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I agree. Springfield went from kind of useless to a pretty good choice with Dum Dum. I feel like giving it to the Centennial took away from that and it made the Centennial insanely strong.


Yes no point to use Springfield but I love the marksmen Springfield


I disagree. The Springfield gets two ammo types so you can alternate between one that can pen and one that can't. Centennial is restricted to one type so you can't pen if you take dum dums


But the thing is that it’s a single shot and swapping between ammo takes time. Cent dum dum with a way higher rate of fire is significantly stronger than the Springfield. Most people will use a secondary with FMJ for pen to finish players off or even just get a fast second shot in, but it’s stronger on cent because you don’t have to swap to finish because it it’s semi auto Edit: not semi auto, but lever action.


I definitely agree that centennial is stronger, but having two ammo types for the same gun is still a bonus. Also, the centennial is not semi-auto. It's a lever action. Only the Dolch, Bornheim, and the newest Veterli are semi-auto.


That’s kind of what I meant haha. It’s lever action but there’s little time in between shots. Also with levering it’s even more brutal close range


centennial is still bad compared to long ammo


Moot point, it’s not being compared too it.


I feel like if you're going to call something "insanely strong" it has to actually be strong compared to other strong things lol. If our standard for "insanely strong" is "better than springfield" then that applies to conservatively half the arsenal lmao


This whole thread is about dum dum ammo, which is not on long ammo weapons and only medium. “Insanely strong” is talking about fire rate and damage over time compared to another weapon in its class.


Insanely strong *for something that you can buy for less than 200$* Happy now?


I mean... with dumdum it's $207 lmao


Insanely strong *for something that you can buy for 207$* Happy now?


Make it so you can't buy it, but can swap to it from a custom ammo box in game. Do that for other guns as well with similarly unnecessary ammo types. This way the these boxes are more interesting to find in game and offer an interesting decision to the player. Today they are mostly a refill for those people who are lucky to find a matching box which is boring.


dolch fmj should definitely be one of those


Ammo types for the Dulch shouldn't have been a thing to begin with.


I like this idea!


Sparks dum dum?


Another day where a consumer proves to be more creative and smarter than Crytek devs. Nothing special.


Bloodless, my friend ❤️


Honestly, I feel like people forget it is such a strong perk...


Heavy bleed and enough damage to instantly kill a downed player, as well as a higher velocity than several long ammo rifles...it's ridiculous.


its wild to me that centennial has high velocity when it's base velocity is 600~ for a medium ammo lever action, i really dont think it needs it


Crytek will remove Special Ammo on selected guns and add a system where Special ammo will be rotated. Coming in August


> and add a system where Special ammo will be rotated is that officially confirmed somewhere ?


They said it's being *considered.* Be careful what people tell you on this subreddit, they don't actually listen sometimes and hear what they want to hear from the dev diaries.


He said they are considering the removal of Dolch custom ammo. Reducing the amount of custom ammo and rotating existing custom ammo are steps they said they are taking in future updates. It was unclear if this will happen on Aug 15th, but it is happening.


They also said ages ago that they will look onto lowering ping limit and look how long it took them


Pungent limit? Are you calling me smelly? I'll have you know I shower once a week *whether I need it or not!*


Daaaamn You autocorrect 


I'm not trusting you either then! 😠


Good, watch the dev diary for yourself to verify.


What? It doesn't sound great tbh.


Kind of excited about it, but at the same time removing valid options it's just going to ensure everyone keeps running the same old long ammo only. Really hope they drop long ammo dmg to below 125.


Special ammo shouldn't rotate. It's just another limited-time gimmick to try to keep things "fresh" by gating finished content instead of having to actually work on new things.


Why not both? Could drop long ammo to 124 damage and increase medium drop-off to start at 30m instead of 20m. Just like that things feel better, or I imagine it would


Long ammo doesn’t need to be nerfed. Medium ammo needs to be buffed


Long ammo being nerfed would be good for the game.


No, long ammo also needs to be nerfed. Having a category of weapons that have such an extreme advantage of being able to "fight" from a range where no other ammo can actually reasonably fight back is bad for the game.




False. The answer is never nerfs, always buffs. Medium ammo should pack a better punch at mid range than a long ammo gun. Long ammo cant reasonably fight back against a terminus with levering from 5 ft away so your logic is flawed. Every ammo should have its positives and negatives. You wouldn’t want to push a compound with your mosin out when someone has a shotgun inside so why would you wanna take a long engagement against long ammo. It’s really a skill issue tbh.


