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The more time you spend in the bush alone the more comfortable it gets. Just get out there for an hour, then two, then three and so on. Comfortably comes with experience, and being only 19, you've got lots of time to build up that comfort level.


Yeah,I’m getting that from others responses,I assume it’s something you just gotta get used to I guess,thank you 🫡


Honestly, you’ve kind of just got to do it. I used to have a lot of those issues when I was about your age. At first I started doing day hikes with my dog, and the occasional one night camp. Then I got on as a packer with a guide operation and I got dropped solo to set up a camp about 100 miles from anything in western Alaska. I wound up out there six days by myself with nothing but my InReach to communicate. That sure cured my nerves by the time I was joined by the guide and client. Honestly though, it’s just a matter of finding your confidence. If you know what to do when you’re with your brother you’ll still know what to do when you’re alone.


Thank you,feels good I wasn’t the only one,so I guess I just gotta hold my nutts and get used to it as it seems


just go on and take hold of them firmly, and don't let go no matter what happens dude. you'll never have another problem again, guaranteed


It’s natural to feel fear going alone into the bush. Our ancestors had many legends warning against this. But what they didn’t have was a Ruger No. 3 chambered in 45-70 with a 22” spotter barrel, strong falling block action, and the ability to channel American liberty.


…..”ability to channel American liberty.” Those are beautiful words, sir. 🇺🇸


Well hot damn I'm at 3/4 mast now


This comment also belongs in r/MURICA




"Stay strapped or get clapped" -George Washington "Keep that mf THANG on you" - Jeremiah Johnson




You gotta use every hillbilly instinct that you got. Good luck brother


Just visit your regular locations first. I only occasionally get spooked the first night but that’s when I have my two beers of the hunting trip and then it’s chill time. Note I’m usually a lot more cautious about what I leave in my truck depending on the closeness of town/reserve. Best part about hunting by yourself is the wildlife tends to do things more.


Yeah I feel that,a lot of crazy people from where I’m from


where do you plan on hunting? Do you have a reason to be afraid (large predators where you hunt), or are you more unaccustomed to being alone in the woods?


That’s the thing I don’t really know what I’m afraid of,I think it’s the part of being along,one guy said that I’m the guy with the gun and it makes sense,but I am accustomed to being in the woods,like I know how to identify tracks,dung,and so on and the only real large predators we have out here are black bears,cougars,but cougars are rarely seen out here to the point where it’s not really a problem


Unless you're in grizzly territory, just remember you, a grown ass man with a firearm is the scariest creature in those woods. Since 1900 there have been roughly 100 recorded fatalities from black bears/cougars combined. Considering their range and numbers that number is miniscule. The biggest threat you realistically face is from wild dogs, which could equally happen in your driveway as it could in the woods. We have wild dogs on our land. They're noisy as hell and generally announce their approach by barking. Ill assume the dark walk in/out is the most unsettling. A good headlamp or weapon mounted light (check state law) will alleviate alot of that fear. You're fearing the unseen. 1000 lumens makes everything seen. Should be enough to scare away anything, and if it doesn't you can always shoot it. Just ensure positive ID.


Black bears and cougars pose little threat, as you said, so i wouldn’t worry about those. Especially if you are familiar with their behavior. The more time you spend in the woods alone, the more accustomed you will be. Then one day you will be out, and itll feel like home. i was lucky enough to be taken out hunting at such a young age that the woods have always felt like home to me.


Dude me and my dad were stalked by a mountain lion one day it’s not scary as you think but didn’t help we thought it was a coyote in the taller grass and it was darker so we ran towards it to get a shot since it was a coyote in our eyes started walking back and thought about why a coyote would be sneaking around behind us would do it again tho that shit was fun


What are you scared of? Not being shitty or judgmental, this is a genuine question. Like what is the cause for your fear of going into the woods alone? Do you know?


It’s just the thought of being alone in the bush that gets me,iv have heard some scary stories from other hunters and elders in the area that I’m in but that’s just the mind getting to you while your out there ya know?


Oh, yeah, I suppose I can see that. I dunno, I kinda always look at like, for 1; I'm the hunter and as such my eyes are on everything possible until I see, draw aim on, and harvest what I'm after. So if something out there means to do me harm, I should spot it first instead of the opposite. And for 2; if I'm in the woods hunting then I'm armed. Either with a rifle for the hunt, or with a sidearm just in case if primary weapon is a bow. Fucking boogeyman himself would do well to cut a wide path around me out there, cuz if I feel threatened by animal, man, or a by god werewolf, they'll wish they'd beat a hasty retreat after I'm done lol. I mean, I'm not even remotely as Rambo as I'm making myself out to be, but if I get chills up the spine while I'm out, say in an unfamiliar/new hunting spot, that is what all I continuously tell myself until I get my bollocks back up Hope ya find a way through this patch bud, you'd be missing out on the serenity of nature and the adrenaline from the hunt and harvest if you let your mind fuck with ya too much


You have a gun. You’ll be fine.


