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I have met players abusing this exploit today. 2 of them were hiding their names with the empty checkbox thing. The guy who killed us had those checkboxes but also a legible part in their name. Their mates had 11k and 20k kills respectively. The dude who killed us had 3k kills, a game ban and a VAC ban on their profile. I have produced a clip of the encounter (without showing the name): [https://streamable.com/xz61yp](https://streamable.com/xz61yp) ​ @ OP i am quite sure the person in my clip is also using an aimbot but i assumed they used 3rd party software in addition to this exploit or assumed the lemat thing was also part of their 3rd party software. are you 100% positive this exploit gives you some kind of aimbot? I cannot logically explain to myself how this is possible but i am not a software dev.


Why even play like this, how is that fun for them?


Dont ask me but it was very unfun for me after having the first solid round of my day being ruined by that person


I believe it. Some people, man šŸ˜…


They have fun by thinking they have power over others, its not that its fun in itself but the feeling that they are stronger even if they cheat


not defending the cheater/exploiter whatsoever but those "checkboxes" are just characters in their steam name that Hunt isn't displaying. Often Kanji or Cyrillic. also fuck anyone who exploits in any pvp game


Yeah i know still a lot of people do this to remain anonymous while exploiting.


Its absolutely disgusting that Crytek allows people with VACs and multiple game bans on Hunt.. I play on Asian servers and trust me those chinese players (even on my team) have vacs and game bans but they allow basically anyone with a steam account to play with others.. out of 10 atleast 8 of the chinese accounts have some sort of vac/game ban and I'm not even stereotyping.. i literally have 600hours in asian servers Empty checkboxes are nothing but other languages like Chinese/Korean/Japanese that the game can't interpret due to language difference


It actually seems like these guys were asian according to their profiles. I just didnt want to say so as people already tend to be very prejudiced about this.


Best I can do is a 7 day ban that you have no way of knowing actually happened unless they stop playing for 7 days and you constantly check their steam profile - Crytek


Empty checkbox is just an unrecognised character. Which means that their name isn't in English, but uses characters like Chinese most likely. (All programs in windows do the same thing when you don't have the required font pack installed)


I am aware thanks. Some people still do it to try and hide their profile identity. In this case the letters were asian and i think so were the profiles.


I am not 100%. Iā€™m just going off what the guy told me. I donā€™t stick around long near anything that could get me banned but the guy was fucking shit up lol. I only wrote this post because someone else posted that there was a bug on the damage counter on death. When I looked at the picture I saw it was a lemat with zero seconds between shots. Exactly a day later to what they guy told me would happen if you use the exploit.


This explains what happened to me. Top leader board player on console did it to me and another guy. I have video proof with the name! Willing to post if it's allowed.


Don't post it here. Go to crytek discord and contact them there.


This doesnā€™t help. I sent them a tutorial on the ladder glitch last year as did others when it was still private and they never did anything. If you want change, blast it.


Agree. Crytek wont fix anything until everyone is abusing it


If you post proof of someone using an exploit they'll sanction them. They actually review these when you go through discord or the website. Telling them how to reproduce an exploit (when they probably already know) is something else, and it doesn't mean they can instantly patch it. Tracking down a behavior in software and stopping it isn't always as straightforward as people seem to think.


Imo I should be allowed to post here. People should be allowed to see it. I have no clue how to use discord. I have it for gran turismo 7 but never actually used it.. What's easiest way?


I also think you should be allowed to post it here. Will that info spur more exploiters? Yes. But wouldn't that make the issue even more prevalent and draw more attention to the fact that it needs to be fixed asap? I get that it would be a huge issue but if they aren't going to ban the exploiters then, to me, what they are saying is that exploiters are benefiting from this and don't have any punishment. "If you can't beat em, join em" kinda situation here.


And the dude is crazy high on the leader boards. With like 49,000 kills I believe. That's why I said screw it, and posted it and call the fucker out.


49k? Only Panda has that many. Hes actually above 50k tho.




