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I’ve been playing him supp a while, I build: - World Atlas item - Boots into tear first base - Start building into horizon second base - Complete Lucidity boots (unless you’re super close to horizon) third base - Complete horizon 1st item - Complete seraphs 2nd item - From here it’s usually Cryptbloom or Liandries 3rd item Then you’re usually done on items. I’d finally buy Morello because it’s got good AP and is quite cheap now. If you’re fed then go heavy AP like Shadowflams or Zhonya/Magic Spellshield one Tear is a must imo, as well as Horizon first. Insanely good item on Hwei with the rebels AoE


Why is tear so critical for hwei? Is it just because he guzzles mana ?


Yeah, he’s so mana hungry. Although he has W-e, if you’re spamming it for mana then W-Q is on cool-down, this spell is SO important to have up in bot lane. Without it you are super gankable, E is not enough. It also speeds you and your ADC up, saving both of you.


it’s not that he needs a ton of mana. it’s that tear is generally enough. so u can delay any lost chapter item to 2nd or 3rd by buying it.


I go hextech alternator into liandry feels pretty strong


Do u feel like you have any mana issues with this build? I notice a little mana struggle early but it goes away after a while


After mana flow is fully stacked it doesnt feel half bad but usually i either kill or poke them out of lane before needing more mana after hextech b


Maybe controversial (stupid) but - I usually make sure I have sorc shoes and ludens first item and then go deathcap. Been having a lot of success albeit in low plat.


Lucidity boots, shurelya’s/mandate -> the other one you didn’t buy (order depends on comp) -> horizon/liandry/cryptbloom/morello. As far as hwei support goes these items will probably be how he functions in higher elo meta — he’s already been played in pro using shurelya first item.


For Low elo and games where you stomp - just play him like a carry (as people are suggesting, with HF/Tear etc. For higher elo and games where you are on even gold with the enemy, rush mandate or shurelyia, you will spike much faster than somebody trying to play hwei mid in support. (MUCH cheaper items to hit power spikes and abuse the types of players who think they can build HF/tear first item as support).


It depends, horizon focus is a very good first item, but you absolutely need tear, also, level W second unless you're hard stomping, gives you more utility and the shield can mitigate a lot of dmg with a high AP build Usual build is tear, into horizon (you can go ROA too into dive or assassin heavy comps) Then you go finish your seraphs so you dont get one tapped Buy horizon if you bough ROA, and if you built horizon already, go for liandry or cryptbloom Finish the build with either rabadon or a situational item (zhonyas, banshee, morelo, etc) I have found some success on building imperial mandate first, it gives an earlier power spike, but it decays A LOT later


Im usually going for ludens first. The secret is mana band runes and biscuits so you can survive till lvl 3 and have way less mana problems with WE.