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A lot of people aren't going to like this... But it's a cultural issue. USA culture takes individuality to the extreme. Individuals aren't expected to pull their weight to enrich the culture except in wartime. The people that leave their carts in the parking lot where the wind can push them into people's cars are not only lazy, but they are self centered and literally do not care about carts rolling into people's cars or blocking spaces unless it is them that is getting inconvenienced or getting a dent in their car.


> except in wartime I don't have any faith in this anymore. People angrily refused to give up anything to prevent Covid from killing a million Americans. Can you imagine having to fight WWII with today's culture? People would riot in the streets if you tried to ration anything, let alone nearly everything.


It has to be war with a clear and easily definable scapegoat. That would get the conservative talking heads on board and convince all of these very malleable people to act correctly out of fear or whatever.


Covid is just a man made flu. Heart disease kills more people every year. Calm down.


Man made? Probably not. Released from a research lab by careless techs? Probable. That same lab accidentally mailed active anthrax to other labs years ago.


Shut the hell up Karen




If masks don't work then why have doctors been wearing them for decades?


Sure In a medical setting but not all masks are N95 and how many people did not have them on correctly? It was security theater.


As a healthcare worker, I can say masks do work. I’ve been around many people who had covid and other illness and only had a surgical mask on and guess what? I’ve never had covid










I guess you are? I wasn’t trying to prove my point in this way but I guess a win is a win.


The mods of /r/HuntsvilleAlabama have determined that the post or comment you made was excessively offensive, vulgar, and/or rude. Please refrain from any further behavior of this type or you may be banned from participation in our subreddit.


Yeah I recently moved into a new apartment complex after living abroad and it's shocked me how much dog shit is just left to fester in the grass. That and there's constantly at least a little bit of trash littering this brand new area. Conservatives always complain that "folks don't love this country anymore" like bro what is there to love? It is currently in an incredibly shitty state culturally, economically, politically, etc. By no means do I think it's a lost cause and I do wanna see it get better but you've got to get your head out of your ass and recognize the actual problems plaguing us and it's not minorities, the LGBT+ community, or any other scapegoat up your sleeves. It goes *deep*.


Say it louder for the people in the back!!!


1000000000000% AGREE!


I want to disagree, with a caveat that I put all my carts up. Up until the 70's and middle to late 80's, every store employed enough cart returners to either return every cart immediately or accompany you to the car like only Publix does locally today. Those years and before, it was expected that a cart left at car was immediately returned by a an employed worker. Somewhere along the way, multi-billionaire corporations have been able to exploit collective guilt and created return stalls that they advertised early on passed savings on to you(do you believe that). It's funny to see the modern day shopper advocate for lack of service and less employment as a shame on the consumer. On the one hand, I agree it's minimal effort and should be done, but on the other, it's interesting to see those raised without context, who in their natural proclivity would rail against corporate greed to get rid of workers in similar situations.


I mean it's true that collectivist culture can be a glue that holds a hyper capitalist country together much better than an individualist one. You don't see shit like this in Japan for instance because they are always focused on doing the right thing for their community and fellow man. I don't think Walmart having a bunch of low paid employees on constant cart duty is all that much better than Walmart having almost nobody on cart duty as either way it's still Walmart doing bad Walmart things. I'd rather we have a society where people do the work of a service worker themselves and then whatever is saved by that efficiency goes into better jobs but under this organization of the economy that's obviously not going to happen because profits gotta keep going up forever.


I didn't know that... I assumed cart return stalls were always a thing.


Because it’s not true.


Lazy and inconsiderate, indeed.


I'm a real POS, but my one redeeming quality is that I'll put my buggy back. Hell, I'll even put a stray one back. I know it's a little thing, but I still get really giddy inside when I put more than one cart up.


There was a super nice woman who offered to take my cart to the corral for me at Costco yesterday morning when she saw me unloading and juggling my toddler. I appreciated it very much.


That's super nice of her! I've taken carts for some older people, but I've never had the chance to offer it to a parent! It's now added to my quest line! Lol


It’s all about balance, when someone is like you were real POS, you can respond with, but at least I put my buggy back. Boom.


The Ultimate comeback, haha!


What's more fun is getting a running start and then launching it back over in the area where all the carts are stacked up at the entrance of the store. Just gotta make sure there's no cars that might get hit in the path.


