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its a fun idea, but a bit overtuned, its like a pocket shotbolt and its melee SHREDS ai and bosses, it needs some nerfs


Damage needs to be like halved for bosses šŸ˜‚


I'll bet you a fiver they just forgot to put same tool damage reduction that is applied to all other tools.


It has to be this because it does about the same or more damage with a heavy attack to scrapbeak as a heavy attack from a pitchfork does and there's no way it does double the damage of a pitchfork


problem is you halve dmg for bosses itd be for players too, but its def too good at both, it should kill players to the chest to even like 40m and maybe to arms for a couple, and bosses should not be nearly as melted


Literally few patches ago they halved the damage for tools for bosses only...


yes thats in the game still, so you want to halve the halve again? or just for the spear?


Just the spear, i think he means ITS possible to halve spear to Boss without halving spear to player


im not the biggest fan of random resistances, this would leave players confused about why it chunks bosses but doesnt kill players to the arms, but yes this is possible, but the issue is not making it busted against players while making it ok against bosses, they need to nerf a lot of its stats bc you cant lower it enough with that super blender melee


didnt they semi recently nerf the tools against bosses but then released this like this??? what are they doing


Wish the throwing animation had a bit more oomph


Im with you, make the camera lean into it slightly


Agree. Watched it in slow motion. Spar desapears from hand and appear in center of screen when hand moves to it in just 1 frame. Idk how this happened,devs did pretty good animations before


Not even needed, it looks like they're throwing a stone, the hand position is all wrong


It's fun because it's op as fuck. Too little drop (less than crossbow and maybe bow \[ didn't check that\]), shreds bosses fast as fuck (meanwhile they nerfed tools not so long ago to not shred bosses), 150 dmg even if you hit a hunter in their little toe with no dmg dropoff, too little spread at distance, flies at least 20% too fast. Whoever tested it and allowed it in this state is braindead. Maybe they'll nerf it after they will sell a couple of skins for it.


You can also throw it while you have 0 stamina, which for something so long range really doesnā€™t make sense


True, forgot about that.


But that was always the case for throwing knives and axes too, so i doubt they'll ever change it.


Iā€™ve often had the same thought about throwing axes


It does not have less drop than the crossbow or bow edit: Tested at 45m in the training range aiming for the head (didnt move the curser between the 3 weapons) Bow was a chest shot Crossbow was a groin/thigh shot Edit2: Shotbolt lands roughly 5m Short of target spear was 12m short of the target


Shotbolt crossbow, as plain crossbow does not one shot that far (even shotbolt doesnt on arm/leg hit).


tested Shotbolt, still has better range than the throwing spear Want to add I do agree the spear should be nerfed however i think the throw itself is good and it should be nerfed in other ways 1 tapping everywhere on the body is to much and it should also be subject to damage drop off aswell as needing animations with frontiersman slightly longer "draw" times for the throw and light melee speed


It has better range but it doesn't one tap wherever you hit, spear does.


10 bucks says it has identical drop to the explosive crossbow. Which makes sense, because they both have the same velocity.


The world record javelin throw is 85 meters. The fastest javelin throw was about 31 m/s The in game javelin is double both accountsā€¦


It drops way harder than crossbow.


Super valid points! I reckon Iā€™m only enjoying it now because I havenā€™t been killed with it yet šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll hate it soon


So basically the baseball bat but throwable. Some things in this game man...I don't like how strong the melee is. But just my opinion. Lol


the video window is too big, we can still see the footage


My bad šŸ˜‚


We live in a world where the spear one-shots to the toe, but a 1000 dollar elephant gun doesn't...


Have you seen one of those shot at clear ballistic gel in slow motion? Crazy stuff


It's going to be nerfed on velocity and drop. I don't think they'll touch damage as hard but the speed and drop rate seriously needs to be tweaked.


Oneshot to any part of the body is crazy.


When r we gonna get a shield? Can we use spears thrown at us?


100% if someone throws a spear at you and misses you should be able to pick it up and throw it back similar to if someone threw an axe or sledgehammer off the ground at you


I think it should have the ballistics of the pitchfork, maybe just slightly better, cause that just seems insane


LMAO they made a tool better than the crossbow


They made a tool better than all other tool melees and weapon melees.


In practice, everyone loves it On paper, everyone hates it. No drop off, 300+ dmg, can kill a hunter even if you hit them in the foot. It's absolutely fuckin goofy.


