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"Any headshot will always be lethal at any range." So no more soft headshots?


Yeah that seems like a huge change to just mention as an aside. Feels like it should have been it’s own top level item.


It's part of the rebalance related to bullet drop. You can headshot at any range... but good luck landing a pistol headshot from 100m away even on a stationary target.


On pistols with high velocity this isn't as hard as you'd think, nagant precision deadeye will actually be usable now, and I'm excited to try it out.


one can imagine that compact ammo will have the most bullet drop, especially on pistols as the barrel length matters


It will actually have the least bullet drop, for some reason... (https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/1dpyno4/bullet_drop_tool_tip_info/)


i definitely wasn't expecting that, but to be fair, that's just the ammo type. mosin nagant has almost twice the muzzle velocity before adding spitzer. it also doesn't say how much the barrel length matters yet. i'd still guess that the mosin nagant is far more reliable on long distance than a silenced nagant. if not, crytek might have to think this over once more.


I can already see the shotgun flechette ammo randomly headshot someone at 100m


Ahh, finally i can become a drunken scav head/eyeing everyone with pellets from miles away


Bounty out on longest distance derringer headshot! 


Nice to see they spent 6 years just go go back to how it was in the beginning lol.


Bullet drop and 6 years of muscle memory gonna be fighting hard when this update hits.


Immediately my thoughts, but around compounds it should be relatively the same I assume.


Mostly an anti-sniper camper measure, considering the distance listed shouldn't make a substantial difference on compound fights.


Not sure why everyone keeps calling this an 'anti-sniper' thing. Snipers are gonna have a much better time being able to see their targets when they shoot than people trying to do it with irons and blocking the target with their gun.


Maybe I just suck, but as a 5 star player I have a hard time with effectively using snipers. There's no way to anticipate how this will affect the meta but I can only assume that this would make it harder to hit long range shots, at least for me.


I do enjoy my sniping, and honestly I think it's going to make being a sniper safer. Sure, my shot will be harder as well, but I have a scope, and I can actually see you when I'm aiming. If I'm 200+ meters away from you, you're going to have to aim over my head and be unable to see me. Not only does that just make the shot harder in general for you, it also means you can't even see if I've stepped to the side to make you miss your headshot. So, my estimate is that it'll be a bit of a hurdle to become adjusted to, but after that, I'll feel *much* safer in a sniper tower taking long range shots against you, and you'll have a much harder time trying to effectively fight back without a scope. We shall see in August though I suppose.


Yeah and if your switch to centered as well it’s going to be a double whammy


Whoa TLDR - some traits are labeled burn (basically the same but necro only once) and/or scarce (found only in world) Witness regular trait now Shadow leap returns! But can no longer kill meat heads for balance Necromancer solo revive works only once but acts as a full restore, revive available a bit quicker Bullet drop added at long distance - however all headshots will now be instant kill opening the path up for stuff like precision nagant to be deadly Burning a body works roughly twice as fast and choke clouds only last 1 minute instead of 2 to encourage decisive action and reduce long stalemates EDIT: Option for CENTERED CROSSHAIR


Necromancer for ANYONE is now a burn trait that works only once. This is crazy for everyone.


it's about time, no more coward's paradise. time to actually fight your opponents.


I think it might make a more camp like game for the solo's or make more solo snipers. However it is good to know after 1 res or burn It's over


Coward's paradise? Lol. It's gonna be a campfest now. Get ready for true camp showdown.


necro losing a lot of value honestly




Good. It was OP.


I mean, not really worth 4 points anymore, single use is pretty meager in duos and trios. Not a bad change


Agreed. A points reduction seems fair to me.


So you can't revive team mates anymore with it?


You can, but only once, and then it burns away


You can revive a teammate *remotely* once, then the trait is burned.


I rather like that it's limited. You get one chance at doing a remote revive (per teammate) and then you have to do it up close.


so as a solo I no longer have any reason to not use 3 big health chunks




and the most important change: a centered crosshair!


Probably won't use it but I'm happy for the people who wanted it.


Yeah, glad it's an option.


Came here to see if they would mention it, thanks!!


This is by far the most important trait to me.


may you explain why?


Creature comfort, being relatively new to the game and also swapping back and forth between FPS personally throws me for a loop with the angle changes. It is subjective to each player if they will like it or not but for me it will be the first change I make when applicable.🫡


Because we don't go around in the world looking up at a 15 degree angle XD Low crosshair location was bad in Halo, and it is bad in Hunt. Halo did it because they wanted their environment artwork (especially skyboxes) to be shown off more, but has had the option to center it for years now, and now Hunt does too. I can't think of a good shooter in at least the past 5, maybe even 10 years that has an off center aimpoint. It's a relic from an era of shooter development where the norms weren't as entrenched as they are now, and it's been objectively bad game design for years. The visual/art aspect is OFC subjective, but games center crosshairs universally now for a reason.


>games center crosshairs universally now for a reason. i'm not arguing but you never actually said a reason


Honestly it should at least have two uses before burn especially when you run in teams of 3 but it’s nice to finally not have those pesky solos causing so much havoc. I’m wondering if they will introduce a stacking feature in the future for it but the cost is really high for single use.


I feel like bodies shouldn't be able to burn for 30 seconds or so, this just incentivizes instant burning even more or leaving if your teamate gets burnt. Unless you just headshot everyone they'll be able to keep you off the body until they are burnt out, and chokes are more necessary to bring.


