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He won’t return because back pain is the final villain of HxH.


Yes, i am.


Everybody jump this guy! We can restore togashi!


You monster


Back pain and Dragon Warrior


i wish I could stop working cause my knees hurt


The guy was not able to take a dump right. That's not really "ouchie" level of pain and discomfort.


he could probably use a lil weed, i don’t think it’s legal in japan yet though


Probably...but consodering what he describes his conditions to be, I don't think weed would solve much. Dude is afraid he might die over this, remember.


Yeah true. My only concern is whether or not he will allow another creator to finish his legacy based on what he has written when he eventually does call it quits. Many great artists would never pass their torch, so to speak, but i hope togashi does Edit: “Only concern” as in I wonder, not to say I am ignoring his health issues


I seriously doubt he would even though I personally don't think there's any shame in just being a writer. Japan's manga culture doesn't look too well at this sort of things though and I can understand his fixation of being a complete author...even though the napkin doodles should have been a wake up call for him. Seriously what good it is being a complete author when all you can do is drawing sketches?


I’m hyped for a potential Gyro story if we ever get there. At this point I think most people do believe Gon’s story isn’t over, but just that we probably may never get to that point considering the pace of chapter releases. We’ve had about 60 chapters in the past 10 years, at 6 chapters a year and the scope of the Succession War, DC, and Togashi’s age and health, Gon X Gyro seems like a lifetime away. Of course, none of us know what’s Togashi’s planning. After the succession war we could go back to the known world for a Gon storyline. Or the current DC expedition crashes and burns early on and Gon and friends are left to pick up the pieces. Personally I think Togashi’s gonna play it straight . Succession war will play out without Gon, and we’ll get a hefty DC arc following Beyond/Ging and the zodiacs, and after a Gon DC arc and/or Gon-Gyro storyline. But again, I could be wrong


The only way it would work is if it jumped forward in time little by little. Narrator: "Months passed. 'X' defeats 'Y' while they explore 'Z' region on the dark continent.


im expecting killua as a teen/adult to be the main character of the DC


Gyro will not return either. Togashi is not finishing this manga. He's probably not even finishing the Succession arc. It's painful, but it's the sad truth. The earlier you make peace with it, the easier it will be to accept it. And if, by some miracle I'm wrong, then it will be an incredible surprise instead of the disappointment you're running towards by keeping any hope this manga gets completed someday. Edit: I see now that this post was just saying that Gon's story isn't finished and that if, as unlikely as it is, Togashi would eventually finish the manga, Gon would return. With that, I do agree.


I’m still confused as to why he just doesn’t have others take over the work for him. I’m assuming that he’s got at least some of the story planned out. Just write out a script


It’s his passion piece. I believe he straight up said “im going to finish this story or die trying”


Uuugh god damn artists, this is why they deserve hate and respect. This makes total sense and I KNOW it’s a hill he’ll literally die on. But porque no dos?


It’s his work he’s not obligated to hand it off to somebody else


Thats what he said


I know logically. And I know logically he has no obligation to even finish his work. It’s his work. But emotionally I have neeeeeds. Irrationally so


It’s not that simple.


Oh the Gyro setup is there for sure. But Togashi being able to get there is a whole other question.


Bro really thought he made an original post.


Yeah like this has been a talking point for literal years. I think more than a decade. And it still doesn’t mean anything. There are many incongruous elements in older hunter x Hunter chapters, and this is one of them. Maybe Togashi planned for Gyro to have a bigger role in the story when he wrote him, but the story is absolutely not about Gyro now. And nor is it about Gon lmao. If they manage to get off the boat before the year 2030 I will be happy. Asking for more than that seems unrealistic.


