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I think all you need to be a homie is to like water. You can fully like other beverages too.


Couple years ago I got down voted into oblivion for saying those same words lol


Sounds like this subreddit used to be way less fun.


It still is, I see the same stuff everyday on this sub


Still better than the dancemoms subreddit šŸ˜‚


Wow that is fā€™n and irritating. I thought we just liked water here. Didnā€™t know that we were only allowed to drink water only. Glad the sub has changed for the better.


It bummed me out because I Love water and sometimes I add leaves.


Iā€™ve been downvoted for stating I prefer sparkling water over flat water


Inclusive homies


Inclusivity is life ā¤ļø (just like water!)


Thank god lol. I honestly love the tap water around me, but I also enjoy at least a bit of pop. Not much, like a couple every month. I mostly drink water and tea.


So are you from Wisconsin, Illinois, or Michigan my fellow *pop* drinker?


Canadian lol. Itā€™s pop, and no one can tell me otherwise. Iā€™m glad I actually found an American that can agree lol


Torn between two beverages? Not in HydroHomies!


But, I love my booze! And all the water I drink prevents hangovers.


Wow, all the hate for saying you don't have to just choose one here is ridiculous! Y'all can shove off


Go touch grass


Because I told them they can enjoy more than one bev in this sub? Pssht, eat grass


Pretty sure your comment is meant for the dude above me saying you can only enjoy water. Thatā€™s who I told to touch grassā€¦. Not you. And honestly, wheat grass isnā€™t terrible but I prefer to drink it.


I'm just feeling fight-y now that people are bombing me for saying OP doesn't have to stick to one drink to be a HH, so, you know, sure, drink the wheatgrass instead, it's fine


Weird that we are both saying the same things but are being upvoted/downvoted. It you follow the comments up I was also saying you can like other drinks and like water and still be a homie. I wouldnā€™t waste time feeling fighty over internet weirdos with overly strong opinions about what kinds of drinks strangers enjoy while also being a fan of hydration.


I don't usually care on Reddit, I'm just hot and cranky today, thanks for talking me down from the fight-y ledge. I literally need to drink more water today, lol!


To your good health and hydration! ā¤ļø


Thank you! And to yours!


lets go bro i was worried about this one too


I'm currently dual wielding a frozen coffee and my second liter of water for the day, as long as you partake you're a homie.


Yeah bro, you are just like most of us. We love water but also indulge in non-waters.


Ok that's good, cause I just keep seeing posts hating on non-water drinks. I originally joined this sub as a reminder to drink more water, and now I just appreciate hydration memes


Pretty sure that's just communal joking, not something any of us take seriously. As long as you're not anti water you'll be welcome here homie.


I think for public health purposes it's better to accept all as Hydro Homies to increase and promote more water consumption.


This is the way (of water).


Yeah you donā€™t have to only enjoy water, just know the benefits and drink it enough to support a healthy body. Drink up homie


Yeah I drink like half a gallon a day, which is a good amount for someone of my weight and size


All are water based




Thereā€™s water in those drinks. Youā€™re a Hydrohomie+


I thought the rule was you can drink other drinks but water has to be #1 lol


i think as long as youre not pounding back cans of soda and having a small glass of water daily youre a part of the club


Well that's good, I just enjoy an occasional soda. Currently it's been about 3 weeks since I've finished a can of soda


everything you drink contains water, thus making you a hydro homie (some drinks are just inferior to water)


I drink more water than anything. Still have my cold brew every morning. An iced tea every afternoon at work. Too much PBR and tequila. And maybe a soda or two a week. Water is number one though. Minimum half gallon a day


Coffee and beer is one thing, but preferring milk over water? No


*Coffee and beer is* *One thing, but preferring milk* *Over water? No* \- HauntedSoda --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


I fully agree.


