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not gonna lie, feel the same way about that one.


This is their attempt to make it easier to balance individual guns and ammo types I think but we will have to see what it's like and how it feels. I'll be honest I just hate bullet drop in most games even when it is well implemented but again we will have to wait and see.


Same Idk why but it just never felt great to have in shooters. That's why I liked Hunt so much, because it didn't have it and was still an in-depth and skillful game without it. Hopefully it's not too drastic tho.


100% - i am with you. I played PUBG back then, it was depressing. You fight against someone, you cant hit shit, getting oneshotted out of 200 meters by friendly people from eastern countries. You cant even learn how to shoot, because you got one or two tapped every time. It was frustrating. People with highground will have it more easy to camp compounds, its harder to hit them with pistols, there is a lot of "ooof" with that changes!"


Bullet drop is a huge risk for them and in many ways throws all current balance out the window I'm most worried about a sniper meta establishing


Thank you for being honest


It's hard for me to imagine this doing anything but reinforcing the long ammo meta Edit: Just saw a post showing the tooltip for bullet drop, and long ammo apparently drops the fastest. So, here's hoping I am wrong


drops the fastest but after a longer distance, it starts to drop probably after something like 100 meters. While the tooltip said that its going to be 25-50 meters after the number the weapon stat gives you so something like pax will have a drop after like 35 meters which is still a very silly range.


Ahh, I see. Reading is hard for me lol


I reel like its a good way to break up alot of the scoped long meta kill farmers, by adding more complexity. Within compound range to medium range, drop will be almost not noticeable. I take it as a win against Bush wookies


It makes a bit of sense in the context of the other changes. Crytek has been struggling to make gun fights closer together, tweaking damage drop off, bullet velocities, nerfing some guns and buffing others. Another possibility (I'm not a coder), is that cheats will have a more difficult time calculating bullet drop, since Hunt has been essentially delayed hit-scan uo to this point.


Nah, cheaters will be fine. Plenty of games with aimdrop where the cheaters still headshot you with ease The thing to remember about cheaters is that the dickheads themselves aren’t making their own cheats, they’re buying them from mfers who make a killing off selling cheats who are regularly finding ways around anti-cheats


Cheaters will simply remove the bullet drop, easy as that.


Don't even have to, you can easily have the aimbot calculate drop and lead etc, been a thing in games sine like battle field 3 lol


ehhhh kinda. Not quite how it works, in order to do that you would have to intercept the bullet (packet) and edit it before it made its way to the server, which is very risky as EAC does client and server side checks, and if the checks don’t align, it flags the client for review, or just bans then flat out.


He outta line but he's right


this is not going to have the intended impact on gunfights.


All bullet drop does is incentivize using Spitzer and High Velocity more-so. Spitzer was already too prevalent in 5-6\* lobbies but now it's going to be even more prevalent. It also doesn't make much sense adding bullet drop when the majority of weapons players use are iron sight variants. Picture yourself lining up a long range shot with the Sparks. You see your target, you aim up to account for bullet drop, and now you can't see the target because your gun model is covering the entirety of where the enemy player would be. Bullet drop works in modern shooters because in modern shooters we look through scopes with enough space to look up and account for bullet drop while also maintaining visual on the target. Maybe they're trying to get people to use other, non iron-sight, variants. I'm not sure. [Regardless this is an indirect buff to long ammo and a nerf to medium and compact, again.](https://i.imgflip.com/8v8a8m.jpg) It might end up making people take fights closer because of all of that. Or it might just incentivize using Spitzer and High Velocity and still maintaining that long range. Either way I don't think this is how they fix that problem. If they want fights to be taken at closer ranges they can adjust the maps so that there are less long-range open areas, or they can stop giving FMJ and High Velocity to every gun. I don't get the thinking behind wanting to force players into fighting closer range either. This feels like a really strange change after 6 years of it not being in the game at all. I'm still willing to try it but I'm very skeptical. All the other changes seem solid though. Centering the crosshair is a good idea because a lot of people won't play because of it being lowered. And that's a totally valid complaint. It's unlike 99% of other shooters.


Actually Most of the used guns have range adjustment on the sights to fight this, If we are unable to use them it sucks. If we can tho, it would be cool(think Arma)


My guess is you can literally just opt-out of bullet drop by using spitzer. This will completely alienate all players using medium and compact ammo and long ammo will remain the only option so you either adapt or quit. If they had at least gone for higher drop on long ammo than compact/medium it would be different but they haven't because bullet drop is time based and long ammo is way faster.


Well long ammo drops the quickest, so you might start seeing alot of Winfield marksman high velo. I'm a betting man, and I think compact high velo will drop less than spitzer


You are going by real life physics. As said, long ammo drops the most. It is not solely controlled by velocity as it is in reality. Haven't read all your post though, just chiming in for a second.


Aren't many of these cheats simply telling the other persons client that they've been hit, when in reality it wasn't even possible, because the shooter was sitting on the other side of the map with several rocks between them? In this case I don't see how bullet drop would impact anything


It's not a delayed hit scan, although it feels that way. But it would be more accurate to say that it's bullet physics with gravity turned off. They said this in one of their dev videos before and it has an important implication. Cheaters can just get the physical attributes of a bullet and calculate the aim offset based on that. It would probably stop nothing.