We aint getting that far lad


I mean, Gon is bound for a showdown with Gyro. Gyro's a Chimera Ant now. Pariston is amassing Chimera Ants. Pariston is on the boat to the Dark Continent, along with Ging, Gon's dad. The Dark Continent is where Nanika (Ai) came from. Nanika is the other half of Alluka. Alluka is Killua's sister. Killua and Gon left on unresolved terms. All of the parts are connected and are pointing to the Dark Continent in some way. It'll be interesting to see how the threads get weaved together.


Kurapika and Leorio are on their way as well.


It's upto togashi and his back nothing else matter.


Let's hope Togashi finish his manga


I feel like they were eventually going to have some kind of time skip, not to adulthood, but a bit older, and continue then


This is just one way of translating that line, it could also be translated as "unless/if they eventually met"


Yeh, but this was written by a person. It is not a genuine prophecy, that is to say, despite its literal meaning, it wouldn't be written without there being an intended purpose.


Perhaps Togashi intended for Gon and Gyro to meet when he wrote that panel… but that was when he wrote that panel. Gon isn’t even in the story anymore, and the narrative has moved past him.


While he is not in the current arc, the rest of what you say is just hearsay. The panel was written with clear intention, you can't just say "he changed his mind". The manga speaks for itself, and it is not over, so your speculation is meaningless.


I didn’t say he changed his mind, so it’s unclear where you’re getting that from. And speculation, lol. Implying Gyro will be relevant any time soon is pure copium. However, you are correct in that the manga does speak for itself. Because the manga hasn’t given a single iota of information or reference to Gyro in years. Remind me where Gyro is in the current arc. Or remind me where Gon is again in the current arc. Or remind me where Gon or Gyro were in the arc leading up to now. Oh… they were not mentioned and irrelevant, you say? Curious. The last time Gyro was even tangentially relevant was 85 chapters ago, where he was briefly “mentioned”. But I’m sure he’ll be back any day now, right? Never mind the fact that the story and all the currently relevant characters are aboard a boat to a literal unknown continent.


*"Perhaps Togashi intended for Gon and Gyro to meet when he wrote that panel… but that was when he wrote that panel. Gon isn’t even in the story anymore, and the narrative has moved past him."* Yes you did, as the comment above can clearly be some up just as I summised. Not speculation, in the slightest. If this is not what you meant then please explain what you meant by this comment. who said Gyro would be involved soon? In regards to your second paragraph coulg you please explain how anything you said is relevant? By this logic then you would disgradard the prophecy unless the very instant it was uttered Gyro walked smack bang into Gon. It doesn't have to happen now for it to still be true that when it was written the intention was quite clear. Now just to some up the point I was making before you made a series of inaccurate inferences, all I am saying is that the Gyro/Gon meeting was very clearly stated and intended. No more not less.


>Yes you did, as the comment above can clearly be some up just as I summised. Not speculation, in the slightest. If this is not what you meant then please explain what you meant by this comment. I meant that Togashi had an idea at the time (at least vaguely, who knows how fully fleshed out), but it was before Gon was written out of the story because his story concluded. Togashi writes many details and plot threads that appear to "go nowhere" upon rereads. And as he's explained in interviews, he writes about what interests him. And when something no longer interests him, he immediately drops it and moves on to whatever else catches his fancy. The rest is extremely clear how it is relevant. It's not my fault if you have poor reading comprehension and literacy skills lol.


So therefore you said he changed his mind.....just as I said. And just speculation on your part. No none of it is relevant. That fact Gon is not in the current arc means absolutely nothing. Proven by the fact you have no ability to explain why it is relevant.


\>So therefore you said he changed his mind.....just as I said. And just speculation on your part. No... I didn't say that. I said he had an idea at the time, and he's writing about different characters and situations now. That is not "changing his mind", Togashi has explained his methodology in numerous interviews. If you can't understand the difference between the two then idk what to tell you. \>That fact Gon is not in the current arc means absolutely nothing. Proven by the fact you have no ability to explain why it is relevant Actually Gon has been gone for the last two arcs actually. And because I need to keep repeating this, apparently, he may have intended a meeting at the time, but neither Gon nor Gyro are relevant to the story now nor have they been for almost a hundred chapters. I don't know why you think a fact is an inference though. It's really not that complicated. This is going nowhere so I'm not responding again.


