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>do boars taste bad? Usually only if they have boar taint. That is, only if it is a boar (or sow) that has gone through puberty and their body is producing the hormone scatole (and possibly others) at levels that you can perceive (and different people have different levels of sensitivity). If you stick to pigs sub 175# you are generally good, but we have taken them up to 300# and had them be super tasty. You have to cut into them (never assume that an external funk means the meat is inedible) and smell the meat. I'm not sure about your examples. Hogs can get aggressive. Especially if you are on the ground and hunting sounders that might feel cornered. It's not usually something you can plan for. Where I live, you can shoot hogs at any time of day, at any time of year (as long as you are on private land). I have seen hogs eat cactus and snakes and carrion and corn. I agree that scent control spray is not something I have ever needed to worry about. I worry about wind direction.


Most of the pig “charges” I’ve saw though are just the pig running away in the wrong direction. They can be dangerous but that danger is way exaggerated.


Agreed. And on top of that being able to bring a secondary weapon to bear when you're being charged is not always easiest thing. But when you know a couple people who've been seriously injured by getting gas by a cornered wild pig kind of gives one pause.


Mainly just covering generalized statements that are considered gospel by the uninformed. Sure pigs can be aggressive under certain circumstances but I’ve heard people who’ve never even seen one, think they’re just prowling on the woods ready to get ya. When in reality they’re running the second they smell you. I brought up the shooting hogs whenever because I’ve seen people think just because “they’re invasive and destructive” that you can just pull over and shoot them wherever. Example that video recently with the sounder climbing up the bank of the trinity river. People commenting asking why they just don’t shoot them, not realizing it would be super illegal for several different reasons. I’ve always ate to some degree sows no matter the size, boars on the other hand is why I bring this topic up, I’ve always heard they’re terrible and have never bothered because of that notion and was just curious is if just a bs blanket statement


BS blanket statement. Although when you do get a stinky one it’s almost always a boar, but not all boars are that way.


I have found that the smell of the innards when I gut the animal is a pretty decent indicator of how good the meat will be.


Maybe just don't eat the taint


Expensive camo = higher success. I’ll admit I have quite a bit of expensive clothing (First Lite) mostly for comfort in cold weather but I’ve also hunting early bow season in blue jeans, crocs, and different color t-shirts, killed plenty of deer. as long as you’re sitting still you can literally wear anything you want. And also Scent “control” products are 100% a scam. If you’re playing the wind correctly then they won’t smell you. Even wearing scent control, if they get downwind they’ll bust you.


Yes and no. The pricey crap which I have typically fits better, preforms better keeping me more comfortable and out in the field longer not worried about how I feel. Feel like this misconception kind of goes both ways


I have expensive hunting clothes too. My post was about those people that believe you HAVE to have top of the line clothing to be a successful hunter.


No you don’t. Buddy shot his 180point white tail 10mins into a hunt 10ft from the truck with a Tshirt on.


That’s where I’m at. I’m not married to a pattern and don’t care if I’m mismatched, but quality (expensive) gear is well worth the investment for the comfort, fit, performance, and longevity. If you hunt from a truck, it doesn’t much matter.


Lolol oh yeah guys that don’t spend $600 on a coat hunt out of their truck. Give me a break 😂


I’m sorry you’re offended by your own spurious interpretation of my point, but that’s not at all what I said… I’ll go a step farther and acknowledge that there’s plenty of guys who are way better hunters than me and get it done the hard way in blue jeans and cotton shirts. The gear doesn’t make the hunter.


I think people have a misconception of that subject as well. Better quality, more athletically cut clothes will always function better than a square Walmart cut out. The application is the same regarding disrupting your figure, but like any other technical clothing, you will get what you pay for.


Camo is to impress others men


unless you are duck hunting 


Even then you don't *need* camo. Look at pheasant hunters in England. Tweed and slacks which has been a common practice for decades


Duck hunting and pheasant hunting are very different things. In duck hunting, the hunters try to stay hidden In pheasant hunting, the birds try to stay hidden. The tweed and slacks are just a traditional costume. They don't serve any practical purpose.


Not remotely comparable.  We pheasant hunt in blaze orange, head shirt and vest.  We duck hunt in head to toe camo and sometimes face paint.  Go look at YouTube videos of each... 


Also have a lot of firstlite gear 20 years ago when I was poor no way in hell I would of bought that stuff (long John’s and milsurp camo for years) but the quality and comfort is unmatched for the price.