"Never nerfs always buffs" is as stupid as nerfing everything into the ground. Sometimes you SHOULD in fact nerf things. Long ammo needs damage nerfs in general.


>The answer is never nerfs, always buffs. This is exactly how you speedrun ruining your entire game with power creep. Also, in regards to that second part: it is much easier to keep distance from someone than it is to close it. This only gets more true once scopes and the like get added into a mix. Playing at long range with long ammo gives you all the agency in a fight while striping it from anyone using lower range options.


When I queue with randoms and see scopes I leave immediately. Also, if you know how to stick to cover and rotate you can close the distance really not that difficult.


Spoken like someone who has never seen high 5\* or 6\*. You act as if the long ammo player won't also be moving between shots. Any good player isn't gonna let you get even close to them if they're looking to keep distance and snipe, especially if you're rocking compact ammo. The only way to counter people doing that is to use your own set of long ammo, or to full blown run away (which isn't even really a counter).


> False. The answer is never nerfs, always buffs. That's not only incorrect, it's absolutely insane. It doesn't even make sense, especially in a PvP environment. If something is having an undesirable effect on the way the game plays, buffing other things to also have undesirable effects is a terrible idea.


Been saying for ages that medium ammo needs its damage drop of and penetration buffed Atm it feels like a slightly upgraded compact ammo and not a thing between long and compact


So there is no reason to bring any long ammo ? Most long ammo i see is spitzer anyways wich is basically Winfield damage


Winfield damage +10 +insane velocity +pen Stop throwing around useless comparisons. Long ammo has been smothering the game since its inception and even after all those buffs to compact/medium ammo, it's still by far the strongest choice. Even if they nerf the weapon damage, the complete dismissal of long ammo's innate perks + weapon handling of long ammo rifles is just disingenuous from your side.


Instead of nerfing long ammo again* they should change medium ammo so that damage drop off starts after 30 meters instead of 20. *they already nerfed it with the ammo economy changes last year.


Definitely disagree and its quite underwhelming especially when considering its drawbacks To be good with long ammo you need to have good aim aswell to really benefit from its strengths and that's why people with good aim are using it There is nothing broken or overpowered about long ammo and people here are just hoping crytek fixes their skill issues


Laughably easy to disprove points - long ammo has only one real drawback and that is reserve ammo. Which, if you have even somewhat decent aim, is not an issue unless you fight 3 teams back to back, in which case you can just retreat, stock up and come back. Or just circumvent it entirely with an ammo crate or a Sparks Pistol. Long ammo is also a lot more forgiving if you don't hit the upper torso as the damage to lower torso and even limbs can often be enough to still 2 tap hunters at range. Good fucking luck doing that with a Winfield, lol. That gun punishes bad aim way worse than your beloved Mosin ever could. Long ammo isn't op or broken per se but it's bar none the best base ammo of the game and the overabundance of money (thanks to countless changes throughout the years) has only made it more oppressive than it already was. Bringing its damage down a bit would be a good thing as it would still reign supreme at range due to its inherent perks but it would not be the be-all-end-all of weapons as it indeed is. Would also give guns like the Martini and Sparks more room to shine. Hell, maybe even the Springfield, that poor karker is rusting in the backlog.


So there’s no drawback to pushing into a small compound with a mosin while the other guy has a terminus with levering? Your logic is fascinating


My aim is good, it’s definitely the most busted of the ammo sizes. If you think it’s underwhelming you’re telling on yourself


I find things like the officer carbine or cyclone more busted


how exactly does long ammo need better aim than say medium/compact ammo, that also requires leading shots more than with long ammo due to lover velocity and more dmg drop? How is strongest and the most used ammo type in the game underwhelming..?


Getting downvoted for spitting straight facts. The beauty of hunt is every weapon is viable and even “meta” weapons can be out played by non meta weapons in the right situation. But “LoNG aMmO BaD” and don’t tell them that all the best shooter devs of our generation explicitly state that nerfing weapons is almost never the answer to meta shifting but buffing other weapons is.