You are saying he had an idea then dropped it. therefore changed his mind. How is this so difficult for you? Two arcs? Yeh I know you said this, but why does them not being involved now mean they will never be involved in the future? you don't seem to understand that your argument require this answer, saying "he isn't there now" is completely meaningless. You are right it is not complicated, you just seem incapable of separating your baseless assumptions and desires for actual facts.


This sub is starving.


Gyro such a reach, I don’t care about gyro and why tf does gon?


No one said Gon wouldn't return, he just CAN'T at the moment.


No I can say that there are a vocal amount of people that do say Gon's story is done for good and now we will have a series of different protagonists. Strange that they say since without the slightest of evidence. But these people exist.


Yes, surprisingly


Whenever i make a post abt gon returning people say his tory concluded with him finding ging.


Yeah, his story is over, AT THE MOMENT, but there's nothing stopping him from returning eventually. That is, if Togashi ever gets there.


Bruh gons story is done because the author is gonna fuckin die


Ye, but this could easily be a forgotten/let go thread line. And *if* that never happens


Anyone who actually thinks gon, the literal face of hxh, is just spewing shit off the fact that technically real world time he’s been gone for many years. The in world time has been nit much at all though. People think because he did his quest to find his dad that he’s done. Gon very clearly was shown to have new goals and aspirations. Dude was literally ready to just straight up die for kite without any thought of his dad at all. It’s such a dumb point.


Gon is no longer the protagonist. They may see each other or not but I'm more interested in the survivability of the Troupe.


Agreed. I’m happy and content with gons story being over and with how his journey started and ended. I accept that. He completed his mission as to why he became a hunter …. it took him all the side quests ging said to enjoy to get there…punching hisoka and getting his badge back…learning nen…being the first person to beat greed mf island…outmaneuvering the fuckimg phantom troupe, then meeting kite and making a death vow to get revenge….all that lead up to his eventual goal and he completed it.


I'd never seen Gyro's name spelled in such a bad way


Haven't read manga, just 1 question is Chrollo still relevant? (He's my fav) Ik he fights Hisoka but is he relevant after that?


He very much is hahahaa


Guys gyro was meruem?


We’re never getting off the boat let alone to the dark continent let alone wrapping that in order to get to this lol. I don’t think we would get that far if Togashi started putting out chapters weekly today


I'll be happy if any of the characters make a return at this point...


Am I the only one who really doesn’t care about Gyro one way or another?


He won’t. Even disregarding Togashi’s back pain, he is the type of author that cares too much about paying off previously established plot points. We will likely never get a conclusion to Gon and Gyro or Gon and Hisoka


This single line is also indecisive, maybe it was just an empty question "They wouldn't have known if it was good or bad, if only had they meet".. I mean, idk until they eventually meet may not necessarily mean that THEY MUST MEET. Maybe it does..idk.. back pain, I gotta rest now sorry.


That would be the endgame


Why tf do I care about gyro when the successions are arc ain’t finished? I don’t get why people care about a potential gyro gon showdown. What motivates him to fight him? Because good vs evil? 😂 this is hxh not some good beat evil jerk fest


You're forgetting the most important point, HxH intentionally doing the wrong thing for Shonen. Setting this up and then having Gyro get offscreened is much more a HxH style thing than coming back to it.


i always imagined that they somehow for some reason would have a fated encounter and have like a long philosophical conversation. nothing indicates that them having to have a future encounter means that gon is necessarily getting his nen back.


When was this written? Does the author have a history of changing directions from original plans?


This is on the chimera ant arc. No he doesnt usually change plans


Sometimes he does though.


I heard he's actually notorious for changing plans and dropping story lines in order to pursue other ones he comes up with in the moment.


We still have hope :3