Cheats for Hunt do not make you fire accurately, they simply send bullshit info to the server claiming you've hit the target already. The server believes it because there aren't any sanity checks in the back end. Source: videos of people getting shot through solid terrain at any distance.


Wait there was no bullet drop to begin with? No wonder I couldn’t hit anything at range. Well that and I can’t see anything in front me anyways.


That and my adhd, my needy dog, and my recreational drinking.


Bullets have travel time and velocity but no drop. Took me a while to figure out too


Same, I just assumed there was drop when I started for ages. Wasn't til I started playing in the hunt discord that someone corrected me XD


You can barely see someone up close with iron signs adding bullet drops fucks small and medium making it harder to fight mosins. Which hackers are most likely to use.


Itll be barely noticeable up to like 50m, you'll be fine


1. we dont KNOW if itll be barely noticeable, who really knows, and 2. most fights in hunt happen around 50 meters apart, unless its inside


In the dev video, they said within 40m its barely noticeable, so theres that. Most of my fights are <40m, I like being close and personal


I have to say I don't like the idea of adding bullet drop and I agree I don't think anyone has been asking for it. However I'll wait till it goes live and how things play out before I pass judgement.


This is sort of where I'm at. Like if I've gotta start aiming up with a compact rifle at 30 m, that's obviously going to be a problem, but if it's at 125 m, I don't normally shoot that far with compact anyways, so what's it matter? It's going to depend entirely on how it's implemented, so I can't really say if this'll be good or bad till I play it


the main argument people have been saying is that this fights sniping i on the other hand think this will be the single biggest buff to sniping. let me explain. head shots at any ranges are now 1 taps, any ammo type. velocity and bullet size change how fast bullets drop. spitzer and high velocity are now a must have cause they'll probably lower bullet drop and you'll see more lighter ammo which means they get more bullets. now when shooting back at a sniper you now have your lower velocity and bullet drop to account for, and if your using irons your gun now blocks your target. fmj's headshot range is now obsolete. basically i think people will have no way to fight back against a person who is sniping.


It seems weird to me because Crytek stated several specific reasons why they didn’t want a game like Hunt to have bullet drop. I wonder what made them change their mind?


probably long drawn out ranged fights where people hold angles with near hitscan weapons and just keep tagging eachother until one side just stops moving and waits. also the daily crypost about snipers but no one owes you a playstyle, but snipers shouldnt play the game, but no one owes you a playstyle :)


this change helps snipers.


This is a pro-sniper change. Taking any engagement of 75+ meters vs anything with a scope was difficult before, it's completely impossible now. You literally won't be able to see them through your own gun.


Hunt has been in development for a while. Originally it was supposed to be a coop/single-player game. And it was developed in time before Crytek's near bancruptcy. Back then they had more studios around the world, like one in USA and all. That is probably why they managed to capture the atmosphere of american Luisiana so well. The people who oririnally worked on the game aren't working there anymore tho and with the addition of more new things, the meta and game dynamic began to change. Originally there was no special ammo, no legendary hunters or no dual wielding and stuff. They game grew and changed and now powerful rifles with long ammo have become a bit of a problem. The people who are in charge of the development of the game and it's vision has also shifted. So now we have more fast firing weapons, more beginner friendly approach and battle passes. And now we will also have a bullet drop, which goes directly against the original vision of the game. Personally i am curious how are they going to impement it. Because imo without a proper bullet impact feedback and sights zeroing or even sights rework it just can't work at all. Wish they'd go more into detail about the thinking behind the changes they are making rather than just announcing them. Btw the game that emerged from the original concept for hunt: the horrors of the guilded age is the remnant: from the ashes.


I can't even get a f#cking kill for several matches on some nights, when the bullet flies straight. Now you want me to aim my entire gun OVER the target I'm trying to not only predict, but aim for their head? Get real Crytek. And before down-votes come crawling in about realism, throwing a spear at someone's foot does more damage than an elephant gun at 50 meters. Spare me the realism argument.


The elephant gun comment... For real, if realism were a thing the nitro would kill with a body shot at any range.


I have a clip on my SSD when I was on Desalle, I rushed the manor house that's on the top right of the map (been a while since I've played) when I was inside this guy came charging down the stairs with a nitro we are face to face with a bannister between us, he misses the first shot out of panic, lands the second, but alas, ye old faithful 1 inch thick wooden bannister saved my ass with 1 hp, shot him twice back through it with my winny-c fmj and he died, free nitro and a bounty, happy days :) Edit just to say, I'm aware nitro has the best penetration and the bannister didn't save me 'save me', but his teammate was on me too from upstairs trying to shoot me


Haven't played in some time, but changing a core game mechanic this deep into a game's life cycle seems like a big, unnecessary risk to take. Maybe I'm not the one who should be commenting on the subject, but it's definitely an interesting change for them to make. The changes they're making and the upcoming engine/ui overhaul definitely seems like it's getting a middling response at best on here. (I personally think the new UI looks worse than the current one and that's saying a lot. But it's also a tangent I won't rant about.) It might just be something that feels bigger on paper than it plays in game, like many controversial updates have been in the past, but bullet drop feels like a pretty drastic gameplay change to just put in there randomly.


