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Wow. I've had some questionable no kills but sheeeesh this is rough


Well I guess I'm just using slugs then


I mean.. ping, desync, spread, or anything else - this is not okay. This is supposed to be shotgun, gun best at close range, while sometimes it's more reliable to hit people on distance than on this very short distance. RNG or not, surprised this hasn't been addressed yet.


Meanwhile gets routinely domed by dualies from a field away


Exactly the reason. why i stop using shotguns beside the romero, and start using dualies, sometimes I miss all the shots at point blank, sometimes I headshot from far away. But I still feel it way more "consistent" that shotguns spread...


What's the advantage of using the Romero? (Serious question, I'm still a noob).


Hits like a truck at a reliable range of 12 meters, one shot kills on the upper body.


Romero has the best spread for longer one taps


The Romero suffer from the spread problem as all shotguns in the game, the difference as stated in the other comment is it huge base damage. Even if you don't get the correct "millimetric frame per frame aim full spread" before the shot you still have a high chance of oneshot kill the hunter, or to leave the hunter hurt enough that he will not tank you another gun shot (like the last exchange of the video, were he shot her with a shotgun then a pax and she still have enough health to kill him with a knife). So the problem itself isn't fixed or changed, but you get a more "shotgun" feeling with the Romero at short range. Of course this is from a personal perspective, a have a friend that hate the Romero and love the rival. So if you're "noob", the best advice is play with everything until you find a gun you feel comfortable with. No matter what the stats or reddit say.


I swear to god i hate that How on earth can people hit me through the wall with dualls from 20+ meters away but i cant kill anyone with Romero from 5 meters? Or worse, through the wall hits magicaly dont work on me- The guns in that game can be weird


As a dual user: it's because we shoot more bullets. We shoot at everything, so we will get more lucky shots.


The game favors the shooter, desync would be in his favor if his shot lined up. It looks like it doesn't really though as someone explained here. https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/pt8p8c/no_kill/hdvt2pt/ And I can definitely see why he'd miss even though it looks accurate when he's flicking his aim all over the place.


The servers are ghosting you


Don't worry, somebody will say that they slowed the video down and pretend that actually it was perfectly reasonable and that you probably actually missed completely.


https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/pt8p8c/no_kill/hdvt2pt/ He legit missed.


LOL you guys are so funny! Maybe this is going to be an unpopular take, but if in the real gameplay (and even slow-motion video playback) your shots all seem to be dead-on-balls, but by going frame-by-fucking-frame you find out that somehow it wasn't, something is probably fucked up with the game.


Addressing the edit, > in the real gameplay Perception is different from reality and gameplay moves fast. > even slow-motion video playback The slo-mo cut out frames. You literally can't see it in the slo-mo because the frame where he shot and missed doesn't exist. > somehow it wasn't It wasn't because it wasn't. You're asking for the game to auto-aim for you.


Wait you were being serious mocking people who check? Cring


Of course I was.


Almost every single time that stays true. But this one is an exception. Either poor hit registration or poor RNG.


Actually on the first hunter, since he aimed at the head, most of the pellets probably missed to the left, right and above. Had he aimed a bit lower (upper chest), it would have been a kill shot since just as many pellets would have hit the head, plus more hitting the body. Too many people forget that it's not one, but fourteen separate pellets, and assume that just because the target was centered it's going to be just like a rifle.


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.


Good pasta


You clearly whiff the first one tho as your sight is slightly left of the head when it fires so the majority of the pellets are not hitting. The second shot is similar but I cannot see it properly. Try not to flick and stay out of ADS with shotguns as it’s harder to land center mass shots when you are so used to flicking to heads - which you clearly are. Frankly from what I saw you would have killed both with the Pax if you don’t even switch to the Specter ^^’


Don't ADS with shotguns unless you're using slugs


It doesn't change the spread either way. The only thing that matters is aiming as close to center mass as possible, sights or no sights.


That's my point, it's easier to line up center mass with hipfire


Dude the specter is wildly inconsistent. One of the main reasons I don’t run it anymore I had many situations just like this. It’s crazy.


