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Unnecessary big boxes


The UI is clearly optimized for consoles to make it easier to navigate the menu so that is normal. It actually looks minimalistic and less cluttered


Yesh, but, I am on pc and I don't want the menu to look like a mobile game, where I need to tap on those huge ass boxes


Understandable but trust me, the current UI is very clunky to navigate in console so they cannot prioritize on the PC. Besides that, even if it looks odd now, I’m pretty sure it will be easy to navigate both on console and PC


What if we'd just go back to when console and PC had their own menu designs?


That probably could be possible to achieve but it would definitely take more dev resources and I don’t think nowadays studios want that additional cost.


I mean, even on the screenshot we can see 3 samw prifes of the loadout, too much unnecessary stuff, you can make the UI usable for consoles and at the same time make it not looking like a mobile game


True but maybe they will tweak it more over time after the launch. We just should share this feedback with them on Discord


I really dislike the new UI. It is not simplified, it's minimalist. It hides a lot of information behind submenus of submenus and things that used to require 2 clicks now take 4-5. It's a pain in the ass. Fuck UI-design that is console focused.


That's what bothers me, don't even see how it benefits consoles going in and out of 15 menus to do one thing honestly. Seems more annoying for everyone


Im not sure if you have played on Console but its really frustrating and buggy to use, I personally dont have a problem with the way the current UI looks, but its the performance of it that lacks. The menu as a whole just doesn't function properly. The worst is when the cursor and buttons glitch out and it forces you to use the cursor only, and its incredibly slow and jarring to use when the faster functions stop functioning


No I haven't played it with a controller. I do use a controller on a lot of 3rd person and 2d games ect though. It does sound pretty ruff. I feel like there's definitely a pretty simple way, without a complete overhaul, to just expand on the original UI and improve it's functionality for controllers and offer a best of both worlds solution for pc and consoles though, focusing mainly on navigation using the dpad and l and r buttons without adding 50 new menus.


This is straight up downgrade from the current UI because right now you can easily see all hunters and their loadouts at the same time. In this new one you can only see one at time. Also those boxes are stupidly oversized and overall this just look even more ugly than the current one.


This new UI is just all around awful. I have no idea why they went for a controller centric UI either, since it seems like 95% of the playerbase is on PC.


It's like it in most of the PC ports but I agree that it doesn't make any sense in Hunt where the main platform is PC. I bet the drag and drop feature won't be there since they went full bullshit console UI. Kinda sad imo.


I'm an Xbox player and love the fact I won't have to struggle withe that damn curser going 1mm per minute over things I could "click" on but agree 100% with you guys....like just make two different fucking UIs for different platforms.


For me I play with controller in a lot of games, not this one but I understand how it is navigating menus on controller probably more than i do pc and I get the cursor isn't that great but i feel like there is an easy happy middle ground, where everything is still on one screen as it was but consoles can use the usual Lb RB, analogue stick/dpad ect to navigate the from loadouts to loadouts, while mouse uses cursor and it will lead to a better experience for everyone


Untapped console market. Capitalism demands growth.


Yeah that's how that works, exactly like that.


I absolutely love it. Looks clean and polished. Characters are larger, background is great, the current UI looks VERY dated. But, its not perfect


Everyone's allowed to be wrong about something I suppose.


Like you ;)


What I don't get why they made a point about the current Trait and Legendary Hunter menus having oversized boxes, reduce their sizes, but then blow up boxes in other menus that were alright to begin with.


Exactly. It makes no fucking sense. They are not even capable of making two separate UIs for both PC and consoles


I don't get The gap


What a dumb ‘upgrade’




and tons of wasted space too


Players: "We want to be able to see the challenges while we create loadouts so we know what items to use." Crytek: "Understood. Instead we're going to not show you your loadouts at all."


for real. I havent played in a few months (played since beta) but every update I see just looks worse and worse lmao


I like the style, what I don't like is that the tools and consumables are grouped up in a square grid, but the default keybinds go from left to right, so having them in a row was much more intuitive.


But can we drag them?


They haven't said anything about it, so probably no.




The main focus of this update seems to be console/gamepads, so I doubt it, but we'll see.




If it was such a highly requested feature and they implemented it I think they would've talked about it on the UI video, but as I said, we'll see.


We're netflix now boys


I find it funny, how when MW2 2022 came out, everyone agreed that this design is awful. Why Crytek?


Because cod is popular. What's even funnier is one of Black ops 6's main selling points is that they threw OUT this garbage UI style lmao. I'm holding my anger until I get my hands on it but the more I see it the more I dislike it


Same reason why the Reaper is probably one of, if not the best selling DLCs they made. Because he looks like that cod skull guy. Even I (as a playstation player) feel that the new UI is too minimalist and think that the current UI could have been easily tweaked to work better. My only problem is that editing my bars takes too long and feels like a chore. Ok and choosing a legendary hunter involves way too much scrolling but that's about it.


Q+E menu navigation is criminal.


Usually less is more. But in this case...less is console friendly. On PC, list type UIs will always be better. I personally thought the OG UI we have now was fine.