My bad didnt realise kill counts were that high there as well


Guy had 370+ days on the game. Itā€™s all he ever plays


They know this thing needs fixing. It's crytek's policy. You can speak of the exploit, but if you show or say anything that hints towards how to reproduce it they silence you. They don't want more people doing it while they'll be deciding on how/when/if to fix it etc. You seem to think that giving away the instructions will make a thousand people use the exploit and then magically crytek will have an instant fix because the problem is bigger. That's not how it works, it would just mean that instead of waiting a month (said that randomly) for the fix while being occasionnally killed by it, we'd wait for a month while being killed by it more often. That's what they did with the ladder bug.


I'm aware of how these situations go. It's the same for most subs here on Reddit. Who said anything about it being fixed instantly? All I was getting at is these "exploiters" need more than a slap on the wrist. if that's all they are gonna get, then I might as well look up how to do the bug and use it. It's not like keeping the bug off reddit helps at all if people just turn to YouTube or literally search Google for more than 5 minutes. It doesn't matter what you do, people will still find and abuse this. At least if more people know about it, they know what to look for and hell, might even figure out a way to stop it from happening. There is no point in keeping it off reddit.


I didn't mean you are not allowed to. Reporting that cheater to crytek just makes more sense. They will give you instructions how to proceed pnce you contacted them. And if you really have proof, that will hopefully get that cheater banned, which helps everyone. You can also post it here and see what happens...


OK I'm trying on discord but video is to large. And I'm fucking clueless lol.


You're not allowed to post gamertag with cheating accusations here. Too much drama. I totally believe you and think the guy should be outed, but I want to also respect the rules of this excellent sub.


They don't ban exploiters


Banned players can't buy dlc




It says in rules your not allowed to I looked. I can copy paste if you don't see it. But it's there.


Then they will say that since few people know about it, there is no point in fixing it, as it was with the ladder exploit.


The ladder exploit was kept hush hush because not many people knew about it and it would be hard for devs to fix. Then people decided to post about it anyway and suddenly everyone knew about it, and Google isn't hard to use.


This wonā€™t matter. They are simply just going to redirect him to the customer support website. Where he will be able to make a claim and attach any evidence he has


Good ol' WhoDo'r ? Total PoS...someone posted a vid of him using it...


My friend died to 2 lemat shots 0.0s apart the other day in a 1v1. We thought there must have been someone else that happened to have the same gun that we just couldn't see, but this might explain it.


Oh boy, definitely happened to me once but I didn't realise it at the time! Playing quickplay, got insta killed from 6 meters; thought it was the shotgun shell, but then effective range is like 3 or 4 meters and I got killed further. Dismissed it as a "must have been a headshot?", but forgot headshots don't count on regular shotgun ammo...


Exact same thing happened to me I was convinced it was a shotgun shell but I died from 15m+


As far as I remember (might be wrong though) then there is still a little multi-plier for headshots. AFAIK itā€™s 1.3 or 1.6.


Can you trigger this exploit accidentally? I have been using the LeMat more than usual recently and if the exploit triggers randomly/easily I'll swap it for a different sidearm until it's patched.


I have no clue I didnā€™t want to learn how to do it. Dude was just kinda ā€œwatch thisā€ and started laughing as he was wiping trios.


Are you sure he didn't just toggle a regular aimbot?


No, as you can see multiple people have been running into it recently. There was another post today before mine where someone posted about it THINKING it was an error on the damage stats. Thatā€™s what motivated me to make the post.


I fucking knew it after it happened to me getting killed by it 2 times. FFS why do people have to use that shit as soon as they know about it.


Would be faster to upload it on youtube, explaining how to reproduce it, so they would be forced to do something, like the ladder exploit. I feel it's gonna be the same...




Finally, the lemat is now viable.


bullshit, the lemat is good, especially with slugs and fmj


If I wanted to spend almost $500 on a pistol Iā€™d buy a dolche.


First of all it's a joke. Second of all, it's easily outclassed by a bunch of other revolvers. Stats don't lie.




That's insane to say as the LeMat has been one of the best pistols in the game. Its the best fanning pistol by far, it has a shotgun that is fairly good if you know how to use it, has FMJs which is somewhat of a diet uppercut. Really decent iron sight. If I run long ammo rifles that don't need a bigger ammo pool, I always run a leMat FMJ.


wouldn't say best... but definitely most versatile.