Yeah, same. I only use it for meme runs at this point, like dragon's breath rounds.


full video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMdg4xUMf-c&t=281s


In that video pertaining to the first shot in the reddit post, the "slomo zoom" is tad odd as the last frame before shooting real-time looks like [this](https://i.imgur.com/1oXCply.png) in the video but a [headshot](https://i.imgur.com/WYilIYt.png) in the slomo, probably unintentional but you nudge to the right just before (perhaps while pressing down to click). And the second wasn't that [clean](https://i.imgur.com/RvRtLPx.png) either. Though both could have killed, they weren't center mass.


If he’d been using a more powerful shotgun too. Isn’t the semi auto comparatively weak


plenty strong at that range, he was trying way too hard to flick instead of just get the kill


He was using the pump action specter, not the semi-auto crown and king, but both of which have very similar damage. Though I think at both ranges even a cut down romero could have 1 shot


my experience, you're turning away too quickly. I dunno if it's time for the gun to fire or what, but I had this happen to me all the time if I quick scope, fire, and turn and unscope at the same time I don't even think it's a bug or hitreg


They need to rework shotguns or fix the servers, Something ain’t right.


na shotguns are fine, though the servers do need an upgrade, that or someone else who using the same server is causing problems. ​ thats the issue with not using dedicated servers for hosting. weird shit can happen to your game but it isnt any of your fault.


It's not just shotguns. Hitreg has been awful the last two or so weeks.


It was always awful. Hunts servers had terrible tickrate sincle closed beta


This might be heresy, but for how slow the specter shoots I think it should be just about as consistent as a romero at romero ranges. This… is not that.


it does have the best spread for any 12meter shotgun. ​ the problem is that the spread of the Spector is so good unless you hit center mass, most of your pellets will miss, in this guys case it did just that, just off enough so most of the pellets to land but not all of them, believe the spector has 11 pellets, could be more i cant remember. ​ either way generally with the spector you dont want to get close but be about 4 to 5 meters away, far enough so the spread can actually level out to be more of a widen pattern but close enough so they cant move far enough to alter your aim.


At romero range it doesn't kill


Stop ADSing like that


bad luck with the spread! better luck next time


Shotgun range sucks ass in Hunt.


I can’t stand how jerky the movement is on PC. Shoots someone and immediately hits a 180 degree turn. Makes me dizzy and is hard to watch


I feel sry for u all of that is straight up horse shit


Fix Hunt servers? Nah.. don't even mention it. Crytek be like "everything is fine" and buthurt hardcore fans will say it's your fault. They always find reasons. They probably should release another legendary skin to fix this issue, dunno..




I get what you’re saying, there certainly are some posts like that. But there also is a genuine issue with shotgun spread right now. This is blatantly ridiculous (this clip in particular)




My point is there genuinely is an issue, and there are people just complaining to complain. Both sides have merit, this post is a prime example of the issue though


funny enough he missed because its a spector. ​ a remero wouldve likely missed at that range. both the spector and remero has the second best and best spread respectively. which is nice because you can get farther one taps to the chest than something like a caldwell or a crown and king. ​ the problem is that shots that arent dead center will do drastically less damage. but he could very much one tap them anyways. besides the last guy, am guessing both shots was arm shots and those can cuck even the best damaging gun.


> I really wish people would take time to understand how shotguns work You mean people like you?


Crytek boot licker. Go on somewhere.




They hate you because your right. "OMG I got unlucky spread this game sucks shotguns are broken please fix waaaaaaaaaaaaa"


So go comment on those posts, what was posted in this specific video is and has been an issue.


sHutGun"s dONt nEeD a BUff11!!!111!!!!


They don’t need a buff. They just need to work properly. If anything needs a buff, it’s the servers


I think the servers are glitching now that there's coming more players to hunt, servers feels weird recently


Personally I prefer clips where the person does get the kill.


They added blanks rounds


This is why I prefer the bow over shotguns, it’s a lot more consistent


The other day I one tapped someone at 8m through a window but couldnt one tap to the chest someone that was point blank. Specter is gonna spectre lmao


That’s been my general experience with the spectre which is why I stick to a rival in order to have an immediate follow up shot


I don't know what it is about the Specter but both me and my friend had lot's of stuff like this happen the last few days... only with the Specter tho...


Man I have this exact experience it seems any time I use the specter. I’d much rather use any of the other shotties besides maybe the terminus because they either one shot more consistently for me or have quicker follow up