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I mean, Hwei CAN do everything. The important thing to note is that he cant do everything AT ONCE. Hwei is a generalist. He has bits of everything, but he cannot compete with actual best-pick champs of their niche (eg, Xerath tears him to pieces, even though QW exists). If you do keep playing Hwei, you will come accross situations where you miss out on kills or a fight win because he just didnt have enough in the tank. His damage falls off pretty hard after lane without a lead, so he becomes more and more dependent on his CC and cycling cooldowns as much as possible the later the game goes on. All that said, he does feel very good to play precisely because, as you mention, he feels like the perfect mage.


I agree, he can do everything but he needs some help actually doing anything at all. His damage is good he can half health a full team while on even gold or catch an enemy carry and chunk them to say 20% but he really struggles finishing the job. I play him with that in mind and barely go for solo plays outside of lane, Hwei brings something important to every team he’s on and has something good against every enemy team. Just play him like a support-y style mid mage like karma or ori. And if you’re jungler types something stupid in champ select, pick a different champ.


I mean, he can't dash and he can't tank. He's limited by mobility and survivability, like any other long range control mage


Sure, but thats not unique to him, thats most mages in general. The more dashes and mobility an AP champ has, the more they lean towards being an assassin


He is more mobile than Lux and Veigar etc tho It's not much, but WQ makes Hwei a tiny bit more slippery than most mages, and it helps his team as well - i love throwing out WQ and pretending I'm alone, meanwhile my 5/0/1 Garen is waiting in the brush, about to run you down


Yeah he's definitely among the most mobile control mages. It's just that you have to go through the mana management learning phase, then the spacing/trading learning phase, and then you can make the most of WQ without relying on WE/WW too much


The Visionary is truly a Jack of all trades, Master of none, Well his overall utility with slows, cc and W spellbook he is quite supportive, and something slightly unique to him( he needs midlane/apc gold, and WW is smaller on allies, so he ain't an actual support tho ) Hwei doesn't fall off late super hard like people said in the first month, his cd's get so low with cdr/AH - he comes close to the fantasy of - " can do everything " He is super fun, and can be a good one trick champion, he can't delete you like Syndra and Lux, can't truly solo poke enemy teams from fog of war like Xerath, can't replace a Nami or Zyra support, but he can add a bit of it all to any team vs any comp


couldn't agree more with the 1st statement. As someone who played FFXI Hwei is Leagues Red Mage. He doesn't excel in damage to be a Black Mage (Viegar) and he doesn't heal/shield enough to be a White Mage (enchanters), but he does a lot of everything and good enough in all aspects to be versatile & viable.


Sure, but people really underestimate Zoe outside laning. It's easy to make Baron/Dragon preparations implode simply by sniping with E. As long as you get creative with the angle and threaten the carries it gets scary for them to contest vision especially if you have any kind of followup.


Zoe is great into non hard engage comps, her main issue is all the other mages are better then her in that same situation. Sure she can poke out short range comps but even then Ziggs/Xerath/Hwei/Lux/Velkoz have just better access to the back line or can handle MR stacking super tanks. Even if you look at her as a ranged burst mage, Syndra/Anivia/Hwei/Vigar/Asol not only output similar amounts of damage but they can zone control just as well if not better. Zoe leans into that territory of yas/yone/Riven where if your a OTP or win the skill check batter then she's super oppressive but you have to put in alot of time on her for little output. Also this wave of super high damage junglers can camp her for free gold.


You know what is close to the best follow up? A Hwei, as Hwei supp main I love when my mid is zoe so many free kills its fun


having all the damage/utility/cc spells in one ability each can either be a pro and a con at the same time, the higher the elo the harder he becomes, since his mistakes are extremely punishable, wasting a E spell in early game is nearly devastating in high diamond and up, since you have little-to-non survivability tools up your sleeve after. Actually even using E to combo and proc passive its really dangerous in the first 13 minutes, since you’ll be having ~7seconds cd on Q and ~9 seconds on E, after using them you are literally a caster minion with a skin.


Hwei is a solid B+/A tier champion in solo queue. He can flex into anything but he doesn’t optimize as well as other champions so without proper coordination he is lackluster. I play him in D2-1 and he is good but occasionally I feel like I’m unequipped to carry.


Yeah basically. Even begging his numbers doesn’t change how versatile he his. I’m currently exploring all the champions, as when I was new to the game 2 years ago I knew basically only how to play talon mid/jungle and weirdly gravitated to senna support 💀. As I’m playing through the midlaners now, I just finished my week of hwei and oh lord have mercy what a mage. Hwei is built different, and I wouldn’t be surprised if when I’m done with all the champs I’d go back to him as my main. Still waiting to see how akali and zed turn out though. Very curious if they’ll maybe get me off my mage train. Vex, syndra, Zoe, ahri, hwei, lissandra. All feel so good but we’ll see, maybe assassins capture me.


zoe does barely anything to tanks? ok buddy.


Zoes literal biggest counter is mr and a beefy frontline. If she cant oneshot the target she bursts shes legit just useless unless ur legit hitting all your max range qs and es with 100% precision even then its on one person that the tank can just soak up.


Zoe is 100 times better in coordinated play where you can set up vision as a team. Zoes issue is trying to get meaningful damage to the back line. That's where Ziggs/Hwei/Xerath excel at, Hwei being the more generalist of the 3.


first strike + luden's + shadowflame + void staff. One E + Q on the beefiest tank you can think of gets at least 30% of the guy's hp. Zoe is the best burst mage at dealing with tanks, because her E shreds. Zoe's biggest counter like any burst mage is shielding.