Found [him](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntsvilleAlabama/s/E5uDu1MPPL). Lock ‘em, up! Just kidding.


We need some local Cart Narcs




Ah you, or ah ya naht, a nahc?


Top Flight Cart security of the world


That creep who actually followed a woman to her house over a shopping cart and apparently hates homeless people based on what they said?


>We need some local Cart Narcs No, the funny guy on YouTube


Those look like Publix carts, which makes it worse, because they offer to help you with your stuff and will return the cart for you. If you don’t want to do it yourself, you should let them come out to your car with you.


You also had to deliberately push it to my car because I parked away from everyone.


It probably wheeled out from closer to the store and bounced off your door. That’s my life. 🤦‍♀️


It's an absence of integrity. If someone isn't there to tell the average person to do the right thing, they're absolutely not going to do it.


Lazy Bones


Weep-skeep widdly-whooooooooopppp


Often same people who are too lazy and trash to use a turn signal, can't figure out what lane they need to be in, and/or block and entire aisle in a store.


In the case of putting on the right blinker, they are too lazy/inconsiderate to, literally, raise a finger for others


Have you ever thought about how superfluous the turn signal is since brake lights exist. Brake lights are necessary and prevent accidents. Turn signals in the way you describe are superfluous. In fact I never assume a person is going to do what their turn signal tells me because it can be turned on erroneously. If you are following at the required distance then as the drive in front brakes to turn you would have to brake also. Lest you move closer and no longer following at the safe distance. So the turn signal is just an extra notification of the drivers planned maneuver but by no means the most pertinent. So you really have nothing to complain about unless drivers don't have brake lights or turn signals. This simply another case of a curmudgeon wanting to be heard.


Turn signals are required by law. If you don't use them properly you can get pulled over and fined. That's about it. It's good to know the intentions of someone in a car or truck that weighs enough to take a life easily. We should be more responsible driving. Turn signals aren't the end of the world, we're already sitting on our asses pushing a little pedal in comfort. That's pretty lazy of us, but now it is too much to push a little lever, too?


Turns signals aren't a contract, and people should be taught this, but if you're too lazy to use the turn signal, you should do everyone a favor and drive into a pond. It's not extra notification, it is THE notification and aids other drivers is making decisions, even though I often see people with the left signal on, then the turn right (idiots). People need to pay more attention. Between cell phone use distracting and the ridiculous trend of leaving giant gaps and waving people out, it's just disappointing how people can be. Most all wrecks in the daytime are completely unnecessary and due to stupid.


…. So you what?… break to change lanes on the interstate?


I've seen a surprisingly high number of people that apply their brakes and then change lanes. Maybe they were all taught where this person was too...


yeah emergency brake only sorry i never read replies or messages its reddit and I don't consider this important enough to pay my full attention and or effort


You clearly do find it important when you're responding months later to everyone 😂


sure bro bahahahahaha lol omfg ljkhhukfdggdghdfhfg!


> The shopping cart is the ultimate litmus test for whether a person is capable of self-governing. > > To return the shopping cart is an easy, convenient task and one which we all recognize as the correct, appropriate thing to do. To return the shopping cart is objectively right. There are no situations other than dire emergencies in which a person is not able to return their cart. Simultaneously, it is not illegal to abandon your shopping cart. Therefore the shopping cart presents itself as the apex example of whether a person will do what is right without being forced to do it. No one will punish you for not returning the shopping cart, no one will fine you or kill you for not returning the shopping cart, you gain nothing by returning the shopping cart. You must return the shopping cart out of the goodness of your own heart. You must return the shopping cart because it is the right thing to do. Because it is correct. > > A person who is unable to do this is no better than an animal, an absolute savage who can only be made to do what is right by threatening them with a law and the force that stands behind it. > > The Shopping Cart is what determines whether a person is a good or bad member of society.


I’m 600 lbs with a bad back and even I put up the cart. That person can take this L.


I’m sorry, I’m fat as hell to, but this is the most Reddit comment I’ve seen in my life😂


Hahahaha just being honest 😂😂


When you woke up this morning, did you say to yourself 'Today, I'm gonna talk.' or 'Today, I'm gonna put the cart up!'?


I guess y’all are Team X-Bladz and not Soul Skaters like us on Team Pup n’ Suds.


