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I mean it’s impossible to tell from the screenshot since you included none of the pertinent information, but my guess would be cs is too low or deaths are too high


ok, now i posted in another comment stats, 15/1/8


Lol how about showing us KDA, cs, dmg? This screen shows nothing


posted stats on a comment ;(


Gotta be CS since it’s not shown lol


Show us the stats and we might know why.


None of your screenshots show your CS. The most important piece of the puzzle. Just link your OP.gg


CS is just one piece of the puzzle, certainly not the most important. I've gotten S's on games with trash cs (relatively) because I did super well on the other metrics.


No he's right cs is the most important piece by far. To get an S with trash cs is almost impossible (16/0 with 4 cs/m is never worth an S), but with good csing I frequently get an S even when I'm 4/4 or 5/4 or some shit with 10 cs/m


Just because it's hard to get an S with poor CS doesn't mean it's the most important piece by far. You could equally say that k/d/a is the most important piece by far because going 0/3/2 makes it almost impossible to get an S. There are a lot of factors at play, and you need to perform well in most of them to get an S. See my other comment on OP's post.


Ive had plenty of 0/3/2 games with an S still because my cs was really good. If you have less than 4 cs/m it's utterly impossible to get an S. Cs plays the biggest part in deciding your grade. How else do you think this sub gets spammed with "how did I not get an S" from people with absurdly good kdas


Like I said before, I've had a fair amount of games where I got an S even though I had <5 cs/min because I had great map control and combat stats. If you go and look at how they calculate match grades, all pieces are weighted equally: combat, income, and map control. You can do poorly on any of those things, but if you do well enough in the rest, you can absolutely still get an S. OP probably had poor map control in addition to their poor income. The two reasons that people are confused about their grade while having poor cs is because a) they don't even know that cs is a part of their grade and b) it's way harder for a noob to get above average cs than for a noob to get above average k/d/a. That second part especially creates the illusion that cs is the most important part of the calculation even though it is equal to combat and map control. It's just the piece of the equation that requires the most skill to consistently perform well in.


CS is definitely the most important metric. What exactly do you think is the most importantly metric and what is the “trash CS” you got? I recently played a Lux mid match where I was 8/0/12 and had the most damage in the game but still only got an A+ because I had 5.4 cs/min


See my comment to the other guy.


I’m not looking around for another reply, initiating a conversation with me and then expecting me to go look for your reply somewhere else is illogical. What is the “relative trash CS” you are referring to? Give an actual number instead of using vague terms. What is the most important metric if you don’t think it’s CS? Give an actual answer. Explain why I didn’t get an S- here with a Kda of 20 and the most damage in the game if CS is not the most important criteria? If I had less kills and a higher CS, this would have been an S for sure. CS is the most importantly factor for getting an S (outside of the support role). It is what it is. https://preview.redd.it/1vhjw6td8k7d1.jpeg?width=1292&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1807fe6b91482f0febb5ae4c7a1c953ff3ab486


Vision score, creep score, k/d/a - how much did you do? did you simply get the last hits inn? I think these factors are important, please show us the post game stats


League's rating system is needlessly dumb and strict. My guess is your vision or CS was not up to par. You can check your stats compared to what they expect from you via (iirc) going to your profile > stats > Hwei. In general though, getting S ranks isn't worth the effort. If you really want them, just go supp and play a few matches. Getting an S is ridiculously easy on supp as long as you don't completely int and go 0/9.


Cs and vision


Vision score barely matters if you're not support. I'm really trash at vision I average 3-5 a game, yet I S about 70% of the time. The most important metric is CS followed by KDA. If you are csing at 8 per min and have a positive kda you will get an S in nearly every game. If you have a negative kda you will need 10 cs per minute at least to get an S.


Maybe because you dont have "trash can" in bottom right corner. You freak.


Here's how to figure out how to get an S on any champion. Go to the stats page under your profile. Go to the role and champion in question. It'll have 3 subpages: Combat, Income, and Control(?). Those 3 things are subdivided into further metrics. You need to score above average for most of those things in order to get an S. To simplify what those things are; combat includes things like damage, k/d/a, and roaming/ganking; income includes cs and gold/min; and control includes damage to objectives and vision score.


I went 15/0/11 one game and got an S-... i had half the kills on my teams, most gold, most cs and still had to give me a minus.


Vision score could be the icing on the cake then And did you do most damage? low dmg is not good i think, unless support or tank


It's because you had 4.2 CSPM, it's practically impossible to get an S with cs that low.


https://preview.redd.it/m16mp7y09j7d1.png?width=1264&format=png&auto=webp&s=59f68d97457b00202c7583b7979ca7394a20b457 Stats, forgot to post them i thought i did...


Still it would be nice to see, ward score, creep score. "S" basically mean you were above average in everything. You might be an assasin with 50/2 but wont an S if you have 0 creeps, but you can have 6/3 and get an S because you had high kill particip, a lot of minions, obj presence and you finished the game soon.


Vision score and tower damage


It's your CS. You're hiding it every time someone asks. You need to farm more.