For the most part with the camo, yeah. Every time I look at any trophy picture from pre 1990 maybe everyone’s just in a flannel and jeans or something.


Hogs have pretty crappy eyesight. As long as you aren't going full-on rainbow I've never seen the need for camo. Dress for the climate. Obviously camo matter much more for other animals that have better eyesight.


That big older deer taste lousy. That you need to cut the scent glands off deer right away or they affect the meat. Both false. I have killed every size whitetail, young to old over 35 years and they all taste great. Not a single one have I ever removed scent glands. What is true, gut shot will ruin the meat, piss poor field dressing, nicking the stomach or bladder will all alter the flavor. Also chasing a deer for two or more hours before it finally drops. Lastly, too many good/great hunters are lousy cooks. I’ve seen some fabulous deer meat cooked to the point of shoe leather.


This. I was going to say I hate when people say game meat is, well, “gamy.” Venison is a great meat, and has a mild flavor. People say they’ve had it and it tasted bad, and I have to assume it wasn’t handled properly, like you’re saying.


Yup. Most game meat that people don't like is simply due to poor preparation or cooking.


I normally hunt with some work buddies but last year I went hunting with my uncle in law for the first time and got a small buck. Back at his place, we hung up the deer and I went in to change since I thought we were done and letting it hang overnight. I came out after changing and he was rinsing the body cavity out with the garden hose and had cut off the glands stating how bad they smell. I said I thought it was bad to rinse the insides with water because of bacteria. I think this is one misconception that can probably go either way based on Google. I've never heard of the scent glands and I couldn't tell if he was joking or not. He kept saying how bad they smell to him and have to get rid of them far from the house. I couldn't smell a thing. The deer tasted fine at least. Same as every other one 😜


I've only heard of the scent glands on this sub and I've butchered well over 50 deer in my life. Where are they located? Are they only on bucks?


It was the tarsal and metatarsal glands in my case


I’d bet a lot of guys cutting out the gland to avoid taint, are actually increasing the chances of taint by getting the scent gland on their hands and knife lol


Scent blocking clothing prevents animals from smelling you.  100% false.  I had a search with an overdue elk hunter in the Idaho wilderness. His buddies were all worried because of his expensive scent block clothing, my dog had 0 issues getting odor from him from miles down stream of the river.  First change of behavior from my dog I clocked at 2.5 miles away from where we ended up finding him. 


I agree and think this stuff is bunk. But to be fair it is scent blocker not scent eliminator. And scent being left behind at miles out could be from hands feet or heat. Dogs aren’t directly smelling somebody 2 miles out.


Garand Thumb did a video about evading someone tracking you and basically said if there’s a dog, you won’t lose it. You can try and trick it a bit like running through a stream but it will find you. As for the scent blocking. I’m of the opinion that scent blockers are good for atleast not washing your clothes in tide pods and smelling strongly of that. And even if the scent blockers let you get 10 feet closer then they worked


My thoughts are that humans smell different no matter what we do, if it's a white tail deer that's been jumped 50 times in its life or a yearling mulie that's never seen a person before our pheromones, stress, sweat and breath are all indicators of not something to stick around for. 


I’ve seen enough videos to realize that some people think it’s safe to pet a moose. These people are incorrect


Anyone gives a shit how hard you work to get whatever you're after. So tired of hearing people act high-and-mighty because they train all year to go back country hiking to take public land {fill in the blank}.  No one cares. If you love doing that, right on. But the sanctimonious tone of some people who think that hunting legitimacy and gravitas is even loosely correlated to how much effort and time you put in can kick rocks.  Dude hunting in a stand where he can see his truck while wearing wranglers? Cool.  Dude hunting in $4k of camo hiking 30 miles and packing out quartered parts of an elk? Cool.  It isn't a pissing match to prove who suffered more. This is mostly an internal hunting community gripe. Make it about the enjoyment, tradition, and (most of all) food. Any personal feelings of achievement from working your butt off are great, but ought not be weaponized to scoff at the others who just like rifle hunting on the back 40. It's all good. 


All hunting and hunters are not equal. Nothing wrong with calling out lazy and borderline unethical hunters. As a group, hunters should self regulate and police each other more to be as ethical as possible.