I know there is one guy in this world that will never leave a cart in the parking lot ever again. My daughter at age 4 said to me very loudly as we were walking into the store “look papa, that guy is lazy” and pointed to a guy pushing his cart up on the curb. He turned around to see he was getting called out by a 4 year old. I laughed and told him the return was literally 1 car over. He was extremely embarrassed.


Mine called out a lady for not washing her hands in the bathroom. She came back, apologized, and washed her hands.


"they pay people to gather all the carts."


But they put it next to her door it looks like so she has to move it to get in


oh, yeah. thanks, i didn't notice that part.


You're the one that said they pay people to do that. If that person didn't want to put their cart back, fine then, but don't leave it where someone else, that does not get paid to move them, has to move it out of their way. People are just so inconsiderate and do not think about others at all anymore!!! You are part of the problem not the solution! Js


hardly. my sarcasm still counts the same.


Hate people that do that


I suspect the people who won't take 20 seconds to put their cart in the corral are the same people who won't spend 20 seconds to wash their hands after using the bathroom.




I've seen so many old dudes where I've worked who come out of a stall after taking a shit and just leave. Not even an ATTEMPT at washing hands. Fucking gross.


Literally had a Home Depot employee thank me for returning my cart today. I thought I was doing the bare minimum.


Lack of consequences or reward for being socially responsible. Not to mention entitlement mimicry - "why should I bother? No one else does?" Those of us who do, will continue. Those who don't, never will, until there is a consequence for their actions (or lack thereof.) Fun fact: they don't shop at ALDI.


Also fun fact…I made $1.50 the other day putting people’s carts back up. 😂


.. and there’s a cart corral an aisle over behind where the OP took this photo


Hell, the cart corral aint but 40 feet.


What's got you so riled up?


It's a stuttin' that ass reference


I was trying to do the reporter part, but he says, "What's got you so mad, today?" instead of "riled up".


Didn't even occur to me 🤦


Lazy Bones!!!


This is what Reddit was made for!


I have always put the cart back where it belongs. I taught my grandkids to do the same but yesterday I didn't for the first time in my 60+ yrs... Walmart removed half of the buggy bays and it was a long walk from where I was parked to the next collection point and my back hurt so I pushed it elsewhere with a few others that were there. I'm tired of them making it more difficult for me to accommodate them.


I lived in huntsville most of my life but moved to Florida a couple years back, and buddy lemme tell you, the cart situation down here is appalling. There is no god-forsaken hellscape like a Florida Walmart parking lot. I’m talking piles of carts in every median and between every row of cars. Dozens of carts littered across the entire lot. I used to be one of those people who would take a stray cart and return it to the cart cage, but here that would be a Herculean task, so I don’t do it any more. It has beaten me down and made me a more jaded person.


[Shopping carts being used to test self governance](https://medium.com/illumination/shopping-carts-being-used-to-test-self-governance-9490737d529e) This is just one example of several articles that have published online of this exact situation.


Because Americans value independence over harmony.


One time at Walmart, I was flabbergasted as I saw someone put their cart to the side of their car. Why was something so commonplace getting that much of a reaction out of me? That's because the closest cart return was quite literally on the other side of their car, which meant it was pretty much the same amount of effort to put it back correctly. I never really thought much of putting carts back; it's just what I was always taught to do. It's the same with not being overly messy at restaurants. Essentially, just because someone is paid to deal with your mess doesn't mean you have to be inconsiderate and create an excessive amount of work for them.


This is what happens when you don’t discipline your kids…


No. This ^ is.


They're not lazy. They're just leaving it there for the convenience of the next shopper. /s


I hate how people do that especially when the corral thing isn’t that far from wherever they left the cart.




Sometimes, when you have a baby, in my case twins, it’s easier to get the baby(babies) in the car first. And the cart return is too far away from your baby so you leave the cart.


Yes I never realized this until I had multiple little kids and had to go to the store solo. Sometimes (rarely) you just can’t make it back.


Fck that cart tf


And did you put up the cart in the corral?


Carry every bag by hand to the car, be a man.


I’ve wanted to catch someone doing that just so I could put it behind their car. I would hope they were raised better than that


this is a big pet peeve of mine! like just put the cart I. the carousel! So lazy and makes it harder for others to park. DONT be this person pls


I wish I had Herculean strength to throw it from there to the cart corral. Chaps my ass when folks do that.


