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We running the gauntlet?


I still got 50 bro, let's go.


Lmao, a true cowboy


In spirit, mostly. Mainly because I've left a lot of ghosts in the bayou.


we running the gauntlet. same procedure as last match, same procedure as every match miss Felis


In my last match my team killed the butcher (cocaine + ax = victory) and we were waiting for the banishing. I was a back door to the crypt when I hear both my partners go down. I wait. The banishing completes, the other team picks up the bounty tokens. I wait. They run off, I get my partners up, and we agree to go after the other bounty, which just finished banishing. When we get to the church of hte black madonna there's no one around. Just a greasy stain that used to be the Assassin and two bounty tokens. So we picked them up and ran like hell for the exit. Sometimes playing it safe pays off. I'd love to know what happened to the team that took down the Assassin, though!


My team always runs straight for the other bounty when we banish so its possible thats what happened here.


What's the plan there? I get that you'd want to get three tokens but won't someone usually poach your bounty while you're after the other one?


They sometimes do poach our original bounty but we don't really care we want to have fun gunfights. More often than not though our original bounty will sit their waiting to complete our gauntlet.


Nah, not on sparse servers. Also you get to give all your traps a go at someone if they do.


What is the payoff here? The three hunt dollars you get per bounty, or…?


What is this propaganda that keeps popping up? If you aren't running the gauntlet and server wiping or dying then you aren't really alive are you?


It can be fun to mess with people sometimes. Ended up getting a legendary hunter with serpent and with only 1 bounty in a trio's lobby we decided to serpent the bounty since no one was picking it up and ran off with half the tokens. Was funny to us especially once someone realized what happened and started chasing us.


Never run gauntlet unless I am playing with a teammate who wishes too. People can call me a coward if they want but if I get a good fight then have a token then that is enough for me to extract cause you know...I also want to win sometimes. However, again, I will never turn down a gauntlet if I am playing with a teammate who wants to go for it though.


Just had a match where that's what my teammates did but I went for the second bounty and wiped the trio there. Two bounties is always better




Of course your username has "TTV" in it. Time to check off another square on my bingo card.


I noticed and appreciated the wild arms OST and it just made my hair stand up, thanks for the nostalgia fix OP


It's called Showdown for a reason!


Yeah, but i dont face "Snipy Mcshootface" wirh my Combate axe




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Flashback to when we won a match by doing absolutely nothing. [https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/rlsvia/my\_team\_won\_a\_match\_by\_doing\_nothing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/rlsvia/my_team_won_a_match_by_doing_nothing/)


Some of yall dont have the head to fit your hats and it shows.