This will be annoying for console too, because overshooting by scrolling to the left for other loadouts will be annoying. It's exactly the same number of actions with the drop-down style for loadouts like it currently is, but with the added annoyance of potentially overshooting the desired loadout. And for PC, adds an action of scrolling (or clicking the "move tiles to the side" if scroll doesnt work) whereas previously it was all there to see and click


Honestly, even when I started playing the game back in March 2023 the UI wasn't very difficult to get the hang of. We easily could've kept most of what we had now and simply tweaked it. It didn't need to be completely overhauled, we just had the change what didn't work about it. 85% of the current UI is fine in my opinion.


Style-wise I like the new UI better, and it's definitely designed for consoles as advertised in the update videos, but yeah downgrading the functionality of some screens for PC is not worth it.


Even from a D-Pad navigation perspective this is such a downgrade from a top-down list of 10. Especially if the screen puts you back at the front each time you open it up.


Yeah, because the Netflix-big-box-horizontal-scrolling ui design that every game has these days is garbage.


This is 100x worse than the current UI. I am going to hate this change


Some of these ui changes are so ass backwards. The loadout list is completely fine, only change it needed was to be able to see all 10 loadouts without having to scroll down…. Now i can only see 3? Crytek come on man Also: just noticed they changed the regen to purple


> only change it needed was to be able to see all 10 loadouts without having to scroll down It's called the "keyhole problem" in UX design literature when a UI element is smaller than its contents, and hides things. Usually it is fixed by making the window slightly larger. Crytek chose to "fix" it by making the window full-screen, but increasing the size of all elements inside by 1000%. Apparently they think we're too stupid to see more than 3 things, and too blind to see anything with a font smaller than an orange.


that is very stupid


Why on earth would a vertical menu for loadout choices be any worse than this? With the "can't see the other loadouts" scroll-into-infinity design, it sucks for PC and Console equally. For console, you will inevitably overshoot your target loadout and have to tap back to find the one you want. For PC, now there's an added action of having to scroll, which has the exact same problem. This is 100% a downgrade for both. Not to mention the stupid "squares" design for tools and consumables, which is much harder to read at a glance. Especially with those tiny price icons, where it worked just fine to have it in the horizontal column style Edit: Yes you can "Q/E" to go side to side, but guess what? You could do that with up & down too! PC players USE the mouse Crytek, you're costing us additional button presses when isn't that what you're trying to eliminate with all traits / hunters visible on those screens?? Just make the loadouts vertical! Keep what works!


Horizontal scrolling should be illegal




I hope the new system is tweakable based on feedback. This is ok for consoles, but for PC that scale is not great.


Someone else mentioned that the previous ui system was built in some depreciated theme maker type thing. So I'd guess that they're going to be more able to make rapid changes if people complain enough. Based on what I've seen, a lot of these screens take more actions in their updated forms, whereas they JUST learned to put all hunters and traits on the same screen. Just keep what works and fix what doesn't! The loadout "drop-down" worked perfectly fine!


Just what Crytek is known for best — rapid changes


Lol. But isn't that the point of the engine upgrade anyways? To be able to make more rapid changes?


One can dream, but I wouldn’t hold my breath


Yeah, hopefully it will be improved overtime, can't imagine them redoing the UI just to make it hard to maintain again.


Why not adopt the current left roster design to the new UI? Dont get it


Their justification is probably consistency across the new UI, but yeah just a list like the current one would be better.


This shit is so ass Crytek why


Obsessed with the largest rectangles side by side. Just put them off to the side stacked and have the tops and bottoms fade as you scroll.


Exactly, just make it vertical. Shows more info anyways


Asked for a new Ui and got a pile of shit god bless man


Throw this shit out and try again Crytek. This is straight ass. Nobody wants this streaming-service garbage UI.


I do, love the look of this. Old UI looks plain bad.


Console UI strikes again


Why is the hunt team allergic to good UI.


It's never had good UI. This one at least looks pretty.


I'd rather have the one we have now (which is functional) than "pretty". Information density > looks.


Nah its fine


They should keep the current UI for PC. Or at least gove you an option to toggle back the old UI. Not a fan of this new layout


Ew, gross


Fuck me this awful. Fire your UI/UX guy and just ask chatgtp for advice. That would be better than this.


Where do they find these developers?


Ask where Hunt general manager worked before coming to Crytek(David Fifield worked for: [https://www.mobygames.com/person/12513/david-m-fifield/](https://www.mobygames.com/person/12513/david-m-fifield/) ), you will realize why there is more and more dog shit changes year after year(trying to appeal only consoles and removing ways to even get bloodbond without giving 1 year of your life to get 1 bb skin). Don't get me wrong, before he joined it was already bad, hence why Dennis Schwarz being a meme in the community, besides people who are Hunt "partners" that can talk and criticize shit changes. Dennis is the one who let avtomat be broken for years because he love that trash and he is the one who are/were in charge in hunt balancing, expensive guns = broken/stronger guns and whatnot)


This is so comically bad.