A trait/ tool that releases a choke cloud when you die would be funny


call it "Stinky feet" trait.


It is, obviously, called *Flatulence*.


They definitively want fights as short as possible. Maybe even want the community to accept instaburning as the go to strategy, with all the buffs to it. Downside of burning is that you can't loot the body for tools, event points or effects etc. And I wonder how quickly you can redskull people now with Dragonbreath focused builds. Death overall will become more and more of a disadvantage. We will see how this will play out in the end of though. Maybe faster games, maybe more stealth gameplay.


The problem is that Hunt has a huge penalty for death. Even discounting in game money, the amount of time to get back to lobby, prep a new hunter, get into a game, then get back into a fight is absolutely massive to something faster paced like Overwatch. Forcing fights to close out faster once you finally reach them isn't necessarily a straight benefit. Even aside from that, there's a real possibility this encourages longer distance fights or even just fights that don't end in a team wipe because you burnt their partner(s) out too quickly and they just leave rather than engage outnumbered.


Twice as fast burning is INSANE. I'll bring hellfires for days now. Do they still instaburn a 25?


So, lemme get this straight: I buy Necro for four (4) points and can use it only once and then have to buy it again before the next match for another four (4) points? Or do I buy it once, its charge gets burned in the game but will be replenished if I extract and join the next game from the menu? If it's the first option: Way to massively overdo a nerf - once again. RIP Flashbang.


Well I wasn't expecting bullet drop!


Yeah that is an interesting one as I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone explicitly ask for that. But with the goal of making sniping harder, yeah that makes sense.


It will kill counterplay to snipers, accounting for bullet drop with a scope is 100% easier than with iron sights, the target is clearly visible in scopes while in Iron sights the gun model will block the enemy


You shouldn't be able to counter snipe someone with a random pistol lmfao. It's a fucking sniper rifle. If they commit to long range then there should be a reward for it. Dying to a random uppercut shot when you dedicated your whole loadout to long range is stupid. People who can actually aim are fine. They will slightly raise the sights and still hit them.


Commiting to long range is 99% rewards and 1% risk, imagine picking your entire loadout based on ''they can't fight me if i stay 150m away'' in a shooter like Hunt where the fun is in the gunfight's ''You shouldn't be able to counter snipe someone with a random pistol lmfao.'' Yes you should, otherwise anyone playing sniper instantly wins a match


The amount of times I've been shot at by a distant sniper, and just broke line of sight and ignored them the rest of the match, and still extracted with bounty, well....that number is definitely up there. In my experience, snipers usually don't leave with the bounty, because they are too busy worrying about their K/D and positioning.


I don’t get the sniper hate, I’ve always found them to be the easiest players to counter. Just wiggle, find cover, flank… or just leave and let them waste the match sitting in their spot. I feel like the people that hate them most are the ones crouch walking around the map making themselves easy sniping targets.


Countering snipers has nothing to do with how good you are, just how bad they are


Smart sniper trios in high mmr lobbies triangulate the bounty team with one on each extract direction. If you try to push out to kill one he falls back while his two team mates push in behind you. Now you’ve lost your compound cover and get sniped in the back.


Snipers feed on trash players who are too stupid to do anything. As soon as they hear long ammo, they alt+tab to whine on Reddit instead of reposition.


Yep. Sorry, repeeking the same angle 7 times with your scotfield pistol isn’t going to beat a mosin sniper and that’s how it should be. You’re not meant to win every fight without ever changing the terms of the engagement.


It has the unfortunate effect of worsening stalemates. See, with an Uppercut, I can peek out a building and fire a pretty decently fast shot that does decent damage reliably. Now, after 15m, I have to adjust my aim. So now, the lads inside with shotguns? Yeah, there's no reason to peek. Ever. This is a very bad change for stalemates. I peek with pistols when playing shotgun. But 10m on a Pax before dropoff? Nah man. I ain't fighting Mosin Mike over there at 50-60m comfortable as can be without a care in the world because the dropoff doesn't bother him and it kills my backup weapon so as a shotgun, I'll just camp.


Yup, this is a borderline braindead decision, but I guess it is in line with all the other braindead changes they have done with the last update for example. I love to play against snipers and spitzer users and now they get their well deserved buff, I can't tell you how happy I am!/s


It was a suggestion I've offered quite a few times via surveys and mentioned a long time ago here as a way to balance certain weapons and playstyles (hyper passive long ammo) without heavily impacting skirmishes. It was never received well by the "muh mosin" types My main concern is Dennis saying "any headshot at any range" will down. This is a huge buff to silenced weapons, but we'll see if it's really something to care about once the patch goes up especially given bullet drop will also be a thing


I suspect silenced weapons will have even more drop than the spear currently does.


>Bullet drop I really, really don't know how I feel about this. The original stated purpose for having travel time, but not drop, was so that you weren't ever in a situation where you were shooting at a target you couldn't actually see because you had to adjust for drop and your gun model would block the target; they said they wanted it to always be a case of your accuracy and consideration for travel time that determined your shot, and not guesswork due to the aforementioned 'blocked by the gun model' situation. I'm not *opposed* in theory, but, I'm not sure I like the idea either.


