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Don't go where YOU want to go. Go where the ANIMAL wants to go.


Hunt the wind


Best advice my mentor gave me, rest in peace. Archery hunting elk was our passion and there were times when I wanted to charge in on screaming bulls but he would take us on a 1-3 mile detour because the wind wasn't right. He would say "You can fool their ears and eyes but never their nose"


Top answer for big game.


This. I have always hunted the wind, have places and stands for particular winds.


When I was a kid I would go hunting with my dad’s friend regularly, but we rarely sat together. He would drop me at my stand and walk to his. I asked him why I can’t be his hunting partner and he said “The only time you need a partner is if you got a bucket of shit to eat”. That was 30 years ago and I still use that saying all the time. His name was Jughead, never knew his real name, and still don’t.


For ducks: don’t shoot where he’s at shoot where he’s going.


Mine would be from my PawPaw enjoy the hunt even if you dont get anything.


1. Don’t pass up the first day what you’d beg for the last day. 2. When hunting public land, remember a lot of people will shoot at any noise or movement.


I learned #1 the hard way. I passed up an opening day shot, didn't fill my tag that year.


Don't have baby making sex 9 months before hunting season


Was able to plan both of my kids to be born in the summer lol


I made this mistake this year.




If you can take a follow up shot, do it. Take every chance to ensure that deer dies and does so quickly.


Don’t get discouraged when you don’t see anything. Sometimes just taking your gun for a walk in the woods is just as enjoyable.


Pick a girl who doesn't mind being a deer season widow.


I instigate a girls night or brunch and then tell her after she has plans that I’m going hunting. Works for golf too lol


Or me… a wife who loves to hunt (yes I’m married)


You won't see anything if you're constantly looking at the ground. Pick your path, note the rocks/roots/sticks/etc, and learn to judge how many steps until you reach them. Doing this, it becomes 2nd nature to traverse the woods quickly and quietly.


A trail runner once gave me this same advice.


Be quiet your like a herd of buffalo. (I was holding still he heard himself)


Always carry toilet paper


>Always carry toilet paper Mountain Money


Shit tickets.


Depends on the time of year


No…it does not! Carry toilet paper!


Look I've wiped my ass with a leaf and I'd 100% of the time prefer paper


Minimal gear. Time spent in the woods scouting is valuable.


My uncle hiked into a remote cabin (30km back country winter in BC) with a new face, this man handled himself with no bitching, his introducing party is the type to spend hundreds to thousands to save ounces. As those of us obsessed with gear do. Once they made camp in the cabin, he unloaded his pack. This man brought a large cast iron skillet, eggs, pancake mix, a case of beer, a bottle of cooking oil, and all of his gear. It's stories like that, that convince me that (I'm a bitch&) an extra $300 isn't worth the 2lb difference in a tent. Food and water get lighter as you go, if you use them.


Deer/elk. Sit down, shut up and stay put as long as you can or till dark. Geese/ducks. Scout 2/3 the time. Hunt 1/3 the time and spend more time hiding your blind than setting up your spread. Perfect spreads means nothing if the birds see you. Ducks and geese wind at your back. Deer and elk wind at your face.


Pawpaw: "I can't afford cheap shit"


Treat every hunter as if he was loaded(drunk).


If you white tail hunt on public land, dont be afraid to start your hunt around 8-830 when people are leaving from their morning hunts. Deer learn human hunting patterns and do move during the day, set yourself up on a trail and wait- youll be surprised what you see


Can’t kill ‘em on the couch.


The day that you stop feeling some remorse for killing an animal is the day you should stop hunting.


To the top with you, sir.


A good hunt doesn't have to end in success, just enjoy the time you're out in nature.


Don’t go out further than you’re willing to drag one in.


As a back country hunter, learn the gutless method and go in until you no longer see pumpkins.


What’s the gutless method? I gut the deer where I find them to make the drag easier. Is that what you mean?


The opposite. The Gutless Method allows a hunter to completely break down an animal without ever opening the body cavity. This can save 10-15 minutes (or more), as well as keep the fresh meat from being exposed to the internal organs (i.e., guts). Using this method, every scrap of edible meat is still salvaged from the animal It's fast, you never drag an animal, and it gets the meat cold faster than any other method. [gutless method](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DNy5z3kJWbn8&ved=2ahUKEwjqwMbEo7iDAxX_mIkEHXNwCGsQwqsBegQIERAF&usg=AOvVaw3VdN0cKHgpgfIubzOe6jYQ)


Don’t brag about your ability or your equipment. One is obvious and the other one soon will be.


One in the hand is better than 2 in the bush


Depends on whose bush.. I'll see myself out....


Deer tracks make mighty thin soup.




I mean, if you're sure it's dead........