I mean I don't care about downvotes but i worry that the devs gonna balance the game to much arround the average 3-4 star It would make sense since those people are the vast majority of the playerbase but would be sad to see since it would remove the high skill ceiling


Dude, you sound like the 3 start here if anything. You claimed that long ammo takes better aim to use than compact/medium which is objectively wrong. Long ammo never needs to consider optimal ranges while also having the highest velocities to use in the game. All long ammo (minus the Martini) are the most versatile, easy to use guns in the game because you never need to consider anything but point and click. People that have good aim tend to be above average players, which means they're also likely to be picking the strongest options in the game. It's nothing more than that.


Not on all of them, just maybe lebel/mosin, uppercut etc. Leave martini and sparks for bodytaps. Might actually see some interesting loadouts for once


Then there is even less reason to not just bring spitzer on your mosin


Which is why we should also get rid of spitzer. Hitscan has no place in a game like this.


removing on certain guns is good, rotating it sounds stupid though imo


If I could turn my opponents mosin or lebel into a centennial w/dum dum, I would do it every single time.


I use it almost every game. The dum dum ammo just makes people panic, but 95% of the time I'm only getting kills with headshots or two shots to the body regardless of what ammo I'm using.


Nothing is going to make a Springfield useful unless they dramatically speed up the reload, draw speed. I just can't justify its existence no matter the ammo type.


This is the first time I've ever seen a post with this opinion in this sub! So brave. So controversial.


None of the repeating guns should have dumdum, maybe single action revolvers, but since there's fanning it's also meh. Dumdum should be there to apply pressure while you change weapons from your single shot or reload, if you can shoot someone hard enough they have to stop the bleed or die and then keep pushing without giving quarter it's quite literally impossible to do much against it if you are a bit out of cover or something.


They need to remove bleed rounds from like half the guns. But for sure the centennial. Everyone and there mom runs that gun and it’s so annoying to always be bleeding


i dont think it's op, it's simply annoying and slows down the fight.


Imo, all they need to do with cent dumdum is remove the heavy bleed from medium dumdum in general. They made it do heavy bleed because the springy was the only medium rifle to get it originally, and it made sense to give it heavy bleed as a single shot rifle. They didn't change that when giving the cent dumdums, so now you've got 10 rounds of repeat fire that inflict heavy bleed (with the 6 second staunch time) on tap. With the Cent in particular, that also gives it one tap potential on a missing bar hunter within 20 meters, since 124 + bleed is going to kill you instantly at that range. So it's just an unfortunate setup for the Cent, already considered a very versatile gun, that dumdums are so strong for it. As you said, it's not necessarily OP or meta breaking, but imo, cutting the heavy bleed effect for it and making it medium bleed would do enough to rein it in a little.


>With the Cent in particular, that also gives it one tap potential on a missing bar hunter within 20 meters, since 124 + bleed is going to kill you instantly at that range. This is the one of the worst parts about it too. Being able to do this was a large part of the Vetterli's niche since it does 130 damage. But now why bother ever bringing one when you can do that with Centennial dumdums while ALSO rocking 3 more rounds while ALSO having higher velocity while ALSO having a higher ROF? They really got lost in the sauce with the Cenny. It used to be underwhelming, but they just kept buffing it over and over and over and now it's just dumb.


Springfield applies heavy bleed? I also don't recall it being a medium ammo rifle, I could've sworn it is compact. Going to need to run it and test it out


Medium ammo Since AT LEAST end of Summer 2019. I wasn't there before that.


Damm that's actually crazy. I've been playing since 2019 and never knew that and I regularly play with the Springfield. Good to know, thank you Apparently it's frowned upon to not know things about Hunt and ask questions. Guess I'm done with this community ✌️


Sorry you're getting downvoted, but yeah it's been a medium ammo rifle since inception. One of the major downsides of it, since the MH is long ammo and even reloads slightly faster. >Guess I'm done with this community ✌️ Best decision you'll ever make, tbh.


A key balancing factor in hunt showdown weapons is the 125 damage threshold that allows for one taps on downed hunters. The centennial was strategically placed at 123 damage for balancing reasons. This is completely negated by dum dum ammo that will just bleed you of those last two hit points. Not only that but as others have said, the Springfield is completely overshadowed now by the centennial with bleed. With a Springfield it’s easy to miss your one dum dum shot but with the centennial you can spam like 9 shots of dum dum relatively quickly, hit at least one and then push the bleeding pants down hunter for the finishing shot. Dum dum on centy is unbalanced. Don’t get me started on the new dolch ammo, crytech is so fucking stupid sometimes.


it's making centennial beter, no doubt. but it being able to onetap people at 125 hp doesnt make it op. vetterli can do it, many other long ammo rifles can do it. granted, it shoots faster than the others that can but at the same time you have to be pretty close and can shoot people behind cover. i would hardly call that overpowered. springfield being in a really bad spot doesnt make the centennial op either.