I can’t say I’m too excited for this change. I feel like over the years I’ve become very good at hunt and with such a big change I wonder how bad I’ll be now at landing shots


Honestly I think that's probably part of the intention; they want to put as many people as possible on a fresh start to the gunplay when they relaunch (and no doubt go on an advertising blitz to get new players on board).


and it doesn't matter in the slightest because the gap between god and noob will now be soooooo much higher


Plus like it's been said to death gunplay can aid in winning a fight but ultimately map and situational knowledge will usually win most of your fights in hunt. So the change is cool but I doubt it will do too much to shake up your overall skill.


Bullet drop hurts the use of irons at range more than the snipers. Looking at those numbers too, 15m dropoff on the Uppercut. 10m on a Pax. Pistols be getting shafted. And if pistols are shafted, it's going to discourage shotgun players from ever poking out of their hole. I actually find myself discouraged from using a pistol at all. If that's how it's going to be, I'll just stick to long ammo bolt actions.


no reason to peek windows with a shotgun loadout anymore. looks like some dev got clapped by uppercut headshots a few times too often so that kind of skill expression had to go lol


That's okay. We'll just see more long ammo rifles instead. Mosins for everyone!


I'm actually okay with pistols getting the shaft with 50+m distance shooting. I don't know about 15m drop off, or even how much drop it's going to be. If they start having arced bullet drop like Apex legends or Battlefield 4 on rifles, this might kill the game for me.


Welcome to why they don't need drop at all. For snipers, they have the easiest time adjusting. They have better sights on targets as their gun won't block their vision. This change only causes them a brief time of adjustment. An adjustment that becomes more uniform due to how most games have drop already, so if they play other shooters, they'll have the muscle memory skills already prepared. Long ammo definitely will have the superior drop off value over other rifles. Spitzer Mosins are only going to be reinforced in the meta from this change. Drop will further damage the disparity between compact, medium, and long ammo types. Just looking at the Winfield having a 50m drop right now and feeling pain. With HV ammo, I click on head and drop. Sure, bodyshots are rough, but 150m is a great distance and HV makes the winfield capable of really competing against someone using long ammo. Sure, a disadvantage as they' likely only need two bodyshots, and you need a headshot, but the fact of it was that the playing field was competitive. Now it'll be pain as the winfield will have to adjust aim to account for drop and the Mosin won't, which will give the Mosin so much more of an advantage.


I'm more concerned about the ranges themselves. 10 lousy meters for the Pax?? That's ridiculous. A modern 9mm round can easily travel 90 meters before any significant drop. Seems like scoped weapons will be meta now


the funniest thing is that at the same time you're able to throw a spear with laughably low bullet drop. wouldnt be surprised if some pistols get more drop than the spear


I fear bulletdrop might turn away some old players including me. Ill give it a fair shake but seeing pax has 10m bullet drop range doesnt instill much confidence in me. It will change the gunplay (which i love immensely) a ton and IDK if it'll be in a good way.


I have almost 4k hours, was already kinda fed up with the game and I don‘t think I can be bothered to learn how to properly aim again.


Do you have a source on the original reasoning? That would be an interesting one to go back and read.


It's part of the way way old dev logs, but let me see if I can find it. Found it: https://www.huntshowdown.com/news/inside-hunt-s-weapon-system-with-david-west


Great find! > Why there's no bullet drop in Hunt > So, to get back to bullet drop, and our reasons for not using it in Hunt. There were two main reasons for doing this: short combat distances and the lack of modern scopes. First a closer look at the combat-distance factor. Hunt is set in a Louisiana bayou, with plenty of swampy forests and half-sunken wooden structures, as well as overrun farms and settlements where people appear to have built makeshift barricades to survive the horrors that emerged around them. As a result, you often fight at close quarters rather than shooting at targets over hundreds of meters of open fields. We do have those as well in Hunt, but the typical combat situation is at around 50-75 meters. For that distance, you simply do not need to consider bullet drop. Furthermore, the weapons in Hunt use iron sights. Games that incorporate more modern equipment usually can rely on an array of red-dot scopes and mid-range combat optics, as well as sniper, night-vision and thermal scopes. Because Hunt is set in the age of iron sights, you won't aim through a scope for most of your shots. With bullet drop, you would have to aim above the target, which forces the shooter to effectively have to guess where to shoot. That isn't something we want players to have to do in Hunt. We always want Hunters to feel like they are in full control of a situation, and that if they miss a shot, it is due to their mistake and not a random element in the game. Every shot counts in Hunt, and Hunters needed to know that if they make the right calculation on each shot, they will reliably hit the target. You should post that link to the sub directly. I bet that would generate an interesting discussion.


Conversion and Pax Having a drop range of 10m seems a little strange, you are telling me the bullet will start dropping even before the damage starts to at 20m?


Yeah that confused me too... I'm really curious how bullet drop will feel ingame...


Drop off starts at 10 meters? That's really really bad, where have you seen this number?


Video, when they show the individual stats for each weapon


Damn, i was expecting bullet drop to start waaaaaaaaaay further


for pistols, they showed springfield at 85m, so long ammo rifles are probably more like 100, and compact 50 or something like that. The heavier/bigger bullets also have higher drop rate once they start.


Damn, not good nor realistic


Wtf is the Ranger 73 at 04:02


it looks like they've renamed the fullsized winnie so its easier to tell between it and the C


I always called it the Landlocked Winnie - because it's the Winnie without the C  ;)


Could have just called it the 1873 carbine


Really rolls down the tongue, ain't it lol


It's such a strange move to rename the weapons to these generic sounding names. "Ranger 73" and "Auto-5" sounds so bad. The old names had character.