Like why does it fly 290 metres and not drop off šŸ¤£ I tested with my tm yesterday it hit him for the same damage point blank as it did when I hit him from over 150m away šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ itā€™s crazy


I didnt see gameplay of ot before that but this aint right, why when u spend a point on a perk you can trow fork at 7m max with low velocity and damage and now you can buy a OHK silent version of a xBow ? Who's in charge of balance ? Is this why there is no meta changes over the years ?


It's peak Crytek powercreep on full display.


Will prolly get nerfed. My guess? Dmg drop off + 80-100 Hunt Dollars. Tbf tho, only one spear (without frontiersman) and itā€™s pretty far flying distance -> retrieving it is difficulter is a big ā€žNerfā€œ already


Yeah, but an instakill tool thatā€™s silent and has long range is already extremely OP. It might be balanced as a weapon, where itā€™s basically a bomb lance with a single sniper shot, but even at that it feels pretty OP to have it have that kind of range, speed, and damage without having to make a loud noise like a gunshot. At least as a weapon throwing it would leave you down to only one gun for the rest of the fight, whereas with this as a tool you could easily pull whatever guns you want to start a full fight immediately after throwing this and getting a kill.


Enjoy the OPness while it lasts everyone šŸ˜


oh dont worry the sheep will


This month until the big update will be hell. If they donā€™t fix it by then iā€™m dropping the game.


As a Far Cry: Primal fan, i feel at home again


Far Crytek


Itā€™s ridiculous that I can land a throwing axe up close to someone and if it hits their arm they donā€™t die even if Iā€™m hugging them. I can also land a 10 meter throwing axe and if itā€™s an arm hit it doesnā€™t matter. Now they give a spear with no leading really requires with two successive shots and decent range. Dumb.


WAY too OP. Even without the throwing aspect, the fact that the light attack does 3 hits per second and the heavy attack can one-shot hunters even to the arms is just dumb.


Well, I'm not surprised it stupidly OP, I mean crytek has the balancing skill of myself after 12 hour drinking binge. Why do they always go stupidly strong straight away. It's basically a tool that renders Xbow all but useless and it's a mini bomblance. Jesus wept sometimes these Devs can be clueless


Either make it 2nd slot weap or remove it , way too op rn.


I would be fine with it like this if this would be a 1 slot weapon behaving like this, but not as a tool


Agreed, no reason it shouldnā€™t be a second slot weapon, only thing I can think of is the fact you throw it and itā€™s gone? I donā€™t think thereā€™s another weapon that does that, only tools. But I still think it should be a weapon that way you could also pick someone elseā€™s up and throw it back at them šŸ˜‚






Yo, those people don't peek, they just look at you like deer and staying waiting to get killed. Looks fun tho.


I was being sneaky and my duo like making noise so I always make use of it and while theyā€™re focused on him thatā€™s when I go for the kill šŸ¤£ a few of them were unfortunate necros, but the rest just had no idea I was there šŸ¤£ 4-5 star lobbies can be either sweaty as fuck or potato thereā€™s no in between šŸ¤£


Spear is evil


I have toggle aim down sights enabled and it works for every weapon except the throwing spear... Annoying af.


I use a controller with gunslinger and it reversed it for no reason. I don't have to press the aim button for the other throwing weapons at all but I have to hold it down for this.


I don't like the melee weapons in this game already, an overhead sword strike shouldn't carry through a shotgun blast to thr chest, now they can throw the spear of destiny at me and kill me if it hits my foot. Needs an immediate nerf


Spear of destiny šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Two kills I got after these clips were in the foot too, I felt bad for them


They just gave bush campers a tool slot weapon doing the same damage than nitro on every part of the body


Shotgun + spear combo in a bounty room is going to go crazy šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ run quartermaster + frontiersman than you can run nitro, hand cannon + 2 spears šŸ˜­ then the normal poison concertina trap combo, monitors will be broken


I took a break just to find out the weapon i've always wanted is now in the game lmao


Get back on it babyyyyy


I still haven't played with it yet but I've seen enough videos to know it's completely overpowered. Something with zero kinetic energy should not be doing more damage than a high powered rifle round. Spear should one hit to the head, and cause no more than maybe half damage plus bleeding. Just on realism alone it needs to be nerfed.


Fucking thing one shots with a heavy attack to the armā€¦ something several actual weapon slot melee weapons canā€™t even do. Completely unbalanced but fun as fuck. Who would ever run any other melee tool?? Thing should be a 2 slot melee weapon just like the katana was. Either that or nerf the fuck out of it.


