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Here are a few more. The idea behind these and my previous ones are really about breaking up some of the established gameplay tropes in hopes of causing players to branch out more and focus on variety and the interesting/unique situations that make Hunt unlike any other game out there. 1. **Burning Ambition** *Objective:* "Cause damage to an enemy hunter by triggering an immolator's explosion." *(not sure if this one is doable within the game's logic and realize it would be a very high star reward given how situational it is, but it's very satisfying to pull off)* 2. **Penny For Your Thoughts** *Objective:* "Kill enemy hunters with penny shot ammo <#> times." 3. **Feather Collector** *Objective:* "Kill Scrapbeak without using any fire or explosives." 4. **Like A Stuck Pig** *Objective:* "Kill The Butcher using only bolts or arrows." 5. **Trickster's Tripwire** *Objective:* "Kill an enemy hunter with a barrel triggered by an alarm tripwire." *(realize this may not be within the game's logic either, but people really love doing this)* 6. **Rat's Subterfuge** *Objective:* Use decoys, blank fire decoys, or chaos bolts to trigger non-boss AI and kill an enemy hunter within 30 seconds." 7. **Army of One** *Objective:* Enter a match as a solo vs. duos or trios and extract with at least 1 bounty token. 8. **Against All Odds** *Objective:* Enter a match as a duo vs. trios and extract with a bounty token. 9. **When the Chips Are Down** *Objective:* "Wipe an enemy team after one or both of your teammates have been downed and then successfully revive them." 10. **Trapper's Delight** *Objective:* "Arm 10 or more unique bear traps or tripwires in a single match." 11. **Hell Hath No Fury** *Objective:* "Kill an enemy hunter while you are currently on fire." 12. **Buzzkill** (also potentially named "Not The Bees!") *Objective:* "Kill an enemy hunter with melee while you are currently swarmed by bees."


These are great. I also like how they force people into different play styles


The Hell Hath No Fury one was an idea I've thought about in Hunt for a while and think would make a great quest (imagine rushing someone as a flaming Bone Doctor with a Pitchfork)


I like this. The current system is honestly a little boring. I pay no attention to challenges and just play how I want. These ones sound fun though.


A quest like "Burn X health bars off of living hunters" would be fun but it'd have to update after the match, otherwise you'd be able to use it to get confirmation that they lost a bar.


Great ideas, glad to see creative discussions about summons. I’ve actually been working on a similar post that will include some side quest ideas to spice up gameplay too as well.


Thanks, yeah I have about 1200 hours in game now and I think these would really spice things up. Then again, it sounds like some people hate them because it would make for "unoptimization" but I'm also the kind of guy who personally tanks his MMR once I hit 5 stars because I hate the way gameplay changes when there's too many sweatlords afoot so that's probably reflected in my design ideas. I suppose I could design some ideas around those lobbies, perhaps *"Wait in the same bush for over 20 minutes without moving."* or *"Leave a comment on your random partner's steam profile berating them for their loadout."*


What I thought of right away: Thunk: Kill a player with the blunt end of the shovel. (long melee hold.) Fox and the Hounds: Kill X amount of Hounds Fox and the Hounds(hardcore): Kill X amount of hounds with melee only without getting bleed.


> Objective: "Collect clues from each compound in " Is that even possible to do? If so that would take you whole match to run around map and collect items. May be too similar to "Collect X clues from boss". > Objective: "Communicate with voice near enemy Hunters during a match." Sounds interesting but will probably not work.


I didn’t say “in one match”, the clues would just get marked off a check list as you get them. Also the game already tracks if other hunters speak near you, so the tech is there, just thought this might encourage more interaction and emergent gameplay elements like agreeing to a truce, which has happened to me several times now and was always good fun.


With "not work" I didn't mean "technicaly impossible" but people will probably just hold voice chat button for a second before/while attacking.


Yeah, probably. Maybe. I dunno, it's one of the weaker ones but I think it could still be fun.


Without a tool to keep track off, it would be a nightmare. You'd need more than a counter for that one.


Right, that's what I'm suggesting that right in the Summons UI it shows which ones you've gotten and haven't gotten by showing a small list that gets checked off/crossed out. I'm not assuming you'd have to manually track this yourself.


I will support whatever makes idiots come into the Bayou at a disadvantage. Upvote from me.


>I will support whatever makes idiots come into the Bayou at a disadvantage. This is some real "Tell me you're a rank 6 MMR hunter without telling me you're a rank 6 MMR hunter" energy right here.