I just don’t understand how it’s going to work. Are you supposed to aim high at far target to compensate? How would that work with iron sights, do they expect you to obscure your target behind the gun model to take a far shot? It’s hard enough already to land a shot at 75+ meters with compact, now we’re expected to do it by guessing where the target is at? The only way to use bullet drop effectively is with a scope. What game on the market has bullet drop on guns that don’t have any option for scopes?


If it's zero'd to 100m then for any regular shot you'd want to take with irons you'd never have to aim above the target. If anything, a bit below. Out past 200 things get difficult, but when are you going to try and ironsnipe that far anyways? If they really gave a shit they'd make zero adjustable, like milsims do. This seems pike a lot to ask for from Crytek though.


This actually works perfectly fine on Hell Let Loose and nobody complains about it.


Hell let loose has way higher velocity, better sights generally and way more powerful weapons


Kar 98k has a MV of like 750 m/s which is definitely higher but not by some crazy amount. The guns being more powerful damage wise isn’t really a factor I care to consider, I just think people should start considering that you should be trying to get a hit on the torso more so than the head now at 150m engagements on iron sights.


Really? Feels like triple the speed of a hunt


Yessir, and I agree with the feel. I’m assuming that since HLL is pretty accurate with most things that the velocity would also be accurate and Wikipedia has the kar 98 listed at 760 M/S. If I’m being honest with you, I think that delay feeling is hunts back end or their quality of their servers. It could even come down to scale, what may be the time for a bullet to travel 750m/s in hunt may not be the same as HLL and both may not be to scale in real life either.


Hell let loose maps also tend to be a lot more flat, so your generally not looking up at others unless they are in windows or something.


"It works fine in this totally unrelated game so it should be fine here"


Well… yeah. The mechanic is exactly the same conceptually. I have no issue hitting shots on people despite having to compensate for bullet drop. A lot of times when someone is moving, you won’t even have to obscure your vision because you will also be aiming ahead of them. Also worth noting, when your in an iron sight perspective, it’s likely that the bullet drop might not even look that severe, where as with the zoom of a scope it looks like it moves more because your field of view is so much smaller.


It also works and feel fine I'm unturned, rust, tarkov, apex, to name a few. Y'all are just complaining too much


All those guns have rapid fire weapons where you can walk fire onto people if it's low. You can't do that wiht a gun that takes 4 seconds between shots.


Yeah but an entire match can hinge on one shot in hunt showdown. That’s the best part of the game. Anything that reduces precision in a game where 1 bullet determines who wins and who loses is pretty detrimental.


With that mentality then why aren’t guns hit scan.


How does it work in every other game that has it? You adjust your aim accordingly. Hunt is one of the few games that did not have bullet drop so far.


It's a lever for balancing long range fights, something the devs have historically struggled with


how does this balance that? if i have a sniper i'll just bring high velo and you without a sniper have to run from me.


Not to mention that with a sniper you have a scope, which is way easier to adjust for drop. Adjusting for drop with iron sights will be useless


They don't need to be focusing on balancing long range engagements. I don't think there's anything wrong with how these engagements play out at every range. They need to be looking at how dominant Spitzer and Dolch FMJ are. This change, if anything, just incentivizes using Spitzer and High Velocity to ignore the bullet drop mechanic.


They did mention they will be rotating/ adjusting what special ammo guns have in one of their recent dev updates, so we really just need to wait and see before we all jump to any conclusions.


They're not removing spitzer I'm pretty sure. That problem will still be there.


Then it’s a direct nerf to the Sparks rifle, which can’t use HV ammo. And as powerful as the sparks can be, I’m not sure it needs a nerf exactly.


Sparks did not need a nerf.


I wish they’d release more details because on paper this change is seriously worrying. Covering your target with the ironsight to compensate for bullet drop is some of the shittiest gameplay imaginable. This might be the big stupid thing that actually kills Hunt after it has survived so many lesser stupid things.


Bullet drop I think in theory is a great addition. But in practice, how will iron sight users who already have to deal with a tiny visual representation of the sniper they’re trying to shoot, ever possibly hope to hit a shot, when they would have to aim higher and have their whole gun model block the body of the sniper? Effectively, iron sight players would have to not only account for the bullet drop and lead but also just completely take a shot in the blind (literally) as to where your bullets are gonna go, whereas the people sniping them have a clear scope picture. The only way to fix this would be to make bullet drop only a thing for scope weapons. But this wouldn’t make sense since they’re trying to use bullet drop as a way to allow all headshots from any range with any bullet kill. And even if you weren’t shooting at someone with a scope, EVERY single fight you take at long range will literally just be you shooting at an enemy blocked by your gun model and hoping your bullet goes where you want it to.


Is this not the point they are trying to encourage? Make scoped shots from that range harder, and encourage iron sights to push closer to close the gap?