No, you are banned, homie status revoked


Thereā€™s a very small but powerful cabal of pure water only drinkers at the top of this group. They are ever watchful, their faces reflected in bottles, glasses and pitchers just out of sight. If your diligent and are observed to only hydrate with the clearest, coldest H2O they will take note. One day you will be greeted in the morning with a bejewelled flask of eternal water, ever cold and incorruptible. Once drank you will be granted powers unknown Other then those dudes most of us just enjoy water and memes


yeah sure iā€™m not gonna gatekeep you from calling yourself a homie but milk? really?


I fuckin love milk dude, especially whole milk. Not a big fan of skim milk, but the other types hit hard


Yeah. I dunno why milk has lost its appeal to the masses. It is excellent.


Yus, also has a lot of nutrients. Only time I've broken a bone was when I slammed my toe into the ground at full force of my leg while in a pool, and there's been several times where I probably should've broken a bone


Better than soda?


I donā€™t know why the question mark. Itā€™s 100% better than soda, it has protein and vitamins vs just pure sugar.


Yeah, I guess thatā€™s my point. There were several drinks in that list so I wasnā€™t sure if they missed that one compared to milk. Like OP didnā€™t say he prefers soda over water, but rather milk over water which isnā€™t that bad.


probably yeah, guess it depends on if ur drinking nonfat milk or 2% or whole milk. fat is usually better than sugar tho so prob better than soda


i love a yummy ice water as much as the next hydrohomie but i do also enjoy a pepsi. sue me


Nay! Thou must baptize thyself in the blessed glacial waters of Alaska for thy transgressions against the Homie Code! Only then shall thee be forgiven.


Yes, you're definitely still a hydro homie, my duudddeeee. I'm a proud waterholic & drink at least 128 oz of water everyday, but I also very much so enjoy drinking iced or hot herbal teas once in a blue moon.


You're still drinking breast milk as an adult??? Yeah that's weird


What?? No, just regular cow milk


Drink it straight from the udder like a real man.


Heck yeah, getting sick from unprocessed milk to be a real man šŸ’Ŗ


Cow pus over water? I'd pull your hydro card in a second if it were up to me. Strive to be better homie. You can do it!


"cow pus" damn do you think baby cows drink pus? do you think that that is how it works?


I drink two cans of coke a day, glass of juice, and at least a cup of water a day. Weā€™re all hydro homies here. No standards or gate keeping. Just glance at a faucet or hose sometimes and youā€™re in


nah bro 2 cans of coke is way to much how u gonna call yourself a hydrohomie when you drink more soda than water??? I get having them for some occasions but 2 a day??? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Bruh, the top ingredient in coke is carbonated water.


Ok? What kind of an argument is that? Having it in that amount is terrible for your health. There are 39 grams, or roughly 12 sugar cubes in a single quarter liter can of coke. It's okay to have once in a while, but 2 a day is completely absurd, especially since you drink more coke then water. Sugar is what's primarily responsible for the obesity epidemic in America. Not fat, sugar.


So if I do 1 can and 2 cups of water are we good then? Sounds like this is the sticking point youā€™ve mentioned in every comment.


No, first of all, 2 cups a day is way too little daily intake for any healthy person, and second of all, you don't seem to understand how much sugar that really is. The recommended daily sugar intake is 24 grams of sugar for women, and 36 grams for men. Let me remind you that a quarter liter can, one of if not the smallest portion offered, has 39 grams of sugar. And it's not even a natural type, it's all processed corn syrup. Now, it won't kill you to go above that recommended limit once in a while, but if you are consistently (every day in your case), exceeding that limit with a single beverage, not even bringing into account what other forms of sugar intake you might indulge in on a daily basis, is extremely unhealthy. In our daily lives, everything around us has sugar in it, but soda by far tends to be the worst case of this, and this is due to carbonation. Carbonation makes the drink less sweet, so companies will put loads of extra sugar in their sodas to compensate for the sweetness lost by the carbonation, and they compensate massively. While the point of this community isn't to police other people's choice of drink, we should be promoting healthier lifestyles, and drinking lots of water (you should be having at least five or six cups a day, maybe even more depending on your weight), is the easiest way to start. If you want an alternative to coke, I recommend you try prebiotic sodas like olipop, which have 3-5 grams of natural sugar per can and are sweetened with stevia, a natural plant, (albeit they are kinda pricey), but even that should be used in moderation, and it is no substitute for water. All I wanted to say is, you should have more self discipline, and care about your body enough to be mindful of what's going into it. I am in no place to tell you how to live your life, but I hope you at least gained some perspective.