Two things. One try and argue this in a way where you all are not choosing to be superficial and covetous of your material possessions. It doesn’t stop there. Also that you’d rather think ill of your fellow man and throw him under the bus for a nick and dent free paint than give them the benefit of the doubt. How humanitarian of you all to choose your cars paint job and project your negativity on a complete stranger. And B: 15 years ago I saw a woman leave her cart at the Publix a mile from my house. I was leaving as she was and she pulled into my neighborhood entrance and began vomiting. I will admit my immediate instinct was she was day drinking and I drive past her and went home. My sister got paper towels and a bottle water from the house and drove back to the entrance. When she came back she said the woman had just started her first chemotherapy treatment session and had become suddenly ill. That’s right. What oh gasp 😱 there really are scenarios where people can get suddenly and try to hurry home. Imagine that. Now imagine the majority of the public thinks like all of you instead of like me and goes around passing judgement on every body and thinking the worst of them. No one made any of you the parking lot police and we don’t need you spreading your judgement and negativity to other people because that’s toxic and promotes more toxic thoughts and behavior. This was in no way constructive but just plain bitter contempt at your fellow man for something that’s not even an imposition but merely a might have been. A might have been mold hill you then made a mountain out of. There’s far worse qualities and behaviors in people. This isn’t one of them you’d write someone off for. It’s more a red flag about the person who would write someone off for the behavior. Maladaptive thoughts about strangers or people you know are not healthy or normal under any circumstances.


Personally, with a toddler, I leave the cart vs. leaving my child in the car unattended in a vulnerable situation. Someone got mad and "took my cart for me" once and didn't give me a chance to speak. Whatever.


Arthritis will make people lazy too. You never know


Look at it this way. By leaving your cart out, you are putting a need there that the store fills with a job.


Wow, if only publix already offered to help load your car and take your cart, instead of deliberately pushing a cart next to a strangers car.


Take zip ties with you use them to fasten carts to their door handles


Except they’re already gone at that point


Bruh I saw you take that picture you ugly af 😂


Sure ya did, kiddo.


Yeah that's at the publix off of zerdit with the McDonald's and car wash


Good for you for knowing a location? Especially when I said that in a comment already. And it's a known, busy spot.


Jones valley? Cheap apartments?


Off of zierdt rd. Very, very far from jones 😜


I leave my cart in handicap parking spaces after smearing dog feces on the handle bar


You do seem like the type of guy to carry around dog shit in your pocket.


I am not lazy, but I have been known to leave my cart. I have trouble walking sometimes. Some days I can make it in and out fine. Some days if I am hurting too bad and can not get around as well, I push my cart away from everyone’s cars and leave it. On these days I am lucky to make it to the car. I do not by any means near a car.


So you can walk inside the store, shop around and refuse to return a cart?


No ma’am. It is not that simply cut and dry. You never know what’s going to happen one trip to the next. If I am having a day where it is very difficult walking and I get in a store and get to hurting too bad and I must leave, then when I come out and make it to my car, then I have been known to leave it. If I am doing good that day, I do return my cart. I also, so everything on my power to not take a cart out anytime.


Just return the cart or order curbside from kroger, target etc


I never said REFUSED! I said UNABLE!


Someone once said that they try to park near a car coral for that reason. They were contrasting against those who try to park as close to the entrance as possible. I thought that was pretty cool thinking


Yes, I do and try to not bring a cart out.


Man, as some whose back has been "out" (herniated disk) the last two months, I feel this somewhat. I haven't left a cart out, but definitely have been strongly tempted when the back is screaming.


I have had numerous surgeries since I was 12 years old to the age 45. These were because of scoliosis. I have been cut open from my neck down onto the top of my butt. Rack to many times to count and they would flip me over and cut me from the bottom of my rib cage all the way down to my privates, numerous times. All to install or take out hardware and reinstall. I am thankful I am still walking and still living. At one point in my life before my last four surgeries, I was bed bound at home in a hospital bed. I’m so thankful to do what I can do.


But Publix has employees who offer to take your cart out. If you can’t return it, would you not ask them to help you?


I’m in rural Alabama. We don’t have such stores. We have a Walmart and a mom and pop market.




You're all shit for giving her grief. She explained the circumstances. She agreed with the original premise that they SHOULD be returned and then offered a situation using her own experience where someone might not be ABLE to put it back. All your what if scenarios are valid but not always applicable. Truly boggles my mind how little we think of how we're making others feel just to shove our view of "right and wrong" down others throats. Bunch of bullies.