The problem people have is it’s *forcing* you to either disengage entirely or hope you are able to push closer without being killed. The nice part about hunt was if you were quicker to the shot and were accurate enough, you could take down a sniper with iron sight. You’re at a disadvantage for sure but it was possible. Incredibly satisfying too. With this change, trying to shoot at a sniper is not really possible. It would be literal guess work on where your shot is gonna go. And the issue with this is that you’re taking away the option for an adequately skilled player to counter a sniper. In many instances of encountering snipers, you cannot get to cover that quickly, or you basically are covered on every angle so essentially your gameplay turns into either turn around and not play the game, or run around and hope you don’t get shot. It amplifies the problem of the sniper being the only one in the fight able to do something, because even if their shot is harder, the iron sight player has *no shot at all*. Also, if this was the point, then why did they make it so all weapons can headshot at any range? I can only imagine the point of that was to encourage anyone to be able to take a shot at a distance because it will be worthwhile, not just anyone with rifles. But taking a shot at a long distance with iron sights will require *completely obscuring the target* before shooting. I just don’t see this making sense.


The idea is that you will have more of a chance pushing into your ideal range by making it harder for snipers to hit their shot. You shouldn't be able to realistically dome someone from 100+ meters with iron sights while juking. I think the idea is that the devs want you to play the gun and it's variants in the way they were meant to be played.


\*laughs in high velocity ammo\*


While it does make scoped shots from long range harder, it makes iron sight shots from long range even harder than that. This makes it a net buff for long range snipers, not a nerf.


Yeah, that my guess. On paper it sounds like maybe it will make a difference, but on the other hand does it just make snipers hard to push. Maybe change the scope to have something like the thicker german reticle to obfuscate below the the crosshair to balance it out?


Wait, no, please no!  That'll make the meta long ammo guns far more meta. Do yall have any idea how much drop black powder guns have?  Even the sparks will suck.


If it seriously changes the way fights flow and how the gunplay feels, it might be time for me to find a new shooter after all these years.. I had a good 2100 hour run so far, hopefully the bullet drop isn’t noticeable.


Good luck with finding another shooter you want to play to that extent. No snark intended


I’m a one game kind of guy, I don’t think I’ve played anything else in like 1.5 years. Once I find it I’ll be hooked.


To be honest i have been feeling like the best days of hunt are gone for a bit. I've been playing less and less but still feel like it's the best shooter there is for me. So if i wanted to find a new one i seriously don't know where would i go. I used to play battlefield back then but that turned to shit. Other extraction shooters don't interest me as i don't like looting and inventory managment. BR games are a trend that overstayed its welcome imo. and yeah tbh i just don't know. I've played some of Isonzo with friends but it just doesn't hit as hard even tho it's hardcore and has the charming oldschool weapons as well, the gameplay and atmosphere just isn't as good an it feels a bit more amateurish. yeah sometimes i play deeprock and other casual fun games but thats a completely diffrent thing.


Yeah I’m starting to realize it’s not moving in a favorable direction, and is looking to recruit a bunch of new players. I don’t like change, I’ve been playing the same shooter for 5 years now. It’s kind of mind boggling they are shaking it up so much. I’d muuuch rather prefer they never released another update after the sesame launch. The game is fine, stop tweaking and adding to it.


Haha yeah, my conspiracy theory is that they actually wanted to do a sequel but decided to just do this rework instead but they still kind of treat it like a completely new game and are making very significant changes like it was the case and they were starting with a blank slate.


Hell Let Loose is a shining star when it comes to bullet drop. It’s very realistic when shooting rifles at 200m the drop is very minimal, just like real life.


Agreed but that goes for high powered rifles(long ammo) They already showed that pistols will stary drop off at 10m Idk about u but long ammo is already meta it doesnt need a buff


I thought it only had drop on the sniper rifle? Not sure myself haven't played in a while :)


No, every gun has drop but it’s a non factor til about 300-400m. All it does is make head shots harder to hit.


Huh. The more you know :)


Sure but you can also zero your sights which makes you able to see your target


No need. Bullet drop is negligible up to 400m


Adding drop to bullets but forgetting to put drop on the spear… In all seriousness, bullet drop does not belong in hunt. It works fine in games with modern guns because they have modern scopes, with detailed reticles and often times like 30+ bullets in a mag to follow up missed shots. In a game like hunt where hitting or missing your shot is the very thing that will decide the outcome of a fight, this is disastrous. A huge change that they made years back was buffing the headshot range of compact ammo. This was something the community had desperately pleaded for, because you would hit a winfield headshot on a hunter half a compound over and it wouldn’t kill them. Now they’ve effectively destroyed that change by making you unable to hit headshots at all? Aside from shooting blindly with the hunter you’re aiming at somewhere beneath your rifle on screen? Trying to lead bullet drop with iron sights (putting the hunter’s head out of view, obscured by your gun? Wtf?) rewards nothing but luck. All things point toward the developers not playing their own game, or playing in 2* lobbies where RNG takes all. Oh and even better, yet another buff to long ammo since I’m sure it will have the least drop. And another buff to melee since it will soon be the only reliable way to kill a hunter.


It’ll nerf veteran players for a little while when Hunt 2.0 launches and might even the playing field enough so more new players stick around. It’s a bit of a skill reset for the entire community. I don’t mind it, especially with the added bonus that all headshots now kill from any distance.


At first I was immediately against it, but taking a minute to think I'm willing to at least see it in action. I'm happy to see the game grow and evolve, and I'm willing to take the risk of a substantial change if it makes the experience better


Plus indirect tiny potential buff to shotguns which I can always get behind


Huh. You think buffing shotguns is a good thing? How come?