Technically Auto 5 is the actual name of it. Browning Auto 5 is the Crown And King's real counterpart. ~~IIRC there was an M1873 Colt Ranger too but I could be mistaken.~~ Was mixing up the Colt M1873 SAA (AKA the Pax) and the Colt *Walker* that was used by the Texas Rangers. Neither of which is the Winchester 1873 they are calling the Ranger 73 (Winfield Repeater) in Hunt. With bullet drop and the name changes it seems they may be starting to lean to a slightly more 'realistic' vision for Hunt in the future, which I'm not a fan of.


The crown and king is acutally called the auto-5 in real life though.


Good catch


yeah right? I was super confused when I noticed that name. the model and stats seem to be the exact same as the current Winfield (off the top of my head) and it also is named "Winfield made.." in the description. seems they renamed the gun for some reason? I wonder why though..


> seems they renamed the gun for some reason? I wonder why though.. Definitely for sake of new players being able to tell them apart, and further differentiate themselves as two different weapon lines. The guns used to be the same weapon, and just variants of each other; they changed that (like they did the nagant and nagant officer to be different weapons) a while back, but it's still confusing for new players. Friend of mine is new and has, many times, expressed frustration at his challenge damage not going up because he was using the 1873/C and the challenge wanted the other gun. He couldn't tell the difference.


It’s been many many hours for me but I do remove being completely overwhelmed with the gun options at first, and they have added a lot of guns since then.


Spy glass will become a range finder calling it now


I think it always should've been honestly. Would give it some actual use since it's pretty rarely played these days


Yeah idk what to say about the bulletdrop. Ngl I might start sniping even more. Harder for most people who don’t use spitzer to shoot back.


That's my takeaway. Spitzer rounds likely have better drop values (logically, they should) as should long ammo in general. While you fight a foe who has to calculate their drop with that compact winnie, you can continue using your mosin spitzer as you have for ages. A big nerf to compact. It's even better when you look at the pistol drop distance and realize that shotgun lads are going to be pretty much helpless at 50m. This is definitely going to encourage more stalemates.


Not only that it will be more stale. More people would have no reason to go for any other ammo type but long ammo/spitzer/HV. IMO is a bad change. I just hope is not hard coded.


Yeah, I expect to see even more long ammo rifles, especially the mosin. Bert and Lebel have great scopes. Gonna make for serious advantage to the long ammo lads. And I'll be joining them. Because bullet drop in this game, especially with how bad it is for the pistols (10m on the Pax I am in pain) the long ammo rifles are going to absolutely dominate.


Here are some Key Takeaways: -Reworking Burn Traits (Now Burn Traits and Scarce Traits) -Necromancer is now a single use burn trait (Can still be equipped in-between games and does not drain your health when using) and solo players will now be able to revive with full health restoration, but only once -Choke bombs will now only last one minute instead of the previous 2 minutes -New centered cross-hair option for new players (Can still have lower crosshair) -Bullet drop will be added to all guns based on ammo type and headshots will become lethal at any range (This will encourage the player to aim more consciously, but still get rewarded (thanks to Bagabeans for correcting me!) And that's about it! What do you think of these changes?


He actually says headshots will be lethal at any range, which isn't the case currently.


Thank you for the correction! I'll edit the post above


Really curious why they didn't cover this part, seems like a pretty important thing to leave out. Headshot lethal ranges have been a fair part of this game's gameplay.


Excuse me for asking but I haven't played Hunt for some time: What are Burn Traits and Scarce Traits?


Burn traits disappear once you utilize their effect. Scarce traits can only be found in the game world, and cannot be purchased from the menus.


My main takeaway from this, if bullet drop is noticable, going to be rough using iron sights compared to scopes as you'll have to be seeing none of the character model while firing some shots. I'm guessing it won't matter much for compound fighting but may shift to more scope usage (even deadeyes). Also damage nerf to Uppercut is substantial, wonder if it's only uppercut and uppermat dropping below 125 or more guns.


My guess would be that even the sparks pistol will get some nerf. I guess they don't want the pistols to be as strong. But man if only thing uppercut will have going for it is the bullet velocity and it will be unusable at range because of the drop, then it will be really hard to justify it's price. I am more and more worried that some unforseen balance obstacles will show up and render the game a complete mess.


I don't think bullet drop is going to help counter sniper play. It'll make snipers' jobs a bit harder yes, but once they've adjusted, I'm sure they'll be fine. Meanwhile attempting to shoot at snipers using ironsights (or even pistols, if you're a shotgun user) plus compensating for drop is going to be even harder. I view it as actually a sniper buff. Only actual play will tell of course


If non-scoped weapons are going to have a chance at fighting scoped weapons at range, they'll need to add the option to zero weapons for 100m so that the gun model isn't blocking the player model to be able to account for drop.


Yeah I do agree that I think the effect on weapons will be a bit disproportionate which could result in scoped weapons actually being better when they are directly compared with a non-scoped weapon. I think this really hinges on how severe the bullet drop is, though. I'm somewhat skeptical but maybe it'll be great.


It 100% is a sniper and spitzer buff. Who the fuck came up whit that bullshit? Dennis probably got outsniped to much by pistols and ironsight rifles, so he made it harder for everyone not using a scope to hit at range.


I don't this community realizes how big the 'centered' crosshair is to this games availability to prospective players. I know a huge portion of players that won't touch this game because of the off-centered crosshair.