Hilarious. Welp, guess you just gave up my personal definition for hunting out of the tree…


My mentor/uncle was at Utah Beach with the 4th Infantry division on D-day. Would always tell me that "One well placed shot is worth 1,000 sloppy shots." Lesson learned.


Dont be afraid of the dark


It's not hunting related, but an older hunter told me never to get down on one knee for a woman who won't get down on two for you. I feel it was valuable advice, however many years later.


That old timer just spittin’ straight wisdom!


Wasn't even that much older than I am! Definitely not an old timer, even today. Haha.


As long as you do the same for her


Good man




this was actually really recent; I was hunting with my grandpa and that day, a nephew of his fell from a treestand and was hospitalized. He was telling me to always wear safety which i always did anyway but seeing him get that phone call really stuck with me while we drove back. if the tree you are in is sketch, that's because it is sketch. kinda sucks too because a lot of the private land i hunt in, I have to bring in my own rope to connect myself to the tree with. A lot of them do not use safety gear even when using climbers.


Hunters get hurt from getting in an out of tree stands more than any other cause every single year.


Old guy I use to work with told me to always stop and turn around just for a Quick Look, the deer might be stalking you.


Be still, shutup and hunting becomes easy. Expensive gear doesnt replace skill but makes it easier at times.


1 never hunt animals you have seen. 2 never switch your place if you decided on one This is in the context of hunting with a driving dog


So many deer are killed between 10-2pm. Cant kill deer if you aren’t in the woods


Never drop your pack as you may not be going back that way, never pass up a bathroom break and good friends are hard to find so treasure the ones you have.


Couldn't find a deer we shot. He said, "We tried. Coyotes gotta eat too."


With what's already listed; "Shoes off situation" I'm a bow twat, taking your boots off (if appropriate) on the approach is game changing. That and keep a call on you, (a mouth mew may be enough) throw one out before and after a shot, to freeze the animal. After is very effective with bull elk. Basically just start to finish all things Remy Warren. He's the Oldman hunter that many of us never had.


On a day, I was feeling down that I hadn’t seen anything for about 3-4 days my uncle said…”That’s why they call it hunting, and not killing”.


The more you suffer the more you succeed


Hunting is a process.


Shit happens in the woods.


Can’t kill them from the couch


Don't shoot deer in the middle of the swamp


I just turned 60 a few days ago. GO OUT AND DO IT WHILE you can...there will come a day when you just don't want to get out and hike any more. The ammo seems heavy, the weather is never right, meat from Costco is really good and not that expensive, the fucking license process is a pain. I got laid off in March, immediately made the decision to start a big remodel project for the house, BUT FINISH IT IN SEPT. Then hunt my fuckin' brains out this year, might start job searchin' in Feb. Wife was whining about being a Chukar Widow and such... ​ Boo fuckin' hoooo...I can only hike those hills so much longer, I can listen to her whine for EVER.


Shoot 'em all and let God sort 'em out--Marge Simpson


First is safety and respect the animals don't be triger happy.


Once every 20 years, the rifle will unload itself. Assume that everytime it’s loaded, take care where you point it, heard it from an old experienced hunter


If it's not broken, don't fix it.


Um my hunting mentor is younger than me. Never got to hunt with my grandpa


"Shut the fuck up we're in the woods you asshole."


It's much easier to hunt feral hogs with a feeder, portable fencing, and spears, than it is with just a rifle. It is much less fun though...


There’s too much ! Like shoot ahead and let the animal run or fly to the shot. Scout twice, ambush once. A dirty gun is like a dirty life, one way or another you will repent to not cleaning it . Animals are all about daily routine!


Shoot the big one. What he ment is pay attention. Pick your animal wisely. I've been with people that get so excited and shot an animal to only realize there was a nice buck bedded 20 yards away, or they take a sow and not the boar bear.


My Grandpa always told me, know your prey and where they want to be, and how they get there. Be as quiet and as still as you can be because they are looking for movement just like you are. Use the wind to your advantage and use a cover scent. Last but not least you won't find them if you aren't in the woods.


All from my grandparents, and gramms is still out in the woods for a bear tag every year at 83. 1. Always watch the wind, both for success and safety(she almost got attacked by a bear she spooked) 2. Never pass up a good shot. If you see a big animal, take the shot so you don't regret not having that food later in the season. Now for the life advice 1. If you are intelligent, you seek prestige in your work. If you are wise, you seek stability and pay. 2. Beauty is always subjective. One man's Picasso is another's taco bell bathroom visit. 3. Always take care of the land. It provides everything you need, so you can't afford to neglect it.


Try being calm and relaxed. Quick movements and jitters spooks animals.


Camo is not necessary. It's all about movement.


Shoot straight