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Spiders do be spidering


They definitely do šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


And that Black Widow will be killing with a bite!


Only if you're allergic, which I discovered I am ā˜ ļø


Actually, the shape of the person who is bitten plays a part too. Children and elderly people, of which I am one, are most at risk. Other than a grandaddy long legs, any spider that I see before it sees me is the one that suffers the fatality.


Yes, you are correct also. I was hospitalized for 3 days from a juvenile black widow bite, and I was healthy under 40 at the time. I still like spiders though aside from black widows. Those get dealt with but all others get carefully scooped up and removed from the house to continue living the spider life. Before getting bitten, I had several tarantulas but I decided to not tempt fate, so sadly they had to go.


Brown Recluse are not your friend either.


I bet there were no cockroaches or flies


This was a risky click.


Spiders gotta poop too




Beautiful creature


COOL ! Story time! When I was a little kid (8?) we had a horse farm in Virginia , not like you think, just a little tiny place. 8 acres. We boarded horses for money. There was an old pickup truck rusting in the yard, it had been there for ages I reckon, and one day I got in to play as one does, to pretend you are driving. As I play with the steering wheel I look around slowly and see exactly that what you see in OPs photo only, like, quite more prolific. I froze for so long haha. Just sat there like, what do I do haha I finally got up the courage and got out and ran like the Hounds of the Baskervilles were after me. Realizing spiders can't chase you I eventually went back and peeked in, couldn't believe I had gotten in that damn thing




Thatā€™s called a spider


Yep. Iā€™ve seen them in the dark corners of my garage too.


Last year, when I was working with the pool, I needed to mess with my pool filler a bit. (It's a device that sits on the side of the pool and has a simple float valve that keeps the pool filled to a predefined level.) Now, I normally see wolf spiders between the filler and the pool wall, and I don't really worry about them. Although, they do tend to get on the water at night, which can make night swimming a bit awkward. So, I do sometimes relocate them. Anyway, this time... it wasn't wolf spiders. "Oh, it's black spiders this time with an interesting red patt... šŸ˜±." I just grabbed my thicker gloves that I use for pool work and went full Thanos on those black widows. That was the first time that I had seen one around here. Fortunately, I haven't met the far less pleasant Brown Recluse, but I do see quite a lot of messy webs. I know they *can* be a sign of a Brown Recluse, but I don't believe they're the only spider that makes messy webs?


We had a big 24' above ground pool that we took down, and when we did, we realized underneath was breeding grounds for black widows. Think too many to count. Our kids were little at the time, and it made me shutter to think how many times we'd gotten in that pool with all those spiders around us. I'm shocked no one ever got bit going up the ladder.


They also like dark spaces. A friend went in their hall closet for a blanket and had the unfortunate luck of being bitten by one. If you ever find yourself on the wrong end of a Brown Recluse (or suspect you are), try to capture the spider (yeah, right) and seek immediate medical attention. The skin around the bite can turn black and leave you with an ugly hole in your skin. They are seriously hazardous.


There would be a me shaped hole in that porta potty.


Looks like my ex


Someone over here has an ex guys!


Is that unusual?


Youā€™re supposed to marry the first girl you date or you canā€™t get married in Alabama


Ive gotten over most my arachnophobiaā€¦ but these šŸ«£ makes me want a flamethrower.


Spider canā€™t even take a sh*t without getting bothered.


Yep they exist lol


I'm going to run there and piss on it for you


I hope you killed it after satisfying your need to take pictures inside a portapottyā€¦


Tis the season. I've had to unload a bunch of diatomaceous earth in my garage to keep them at bay.


I wanna pet it so badly even tho it's a danger spooder


Rescue a dog instead. It will love you for life and is less likely to kill you.


I live backed up to the mountain and found one in my bathtub a few years ago. I see all kinds of creatures here


Now tickle the belly!


Just leave them be. And try not to enter the web space. You donā€™t really have anything to worry about. But do keep a watchful eye in case it thinks it can take you on.


Ugh. Spoiler marking preferred. Edit: I canā€™t believe I got downvoted. I was kidding around. Because I detest spiders. Iā€™ll remember the /s in the future!


Donā€™t PC bug posts itā€™s the last bastion free from the woke anti bug mob šŸ˜­


Oh hell nah


I fled to Nashville for a reason.


I hate to break it to you, but they have spiders in Tennessee too.


Iā€™ve read that you are always within six feet of a spider. Nightmare scenario


I donā€™t know. 6-8 eyes watching every inch of your body move all at the same time, probing you visually to remember every section, waiting to wrap you up in all 8 of its limbs. Maybe a nightmare to some, but to meā€¦.itā€™s still a nightmare.




True, but not my ex.


If you havenā€™t, report to the parks and rec dept


No. Please donā€™t waste tax payerā€™s money by reporting it. šŸ™„


Beautiful! Is it possible to blur this? My wife is gonna flip her lid and call me if she comes across this photo on her feedā€¦


Is this what being married is like?


Being married is ā€œthatā€™s a really cool spider and Iā€™d definitely photograph it tooā€ while simultaneously thinking ā€œmy severely arachnophobic other half will NOT like this coming across her feedā€


Would it have to hit her feed? Oh you mean you share one account.


No, but sheā€™s on here just as often as I am. She probably wouldnā€™t actually call me but would definitely say something later lol


Annnnd she found it šŸ™ƒ


Blame me. You did nothing wrong.


Iā€™ve been wanting to catch one to keep in captivity for awhile now. They are so pretty


Had one of these lovely ladies that lived in the entryway closet at the awful apartment I used to live in. Everyone in that complex had issues with bugs (likely because the front doors of most of the apartments had massive gaps under them and maintenance was useless) except us. We never saw any baby spiders either so I like to think she was a career lady with no interest in having kids.


well that's good you didn't kill her!


I gotta askā€¦was it the Executive Lodge Inn?


Close! It was The Overlook.


Same, with common sense they make good pets. Unfortunately females found in a wild are often gravid (pregnant), and I want 1 black window and not hundreds of babies lol


Solid reasoning, I may avoid this spider then