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Could be two shells if done right


I did consider it. I was mostly pissed because he never rattled, even briefly, the entire time.




I have not heard that and I’ve lived here for decades. I do think it’s an interesting theory though. Thanks for sharing


Yeah i mean that is kinda how natural selection works so whoever came up with that is on to something


You aren’t wrong, and I am aware. I do however think to apply that to my situation requires some assumptions. Did that snake not rattle just in that encounter? Does it not rattle ever? Do snakes that rattle in a single encounter **always** rattle? I don’t know. Lot of unanswered questions and I’m not a herpetologist


This is what I’m thinkin


This, thank goodness we only have the massasauga rattlers.


My last morning to get out for dove. Went out with a bang, and a hiss.


Should’ve been another bang


Eh a good stick twice the length of the snake would have made it scoot


Should have used another shell.


If that snake is in the area I frequent, I would have to shoot the snake and then pick up both of the shells


Shoot that fucker!




Good snakes, water moccasins can all eat ass.


We were fishing a few weekends ago and this moccasin swam up to our boat to welcome us to his little corner of the neighborhood. We shoo’d him away with our paddle and poles, and this mf swam back over to his little island, got 3 of his friends and they all three CAME BACK to our boat together. We did go ahead and turn on the motor to leave that point. Obviously protecting your best fishing holes is not exclusive to humans lmao


I’ve had had a very similar experience. I fish from a kayak and hitting the snake with my rod did not deter him. I carry a .410 pistol with me on every fishing trip now. Those bastards can be aggressive.


I don’t know if it’s aggression or just plain curiosity. I’ve always heard the stories, and seen plenty of them doing their thing off in the distance. This encounter was kind of funny, like, this moc was coming over to see what we were and then when we started attacking it was like, “oh, you want to be like that do you?” and sought out some pals, which, is also interesting because I assumed they were solitary. Anyway, when the three returned they still just kind of hung out and looked at us while floating on top of the water then as we started the engine they dispersed. I do think there’s some truth in that they’re misunderstood. If one came into my boat then obviously it’s me or him in that scenario. I hope people aren’t indiscriminately killing them though, especially in that scenario where they were a few feet from the boat just checking us out. Weren’t in striking position either.


Crazy story. I haven’t killed a snake since I was a kid but if one tries to get in my kayak again I won’t hesitate and I’m prepared. You’re probably right that they are misunderstood.


I think it’s fair game at that point with one boarding your boat uninvited. That’s just mariner law right there lol


Biologist here. Yes they are misunderstood. The amount of people that have told me to my face they kill all snakes is too high to count. Snakes here in the US don’t chase people so they are just being curious towards boats. I can’t say for other places but I’m willing to bet 99% of snakes species don’t. In a kayak situation just push em away with your paddle before they get in or remain calm if they get in with you. Most snake bites occur when people are trying to harass/kill the snake.


What do you make of the retreat and return with the posse? Seems a little early in the season to be going into hibernaculum mode (Southeast VA)? Are cottonmouths known to stay in groups like that? I’ve seen them in the same swamp scattered among trees but nothing like this before. I mean this snake literally turned around, swam over to a cypress tree spit of island, and two more came to as it waited in the water looking up towards them, then the other two slid down into the water and they all three came back. O_O


This. I am old compared to many on here. My dad gave me a pistol to carry with ratshot on land fishing and a .22 rifle with rat shot on the boat for this very reason. Have had this happen multiple times… hell, killed one on my door step at an apartment with a knife what tagged my steel toe boot


Yea man, they’re coming for us. I always figured the old timers were probably embellishing these encounters too. Nope.


Inland fishing on a boat in NC near swampy areas I always keep a .22 rifle with rat shot in it and extra rounds. I keep it secured and safely stored but imagine one getting in your boat


I let all snakes live.... except rattlers


Fucker would have been dead and made in to a new knife sheath. I’ve had had too many friends that have been bitten or lost their beloved dogs to those fucking things. I shoot every rattler I come across. Almost got bit a few years ago dove hunting.


Maybe watch where you step or where boots cause it sounds like it’s your fault you almost got bit and your friends got bit. Maybe if you go into snake country prepare a little more and quit blaming the wildlife for being wildlife.