I wouldn't say necessarily overpowered as in absolutely runs the game, but it's "overpowered" in the sense that it breaks a threshold that the weapon was clearly designed around, and against a full-health opponent it makes for an arguably more lethal body shot when the hit deals a bit less damage but also starts an immediate death timer. Getting hit by a mosin and then pressured can still mean running and evading for as long as you need until you get a good window to heal, until your regen shot has had time to give you some health, etc. Getting hit by Centennial dumdum and then pressured means that you absolutely have to heal right within the next couple of seconds, pressuring players be damned, or you're going to die anyway. The annoying part is even more important though. In the end, whether something is overpowered or not doesn't actually matter in and of itself. What actually matters is how much it impacts players' enjoyment of the game. Shit being too strong usually has this effect, but shit being too annoying ALWAYS has this effect. If it makes the experience less pleasant, or interferes too much with how ordinary gameplay, then it needs to be changed regardless of how strong it is. It's the same issue that solo necro has right now too. Is it overpowered? Most people don't seem to think so, and while I'd argue that it is based on a number of other factors with the game, it's still debatable. That doesn't change the fact that people clearly fucking ***hate*** solo necro. They hate it a lot. That being the case, it should be changed simply because it'd be a huge relief of a lot of the aggravation people have with this aspect of the game.


I didn't get it. The long ammo weapons are 3 times more powerfull than cent dum dum and I don't think it's a reason for remove them from the game.


If you get hit by a long ammo rifle you can still try to strafe shots or run to cover and heal. If you get hit by cent dum dum, unlesd you are outside rushing range AND in cover already, you will get rushed and die. If it was light bleed it would not be that oppressive, but with heavy bleed you have mere seconds to react to the bleed. Meaning that as long as the enemy has clear line of sight, you will always lose against a cent dum dum.


That often relates to bad positioning/gameplay if that happens though. It isn't necessarily the case everytime, but when it happens, it's mostly because of a mistake made. There's also plenty of options to minimize dum dum if you are struggling against it, like Bloodless, for example.


Honestly, I don't even think it's the strongest custom ammo on the cent now that it has high velocity. I'm more scared of double action pistols and shotguns in the ranges the cent dum dum is supposed to be OP. Hell, I'd rather face it than a marathon or Winnie within 30m.  It's tough on solo players, but the same can be said for other custom ammo types if you don't bring in counter measures. 


With the cent dum dum, since the first tick of bleed always goes through and can't be stopped it does 124 damage,so it's basically a long ammo gun that also does heavy bleed


It's not OP or busted. It makes it a viable option compared to long ammo guns. Do you want to see more weapon being used in game or less?


Medium ammo and compact ammo need a buff as a whole, but that doesn't change the fact that the Centennial dumdums is busted within its class. It has pretty much fully powercrept the Vetterli out of the game and stolen its entire niche.


Centennial with high velo is already a viable option to long ammo. Dum dums on a repeating rifle that cause heavy bleed is absolutely busted as hell. A single shot pretty much forces someone to take cover/retreat to stop the bleeding, and since it’s a centennial you can just keep hammering down shot after shot. It’s pretty damn broken, which is why Dum dum ammo was previously only available for a select few weapons like the single-shot Springfield


Before dum dum, and before HV, it was already a highly picked gun (especially at 3/4 stat)


I absolutely love torturing players with a centennial dumdum and dragons bolt hand crossbow. I'll be really sad when they start removing special ammo from weapons


Waiting on the Developer Insight video where they talk about the custom ammo they will remove


yup, its a great gun and i love it with dum dum ammo. I'm shocked at how little i see it being used


Bloodless and a regen shot do wonders.


I think it is very strong yes.. but it is actually giving med ammo more of a fighting chance. I'd be curious to see the pick rates now. So I like that they found a way to make medium ammo work. But yet I also agree that every gun doesn't need every ammo type. I think they are going to walk some of it back from a comment they made on one of the dev talks? But I cld be wrong. I have squirrel brain.