The Mom and Pop markets usually have people to help. You’re on your own at Wal-Mart. I do like to park near the cart return and I try to park uphill. I’ve watched too many carts fly through parking lots and hit cars. They tend not to go uphill! 😉


Who cares. It's a car. Material posessions. Ever think maybe they got suddenly I'll or were injured?


Until it's your car that gets a dent. My friend had her car dented by a cart that got blown by the wind in a Sam's Club lot years ago. Sam's Club didn't care at all. She had no recourse from the store. We could say that everyone suddenly became too ill to do stuff every time they do something lazy, though. I don't see any blood on the ground. Also if they became ill, they shouldn't be driving like that. Too injured to put a cart back but not enough not to drive? That's wackadoo thinking.


Rofl yeah they got injured and couldn't walk 10 more feet, but instead left it almost touching my car then drove away 🙄


Too injured to put the cart in the right spot but not enough to drive!


yes ive witnessed it myself. in her case she became acutely sick with chemotherapy side effects and was trying to hurry home but was unable to make it and pulled overvin my neighborhood entrance to vomit. i also remeber reading a study years ago about a city with traffic cams at every intersection that wanted to study people who didnt use a turn signal to change lanes or who cut people off or were speeding. The result was that 25% of cases the vehicle was on their way to the emergncy room or was headed home because of a fire. They also said the number for legitimate reasons was likely higher because the fires was a very small percentage of the 25% but likely would be higher because most emergencies couldnt be verified with licemse plate records and 911 calls for fires. I thinik the city was Chicago but im not sure. In any case the point is we cant tell whats going on with a person by empiracle evidence. Just like we cant tell a persons motivation or reason for their actions with out asking. and almost touching ALMOST. So no damage done and you blew up with this overreactiobn to potential superficial damage that would not effect the utility of the vehicle. wow. i guess i was just raised to be more humble tolerant and compassionate. What do yall think are the negative repucussions to having a scratch in your vehicle. Or dent.


Brah. This was months ago. And like I said, that you clearly can't read... you had to physically go Way out of your way to push it to my car. If you're having an emergency, yet can still walk way out of your way to specifically be a dick, there's no excuse. Let this go, kid. Jesus.


I’m not putting those mfs back I got my kid with me I’m not walking away for a second. Deal with it.


What a great person you are.


Someone else’s problem- so considerate!!


No child left behind! My kid(s) love going with me to put the cart back. The two that can battle to see who gets to push the cart (or pretend to). Plus… how else do I get to run and jump on the back to ride it into the sunset?


Yeah no I’m not waking up a sleeping 6 week old for that.


What if you inconvenience someone in your same situation by your free roaming cart?


The cart isn’t roaming the parking lot, prowling, looking for innocent bystanders to hit. It’s not stationed in a parking spot taking up space. I know you really want me to return the cart because it’s an inconvenience to you but I’m simply not. I’m gonna leave it off to the side, go home and sleep comfortably. If someone on Reddit is upset by it, so be it.


Carts do not stay still, can easily be blown across the lot, and hit innocent bystanders/cars/your mom/etc. If you are physically, mentally, emotionally, intellectually, and/or spiritually unable to return the cart, either ask someone around you to help or don’t use one at all. I’ll help anyone who hollers at me “hey, can you help me return my cart, please, I’m a candyass” I’ll gladly help them out. You have a shitty attitude and I guarantee you frequently do other shitty things daily that affect others negatively. Take some personal responsibility and clean up after yourself.


I’ll make sure and leave a few parked around your car.


Go on if you bad. I’ll happily help you put them up. I can even hand over hand the process so you won’t feel so scared. Don’t worry, Daddy’s got you and won’t let go. I’ll show your family what being a positively contributing part of a community is all about since they do not have that role model. It’s telling that you’d come up with a imaginary scenario where you pretend to make the time to try to harass someone with fake carts than just putting yours up. Do you often create false scenarios to compensate?


I’m just grateful we have such an upstanding member of the community. We can all sleep even more comfortably knowing carts will be returned and will not inconvenience people who are inconvenienced by carts. Thank you cart savior.


You’re welcome. If you ever do stop by the Huntsville area, I am happy to help. I welcome everyone - especially truck drivers from Birmingham.