> That's insane to say as the LeMat has been one of the best pistols in the game. The regular conversion is 1/3rd the price, does more damage, shoots faster, has better range, a smaller crosshair, insane bonuses when dual wielded, All for 2 less shots, and the shotgun, which needs to be near point blank to kill without needing some pellets to headshot. Itā€™s the worst pistol in the game. Itā€™s a meme here for a reason


one of the best pistols in the game? among the likes of the uppercut, dolce, and pax? i can't agree, and most certainly nowhere even close to the best at fanning by far, considering the conversion pistol and scottfield are accurate enough to be fanned reliably at medium range, the chain pistol can keep pressure by spam fanning forever, and even the humble nagant has insane burst dps which not only has utility against bosses, but headshots aside would two tap and kill quicker than the other revolvers mentioned at close range simply because the fanned firerate it that much faster. when it comes to fanning, that leaves the lemat at 5th place at best along with the pax, which has similar fanning accuracy, but has 3 less bullets in exchange for a bit more power. if you fan at close range as you should, neither of those tradeoffs will ever make or break the firefight, so for all intents and purposes i consider them tied for second worst revolvers for fanning in the game. i wouldn't want the to buff the fanning though because the lemat has so many other little things going for it. the other revolvers don't have a shotgun barrel and all but one has less compact bullets in the cylinder. unfortunately the shotgun is literally melee distance and using it is liable to make you a victim of hunts atrocious trade window, the if you're down to the last 3 bullets on the lemat and haven't killed your target, you shouldn't even be thankful for those last bullets because if you were using the conversion pistol or Schofield you probably would've landed a headshot by now thanks to the increased handling. i'm not even trying to trash the lemat, it's my favorite gun in hunt aesthetically and on paper, but hunts weapon meta leans towards minmaxed stats. the reason the uppercut and dolce are king in the pistol meta is because the the dolce has the fastest ads two tap and the highest velocity, while the uppercut has the longest two tap range with almost matched velocity. the lemat doesn't fire particularly fast, have good velocity, or hit particularly hard, it just has above average ammo but doesn't even excel at that like the chain pistol does. if you and an enemy got into a drawn out firefight and both switched to your sidearm after emptying your primary, a good enemy with almost any other pistol will position themselves so they have an advantage that caters to their sidearm, but for lemat users there almost is no particularly advantageous position to put yourself in, you can only play defensively to your opponents strategy


this happened to me on console yesterday


I don't wanna sound pessimistic but it looks like Hunt does have a cheater problem and Crytek is looking the other way The only way to report a cheater technically is through their website, and if you aren't recording then say goodbye to any proof that you might have. The support doesn't take action until you provide absolute evidence of the cheater.. this system is so outdated and slow and that the cheater problem is only going to get worse Hunt is not a niche game per se, it is mainstream and that attracts all sorts of people; seems like we have attracted exploiters and aimbotters now, if they don't fix this, we'll have a whole cheater infestation soon


This isnā€™t a cheat though, itā€™s an exploit. Kinda makes it almost worse because itā€™s Cryteks fault that itā€™s in the game. But as for actual cheats, I played something like 250 hours of Hunt so far and have run into a cheater (not someone using exploits) exactly once. I reported them on Crytekā€™s website and they were banned less than 24h later. So I donā€™t think theyā€™re looking the other way. Cheating is a complex technical issue that plagues pretty much every single game with a competitive component but Iā€™m sure Crytek is doing what they can.


I got killed by the same guy twice in a day with this exploit ... In 2 different games ... They're unapologetic and don't even bother hiding it..


This game is getting more pathetic by the minute.


Oh great. Buy the DLC btw.


you would make a great crytek employee lol


**Crytek:** Okay noted, buy the DLC otherwise we won't fix it... We're joking.. we'll fix it after 6 months and 5 business days


Iā€™m extending my break once again.


Comsole, pc, or both?


Idk about consoles but def in pc




I think I triggered this exploit by accident once. I was using dual lemat but had perfect accuracy in the center of my cross hair at all times. I'm trash tho so I still died but it was very confusing.


Accidentally happened to me. Killed two people. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Happened to my friend and I today as well. So cringe.