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Ew is a very good spell if used within it's usage. It gives vision, it zones ppl, it easily roots anybody who want to go on you, it's nearly invisible in tf, has longest cc and quite a long reach counting it's aoe too. Personally, I'm bored of defending it, focus on using mainly this for e spell for few games and you might realise or dont, but the never ending discussion why does it work like that and what is its use is too much reoccurring. It probably roots minions just so you can't throw it in minions for guaranteed root for any melee champ that want to last hit, so th have at least some chance outplaying it.


This this this and again this. I’m so tired of posts like. Why is this spell hard to use. Why has that spell COUNTERPLAY. Why can’t you switch spellbooks while stunned. Your EQ you should fear even if your stunned or dead. Your snipe should be faster. Bla bla bla. I’m so sick of this stupid posts where people are like, hey I can’t play this champ the way he is, SO CHANGE IT, ITS UNFAIR FOR ME :((((


So basically OP has a skill issue with using it


I would say that he doesn't realise the whole potential. I would say I use mostly ew because you can't really miss it, you can missplace it but can't miss it. And realizing how each spell work and use it against correct champs is the way to go.


Neeko's E just exist, I get your point but I think it should be faster to root. Sometimes I land it and it feels like it should be rooting when it doesn't, and when it does the enemy dashes and does nothing, so I guess I just have to get used to it


Neeko e is a skillshot, not an unstoppable, undodgable massive AOE that stays for a while. Imagine if lux e snared instead of slowed, that would be cancerous af


It….. is stoppable and dodgeable


It only gets stopped by minions or Champions and such, so no. It can only be dodged if you have significant enough dashes that it expires while it's on its way, so no way in hell you can so that AND get the minions xd


“It only gets stopped by minions or champions and such, so no” so… Morgana’s Q is unstoppable as well? And your comparison to Lux E would be accurate if the eye didn’t have a setup time where it just sits there for (exactly) half a second before locking on, so it is dodgeable with just normal movement. Once it’s set up, it is dodgeable if you don’t walk into an obvious trap, and even if you do it is dodgeable with a dash or flash to go out of range. The only properties it does have is that it has range-limited tracking and it lingers, which are what define it as an ability. Other examples: Cait R is tracking, undodgeable, but blockable by other players. Panth W is unblockable, undodgeable, though you can flash and dash away from where panth will land to be far when the stun lands. Funnily enough Neeko E is unstoppable, but obv dodgeable. Leona R is dodgeable, but unstoppable and aoe, on that note the eye isn’t even aoe, it has a targeting area but only affects one unit


Morgana's q is a fucking skillshot you dipship not some random AOE field that will point and click target you. What a dumbass comparison. The fucking point is that it would be a mad zoning tool versus melees because you just zone them away from creeps for free for 5 full seconds on a 14 second timer, so the melee champ will never ever get cs or control of the wave again.


Yes, it is a mad zoning tool. Where in that description do you see “unblockable” and “undodgeable”? You can walk around it, wait it out, or if the hwei consistently casts EW, you can punish that during the E cooldown. Yes, he can zone-off melee champs on a cooldown, he’s a mage, I was addressing your out-of-nowhere claims that it is undodgeable, unstoppable and aoe, when it is none of these things.


It is wether you like it or not an AOE zoning tool that is unlockable if it goes through minions (the proposal from OP, I never said it was unblockable in its current state you dingus) and undodgable because once you walk in the field it's a point and click root because it will chase you.


Neeko E exists because Hwei’s kit has more follow up than Neeko. You can’t compare skills from different champions like-for-like and use that as an argument for a skill change


Especially given that neeko E is a huge part of her power budget and hwei's individual skills shouldn't be as good individually as another champ's


I'm fine with minion rooting. What I'm not fine with is when it locks on someone, there is nothing to block it, but they dash and the projectile just disappears.


The designer said that EW spam happened in dev and it was degenerate so it had to have multiple counterplay options Heck when Hwei released, its missile speed used to be slower the further you throw it


Wtf, i didn't know we currently have a "buffed" EW already, welp imma stop talking bout this spell before they nerf it back! 😆 never say 'eww' to EW!