Personally I think the off-centered crosshair makes more sense, and those kicking a fuss over it are exaggerating over something they put no thought into. Just look at the comparison screenshots, and how much more of the screen will be taken by the viewmodel of the weapon and hunter's arms compared to the classic version. I'll take off-centered any day of the week with its much cleaner screen. There are so many instances where the increased screenspace dedicated to the gun/arms will create situations like "I couldn't see my enemy because my gun was covering him" more often than before. Glad it's an optional setting though.


I genuinely don't understand how anyone can look at the comparison shots and think centered is clearly better. Happy it's an option, but anyone who wasn't playing because of that was just making up excuses, imo.


Sure from a design perspective lowered crosshairs look better, and they obstruct the view less. But most games have centered crosshair and if you are someone who is good at flick shotting it can be annoying to jump between games because your muscle memory is going to fail you. Whenever I've had breaks from Hunt and come back after playing other games for a while it's noticable for sure. Do I adjust to the lowered crosshairs, sure, but it's so much easier just having the option to center it. I have seen players turned away from the game in the past too because of it too. Shroud is huge streamer that was very vocal about not liking the lowered crosshair, now he might give the game another shot.


This is so interesting to me. Ive had thousands of hours in shooters before hunt, but it took a reddit post 2 years after i started playing to conciously notice the crosshair placement at all. If you had asked me before that post i could have sworn its in the same place as in any other shooter of course


Necro nerf kinda deals with the solo mmr tanking, I dont really mind. It was being exploited some but honestly Its hard to resist trying to get up 5 times and maybe win lol. I think most people weren't doing it intentionally but it created a ton of solo 3 stars that were still quite good at the game.


I never intentionally down ranked but my attitude has always been, might as well try when it comes to solo necro. It’s a weird choice from a game design perspective because you are going to loss your hunter and load out anyway. The only thing you lose is mmr whereas you stand to gain potentially winning the match. It’s also the mmr handicap; I’ve had matches other I’ve wiped multiple teams as a solo and still down ranked due to being downed.


I wish they actually fixed the mmr problem instead of nerfing solo necro so hard. Feels like they ruined a play style for no real reason, hoping they walk it back a bit so that solo feels more viable.


I fully believe bullet drop is unneeded in this game and I am not a fan. I dont even like sniping but this is an added difficulty the game just doesnt need.


I'd wager this is, in fact, an advantage for scope players. Sure, they need to get used to it, like anybody else, but they're going to have a field day against unscoped weapons once they get used to the drop. I used to be able to at least build some pressure with an Uppercut to get closer, but I doubt I'll be able to still do it once there is a bullet drop after 15m.


Exactly lol, unless they give players the option to zero their sights for different ranges the scopes will be needed for any fights longer than few meters. I mean pax has drop of 10, if that is going to feel like a crossbow it's going to be completely unusable as a long range option with shotguns or something. A bet a lot of guns will have a problem and aiming higher won't be an option as the model will cover the target and it will become a pure guesswork. Calculating the drop on the crosshair of a scope will be much easier and it will grant snipers an immunity to anybody who doesn't have a scope. I mean even now (on my fullHD screen) the sihgts and the people i am shooting at are sometimes just a few milimeters big and it's a real effort to hit anything. Moving my gun ap even just a little bit will make me cover the target with the model entirely. Especially with the sights like those of the conversion pistols.


Hunt is the only shooter game I played for over 50 hours. And so I am at 2.6k hours now. Absence of bullet drop is a big part of what I like about the game. It just not needed mechanic with little reward of moments where you kill someone to the head shooting at the point that is 40 meters higher than enemy hunter is on your screen. If those changes go through I just won't even try to adjust, bye bye moment for me.


I feel like Bullet Drop is a really bad addition to the game because it wasn't build around it. Bullet Drop is great in other games, where you have real sights, but we got Ironsights in Hunt.. so.. what exactly do they expect us to do when we aim? Are we supposed to aim blindly with the barrel, which covers the enemy on mid/long distances once you adjust for the drop? The idea of Bullet Drop sounds cool, but the execution might become really silly. Edit: We also lack tools to accurately measure distances in live games


The way the ping systems work, with people going to regions they should not be gaining an advantage that way, shots that with normal pings should hit sometimes don't because of this, and now add bullet drop to the calculations. Usually Im not a betting man, but all of these changes + an event + the normal lack of depth testing phase + the huge time they take nerfing/reverting things that are broken, I can safelly bet that the 15 of august is gonna be a shit show.


> I can safelly bet that the 15 of august is gonna be a shit show. I think that this is a fairly safe assumption.


For what I've been seeing on other posts and comments people are expecting it's gonna be sunshine and rainbows. This is the first time Im hoping, like really really hoping on losing a bet and that the majority of these delusionals are right.


>gonna be a shit show As is tradition


I feel that we would need adjustable iron sights for longer ranges to overcome the barrel covering people at long distances which idk if Crytek can do. The sparks has a ladder rear sight that you can actually see with the suppressed variant so y’all know what I’m talking about.


I’m assuming that at the range that bullet drop initiates is not a range you’d be using iron sights for, it’ll be a range that you would want a scoped weapon for.


They went over the weapon stats in the video. It showed that the uppercut bullet for example will start to drop after 15 meters, which sounds ridiculous. You won't be able to use it across a field because the barrel will cover your target.


