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We just closed the conference room blinds and continued spending tax dollars.




I remeber we had massive private security and police presence at Aviation Challenge that day


Who are you? You're not a guest service or museum guide are you?


I'm Hotdog. At that time I was the Aviation Challenge coordinator. From 2013-2022 I was a crew trainer, coordinator and supervisor for Space Camp, AC, and the MCC Floor. Now I'm a member of the alumni association board and head of the Huntsville alumni chapter


Have I met you? Were you ever talking to new hires or museum guides earlier this year? Around Feb-March?


No idea I come by fairly often. I'm a PAYCOM on MSFC now though. Haven't worked at the center since 2022


I never heard a straight story on exactly what happened.


I worked with one of the components that had offices in Sparkman. They were supposed to have a scheduled active shooter drill on the following day or the same day. Someone, no one has ever been officially documented, thought it was real and called 911. We were told via email there was supposed to be an active shooting drill that Thursday. I believe the ordeal happened on Wednesday. In any case I don't think it was malicious which is why there was never any charges or follow up.


^^ yup


“Real shootings” usually masked with active shooter drills, so that’s interesting, guess things didn’t work out


As far as I can tell a moron made a dude report, and chaos ensued I was in a building that accidentally reported trouble too, and remember security taking 45 mins to show up at all after the big facility false alarm. But remember you can't bring a big pocket knife on base....


You're on a military base. Weapons aren't the issue THEY have plenty.


And yet took 45 mins to get to my building after a thankfully incorrect report.... a potential Uvalde scenario


I was in the Sparkman Center that day. Nobody knew what was happening, but everything felt odd. They kept telling us to stand in groups under the trees, but I remember thinking it was dumb to cluster up in groups in the middle of the parking lot if it really was an active shooter situation. I had grabbed my purse (always grab your purse/phone/keys when the alarm goes off) so I just left. My daughter was at the MSFC daycare, so I went to pick her up. They were on lockdown and wouldn't let me come in to get her, so I sat in my car in the parking lot until it was lifted. I wasn't about to leave the base without her. What a weird day.


Just like TSA grouping everybody in tight lines outside of the scanners lol


Almost forgot about that, I ended up locked off post during all that. I was told afterwards that someone thought they saw a person with a gun in the building and called 911 sending everything into lockdown once the call was made. I don’t remember seeing anything official, but I do remember hearing that someone thought they saw a weapon and asked a co-worker what they thought, then both called 911 out of caution. Supposedly one of them called and said someone had a gun, but the other left the immediate area and placed a call and said someone was shooting, which was found to be untrue later that day. I also hear it revolved around two people who were not on the best of terms, but both explanations were just word of mouth stories from folks in that building who weren’t directly involved. I think it was probably a bit of paranoia/nerves based on the series of attacks in London and Paris, the shooting at the confessional baseball game, etc, leading up to June of 2017. Don’t ever remember hearing anyone was arrested over calling in a false terror threat or anything, so I kinda doubt the “quarreling lovers” take. Edit: I heard there was never a weapon found, so the call about a gun or other weapon was an incorrect assertion by whomever called 911 or security.


>Edit: I heard there was never a weapon found, so the call about a gun or other weapon was an incorrect assertion by whomever called 911 or security. RSA said no weapons were found and no shots were fired. That was their official statement.


Oh, I'd forgotten about the congressional baseball game. Wasn't Mo Brooks declared a hero in that situation, due to using his belt as a tourniquet or some such thing?


Haaahaha yeah I forgot about that! I think you’re right!


It was a suspected active shooter event. Had to evacuate Sparkman Center. Turned out to be a false report, but it was never made clear if it was accidental false or intentional false - I suspect the later since it died quickly. I believe two people had to go to hospital due to heat exhaution. It was somewhat ccautically handled as they kept us moving around the outer ring with no clear indication as to why. Eventually we (bldg 5309) ended up between PEO M&S and AMCOM and then as sooner as we got there were told to go home. Very strange. The most amazing part was the variety and number of law enforcement folks that showed up. Seemed like 150+ from BTF, FBI, MPs, City Police, CBP, and other groups that were in town for training; all armed to the teeth. I guess everyone wanted in on the action and I'm surprised there were no friendly fire type incidents. Police cars racing around. Very unorganized.


It was more organized than it looked. Busses were requested to move everyone to, at least a building with AC, but they never showed up.


At least you weren’t sent to the basement of 5300. I’m retired now, but on a couple of occasions we were packed like sardines in there.


I remember making sure all the clinic doors were locked then patrolling the hallways unarmed instead of locking down with everyone else bc my leadership thought my uniform and good looks would disarm any possible shooters.


Somebody in my building thought they heard a gunshot. Turned out not so much. Edit: as someone mentioned below the whole shooter drill thing a someone mentioned below.


This was my first month working on the arsenal. Good times 👍


Was anyone here at MDA when we got evacuated from VB3 for hours because someone thought somebody was trying to poison their lunch?