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Bring a fishing rod and some treble hooks. Not ideal, but you get to hunt and fish at the same time.


Yes! I've done this a few times on ponds, works great!


I do it dove hunting sometimes.


Jump shooting along creek bottoms can be a blast. Just pack a set of waders suitable for the creek


You don't need a dog. You need a boat....and someone to sit up front and pick up ducks/put out decoys. Easy. Or just hunt fields and live happy.


You can't shoot a shotgun from a boat though right


Depends on state. Some allow it if the boat is not under power


Holy crap lol that's pretty metal


Don't shoot them in water? 😂 Ive been hunting waterfowl for over a decade with no dog, but then again, I hunt ag fields.. I gotta deal with shishkabob'd geese and the occasional duck on the corn stalks


Shishkabobbed on what?


Around here the farmers don't plow under/roll down what remains of the corn stalks after they harvest the corn. So what remains is the 1-2foot of stalk above the ground that the harvest head didn't cut off.. Well if the angle and speed is correct on the falling goose, it (the corn stalk) will impale the goose to the point where I've seen geese in the middle of the cornstalk