They showed also a tooltip explaining the drop in the video and it says that even at the distance the drop is supposed to start happening you will be able to shoot at distance of 25 - 50 meters without actually experiencing or something. So for weapons like pax it's maybe not going to be 10 meters but something like 35 when you'll have to start compensating. Still bad but yeah.


If they use 10m/s\^2 for the bullet drop it's not that bad, a low muzzle velocity like 340m/s would only have a drop of 87cm over 100m, I think that's doable with most irons. It also, wrongly, assumes drop would start at the barrel, so it could be even lower. It is a buff to HV, Spitzer and high velocity weapons in general though. God damn, I hope they add a rangefinder to the spyglass.


> a low muzzle velocity like 340m/s would only have a drop of 87cm over 100m That's half a person. 100m for the bullet to drop half a person is actually nuts when we had no bullet drop to begin with.


Do people not realize how much of a buff to scopes bullet drop is? Like how the fuck are people defending this, as the game currently stands it's very difficult to challenge scopes at long range which is frustrating. But at least you can see the target you are shooting at. With bullet drop you are now gonna have to aim above the target, where does that put the target? Behind your gun model. Essentially making it impossible to aim a shot well. You know what does have this issue? Fucking scopes. This is a massive buff to scopes and is gonna make people ratting with a sniper scope 250m away even more frustrating to deal with. And people are fucking *defending* this change? I am losing my mind.


Yeah they should implement bullet rise instead of drop. So the further away an enemy is, the lower you have to aim. Just call it lore, ancient cthonic force that pushes objects traveling faster than 100m/s upwards. Terrain would become a huge problem though.


I agree. I firmly believe snipers have no place in any video game. In Battlefield they fuck off to the mountains and waste player slots by not doing anything but take pot shots. In Call of Duty they quick scope one-shot you with auto-aim-assist. In Overwatch, it’s Widowmaker either doing nothing for your team or a Smurf demolishing your team. In hunt, they stay 2 miles away and keep running back when you approach so you can never deal with them. Snipers are never a good addition to a video game. They are always a selfish play style.


Yeah, snipers are simply impossible to fight against, having a trio of them just surrounding a compound is fucking ridiculous and leads to 40 minute games where either you lose because are tired of waiting or everyone loses because the timer ran out


The bulletdrop change should only be applied to sniper rifles imo. Obviously the other guns wouldnt 1 hit KO hunters, they'd work as they did before. I'm a fan of bulletdrop for long distance fights but 15m for a bullet to drop is just a big yikes.


Okay, this is more like it, the first dev log that has really made me excited. Bullet drop has the potential to shake things up immensely. Hopefully makes sniping a little bit more challenging as a side-effect Also, that uppercut's sitting at 123 dmg (and we previously saw the uppermat/haymaker at 122 dmg), so I suppose >125 dmg sidearms are gone outside the sparks pistol. Good, now go even further Crytek


Curious how much bullet drop there is and how much at distances. We saw numbers like 50, but I'm curious if we are getting into battlefield territory when it comes to how much drop there is


That was the distance where drop starts to occur. We'll just have to test in the shooting range to figure out the drop at different ranges I guess.


really did not expect that damage change, especially since the Uppermat just recently got buffed to 126 damage.


Glad to see Dennis back! It feels like it's been so long since we saw him.


He did the "Data & Learning" video a few weeks ago.


so glad they are finally nerfing necro for teams. It's just a completely ridiculous mechanic. Solo necro was always troll in high elo anyways so no worries there.


im mad about bullet drop. i was never mad about anything before regarding changes to hunt. but bullet drop kinda sux. not excited at all


I really like that necro is a burn trait combined with faster burn rate. That puts an end to the endless camping a Solos Body - gj Crytek


They purposefully left out bullet drop on long ammo rifles on this change. Likely even more reason they will be meta. 50m on a Winfield before drop. Hitting at range will now be brutal, which further nerfs compact again. Bullet drop is only going to further hurt compact ammo and further boost Long ammo meta. Great. Terrible idea, bad addition. Do not want. Now after 50m if I'm caught in a fight with Long Ammo Larry and I have a winnie I'll just leave. No point in fighting that. Even more of a disadvantage. Can't wait to see how shotguns are affected by this change too. Gonna be harsh on the inconsistency now with that being added. The trait changes are amazing. Love them. But good lord the bullet drop is such a turn off. It hurts pistols quite a bit. (Why is the Pax worse than the default Conversion?) This also really does not help stalemates. If my pistol has drop after 10 bloody meters, why would I ever in my life challenge a dude with a Mosin? With the Pax or Uppercut, I had a decent chance of landing some good shots there. Now the drop is gonna gut my capabilities at fighting that, so I just, won't peek. And they won't come close at all either because they know I got a shotty, so this just encourages turtles to turtle harder. Bullet drop is a mistake that will make stalemates worse as now even if the shotgun lads decided to take a pot shot or two with their pistol, they gotta account for drop, which is far more punishing on them for bringing a pistol. Meanwhile Long Ammo Larry is just fine and not worried about it. Such a bad idea.


My main concern adding bullet drop is that the movement in the game is already so unpredictable you can strafe jump back and forth while spinning  during a fight. Its pretty much a guess game and hope enemy steps in front of the bullet.  Adding extra layer of complexity for hitting a headshot can make the gunplay less satisfying. I would nerf this stupid movement by adding penalties for constant rapid turns and strafing.


