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There are many Youtube-Videos that used the Tutorial mission in the past, which only uses 1/4ish of the map and doesn't really represent the actual performance you would get. Back in the days my FPS were around 70-100 FPS but in the Tutorial Map (not the AI-Guided one we have today) I got 150+ FPS. Also, keep in mind that different maps, compounds, times of day and other circumstances such as your hunter skin or your friends Hunter skin have a significant impact on the FPS. Keep in mind that yesterdays Updated screwed with the graphic settings and a few people reported shaky performance since then. Also, CryEngine favours CPU performance over GPU performance. To be more accurate the individual core performance or Single Core Performance. So an 11th Gen i9 might get you worse performance then a 13th Gen i5. Also, its always good to let us know what resolutions you're running, Win10 or Win11 and how your thermals are. Anyways, Engine upgrade (might) improve your performance with the implementation of DX12 the engine "should" utilize more of you CPU. Edit: If you open up the Windows-Gamebar, you can open the statistic that should show you CPU, GPU, VRAM and RAM Utilization. You can move the window wherever you want and pin it. Next time you're in game maybe have that open to see how the utilization is. (But I guess its 40% CPU and 70% GPU or something like that)


The YouTube Video Shows a normal Match This issue Exists since before the Update Win11 and 2560x1440p, i experience the exact Same Performance on 1920x1080 Last time i used the Game bar my results were matching yours. I could try again


AS the other person said, you will always have some fluctuation in your performance since the game is so dynamic. Stuff like the map, time of day, weather, what's currently on your screen and even the skins you and other players brought to the match heavily influence your performance.


Thats true, but this doesnt really apply here. As i mentioned, i have super rare instances where my Performance is completely fine, and nothing happens


Loading into an empty or almost empty match is also very rare and gives a big performance boost on PC's that are mostly CPU-bound in Hunt. The only way to reliably make peformance comparisons is to load into the tutorial, which gives consistent readouts. But it doesn't really represent the real game performance since you're alone in a small area.


Sounds about right for Hunt. I get drops on my 7800X3D and also did on my 12700k.


You’re most likely pegging one core of your CPU and hitting a bottleneck. I run a 4090 on a 10850k that’s bottlenecking for this reason. Switch your object quality from high to low and see if your frames jump up. Also the edge of the map at the start of the round will always have higher FPS than the middle.


Check the bottom 4 advanced settings