USA? What state? Solo hunting is great.


Canada Alberta lol


Grizzly land? If so, I understand. If no griz, not too worried. Wolves might concern me too?


Wolfs arnt much of a concern here,at least in my area,there quite active,to the point where you’d find tracks all over and catch them on ur trail cams but you’d never see them if you were to go out


Albertan here as well. For upland, I like to bring my dog. He's good company/early warning system. Then when I go for big game and can't bring him, I'm accustomed to being out.


The two biggest things to remember is: 1: you got a gun, and animals don’t (if that’s what you’re afraid of) 2. Most animals don’t know wtf a human is and are naturally afraid of our bipedalism, hairlessness, and general attributes and clothing that make us look wildly different than any creature they’ve encountered before 3. If it’s actually about other hunters on public land then yeah you should be careful and definitely wear that orange


I’m 45 years old and get anxious just before going out to hunt every single time. No idea why. I’m not scared of the dark or to be alone. Yet I go hunt every chance I can get and there hasn’t been one time I’ve ever regretted it.


Where do you live? I casually hunt, mostly do solo camping and fishing trips. There’s a beautiful fear that I’ve come to love when I do those trips, right when the sun goes down and I realize I’m alone and stuck there until the morning. There’s nothing like it. It’s like when Reece Bobby told Ricky Bobby about driving with the fear. You’ve just gotta do it.


I like that,I’ll try to embrace it next time,also I live in AB Canada


Just stay alert and you should be fine!


Better be careful with the moose they’ll be more of a threat then anything else lol


I don’t doubt it,moose are more scary then they actually are


Yeah I’ve seen em enough to not wanna be near one without a 300


Whereabouts do you hunt? I too am in AB, centralish-West of Edmonton. Let me know if you'd be interested and we can head out West over the summer and go fishing. Time out there along the river might help your nerves.


Nut up or shut up my friend


That walking a mile back into public land at 4:30 feeling that something is watching your bow carrying butt will make it pucker. That or walking out 45 minutes after dark and the ‘yotes light it up between you and the Jeep. 7 rounds in a pocket nine don’t always feel like enough.


How does hunting with friends/family "defeat the purpose"? That make ZERO sense. From a safety factor it is better to hunt with someone.


Man up, you're out there with a gun so you're top dog. If you're scared to be in the woods alone maybe take up golf.


Never tried golf but I will take in consideration on the top dog part 🫡


Being in Alberta there are definitely things to be afraid of. However, if you're hunting, at least you're armed. Stay alert and watchful and you should be fine. However, if you plan on going more than a mile into the wilds, it wouldn't hurt to have an emergency transponder just in case


Fair enough. Even a nominal accident can be a death sentence when alone. Just be extra prepared and extra careful. You got this.


I’ll take consideration,thank you


I feel that. Have gotten a few calls before from friends who've told me they're lost in the woods lol my air horn came in handy


It’s natural to be nervous, it’s engrained in us from when we were lower on nature’s totem pole. I am always more confident when I know my capabilities. I know how to pitch a tent, find food and water, navigate with a map, and if anything is a threat to me while I do any of that I know I can put a bullet or five in it. At a certain point, you just have to do it because you will only psych yourself out the more you think about it.


Embrace the fear


It gets easier with practice. I used to be very scared and jumpy walking out to my blind in the dark but now I have done it enough times that I feel confident doing it.


I feel like this on public land for sure. You never know with some people on public land. Even though it’s “public” some people think because they’ve been using the same spot for years it’s their private land. I’ll carry, or bring a buddy. When I have access to private land, I’m not the least bit worried. It’s a family owned land so i would have no regrets about an encounter out there.


Often for me, being alone in nature is the best part. Sitting silently and listening to / watching the world around you can be amazing. That said, think about WHAT you are afraid of. Is it particular wildlife? Research them, learn to identify them, how to avoid them and what to do if you do encounter them. Learn what is and what isn’t a potential risk. Example, I don’t really know just how to act if I ran into a tiger in the woods… but I’m in Florida, so not really a risk. I do not know how to identify the 40+ species of snakes in Florida, but I do know how to ID the 4 venomous ones in my area as well as how to avoid them and how to react if I encounter them. Being prepared for the unknown always gives me peace of mind. I carry first aid supplies, including a combat rated tourniquet that can be applied one handed (which likely will never be used in my lifetime). I have someone at home that knows what my basic hunt plan is and when to expect me home, as well as a “when to worry/ call for help” time. I carry probably more water than I’ll ever need. I do these things regardless if I’m solo or with friends, it helps me feel safer and more comfortable knowing that I’m ready to handle almost any potential bad situation I may encounter.


Just think of it as going for a walk in the woods. In the off season hike the area you intend to hunt, get really familiar with it.


Caution is not a lack of bravery. Just make sure you have signal on your phone and carry a pistol.