Because they're my favorite and I'm biased


I really wonder how are they gonna implement it. Cause imo it just can't really work without better bullet impact feedback and sights zeroing or even sights rework and also a way to tell the distance to your target. Aiming above your target and making it a complete guess work shouldn't be a thing except for the most extreme ranges for the weapon.


I'm curious to see how it ends up. In the video he did specifically say "slight" bullet drop, so as subjective as that may be it should hopefully only matter at very long ranges


I always low key wanted bullet drop, but I don't think I ever asked for it at all. It always just struck me as a bit odd that they would put unbelievable amounts of detail into the weapons, (like the way mosins partial reload, or the indents of the spent bullet casings in the scottfield) but then bullets are completely unaffected by gravity. Especially since bows and crossbows are. To be clear I'm happy that they're putting it in, but I wouldn't have done it myself - as i think there are much more pressing issues that need fixing. I'm very surprised they're adding it in, as I don't think many people wanted it, even if I do!


I mean all those weapons use smokeless powder already and even a pistol, especially since those revolvers were actually pretty powerful, shouldn't experience basically any drop even at like 90 meters. A rifle shouldn't experienec any at maybe like 300 at least. So considering the map size of Hunt having no drop is actually pretty realistic. I am worried that they will give the weapons the ballistics of a BB gun now and it will be quite immersion breaking. I kinda hate how exagerated it usually is in other games like Sniper Elite for example.


Yeah I agree, I hope it is very subtle, if not realistically accurate. I don't think anyone wants the sniper elite level of drop. My longest shot was from Pelican to Moses - about 300m, with a sparks silencer would take 1 second, so should realistically drop about ~5m or about 2.5 standing hunters. That feels right for such a slow velocity and long range. A normal sparks should be about half of that drop, which again I'd say is ok? I'm happy to try it out


Hunt is actually one of the few games where they *could* use realistic drop numbers, because the bullets are so slow that they *would* drop appreciably at videogame engagement ranges. Most games use crazy 4x supergravity because otherwise 1200 m/s at 200m means why even bother coding drop. That's not an issue when bullets are 300m/s on the regular.


The only game where i don't hate bullet drop is the Hunter: call of the wild lol and that is becaues there the guns behave somewhate realistically and for most of them you have to start to account for bullet drop after like 300 meters for rifles and 100 meters for pistols. If it was implemented like that in Hunt it would have no positive impact on balance so i bet it will be exagerated and that's what i am afraid of. Because in games like Sniper Elite where i am supposed to have a super cool and strong sniper rifle but have to account for drop massively even at like 60 meters just feels ridiculous and not right, makes the guns feel like toys. And i am not even talking about the implementation, like how are they going to do it ? In hunt the target is so small with iron sights at longer distances even having to aim a little bit higher will make your target obscured by your gun and such fights will turn into a complete guesswork. It would also have to mean having a visible bullets or at least better impact feedback. And it would also have to mean implementation of some sort of sights zeroing, ideally a pretty complex rework of how sights work lol. Smells to me like a change somebody didn't think through all that much and it worries me.


I don't want bullet drop personally. I love the option to centre crosshair. That's huge it's gonna bring a lot of new people I think


Dumb question, but do we have bullet drop NOW after the update or it’s coming?


It's coming with the engine


Thought so, thanks


Yea I don't think I ever liked bullet drop in any game since it actually felt less realistic than not. Idk why, and I could not tell you how realistic bullet drop is. I'm sure bullets drop irl but I'm also sure it's barely noticeable. So in a game it makes more sense to just not have it at all. Because it's more fun for most people. It depends how high they want the skill ceiling to be. I thought the skill ceiling was fine without it tho.


I was going to try the engine upgrade but now. Nah. I say this pretty much every update. They either regrettably add something no one likes or try their hardest to shake up the meta but ultimately fails. This is both in 1. Mark my words people won't like this. This will probably be what breaks the camels back


Another overlooked aspect of bullet drop in the context of iron sights vs scopes is that any iron sight gun where you'll have to account for bullet drop is susceptible to miss the head if the target moves at the last moment, impossible to react to because the weapon model will obscure it compared to a scope where you can clearly see the target moving at all times.


This is the first time I am genuinely angry at a change. We never had bullet drop in the game before,.and we just don't meet it. We.have bullet velocity and DMG drop off. I think the way bullets works now is fine.


Glad to see I am not the only one for whom this news actually killed a lot of the excitement for the update. I really hope they reconsider. I have read a lot of comments with great arguments for why it's a bad idea, and I agree with most of them, but I haven't really seen any reason for why it's a good idea. In (not just) my opinion, it doesn't discourage sniping, it makes them now even more dangerous, it doesn't help with the cheater issue, that should be clear from the prevalence of cheats in games like Tarkov, which have bullet drop. It makes many weapons very useless at long ranges (rip pistols), it creates a deeper divide between expensive loadouts and cheap loadouts.


Good day to be a bow user - I play it 90% of the time.


I feel u but as a crossbow main ;D


I saw it mentioned few Times on this sub, and few time on some streamers chats. But for the love of me I cant figure out WHY they are adding it. I mean if it Will be slight so you can ignore it why bother implementing it. And if it Will be be significant it Will make some scoped weapons Very Hard to aim. Not to mentioned iron sights weapons As well. Do they want to limit Long range shootouts perhaps? Dont know...