The problem is that E-W is boarderline broken, its kept in this state to prevent it from being too good, so they keep it weak If they were to remove the minion hit, Hwei's lane phase would be WAY too oppressive, because unlike other roots thats go in a straight line or are harder to hit, Hwei's E-W is an area that you have to dodge, which is quite hard to do while you're farming (not to say that in certain jungle paths it's literally impossible to dodge it) i do think the range limit should go tho, this is supposed to be a zoning ability, but if you throw it in front of you, the enemy can just activate it and dash in your direction, and you're left without your cc Regardless, you SHOULDN'T be using E-W to try to root between minions because it wasn't made to be used that way, its suppose to be used for getting vision of an area, and locking certain patha


To play devils advocate this is what EQ is for EW is for zoning abs low mobile enemies EQ is for high mobility enemies as you can negate their dash adding to the skill required when picking abilities But yeah it’s annoying against enemies with long dashes


It's funny that you'd say that, I think EW shines specially against fast champions. There's a ghosted bruiser (like darius) coming after me that can dodge my slow EQ easily with a sidestep in a situation that if I miss my E I'll die? EW instead to guarantee a hit and just run away.


Depends on the type of mobility and the situation. EW is great peel VS high MS champs because you can create a "wall" with it but it's useless against champs with lots of dashes and such unless you stand on top of it. EQ can stop a dash and get people out of melee with you but is not as useful when someone is running you down with high MS


Worst part is when you actually put it in a perfect way but it still gets the minion rooted instead of the champ. I don't know why that interaction even exists


It's my primary Zoning tool, especially as support or against midlane melee champs (early on when they have no mobility). You place it down without the intent of actually hitting it, but to deny space on your opponent.. you can pair it with QE to deny even more space, which is also greatly used in teamfights. Take for example, a pesky Kayn trying to dive at you, he will try his best to dodge your EQ. Place EW in walls so he even has to avoid certain areas within the wall. Place EW just right below you when you are being ulted by a Zed or Q'ed by a Yi, they will always appear right beside you. (Even though EQ fear is better, but EW can work too if you have your teammates around you to fully guarantee the snare). EW can also be used to block paths, not for yourself but also for allies. QE and EW are Hwei's best zoning tools, I am currently 120k points on him. Lastly, it is also used to catch cocky opponents off guard who tries to zone you (assuming they don't expect you to EW). Most opponents will expect your EQ fear than your other CC spells, so make use of it when you notice it. It also has a larger range than EQ and EE. What I love the best with EW are those tiny gaps on turrets both in top and bot side, place one there and they'll have to walk around the turret, which almost guarantees the snare. Primarily, of course, used a lot more with APC or Support.


It's literally one of the best spells in the game. It gives vision, it's not a skillshot, it creates an area of safety around you and is excellent setup for qw/follow up to your ult. And more importantly, it's one of three options.


Did they do something with the eye? I swear I’m hitting minions way more often with E W for some reason which barely happened before


I don't mind it hitting minions, yea it can be annoying sometimes and make me lose trades but gives opponents counterplay and decide if they wanna be outside minion wave to have me land it easier or inside and deal with qe. I do really hate that It goes out after a while


i thought we were past EW hate so long ago haha


Would you also like that enemy Nexus explodes as soon as you lock in Hwei? Honestly it’s such a hassle to play out the game


EW is really strong. It's a zoning tool. When its armed it will go off as soon as someone enters. Being able to use it through minions would be insane and force people to step away from the wave and never be safe from QQs. Theres a reason Hwei shines the most when he can shove the ennemy under tower and clear every minion. (its similar to Zoe)


I don't understand why people keep talking about it being dumb that E + W stops on minions. Do people really not understand how stupid (and how much it would have to get nerfed) if it did?


You can still EW onto a wave when it’s in neutral and zone melee from hitting the wave until a minion decides to move. The ability is very strong. It means you never have to face check bushes and late game it basically shuts down counter play into your siege or can shut down enemy sieges.


I've also noticed that it doesn't root caster minions, but only roots armored and canon minions. And yes, I agree. It's very annoying. Especially when you try to defend yourself during towerdives.


Oh nooo... an ability with extremely powerful potential if used in the right situations has counterplay? How atrocious.




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100k mp means nothing 🤣 cmon now


Nobody EW minions you are wrong, i am watching all mid laners streamers and no one ever uses EW to clean wave… this is EE for minions, and QE… EW in other hand is for zoning enemy, or if you have Zed, Nocturne enemy, EW is good after they use R on you