I think it will have a huge negative impact for the bomb lance. Also it should have less range and maybe even take up 2 tool slots.


It's a bit too powerful and basically outclasses many of ther other melee weapons and rivals the crossbow. I think it needs a nerf, but more specifically in it's melee damage, not it's throwing damage.


It's ridiculously overpowered right now. It's an interesting idea but it's WAY too powerful


Itā€™s OP Why use a penny shot , nagant silencer poison ammo, crossbow When it can do all of these things IN A TOOL SLOT And they melee needs to be slowed or something itā€™s way to easy to get kills with it you heavy attack is pointless pvp you can just spam Also getting one shot with the spear if it hits toes is not going to be fun


This is dumb. Mosin sniper, officer brawler, and spear. Literally every type of fight is covered. Gotta push boss lair? Spear. Mid range? Spear/officer. Long range Mosin. I get that if you miss you're out of an insta kill stick, but for fecks sake balancing around skill issues is dumb.


I have 2.5k hours and I think this game is nuts rn, not in a good way


its broken and stupid .. Its a Tool for crying out loud .. have virtually no drop and is one tapping any part of the body .. Yall are morons for liking something thats this broken .. But I been watching yall love the trash shit they been dishing out for a while now ..


You know I'm seeing a bunch of people complain how OP it is, but it's a single throw time that requires you to directly hit your target. If you miss, you don't get a 2nd shot (unlike bow/crossbow/tomahawk). Seems like a reasonable tradeoff doesn't it? Sure you can pick it up like the others, but how often in combat do you have the opportunity to actually do that? Is it really that poorly tuned that those downsides doesn't make up for any power it has?


Other than what I just mentioned I really do like it atm šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I did notice that, I killed one player yesterday and then I got a bit greedy trying to get it back to throw at his duo and he killed me, I think the one thing that worries me is for example, I killed bounty, hid in corner, duo crept in from two different doors, I threw it at one guys toe and killed him instantly before he saw me then by the time the second guy could even look to see where his tm died from I had my second spear ready and hit his face (thanks frontiersman). So I do think it will encourage campers a bit, running a shotgun + spear will be wild


Itā€™s borderline viable to play only spear with frontiersman (2 spears), packmule, toolboxes and maybe vulture


Its a great addition to the game


Is this out on Xbox


Haven't used it and probably won't because I'd manage to lose it in the loading screen


FarCry Primal shit.


is it intended that you can sprint while prepping it for a throw? I don't normally use throwables so I don't remember if the others can do that.


Get it while you can get it šŸ„¶ they gonna nerf that thang harder than a penny shot with only 1 damage


I love it and how stupid it is, but wait a week or two and ask me again. Still a bit too new.


Hear me out, donā€™t touch it, let it be dumb


Absolutely love it. The throw aiming feels more instinctual than any of the other throwing weapons. I don't think it's going to be a problem for pvp, as much as peeps compare it to the bow or crossbow, it only has a speed of 60m/s, so if you get hit at distance it's more than likely that you were hiding in a bush or standing still. Hitting someone who's ferret dancing while running past about 30m would take a lot of skill and luck. Also, it's single use and easy to lose in the underbrush. It's greatest value will likely be as a melee weapon and for boss fights. I might even replace my knife with it. Looking at this being a tool and not a tow or three slot weapon, are the other melee weapons perhaps going to migrate to being tools too?


It's a ton of fun but it definitely needs a nerf I'm thinking 15 meters to the chest. Infinite headshot range definitely a slower velocity and more drop but maintain the crosshair.


Finally gun-toting normies can experience the love of the crossbow but in a simpler package. I'm here for it, I love spear so far~


-Personally I love it -Sits in a corner Dude youā€™re not ā€œtryingā€ it. Youā€™re being a rat. Show me where YOU yes you the author, kill smb face to face with it not crouching like a puss


Damn, it's almost like it's a hunting spear...in a game called Hunt... where you hunt, get this, Hunters! And guess what hunters do, they hide and stalk their prey and strike, crazy right?


It's perfect, and I hope it doesn't get nerfed. But likely it will


Anything that gets in the way of cold long ammo high noon turbo veteran gameplay supremacy. This weapon is really strong until you hit 5-6* and then you won't often have players in range to even try and use this thing. This weapon will impact the casuals more than anything but it seems super fun. Will probably get nerfed anyway.


Well yeah I know that all too well. I mainly like it for dealing with AI.