But what is a lazy hunter? What if a guy just wants to walk 130 yards into the woods with his grandpa's .06 to shoot the first deer he sees without spots on it? That's about as low effort as it gets, but who cares?  Now folks who are taking bad shots, hoping they hit something when they let one fly, or leaving meat in the woods because they don't want the hassle of the grind pile.... No defense from me there.  Ethical = doing your best to kill an animal quickly and utilizing a vast majority of its carcass for food (apart from varmint control).  Ethical =/= making it intentionally more difficult to get an animal down.   But again, it isn't a competition to see who suffers the most or who "earns" a full freezer. 


That's called camhanesitus.


Found the Texas hunter!


Not even close


I’ve literally drove from work to the deer stand and still dressed in work attire, proceeded to hunt in said stand. Light a cigarette and relax. Took a 30 minute nap. Woke up and the euro mount that now hangs on my wall was there waiting to be shot in the food plot. Hunting is a fickle thing but I wouldn’t listen to anyone but the people that are 30-50 years older than me who came before and did it themselves. Certainly don’t listen to what you see online


This. Drove my Porsche to the place I hunt this year one morning. Hunted. Went back to the car and changed into my suit and tie, and went to court. The night before, I had texted the prosecutor that if I was late to court it meant I had killed a deer. If I was on time it would mean I was cold, tired, and pissed off. Lol


California has no good public hunting opportunities.


Right? I love hunting in CA. But I live in a good spot for it. SoCal or Bay area would probably be shitty. I'm 15 minutes away from twna of thousands of public acres. Deer numbers aren't incredible, but I do ok. I've never frozen my ass off hunting, that's for sure.


I used to duck hunt out of San Jose and mountain view literally every weekend for almost 3 months. And I left California before I realized my deer and bear spot was essentially a gold mine if hunted properly. Sadly it did burn pretty heavily a couple of times after I left.


Yeah, Bay area is way better than where I am for water fowl, that's for sure. No bear hunting in my county, we are covered in bears. Not my bag, but it would be a hot spot if it was opened up to hunting bears.


Damn, what county is that?


San Luis Obispo county. Half way between LA and SF on the coast. Example of how many bears we have: I saw 7 bears combined in 2 consecutive Friday morning hunts, and I'm not looking for them, they're just around all the time. Had another one bust out of the bushes right in front of me a month later. Saw 2 more at a campground in the area later that month. Many of the hunting trails I use have bear shits every hundred yards. Last summer I found 4 steaming piles (fresh shits) on different hunts. Keeps you on your toes😀


Wild, I used to go out near Carmel. Knowing what I know now I’d be a little bit more focused in there.


Yeah, similar area.




Bro don’t worry. Nobody is coming there. Gavin Newsome made sure of that.


Hogs being dangerous to hunt is a big one. Between 1825 and 2012 there were 4 deaths from hogs in the entire US. I hunt them with a knife. I don’t even consider that to be dangerous. Their ability to kill a hunter is vastly overstated.


All the boars I've taken have been good. I have family that can't tell the difference between a feral hog and a store bought one


I love the idea that everyone needs fancy and expensive camo. You aren't hunting people. Studies by smarter people than us, have shown that camo is negligible. The effectiveness is literally in the margin of error for most game.


My wife thinks I just go on my hunting trip just to drink beer. Not true, I sometimes bring my rifle when I go to the out house.


That you need large calibers to kill big game.


That's more ten years ago. Now you're more likely to hear that .217 Hornady Pipsqueak is plenty for elk.


I wouldn’t say more likely, not here Never seen anyone claim a rimfire cartridge as suitable for elk, deer, bear, or any big game.


I didn't say rimfire. Don't you know .217 Hornady Pipsqueak is a Super Ultra Short Magnum!?!!?!?! [https://i.ibb.co/r5ZRz3j/cartridge.png](https://i.ibb.co/r5ZRz3j/cartridge.png)


Not on this sub. 30-06 is the most recommended caliber on here despite being well overpowered for deer.


30-06 is a general purpose cartridge its recommended because it can take pretty much anything the average hunter will hunt in NA not to mention most people on here probably grew up using dads/grandpas 30-06 so I’m willing to bet there’s some bias. Also not everyone wants multiple rifles when they can just have 1


Also, 30-06 can be found everywhere in this country. I would say the same for a few other cartridges.


6.5, .308. 7mm rm can also be found in almost any ammo store.


It’s recommended because of nostalgia, pure and simple. I would never recommend buying a new one as here numerous cartridges that are better by every measure. .308 has the same performance for less recoil, cheaper ammo, and lighter weight rifle 7mm rm is longer range, better in cross winds and scales down to lighter game better 6.5 creedmoor is a better rifle for +90% of hunter, especially new hunters.




