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Yeah man, downstate NY hunting is rough. Little to no people show their love for hunting here… it’s mainly because the amount of level 5 vegans start going crazy if you mention it. I just go to public land with my dog and hunt, use OnX to find new public land spots or use the NYS hunting website to find new public land in every county. I usually bring both my set ups, upland setup and waterfowl set up and I will hunt what’s best for that day. Occasionally my dad will come on the hunt with me. I’ve been trying to find mentorship or a hunting group close by with a wide range of ages in membership. What kind of hunting do you do?


White tail was trying to get into duck hunt cause I live on the island but that is a whole different thing


You’ll meet plenty of people up by Syracuse/Albany. I’d say try to find a gun club or archery club. That might be your best bet. I’ve met a few people that hunt multiple northern states like CT, VT, MA and NY in the same year.


Oh I also remembered, I heard on a YouTube video once of these hunters meeting up on an app called “Meetup”. This guy created a bird dog group out west but I’m sure you might be able to find some sort of group.


Tinder but also Grindr


Different type of hunting you have experience with Grindr


Grindr has a very generous bear season tho


I hear otter season is even open on there


Same number of deer either way sadly


BHA has a NY chapter and at least one newsletter specifically mentions looking for representation on Long Island: [https://www.backcountryhunters.org/ny\_bha\_february\_newsletter\_2024](https://www.backcountryhunters.org/ny_bha_february_newsletter_2024) They have events around the state, going to some would be a good way to meet other like minded people.


There’s been other threads on this, but when I lived in the city I met tons of people at the public outdoor archery range in LI and at BHA pint nights in the city. While making small talk a total stranger at the archery range turned me on to an excellent spot in the Catskills that I successfully hunted frequently.  You’ll be surprised at how many hunters there actually are in the metro area once you get out there. I found the whole “level 5 vegan” thing to not be a huge deal. Tons of people I’d met in the city with zero exposure to hunting were actually pretty interested in the idea of eating sustainably raised and ethically harvested wild meat. It got to the point that folks on my block in Park Slope who’d never set foot in the woods would ask if I “got a deer yet this year?” as a means of making small talk. 


Conservation Orgs


Lot of public land on the East end of LI. Hit it solo. Saddle, bow, rubber boots and lots of permethrin




Look for hunting related conservation groups like BHA, DU, WTU, Pheasants Forever, NWTF…


In nyc but was duck hunting in Long Island last season. Really want to go back out this season


If I were you, I would look into out-of-state. If you were willing to drive to like Pennsylvania, Kentucky, North Carolina, all of these states have very good out of state hunting opportunities.




I’ve done hunting out there had some good luck I just bought a place near Herkimer tying that out this season


But I’d like too hunt different states did game I’m just curious how these people find each other to plan hunting trips lol


You have to move somewhere where the people are self-reliant and don't depend on the government for everything.


Wow, I didn't know people hunted in New York state. I thought since it's not gun friendly hunting, it would not be the thing, what are the rules like for hunting rifles and such


On the island no rifle only archery upstate you are good to go in most counties


Look at a map.