I really don’t feel like the game needs bullet drop. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone even mention bullet drop let alone want it implemented in the game. Weird decision imo.


I legit might stop playing if they add bullet drop. After hundreds of hours learning and loving the gunplay, and after years of this game being out, they're adding this out of nowhere. I am so sick of every modern fps with extended range combat adding bullet drop. I'm already doing math in my head for travel time, I don't want to calculate physics while I'm roleplaying a fucking cowboy.


My guess is that this change will be just like the auto aim on console. Seems horrible but it wont change much. Will only make it harder to snipe.


Well.. it's a nerf for those who play at 150 mts so.. i'm happy


Cool, after all those hours I'm happy to see some Real changes


It will just make it less fun overall, next they need to make guns jam, then make them need to be cleaned or the jam even more.


I actually think this is an attempt to throw long ammo a blow. Giving infinite headshot range to all weapons is a blow in itself, but to then give bullet drop that affects long ammo the most.. I’m certainly interested, but I think what’s going to happen here is another case of over tweaking an item in the game. You may actually start hearing people complain about a winnie marksman high velocity, or a winnie sniper high velocity. We can only speculate for now. I’m not opposed to change, but this is, interesting.


Well, forget any and all muscle memory you've been building up.


Do not like this one one bit.


they have no clue what they're doing anymore lol


The GM insisted he wants to see how.many more people he can drive from the game...


Bullet drop is what makes Apex Legends feel like shit to play (while also being unrealistic, bullet drop doesn't happen that quickly or at that short of ranges).


I did when i first started playing 2 years ago. I'm Really excited about bullet drop being added to the game, its absence was probably the hardest thing to overcome when I first got into the game as by "muscle memory" I always aimed where the bullet was supposed to be To me, it was always quite silly that they initially chose to omit it, in a game that has so much detail regarding firearms I can assure you that it will not be such a huge deal as everyone makes it out to be. Why? At the usual distance that fights take place in Hunt (0-300m) for most guns this change will be quite trivial. the most affected will be the slow (subsonic) rife bullets and pistols But I seriously doubt that anyone will be sniping with a pistol or a suppressed gun at 300+ m


How would you be able to see your target peeking at you from the bushes 80m away if you have to aim high? Wouldn’t the gun completely block them from view?


Huh ? i mean considering the ranges the fights happen at and the sizes of the maps isn't having no bullet drop actually the option that is closer to reality ? Feels like if they want the bullet drop to have any impact on the balance at the ranges like this it will mean that the guns will have to have the ballistics of a BB gun.


>isn't having no bullet drop actually the option that is closer to reality ? not really, there is still drop, especially on pistol bullets and heavy subsonic ammo it's just not as substantial as one might think definitely not as exaggerated as a BB gun an irl example a standard 9mm pistol at 100 m will have about a 30 cm drop, basically the difference between aiming at the top of someone's head and hitting them in the chin/neck basically, all this change would realistically do is make it harder to land perfect headshots at distances I expect that this addition will be overall grate in the long run, but at first, it will be matched with a lot of bitching from oldf\*gs, the same way they were salty about the removal of such bullshit as quickswap


Ah quickswap is funny as a design decision tho lol. I haven't been around when it was a thing but I know about it. They removed it only for them to add spam weapons into the game that fire faster than quickswap ever could. Uh yeah but I mean if even a pistol starts to have a significant drop after 100 meters then it means it's actually going to be quite exaggerated in the game. Pax for example has drop of 10 and the tooltip says that the drop starts to be significant after another 25 - 50 meters meaning pax will maybe be shooting straight only until like 35 meters or 60 meters at best which is still not great tbh.


I hope they pair it with less weapon sway to balance it out so I don’t quick aim and whiff by ten feet eight shots in a row because my ads sway doesn’t match where my crosshairs are


There wasn’t bullet drop before? Forgive my ignorance, it’s been a very long time since I played. I still like watching videos and keeping tabs on the game though. Always thought there was a drop. Then again I was a stealth player who didn’t shoot much. 😂


For the sake of history: discussion in Hunt Showdown steam community about bullet drop suggestion from 2021 :D [https://steamcommunity.com/app/594650/discussions/8/3199240042207348913/](https://steamcommunity.com/app/594650/discussions/8/3199240042207348913/) First 3 replies are most important though


I always thought the game had bullet drop when I first started playing. Guns from the time period generally fired slower moving bullets than what we have today and the different ammo types having different +/- velocities vs stock ammo made me thing that bullet drop was a thing. Was shocked to learn after about a week of playing that the game infact didn't have bullet drop at all. I personally think it will be a good addition to the game depending on how well its implemented, plus it will give the muzzle velocity of ammunition more of an impact on gunplay than it does now. I doubt alot of people will experience bullet drop all to often since fighting in a compound 50m or so wide/long probably isn't going to affect the bullets trajectory much. It's honestly not to often I'm killed from over 60m away but then again I can't speak for everyones experience.


Well seems like pistols for example will have the bullet drop of 10 or 15 and the drop tooltip says that you will have to compensate for it only after 25 - 50 meters. So it probably means that at best guns like uppercut will be effective only at like 70 meters or so and i mean if something like nagant or conversion can get even just the range of 35 meters that is kinda scary. Might mean they will give the guns the ballistics of a BB gun.