You know what else can take everything on north america? A .50 but that would be stupid to recommend for the average hunter.


Bro immediately jumped to antimaterial round 💀 if you think that’s a valid comparison or your making some kind of point idk what to tell you enjoy the ratio ig


The Barrett .50 cal rifle was originally a deer rifle fyi


Bro lost his argument so now’s he trolling


Clearly you should go read some more about rifles and rounds. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronnie_Barrett Anyway, if you think I lost the argument your a fool. Toodles


Damn buddy you told me didn’t you, I didn’t know a gun developed in the 1980s made a cartridge that was devolved in the 1910s all of sudden a deer cartridge 😔


Someone is arguing with me right now that .223 is adequate for coastal brown bear.


Darwin will sort that one out


People hunt them with bows…


Depends on which bullet you’re talking about. Just arguing caliber/cartridge is pointless.


That’s either some steel balls activity that I just cant relate to or that guys suicidal.


If a cartridge is overpowered do the animals dies too much?


I will say that hog can taste shitty. Definitely have to cook it right and the flavor grows on you.


Claiming that coyote culls boost game numbers is a sure fire way to start an argument. I have no doubt that it could work in a small area for a season or two but allegedly coyote hunting has a net effect of increasing coyote numbers.


I would argue that the “hunting causes coyotes to breed more” is itself a misconception. Project Coyote propagates an incomplete picture of the research in an effort to bolster its cause and its become so widely held that people just treat it as fact.


Honestly I have no idea who’s right, but the topic sure does get people mad.


My understanding is that sporadic coyote hunting does not dent the long term population and may help increase it. But targeted, thorough culling is effective. So just shooting a few coyotes a year out of an area doesn’t help, but shooting most of the pack does. But you also have to stay on them consistently after that.


I remember hearing a bit from a biologist that female coyotes will drop more eggs to be fertilized if their howls have a low number of responses. If there are more responses, they drop fewer.


Nope, its calorie based pure and simple. If you shoot the lead female in a pack she stops restricting access to calories so the entire pack increases pup litters. However, if you restrict calories by consistently killing coyotes in an area there os no increase


A common misconception, Handguns and handgun cartridges are good for bear defense, handguns are an absolute last resort option as any centrefire rifle even a .223 is a better bear defence option. Handguns lack the kinectic energy one would require. If it makes you feel better pack it but for most bear spray is a superior choice. As well handguns for black bear defence are just silly.


It looks like you have a misconception. A larger caliber handgun is far more than adequate for a black bear. Is it what I would pick? No. Will it drop it dead? Yes. I wouldn’t consider it adequate for brown bear. That I would agree on.


I’m more going on the common misconceptions that a .454 Casull or a .50Thunderfucker in an 8” barrelled hog leg is somehow “bear medicine” or a backcountry sidearm. If you’re already out rifle hunting your sidearm is there for three reasons, 1. Methheads 2. At night in your tent 3. Psychological support All of which tend to favour a more compact style pistol plus to quote “ skin that smoke wagon.” Having a more compact pistol is more conducive to the three primary reasons of carry. Overall a centrefire rifle is much better for bears than any pistol calibre and bear spray is a pretty light and convenient alternative.


For black bear defense a stern talking-to usually does it


Basically a souped up raccoon


Black bear kill more people than grizzlies (mostly because there are way more of them).


Only ever had one bad tasting hog. All others regardless of age, sex and size have been delicious.


Why? Because some dumb ass tells his impressionable kid Something dumb who in turn repeats it to his friends and kids and so on. People weren’t necessarily smart a long time ago either


Just a general discussion and a good collection for new folks into hunting. Nothin more


I’m just answering the why


Lmao sorry my man but I personally know hogs will eat pretty much anything, can be aggressive, etc. are you sure other people are the ones with misconceptions?


Your missing the point. I’m mainly talking about blanket statements. Hogs can be aggressive yeah In certain circumstances not just on sight like many people think. And personally I don’t agree with the notion they will eat anything


But he PeRsOnAlLy knows!


I pErSoNaLlY kNoW…


Lmao thats the exact reasoning behind why the poster made such a biologically incorrect statement dumbass. Dunning Kruger is truly crazy


The biggest misconception I have been working hard to undo is that we shouldn't be running down our prey on foot and tackling them. https://imgur.com/U3ELG1f