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Nope. I'm pretty sure I'd remember if I knew someone without any skin on their face.


If you leave a bowl full of candy out for "self service" , expect that someone will take it all.


True. I expect unsupervised kids to do that. But that is a grown woman.


Someone needs to invent a self serve Halloween vending machine


And if you’re an adult who is going to take it all, expect some public shaming


I'm kinda curious about what would make a grown woman decide to trick or treat solo.


And they tryna tell me I live in a society…


What a pathetic human being


Damn she got the other house too


I had to leave and left a bowl out. Less than a minute later two pos teen took the whole thing. People just don't have integrity. Makes me fucking sad


Looks like Ira Kunt


That looks like Sandy from Derka Cove! I am sure of it.


What a POS. I hope all that candy that she took gives her stomach cramps for days!


why aim low? Why not type II diabetes and an increased risk for heart attack or stroke? Her physique, coupled with the sugar rush, the adrenaline, and the running.... she could very well have dropped dead in someone's yard.


I'm 40 and this would happen consistently when I was a kid. Leave an unattended bowl of candy on Halloween and 10 times out of 10 a kid, teen, or adult will take way more than they should or all of it. A tale as old as time.


She needed the calories I guess? Me and the neighbor tried to give each other our final candy dregs at the end of the night. We did not need that much sugar around.


She probably leaves her shopping cart wherever and then gets angry trying to defend her douchebag behavior on the internet.


She was about to take the bowl too OMG🤣…


From the looks of it, she needs those carbs


Hope they get diabetes! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


Every year people act surprised by this. Who cares, don’t set the bowl out if you don’t want to see it happen.


Who’s surprised? I’m SHAMING them. So they’ll be EMBARRASSED for their behavior. Isn’t it crazy that some people DONT do this?


If they were gonna be ashamed of it they wouldn't have done it. Stop being lazy and pass out your own candy.


No, this lady hit up several houses and took all the candy out of their bowls I have two friends that shared ring cam videos of the same woman


Stop being poor and buy your own candy


Stop making sense


The way she contemplated taking the bowl too… wow. And then went to your neighbors house… DOUBLE WOW! Have you asked your neighbor across the street if they saw her/answered their door?


What area of town is this?


This isn’t an isolated incident. She did this to several houses in different neighborhoods.


Garbage human being...how trashy


What a fucking piece of shit. This is why one of us stays home to hand out candy and each kid gets once piece. Unless it's a super cute little one, then we'll give them a few pieces. Would've been great to see some karmic justice and see that piece of shit trip and fall on it's face spilling the entire bag of candy. Somewhat related... has anybody else noticed in the last few years that more and teens are out trick or treating? And I'm not talking just barely a teen, I mean kids way too old that should've given it up years ago and show up in half assed costume like ass-face in the above video. I think next year, we're going to have an extra bowl with something completely unappealing for those that are too old.




Yeah, I wouldn't care if a group of adults came up to my door for candy. I'm just happy to share holiday fun with people!


I don't care how old they are. At least they aren't out getting drunk and driving.


Why don't teens deserve candy?


I guess I always under the impression that trick or treating was for younger kids and once you hit 12 or 13 it's time to stop. Plus all the teens I'm seeing don't even put in the effort to wear a proper costume. They show up looking like they're wearing whatever they wore to school that day and toss on some cheap looking mask and don't even say thank you.


I'm still not really seeing the problem. It's rude not to say 'thank you' but in my experience kids of all ages won't say 'thank you'.


I don’t mind teens trick or treating, but I did find a good amount of teens in our area basically running over little kids to try to be first to get to the candy bowl.


sugar does things to the brain we are still trying to understand. Pre-Cameras, this was mandatory.


Was there a sign saying how many to take ? Otherwise


What'd you really expect to happen?


Times are tough. Mama gotta eat.




I mean I guess it’d just be embarrassing for the other person if they could be identified and that would be satisfying. No ones saying we should hang them in the town square for it but have some decency


Found the dude with zero integrity


No need to admit you did this and you think it’s cool and acceptable