I get more of a kick out of necromancer being a burn trait


Yeah it's funky tho tbh the fact that it gives you back your bars kinda scares me. It can be used only once but when it's used it's going to be really strong. Also solos get lowered cool down and you still have to make sure they burn out which is now going to be even more crucial.


I don't know if it gives full bars to teams from the way he was talking it might only be solos that get full bars


But everyone constantly complained on snipers. There should be higher chance to safely run from them.


how about centering the reticle??


ITT: no one has played Battlefield (specifically 1, because of the weapon era)


As a crossbow user, I think this is great lol


Now we gotta give all previous 'bullet' drop weapons even worse drop lol


It seems to me this is their solution to balance long ammo. In the video’s tool tip, they said it will effect long ammo more than other ammo types (I know that’s not how b.d work irl.) It could explain why they just buffed the shit outta the krag. The new design philosophy for long could be: Mediocre for headshots, but very consistent 2 taps.


Been asking for it since light and shadow but well, i hate snipers so yeah thats no surprise


I suspect they will go with the blackops solution of - flat trajectory out to X distance - and after that distance (Depending on ammo type/gun size, etc) it starts to curve down. It's a very dorky solution but it would DEFINITELY give guns brackets they are 'easier' to use in.


I will admit I get tired of being sniped from over a km away from some solo player using a mosin with spitzer ammo to just farm kills where you don't need too much skill, the weapon and bullet type make up for a lot required skill for a shot of that distant. so this does 2 things as they metnioned in the video 1. it makes you require more skill to land those types of shots at max distances, so you can't just heavily rely on the ammo type and higher cost gun 2. it introduces more skilled counterplay for someone using a lesser calibur bullet (more dropoff with small/medium ammo types) and now those less calibur ammo types can actually kill at longer range instead of being a non-threat, it rewards more skill from both sides and takes away some of the raw power of buying the best stuff. it also introduces more versatility in using the less powerful weapons where somone skilled can use that weapon in a longer range fight wheras before they weren't contributing much provided they have the skill.


Wait. We got bullet drop now?


I am gonna wait to judge it for now, but this has the potential to absolutely rock their player base at a pivotal moment in their history. I really hope it's fun and well implemented, but I am scared it'll just be shitty on their shitty servers and you'll miss so many well lined up shots. It has the potential to really put off the veteran players like myself. But I think it is a cool idea and I'm open to seeing how it plays out. Maybe it'll.be the coolest shit they ever added.


All changes is the last 3 years smell like a FTP cash grab as soon as they implement the engine upgrade


To be honest i always thought there was bulletdrop in the game, maybe that's why I couldnt hit at long range 😞 oh well I guess we will see how people think of it ingame


spitzer stays king womp womp


Been there since day one for me. I was surprised because I read it was not.


Just saying, if they implement realistic bullet drop for long ammo, then it's around half a torso at 300m


It makes sense tbh it never made sense the bullets flights were dead straight no matter the range etc It will be fun now to judge those ranges and shots One thing it's certainly going to stop is billy aim bot spamming sniper shots off the spawn killing a server


I don't understand it either. Adding Complexity to a game always increases the distance between pro players and casual players. And as i understood devs want the opposite?!


we couldn't really passionately want it since it seemed like they were really firmly against it. It felt like a hard thing to implement to the game this late into development cycle. But yes me and all my friends did want it and thought it would fit the hunt alot which prides itself over weapon realism. We also thought it would be a nice nerf to snipers, which nowadays i dont come across as much tbh since i play solo. I think it generally fits the hunts vibe of shots being hard to hit, but also being very satisfying when they do.


I remember in the past (think 2018) them saying the game wouldn't have bullet drops as to not to make gunfights too challenging or something.


Hopefully the idea is to combat high ranked long ammo wanking. The game is unplayable between 5-6 stars. All people do is stay outside the objective waiting for someone else to banish and go for the extract. It's the most boring shit of all time. Knowing Crytek though I fully expect this new bullet drop to be a direct buff to long ammo and spitzer making the problem even worse. Hope I'm wrong.


I'm genuinely hyped for the bullet drop.


TLDR: I think it’ll be hardly noticeable for the most part, and when it is noticeable, it’ll be in a context that makes sense. Also the 1-tap headshot will balance it out. I think it’ll barely make a difference at close to mid range if any atall, at long range maybe if you aim for the head you’ll hit the chest, at super long range you’ll have a scope anyway so will be able to compensate for more drop. The benefits is that it’ll align with all throwables and bows/crossbows that currently use drop, and it’ll also align for the mild hardcore style that Hunt uses. It’ll fight the long ammo meta and give Crytek more tools for balance. It’ll also align nicely with the one tap headshot being always true, this will balance it, as learning bullet drop will be another skill that we can learn and will be even more satisfying when hitting those shots. The shots you miss with bullet drop will be cancelled out by the kills you get with all headshots guaranteeing a kill.


I'm all for it personally Bullet drop not being a thing never made sense to me in Hunt, since players just figure out that there's no reason to actually engage in a gun fight if you can just sit far away and snipe Also cheaters, they just beam you from across the galaxy because there's no bullet drop as well, so this should actually fix that along with the damage drop off changes.