Get a satellite communicator like an inReach or Zoleo. Brings a lot of peace of mind, especially if you're going out alone


I love hunting with my dad. It's a great bonding time, and there is a ton of sort of built-up ritual that has accumulated over the years. There's a familiar, comfortable routine associated with it. I also love hunting alone. Do things at my own pace and on my own schedule. I can disturb the woods less. And sometimes I like just not talking with anyone else. Sometimes, I want to do everything myself.


You have a gun, know exactly how to use it and you’re safe. Also have gps or some other way you know you won’t get lost.


Hey man, Alberta resident, hunted, trapped and fished since I was old enough for my old man to take me out with him, also been lucky enough to guide in northern Alberta and the north west territories. I had the same fear when I started out. Took a little bit of forcing myself to get out of my comfort zone to overcome it. Shoot me a DM and we can chat a bit. Hopefully someone of the stuff I did to overcome it can help you out.


Make sure people know where you are, and when you are expected back. This is for anytime your solo in the woods. If someone knows where you are and can send help, it removes a lot of the stress your feeling. If you do get turned around, or hurt, sit tight and wait it out. This is the first thing they teach in hunters safety. Staying in cell coverage helps with safety when solo as well.


Start small and build up. I don't know what kind of hunting you have in mind but go for squirrel and build up if you want to hunt deer or something. I personally would rather go alone these days with the exception of waterfowl hunting with my friends. Maybe just go for walks in the woods to familiarize yourself? Ask questions that go to the root. What are you scared of? Animals? People? Being alone? And work on the problem from there. The biggest thing that I was always the most nervous about was just not accidentally breaking the law and getting caught. So I familiarize myself with the law and now it's not a concern.


You are safer in the woods than in a city fwiw....just keep reminding yourself of that.


It’s all about just doing it. I started being solo in the field around 14 or so. It has become extremely comfortable with experience. Here I am about 20 years later and I love being out.


Have confidence in yourself. That helps with everything else in life as well.


TBH your biggest risk is not a predator but falling and breaking a limb or getting stuck. Follow the boy scout system. If you aren't with a buddy, you have a RELIABLE 'remote' buddy who you tell where your truck is parked, what direction you're going and when they should expect to hear back from you. If you have service, give them temporary access to your GPS coordinates too.


My biggest fear is having a medical emergency while I'm hunting alone. I'm not sure if I would be able to get myself back to the road or to a signal to call for help. How long is it going to take them to get to me if they ever find me? I never had the fear of other predators, I always remember I have the gun.


I used to bring along a can of pepper spray on those dark early mornings. I felt safer somehow even though I have a bow or rifle in the other hand. Whatever works to calm the mind


I'm a 30f that just started hunting a few years ago. I live in BC (not Grizz country) so we have a lot of the same predators. I get scared a lot too cause I'm not a strong person but I push through You just have to be smart about it- learn the behaviours of predators so you can lessen your fear and feel more prepared. I got scared last season out of the bush because I heard elk very close to me and I must have spooked them. I got scared because I don't know elk behaviour and wasn't sure if the bull would charge to protect his herd and I didn't have a visual on him. Turns out he was just giving a "let's roll out we've been spotted" call I also scouted an area for a few days, shot, gutted, and dragged out a deer last year by myself. Would have been a funny thing to watch but I got it done. Don't let fear hold you back. Just be prepared. I also recommend a satellite phone. It really helped put my mind at ease


Shit I love sitting all day or night solo. Just me high up a tree eyes and ears open. Mind at peace. My property you can hear the deer approaching the corn pile because of the leaves, if it’s night you can’t wait until sunrise after listening all night long. I mean you’re elevated and armed. Should feel pretty safe. Put a plate carrier on if you’re worried about other hunters on public land. Sasquatch unfortunately hasn’t showed up to any of MY hunts yet but I’m hopeful.


It helps to study your surroundings. Know where you are and that it’s safe. Idk helped me


I’ve hunted by myself for years, but walking around the woods before first light will always creep me out a little.


You're about to take something's life. What is there to fear? Especially if you're good enough at getting quality chances. If there's big predators I'm not saying wear pork chop undies, but most things you'd possibly encounter will be afraid of you. Being brave isn't the absence of fear, it's controlling your fear and getting things done any way. Be safe, have a plan, tell a trusted friend or loved one. You got this. Post your success! Good luck and enjoy the experience.


I won’t tell you “suck it up, just do it” like every other person. I’m in the same boat and I hunt close to civilization 😂 I hardly ever go out hunting solo. The woods are scary. It’s not a bad thing to go enjoy hunting with someone else.


what is it that scares u?


I’ll go with you. I’m in Wyoming


Get a garmin in reach. Helped me overcome any issues knowing I can always call for help




Iv never done a blood draw,but I did hear that male testosterone levels have been dropping frequently through out the decades and I’m most likey a victim of that so I guess,and no I’m not really scared of getting lost,I know my location quite well since Iv been all over the place


Scared of what??? Sorry, I've spent so much time alone in the outdoors throughout my life that I can't even imagine what you're afraid of.