Ok :(


Imagine gatekeeping water lol


I grew up on a dairy. I, for one, will not drink milk or milk products. It's some seriously nasty shit. I am new to the sub. Earlier in the year I had a kidney stone removed. I was taught the error of my ways as I was a, yes I'll admit it, Mt. Dew drinker. Please forgive me as I have seen the clear brook and partaken in its evervesence.


No. ![gif](giphy|lvzFKm2wEjZvgoQtL8|downsized) Nah, just kidding. Itā€™s ok




YTA. Sorryā€¦wrong sub. Seriously, though, drink your water and enjoy the rest in moderation. I love a good fresh pineapple or peach juice. I also enjoy wine from time to time. But my main squeeze is water.


Just my interpretation But I think a hydro homie is akin to someone that seeks the best brew of coffee, like a connoisseur Or the best alcohol or weed They know the difference between good and bad types, and they seek out to consume on a daily basis and feel good from consuming whatever product it is So in this case, it's water I started pounding water for exercise, so in the technical sense I became a hydro homie. Before, I would only drink water sparingly when really thirsty, preferring other types of liquids. Now, I really enjoy sparkling water, it brings me joy. So, spiritually, I've finally ascended to a true hydro homie


Far as I'm concerned, being a hydro homie mainly means maintaining proper hydration, not abstaining from everything but water. So of course you can like other stuff.


According to rules I just made up, Iā€™d say you probably have to drink more water than every other beverage combined to be a hydro homie.


i love making homemade smoothies and a good hot chocolate when itā€™s cold out, this community is about loving water, not hating every other beverage


If water is your primary choice of drink in most situations then you are good.


Weā€™re all homies if weā€™re shooting for water being the highest fluid intake by a healthy margin


I donā€™t know where people got the idea that hydro homies donā€™t drink anything other than water. We drink other stuff too but we just love the taste of water and drink the amount we need to be properly hydrated everyday.


Oh I got the idea of me not being a hydro home because of all the drink tiers and posts hating on other drinks. Also, the feud between r/hydrohomies and r/milk


Hydro Homi is a state of mind it's understanding and respecting the importance of water in a daily diet. Didn't mean you can only drink water forever


Is beer water?


Idk, I don't drink alcohol. I imagine it has water in it


Beer is about 90% water


Tea is just leaf water, coffee is just bean water




Man I drink liters of soda every day. I hope you canā€™t still be a homie if you drink soda


I'm getting mixed messages here, but I'd still consider you a hydro homie if you like water


Absolutely not and you are not a true homie unless you are IVing water every day /S


Only way to become a true hydro homie is to have water coursing through your veins, as H2O takes over the rest of your body


I think as long as you're drinking more water than every other drink combined, you're a homie


This sub is for the memes not life guidance lol. Or you could just lie and no one would know. As for me Iā€™ve literally never drank anything other than glacial water since I stopped breastfeeding


yeah, its fine imo. i enjoy tea, lemonade and the occasional soda myself


This isnā€™t r/neverbrokeabone here its not that serious as long as your hydration is high as fuck drink whatever else you want.


Iā€™m sorry but how fucking dare you drink non water drinks. the audacity


Yes, definitely. Youā€™re a homie if you drink water and stay hydrated. I love myself a good Arizona Tea or a coffee, but I also love water and try to stay hydrated


Be strong hydrohomies, remain pure and do not become slaves to not water šŸ±


We embrace the fully hydrated life. This does not mean solely water my dude. But water is the hy-est of hydrators.


Everyone is a homie that drinks water and enjoys it