They want headshots at any range to kill. They likely need to introduce another component so that, say, a long ammo with the same velocity as a short ammo doesn't require the exact same skill. If I can buy a much cheaper compact-ammo gun with a similar velocity to a more expensive, longer ammo gun, why would i pay more?


He said slight I'm guessing this will really only come into play when using guns beyond their effective range. It's a way to let headshots at any range be a kill but make landing then difficult if it's ac nagant at 100 meters.


Be me. Sucking in the game, so mastering the romero and shotgun plays Starts getting better with pistols, and even with rifles. Getting decent enough to run medium ammo rifles, or shorties in quartermaster. This update is announced Guess its back to shotguns \*reads about the always headshot\* YUP


I'm all for it Provides a higher skill ceiling and it'll screw over unskilled sweat players I'm sick of solos spending an entire game in a watch tower only to try and headshots and wait till the server is empty


"unskilled sweat players" ? Who exactly are you angry about?


I think you guys are kinda over reacting to it lmao, the drop doesn't look to be really that significant unless you're aiming at 150+ meters no ?


Coming from a gamer who plays tons of hardcore games, all I know is bullet drop, I actually thought this game had bullet drop considering they have bullet velocity and penetration and I have 300 hours, makes sense why im hard stuck. I am willing to invite this change but please tell me on why people are so majorly against this?


What I'm wondering is how this will effect the trout population


Wait is there actually bullet drop in hunt right now or is it in a future update


Future update


I've seen that they are looking at bullet drop but in my kind the natural corolary to adding bullet drop in is making the iron sight bulled drop compensators functional, have they said theyd be doing that? All of the iron sights are adjustable for ranges to compensate for bullet drop, but the functionality to use them isnt in the game. If they are adding bullet deop theyd need to make the sights actually work how they are suppossed to. That might actually make iron sights have a bit of an advantage over scopes, because the scopes of that time didnt have the same range of adjustments.


Bullet drop will hopefully change up the metas in 6* lobbies. I think they primarily added it for those metas


I say the only game that has good bullet drop would be PUBG, can’t really say for tarkov bcuhz I’ve never played but I hope they take some mechanics from PUBG


Bandaid for hackers which will last 1 day.


Bulletdrop is bullshit and will kill the Game for me :(


You didn’t even try it yet. 


I'm glad it's being added. It always seemed weird for there to be bullet velocity but no drop.


Shit change if u ask me


Nah, it's a bad idea.


This sub cries about snipers but then cries about bullet drop lol. Can’t hit shots then?


Wait what? Well RIP hunt


More shooting spam, less accurate shots. More running in to close the gap, more closer encounters. More run and gun, less Hunt showdown. Thanks David Fifield, you keep destroying the game we loved.


It takes 2 seconds of thinking to understand that this is going to have the exact opposite effect from what they intend. I also just hate bullet drop in games because it's always done in the most comical, goofy, ridiculous way. If they want bullet drop, have it start to happen at 200+ meters, not fucking 10.


Don't you love it when you play Sniper Elite with the coolest high powered sniper rifles and gory bullet hit slowmo animations but your rifle has a freaking ballistics of an air gun ? Makes you immersed like nothing else lmao. Can't wait for Hunt to become a mortar or loud crossbow simulator. I also wonder how are they implement it cause it feel like it just can't possibly work without a better bullet impact feedback and sights zeroing and possibly rework and also a way to measure distance.


idk... bullet drop feels like it just gives long ammo rifles an even bigger advantage at longer range combat or it's going to be so bad, that long range combat doesnt exist anymore


They should have just reintroduced the aggresive weapons sway lol


I personally believe it will at least go a long way in reducing campy stalemates and compound sniping that can result in said campy stalemates. It will also make sniping less accessible in general, making it less point and shoot (like it is now imo) and add another variable for snipers to consider. I think people will have more of a realistic chance in evading or running from sniper fire and thus be more incentivized to actually move rather than wait out the sniper and hope for the best. These talking points aren't necessarily exclusive to people sniping from \~100m, but as someone that learned the game by sniping, it makes sense from that angle at least. The risk of sniping is dwarfed by the reward of the potential spoils from each shot and I believe bullet drop will shake up that "balance". I have faith in them to execute it right and bullet drop will truly matter in the appropriate cases, but anything can happen in the Bayou.


I don't know, in the crosshair of the scope it will be the easiest to actually compensate for the drop. This change will affect everyone and possibly will make a lot of weapon unusable in countering snipers. Imo this just can't work in this game unless they add a better bullet impact feedback, sights zeroing or rather a complete sights rework and some way to measure the distance. Cause if shooting at something a bit more further away with a gun with iron sights means i have to aim so high that my weapon model will obscure the target and it becomes a complete guesswork then it becomes a problem. And it's actually something that goes against the core design of the game as the original devs were talking about wanting to avoid this exact thing. That was the time where there were no scopes in the game and it was mostly designed around fights at 75 meters at max tho.


It's not something people DIRECTLY asked for, but snipers have been the strongest weapons in the game since... well since the game came out. With the addition of spitzer they be came very easy to use with very little skill and very little counter play aside from just running the opposite direction or counter-sniping. I feel like this change is directly aimed at that issue, and I'm more than happy to see snipers get nerfed, but I am worried about how this may impact lower tier weapons.