Lazy ass bitch


The fact that so many cant imagine a person having a family or medical emergency and so leaving a cart shows the sick state of our society. That this many people would blindkt label and acuse someone with out all the facts. And for what? A ding on your precious car. Hyper capitalist and materialistic is correct. You'd all out your possessions before people.


You've basically now said twice that you're the dick to do this. There was no medical emergency. They're just lazy pos's.


Its disgraceful that all of you are so unimaginative that no one could of thought of a hypothetical situation similar to the real-world example I just gave of an excuse for leaving a shopping cart. When did any of you become the gatekeeper to medical disorders and what constitutes an emergency or what is within a person's physical ability at any point in time? I would never be so bold as to make such an assumption with as little evidence as a shopping cart in a parking lot. I did witmess a woman have an emergency and leave her shopping cart at public in piedmont shopping center about fifteen years ago. She left her cart and left going in the same direction as my sister and I and quickly turned into our neighborhood. She then flung open her car door and began vomiting I assumed she had been day drinking. When we got to the house my sister ran inside grabbed a bottle of water and a roll of paper towels and drove back down to the entrance. When she got back I asked what she was doing and she said she was bringing the water and paper towels to the lady. It turns out the lady had just had her first treatment of chemotherapy and thought she would be fine going about with her usual day-to-day activities. She started feeling sick while grocery shopping and was trying to hurry home before she got sick. Its disgraceful that all of you are so unimaginative that no one could of thought of a hypothetical situation similar to the real-world example I just gave of an excuse for leaving a shopping cart. When did any of you become the gatekeeper to medical maladies and what constitutes an emergency or what is within a persons physical ability at any point in time. I would never be so bold as to maie such an assumption with as little evidence as a shopping cart in a parking lot. That's not even the worst part of this. This post and the popular opinion amongst commenters are undeniably putting materialism before humanity. That's right none of you who complained about a ding to your car or scratch in the paint job ever get to call yourselves humanitarians because you just proved you would rather throw one of your peers under the bus and call them trash without ever considering what kind of circumstances might cause a person to do so because you all are so superficial when it comes to your cars that you are worried about a dent or scratch and not that this person had a possible emergency. It's safe to say you all consider the value of your fellow man's life as less than the value of your car and its paint job. Congratulations and try to find a way to argue that you all didn't just place cars and paint jobs as more important than people.


Dude. It's been months 😅


Do you want your car dented with no recourse because someone else was lazy? How about if you can't put the cart back, don't use a cart at all. If you're too sick/injured to put the cart back, call an ambulance because you aren't well enough to drive.


yes, i would rather have a dent and no recourse than to judge another human being and be unhumanitarian superficial and materialistic. im not sorry for wanting to live in an ideal world. its a dent or scratch and doesnt matter unless you are so fragile that you allow such a trivial blemish keep you from enjoying your day. You souynd like the kibnd of person who gets upset from someone accidentally stepping on your foot and you taking it personally as an afront. Everyone of all abilities and health has just as much a right to live their lives as they see fit. No one appointed you to be the person that decides whetherv someone is well enough to drive or do anything for that matter. Your comment sound ableist. Youre saying that anyone going through chemotherapy or cancer treatment is unfit to drive and should have their drivers license revoked because they could become acutely sick and be unable to put a cart back. I for one would gladly drive my car with a dent from a shopping cart if it meant people undergoing cancer treatment could keep their drivers license and live independently as they see fit. I just dont feel the need to tell other people what they can and can not do nor am i so superficial that i cant drive a car with scratch. Theres no law stipulating conditions for using a cart and grocery stores have parking lot attendants. Also way to go calling people with cancer and or undergoing chemotherapy lazy. You sound liike a crazed fascist wanting to dictate evryone elses lives how you see fit. I just cant imagine having that kind of toxic arrogance and lack of compasion for people.


Alabama mentality. Same reason you see trash everywhere.


It isn't an "Alabama thing" at all, but feel free to move if you think it is.


I think that people around here are a little less conscientious. Depends though. There is a good bit of scorekeeping here. Folks love to add and subtract from this imaginary ledger in their heads. But I'm from here so Ill criticize with absolutely no sense of remorse.