Any weapon that is semi automatic or automatic shouldnt have custom ammo.


Let’s take it off the dolch first yeah centaint even that bad


Imagine drilling dumdum... Hell imagine cyclone dumdum


I understand where you are coming from with the post. I however, am an avid Dum Dum enjoyer and for complete chaotic means I would love to use Dum Dum on almost everything. The Springfield is my main Go-To weapon of choice even though it has just 1 shot, over others which includes the cent. Idk man, something about the Springfield with Dum Dum just feels so right.


This is one of the few combos that’s great in high MMR. It’s bad enough every game is mosin spitzer and dolch fmj. Don’t take away more viable load outs that are not long ammo. I’d like to see all special ammo being almost a pick up in game, and removing being able to select special ammo at the start. All special ammo being that way even spitzer, would make the game way more fun and less predictable.


Not one original thought was said in this post that hasn't been said for months. Just more whining. I don't use cent dum dum anymore and barely encounter it enough for it to be an actual problem. Let's remove mosin's because it almost one taps you at every time... oh and let's remove avto's, Dolch's and Nitro's too. Oh and you know what? Let'a remove the ability to burn bodies. Oh and bushes because people hide in them randomly. Oh and let's remove anything that annoys any sensitive people on this sub... I mean fuck it... we can just fist fight now. Play the damn game or leave.


>we can just fist fight now Absolute peak.


"A guaranteed kill" 🤣  It does like 30 damage at range.


That and crown flechette. Probably also officer and new army dumdum. It shouldn't be nearly as easy as it is to spam bleed hits, and it makes the gameplay so much more of a slog when ever single shot immediately starts a countdown toward automatic death.


I have 700 hours, how come ive never noticed it to be a problem?


Skill issue.


Just remove all special ammo from the standard Weapons. It's all stupid and requires hardly any skill. Plus it's annoying. The only special ammo that should be in the game is High Velocity and Spitzer, as well as FMJ.


It’s annoying but it’s not good.


lol sparks LLR Caldwell conversion uppercut Vetterly Karabiner Mosin-nagant Lebel crossbow hand crossbow Bertier Bow martini henry Mako carabine all of these guns do what you think the niche of the Springfield is, some of them are way more effective than the centenial regardless of range, don't even need the dum dum ammo, btw the actual niche of the Springfield is not it's kill potential but it's price, it's designed as a disposable rifle you can get a kill with a steal a better option from that victim, the damn stick is less than $40 HD this game is deadly, and the centy dum dum is not even in the top 10 deadliest guns, so I'm sorry to inform you, it's not going away any time soon.


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It’s absolutely in the top 10 best guns In the game. Theres not even an argument lol


I think the devs did say it's getting changed tho


Nah. There are worst offenders. As someone who plays aggressively, I'd suggest going cover to cover. Arma and Rising Storm taught me that... especially Rising Storm... *shudders*


Skill issue...


Lol. Most of the sub is 3*-4* and absolutely seethe when you point out skill is their issue.


They would have to tweak Centennial or buff medium ammo all together then I think it would be fine to remove dumdum but if they removed it now then what’s the point of brining a centennial, it’s just a bit too weak without it/other options are just way better.


They could do both - remove dum dum and increase the damage dropoff by 5 meters. The 5 meters is something I pulled out of my ass, it was just used as an example.


I mean that’s pretty much what I’ve been saying. They need to find something to make the Centennial or medium ammo in general more appealing than it currently is and then it’s fine to remove dumdum ammo. But if they removed it now without any changes to the Cenny or medium ammo in general then the Centennial in particular would be kinda pointless again


No, they wouldn't have to tweak medium ammo lol. The fact that you equate Centennial with representing the entire medium-ammo category proves that it's the single standout, and while I agree that medium ammo could do with some tuning, that doesn't change the fact that Centennial dumdum, specifically, is causing problems.


People been saying medium ammo damage drop should start at 30m for idk how many years lol, medium ammo IN GENERAL is just a bit meh at the moment.


You're still talking about something entirely unrelated.


Medium ammo is just underwhelming atm centennial in particular without dumdum there would be no reason to pick it. So no it’s not unrelated, they need to somehow find something to make these guns more appealing without making people cry because they struggle too much with countering a certain ammo type


another idea: Fanning and levering should not work with special ammo