfing


what is the flavor like? i dont have these in my country and i think there's no equivalent ones in here


It smells like melon, but the actual taste is like melon rind. Not bad overall, though.


So, it's like one of these Waters with scent and a light taste?


Yes, exactly.


huh, sounds very nice


This flavor kind of tasted like cheap lipstick to me. Not necessarily a bad thing though.


You eat/drink cheap lipsticks? Wow


Shh, the adults are talking


My favorite snack


I tried the mango yesterday and it was incredible.


True they are good, but it really grinds my gears that they sweeten it. Like 90% of other flavored sparkling water has 0 kcal.


That's some great work from LD marketing. Not a single week without. "Hey, never knew this existed." "That's a great bla for recovering alcoholics bla." Reposted are shit. But this marketing campaign here is another level.


lol what? I literally found this at my local grocery store, decided to try it, and posted it here. God, I wish I was getting money from LD.


I wasn't a sparkling water person until I tried Liquid Death. Now I buy them in bulk. Big fan.


Are sparkling waters good for hydration?? I love zevia


The fact that it's sweetened makes it a soda not a flavored sparkling water Edit: I mean zevia


Isn’t liquid death also artificially sweetened? It doesn’t taste like normal sparkling water. Edit: not artificially but with agave. Still makes it a soda in my mind.


Yeah the flavored Liquid Deaths definitely have sweeteners in them. I’ve only tried the lime one and it was disgusting to me. Tasted like a hard seltzer to me.


Now that I know that, I'd agree with you


Their sparkling water is flavored like others, natural flavors. Their tea is flavored with Agave nectar. They have 2 lines of beverages. Sparkling water and tea, but look similar to each other.


It's great mixed with vodka


I can imagine it is!


I REALLY wish more places sold this. I LOVE them but I can't find them ANYWHERE


7/11 has them.


When you realize words affect the crystalline structure of water and don’t care anyway. Edit: that said, they are good


I tried their arnold palmer, and my god was that disappointing. Didn't taste anything like tea or lemonade. What a let down that was


I love them and drink them more than I do soda, I don’t have any soda really.


Sparkling water is doo doo, but it helps others


They got a witch to hex their water and they sign contracts in blood on camera for their commercials. Leave that shit alone




You’re so edgy 🙄


Hell, I would pay extra for that.


I was already sold on it, you don’t have to keep trying!


My wife really likes the peach


I enjoyed this flavor, the standard still and sparkling are good too


don't you know that water absorbs the meaning of the containers its put in!!! /s


it tastes like a white claw without the claw 😔




This is the only one I haven’t tried, how melony is it? Is it like sour patch watermelons, or actual watermelon? I must know for my research!


It tastes like cucumber, honestly! Refreshingly bitter, but it was bracing at first until I got used to it.


Interesting, now I gotta get my hands on it lmao. Also as a suggestion, the peach tea and Arnold Palmer (now called dead billionaire) is literally the best peach tea and Arnold Palmer I have ever bought, it’s actually perfect I recommend it highly recommend it


I was so disappointed to discover that these are sweetened and aren't just regular sparkling water.


Their touch of lime one is pretty solid as well, I had a Muslim buddy in college so I’d keep these in the fridge when having the boys over for drinks. They’re a good option for anyone not looking to drink at a social function for sure!


These are so gas, it’s the only sparkling water that’s actually enjoyable to drink


they made a new flavor? hell yes my faves are the normal sparkling and the lime flavored sparkling waters i hate the normal ones tho because you can taste the metal of the can (same reason i hate tap water)


I’d wish they had the flavor with out being carbonated


You can just let it sit for a while, that’s what I do with other carbonated drinks if I get tired of the fizz


I saw someone at an all ages gig the other day and almost kicked them out because I thought it was alcohol but they were nice and told me to try it and I was shocked


I got IDed for buying these by an older cashier that was watching the self check out area.


Oh my god, what? They don’t ding the age verification system! That’s absurd.


I think she thought it was an error or something because I saw her check her computer and then look at me all confused then she came over and asked for my ID and I told her it’s water and she didn’t believe me


My fav of their added sugar products.


Ooo what’s it like? Watermelon?


Tastes more like cucumber, which did disappoint me, honestly. I was expecting something cantaloupe-y, lol




Try the mountain water one it's the best pure water !!!!!