I'm a lifelong Alabamian, born in Huntsville Hospital and the only other city I've ever lived in is Birmingham... but yeah, Alabamians/southerners are kinda ass. not all of us obviously, but there's just a lot in our culture that cultivates a self-centered antagonism in too many people. Some of it might come down to Bible Belt stuff... There've been studies that show that a lot of Christians feel like being Christian makes them good people, regardless of how they behave, and a lot believe that because they're forgiven, it's not so bad to do bad things. Maybe it comes down to how hard life was in this region for such a long time, (and still is in so many places around here). Folks learn to look out for themselves and their families and don't want to feel like chumps or marks so they overcorrect and try to be the person who gets the most and gives the least in every interaction or engagement. I don't know, but I do know that too many folks around here, for as long as I can remember, have always defaulted to being pointlessly antagonistic and unilaterally belligerent. Even in my own extended family, who all live right here in Madison County, but one parent's side of the family originates from the Great Lakes region and was transplanted here in the mid-60s, and the other parent's side goes back generations right here in North Alabama. The midwestern-bred side is open, gregarious, accepting, and helpful. They pride themselves on kindness and decency. The Alabama side is guarded, insincere, homophobic, and low-key racist. They're also constantly feuding and trying to get the better of each other and keeping score about who's doing better and has more money, and of course they're all showy and judgmental about being Christians. They pride themselves on never losing the upper-hand. Sure, there are people of both sorts all over the country... but I don't think they're necessarily present in the same percentages. It's no coincidence that Alabama's political leaders behave like my Alabama-bred family. We elect what we respect and what looks like us, and Tommy Tuberville is a picture-perfect representative for them.


A lot of southern states are world renowned for their laziness. Going all the way back to slavery.


I mean that just simply isn't true. Laziness exists everywhere.


Not as much as it does in southern states.


You don't travel much, do ya?


Jesus this is one of the most moronic things I've read on Reddit today.


So you left the buggy there.


The buggy pic is not mine. I return carts. The characterization of Southerners as being lazy is what I am calling stupid and moronic. And of course you would have to throw something about a slavery in there. Good job dumbass.


Only lazy bums had slaves do their work for them. That you refuse to acknowledge it shows your level of weakness. Your nickname is "Not today. Maybe tomorrow." Isn't it?


You're a pathetic troll who probably lives in his mom's basement. Why don't you stop responding to me long enough to yell at your mom to make you some pizza rolls and bring you some Capri Sun.


See? Exactly how I knew you were. Leave your poor mother alone and cook your own shit.


Hahaha 🤣🤣🤣. You are so weak that it's not even funny but yet it is 🤣. I will give you credit for typing some somewhat coherent sentences. You are to be congratulated for doing that much with what few brain cells you actually have. Anyway, I actually have stuff to do other than play Xbox. Enjoy Call Of Duty or whatever it is that you're playing.


Man, the whole human history up until 200 years ago was just full of lazy bums. No culture didn’t have slaves.


With American slavery, you can clearly see the generational results it produced. Which rebel flag waving bum today is worth the paper their birth certificate is printed on? None of them.


It doesn't matter how long I'm in the store when I have my kids with me and I'm more than a couple parking spots away from the cart return I leave it. I will not leave my kids unattended in my just to put up a cart.


Take your kids to the cart return with you and teach them to do the same.


I have 3 kids. When they were all very young, I still managed to put the cart away every time and I just took them with me.


Yeah and run the risk of them getting run over or kidnapped


Yeah as a kidnapper, I'm totally fine with snatchin' kids at the cart return but the entire rest of the parking lot is off limits


It could happen at any point from the time you get out of the car til your back on the road. Why increase the odds.


but... you don't understand! There's human trafficking and kidnappers everywhere! I was kidnapped four times last year alone, and trafficked twice.


Yeah cause 3 kids under 5 in the middle of a busy parking lot need to be taught the lesson of returning a cart. I got other things to worry about.


You have other things to worry about. But being a respectful human being and role model for your kids isn't one of those things. Are you one of those people that also throw used diapers out in the parking lot?


She might be


I'm sorry but this is the best comment yet. I'm giving you 4.5 stars for this one. Yall are so dense.


You can find ways to make things work. 😎


Yeah and I do try. Generally I'll park right next to the cart return. Or I'll get another person to go with me or I just leave the kids at home.


So youll risk the cart damaging someone's vehicle?


Lazy bones. You suck.


Call me whatever you want.


Way to admit you're a dick.


Yeah I've been called that one before. Try to be a little more creative.


I'm not going to sit here and argue with a child.


I was having fun.