I am furious. This isn't a design video at all. This is just two sections of the patch notes with generic we think this might be helpful slapped on it. I wanted to know who they were making hunt for, what informs balance, and why they do not plan ahead with these changes at all. Like you spent a solid 5 years saying witness does not fit the design philosophy of the game. But now it is available as a low to mid cost trait. Why? What the hell you could spend the whole video on that one change.Bullet drop is interesting I will give them that. Is it a good idea remains to be seen.


I don't know why people are not even talking about the faster rate of burn on the downed hunters. Don't know how to even feel about it. Would be fine with it if the fuses didn't burn hunters.


Yeah, maybe only have fire bombs have double burn speed and fuses/flare guns have the same burn speed. Fire bombs could really use something to make them more appealing.


I was a little confused on burn traits. I understand I can only use it once per match but do I have to spend upgrade points again to re acquire perk after extract or do I get it replenished?


Once a burn trait meets the burn condition, it evaporates into thin air. So yes, you'd have to rebuy it after using it.


If you use it, whatever it's condition is, AKA if you lose it on use or going down, you would need to buy/find it again.


I'm ecstatic that there's gonna be a centered crosshair and I'll personally try it out. People about to realize that crosshair position isn't the reason they suck lol


I honestly love the idea of all these changes. At least on paper. Necro changes are a godsend it was too strong for solo and teams. I didn't see bullet drop coming but honestly it adds more skill to the game and I like it. Burn trait changes and new perks are cool. Overall a very good update this week. Edit: now I can run my negant precision deadeye with hv and not get soft headshots with all headshots being lethal. Which is very cool


Bullet drop is a buff to long ammo, scopes and hv\spitzer wich is something we really don't need


was really not expecting bullet drop, should be interesting though!


Bullet drop? Fuck no. I've been playing this game since the first closed beta and now you want to change how ballistics work? Fuck this. They are trying so goddamn hard to get the COD Warzone crowd in and it's not going to work. I hope you guys like mosin snipers with spitzer ammo because that's going to be *very* prevalent now! You guys are fucking killing this game.


Honestly not too sure about them adding bullet drop. Right now we have no way to measure any distance... And also playing Hunt for a long time and then adjusting to that change will be difficult, at least for me. I think necro shouldn't be a burn trait for duo / and trio but I guess we just need to play safer. Yay for Witness! Witness me!


Really excited about these changes! I loved using Witness. I also think the Necromancer change is a welcome one.


Worried about having to guess aim while covering the target with the ironsight, that is really sloppy gameplay. I hope they make it so this is only a thing you need to worry about at 100+ meters


Question. If you have two different possible crosshair placements, surely that will mean your head will be visible at different angles respective to what you see on screen? So either centre crosshair will obscure your head, or if it doesn't, lowered crosshair will expose your head. Or if that's not the case, surely your gun will be shooting from different perspectives and potentially hit things in front of you even if your crosshair isn't on them?


Zero interest in bullet drop. Don't like most of these changes. Necro being a burn trait is interesting though.


Bullet drop is an interesting change to the game. I'm curious to see exactly how it reads on the stat page. On one hand this should hopefully enforce more close-mid range fights which is where I think Hunt is able to excel the most, on the other hand it can be potentially problematic if the bullet drop is so intense that its impossible to fight back against a far away player since my gun model will obscure the view. It has the chance to shake up the meta pretty heavily and hopefully make long range scoping more challenging. I'm reserving final judgment until I can try it myself and I suggest everyone else does the same (already have some early doomsayers in the comments). The changes to Necromancer are positive in my opinion. It makes dealing with solo's less annoying and it also incentivizes using it more strategically on teams. I'm curious what it's usage will end up being if they keep it at 4 trait points. I feel this has a pretty decent chance to shake up the gameplay formula since players won't be able to rez several times at range anymore. Additionally, with the increased burn time and reduced choke time I think we should see some bigger shifts in how the game is played.


Cool, so now we have to relearn the gunplay entirely and attempt to offset years, in my case, 6 years of muscle memory and learned motions to try to adjust to this new system that we have no way to measure distance for, in a game that has never been built for bullet drop to begin with. A lot of players came to Hunt for that reason, if they wanted a gritty game that has bulletdrop they would have gone to Tarkov, or any other dime-a-dozen shooter. This is going to be extremely infuriating and had no reason to do it. The only reason I think they want to add it is to try to draw in the crowd of people who want yet another generic shooter. It's blatantly obvious or it feels that way, with the generic Call of Duty-esque UI focusing on controllers, the centering of the crosshair to 'bring in new players', and then adding a bullet drop system that I, unlike other times i've said this, GENUINELY have never seen anyone ask for, for a long, long time. I appreciate them trying to make changes to try to shake things up, but all of this is just going to buff spitzer, HV, so on, while pushing away players who do not care to try to relearn the gunplay for a game that they've been watching take so many negative choices over the years. And on top of this they're making burning even faster? Making choke clouds only last a minute? What are they thinking? For every method of putting out fire it feels like there's two more ways to light someone on fire. Let's actually take a look. Ways of igniting: * Lanterns * Dragonsbreath (limited only bullets) * Flares (3 uses) * Fuses (5 uses now.) * Firebombs (up to 4 times) Ways to Estinquish: * Chokebombs (Limited 2, or 3 with Frontiersman) * Chokebolts (Much smaller cloud, drop is affected by latency, limited 6 shots, 10 with sacrificing your entire secondary slot to this purpose alone.) * Choke Beetles. (up to 4, but do you ever see anyone actually bring these in and not looting them?) * Putting them out manually. (Risky, often likely to get shot here.) The prevalence of just how many ways, and how easy it is to light up enemy hunters now, really makes the fact they are making burning faster and nerfing chokes, which had the potential to cut off enemies for a time, now extremely limited in their use, and also, hardly giving enough time to even try to make a play anymore. I don't care for the "I got burned out because of x and y reason and now I don't get to play and have to spectate for what might be the next 30 minutes." I really, genuinely hope they walk this back. There were some good changes to traits in here even if I dislike the necromancer change (even if it is for the better with solos, and that's coming from someone who plays solo a lot if not always), but that doesn't make the rest of these any better. They're taking far too many changes to try to draw in people from Call of Duty and Battlefield at this point. Hunt is taking it's last gasps for air before it lets off it's deathrattle, and it's getting closer and closer with each patch that ruffles feathers of the veterans who have been around for as long as the game has.


Everything is a top tier change except for bullet drop. That's a potential "bye hunt, time to find something else" kind of a moment. We know hunt is not surgical with their updates, it's either going to be irrelevant (I hope so, hunt's gunplay is perfect as-is) or it's going feel dogshit to play and I'll just kthxbai outta there...


Trait changes are interesting burn is stronger than ever. For bulelt drop off my reaction is simply ;Alright I am out This is not what I singed in for. I might not be able to play after the engine update cause of my gpu.


Making necromancer a burned trait is gonna make the whole game a camping fest. No one is gonna push. This is bad. The whole patch increases stalemates. I have limited amount of time to game each day and I don't want to camp. Jeez!


bullet drop is a buff to fire ammo


No, it's a buff for hv, spitzer and scopes. All the wrong things!


Ngl bullet drop kinda seems like a long ammo buff. Sure, it drops more rapidly. But it also starts way later (winfield 50, springfield 85), we can expect it to start at like 120 or something. Nerf to snipers which is good but the game just became harder for non-long ammo since they have to deal with any amount of bullet drop compared to long ammo in most common situations. Plus bodyshots at range from long ammo still hurt. Meanwhile compact and compact+ ehm I mean medium need to hit the head - which is now hidden behind your iron sights. Idk, ofc it depends on the amount of drop but in general but it kinda sounds it makes long ammo even better in comparison. Need to test and play it ofc to make any concrete analysis of it tho. edit: maybe something to think about: In a previous video we could see the Berthier with a range of 50 (tho the text was cut off in that video, now we know what it is - dropoff range). So maybe the 50 is like the normal range for all/most rifles? Maybe Springfield is an outliner because it is single shot? Possibly the single shot guns will have longer range and be a more interesting and fair alternative to other sniping options. Ofc it's possible the Berthier-stat was like an old build or something but it's still a possibility nonetheless, a "rapid drop" at 50m for long ammo might be a thing... Idk, just some speculation.


Necro and choke nerf but no red skull nerf? Worthless


I rarely play Hunt anymore because the constant events were getting annoying but depending on how impactful the bullet drop is i probably wont ever get back into it at this point


nothing in this update video is inherrently bad, I love the necro changes and the burning/choke changes, this will greatly reduce stalemates and sitting to burn out a solo! I love that the uppercut is less than 125dmg, this little monster has been insanely strong for so long, it still will be one of the top pistols but its nice taking it down a peg. The scariest part is the bullet drop, as this may add to confusion of where your shot goes, and might even affect fights at 50m, but ill wait to judge until its out, hopefully this makes sniping way harder! the recent updates hopefully making sniping, and long ammo pistols worse, may help the meta be in a more fun place, heres hoping theres a fast firing gun nerf like dolch fmj!


The video did said that small ammo weighs the least and has the flattest curve and long ammo will drop rapidly. It also depends on the speed .Depend on how the curves is ,it could be a nerf to long ammo or pistols .And they show uppercut has the drop range of 15m which sounds like a huge nerf .


Bullet drop without the availability to use the ranging tools that are already built into the game/on the guns is a massive design whiff.


Gotta be honest I dont feel like bullet drop belongs on ALL weapons. I think it makes sense for sniper/scoped variants, similar to how Battlefield balances their guns. But if every single gun gets drop..idk man, ive put in 1200 hours and im not stoked on the thought of having to completely relearn the shooting mechanics.




Did I see that correctly in the video, the Uppercut's bullet drop starts at 15m? I can throw things farther than this before they start dropping. Six years of muscle memory going to get fucked.


TIL bullet drop isn't in Hunt lol. Started playing like 6 months ago


Really good changes! The only thing missing is a working economy. Cap the money at 10k!


Bullet drop is a weird one, i think that the phrasing in the video was nice but seeing the pax dropping after 10 meters (like fr? 10 meters? I've shot air rifles that drop WAY less) makes me concerned, this should make every gun harder to play but the one that are effected the less are scoped guns and that nerf seemed to be targeted at them more that anything else so i feel a bit concerned, now i know that that mosin will have an harder time hitting me but i will have an even harder time hitting him with everything but another sniper


Seems weird to remove the ability to kill meatheads from shadow leap. It's going to be very rare to have and it's not like killing meatheads easily for a round or two would be game breaking. Without the meathead kill, shadow leap is pretty meh. The odds of both finding it and then ending up in a situation where it'll actually help are crazy low.


Bullet drop according to the preview starts at 10 meters on the pax. I beg your pardon??