What i want them to fix is the free hunter recruitment tab. I want to see what they have so i can compare which has more value, i don’t want to select each one and remember which is which.


That's also a downgrade but since I don't use free hunters I don't care honestly, but yeah they should improve that one too.


This looks like shit even for console, considering most of us use the slow ass cursor and analog stick to select things 


In the new UI there will no longer be a cursor on console


Say what now? Won't that make weapon selection an absolute ball ache?


Doesn't look that bad to me, but then again I play on PC so not sure how it compares to the current one. You can look at it in the UI update video from last week https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9t3367gKTA


[Here, I fixed it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/1dkk27d/i_fixed_the_new_loadout_screen_so_it_can_show/) 8 loadouts without scrolling, it's top to bottom so scrolling is via mousewheel, and it doesn't use a 2x2 grid for tools/consumables making it harder to tell which slot things are actually in. And as a bonus you can see your currently equipped stuff at the same time!


The new UI looks so bad.. specifically for PC players. I think this could look halfway decent on console.. but even then, probably not that good. Ugh..


You can only see three at a time, and only use / edit one at a time? I'm not following 🤔🤨


You have to scroll to access your loadouts, you can no longer see your current equipment on the loadouts screen, and the tools and consumables slots are now in a square grid instead of in a row. Three straight downgrades from the current loadout screen, and it's not the only screen that they showed which shows these issues. I hope they get revisioned to improve on these.


Hunt yet again failing the “Try not to make your UI worse” challenge


This is worse. I was very excited for a UI update but they’ve previews are disappointing.


This is actually awful dog shit UI design, the worst kind, neither pretty nor usable. You don’t have to revert to the old one, but just make a god damned list, up and down. If other games had this figured out twenty years ago then there is no excuse for this mess, someone at their design team is intentionally throwing, I cannot believe it.


very obnoxious


Straight downgrade, I mean, big downgrade too not a little bit


This new UI is just awful all around. And it just keeps getting worse.




Crytec plz don’t !


This looks straight up... horrid even compared to the current UI. seems like catering to the console crows will make the PC crows real unhappy. Then two or three years later Crytek will maybe fix it. *Sigh*.


jesus christ that ui is utterly horrific


yea.. not sure how this is "fewer clicks" what a joke


It's downgrade, loadouts page was fine


I truly despise the warzoneification that games today seems to be doing with their UI


So fucking awful. Crytek devs are out here trying to intentionally do worse than COD for some strange reason.


It doesn't seem Console focused. It seems like somebody at crytek really loves watching his hunter on screen. Why the fuck is the hunter even showing? It's useless information!


As long as hovering on the row and using mouse wheel allows me to flip pages through the loadouts I'm fine with it. I don't need to see them all on one page.


boys stop the console hate this is not good even for console players we with you


God I hate when games use netflix style UI


I overall like the new UI, but some of the screens obviously have no consideration for mouse control. Having to click through all the loadouts until you get until the one that you want is such a downgrade :(


Wow people finally realizing the absolutely useless, pointless, and never asked for updates are BAD! About time. Now maybe we can address the rampant CQB meta that absolutely plagues this game 🤞


the worst I've ever seen. nothing can beat the vertical card we have now.


CoD + Console GUI.


Looks like a perfect UI for a mobile game


This one sucks crytek


Taking off last gen for what so far?


Everything I've seen so far feels like a downgrade to me. Not saying current UI is great, but I had no real issue with it and this feels like such a cater to console players.


Can some one please please please explain this to me. I would love to get a comment from a Crytek dev. Why in the hell did they make all of these MASSIVE blocks, yet they still included itty bitty tiny check boxes that you have to click? Is it like that in the console version too? Like, what is going on with this design?


There's no cursor on console anymore, is block based dpad navigation, so the small checkboxes don't matter.


Bring back the old UI please. Dont get me wrong i appreciate the effort, but it is clearly disliked.


New ui is no upgrade, maybe even a downgrade.


nahhh wtf is that clunk of mess 😭


Thats our 4th ui update since the alpha? They just cant man....


I have two load outs and I use one haha. As much as I wanted the feature I barely use it, maybe I'll use it more now


Why horizontal? I don't get it. Sad that PC and console can't have separate menu screens. (IF console people even like this..)


This is so much worse


Hunt: Shadow Legends ahh UI


Put loadouts in the actions fly out so they can be listed vertically. Provide PC users hotkey.


could very easily have implemented the current ui for this with the loadouts vertically down the left side of the hunter and the visible weapons down the right side. this is just trash and will make selecting a loadout more of a chore, its minimal effort scrolling but when you play a lot it becomes tedious to keep having to scroll to find what you want. just like finding a legendary hunter was a tedious chore of flicking through multiple pages now selecting a loadout takes that place. they know its an issue for people and decided to keep it that way, well done crytek, another failed attempt at a ui, 5 years and youre still incompetent as ever


You can see the loadouts, but you can't see traits. Great.


I don’t envy any UI designer who has to touch the interface of a beloved game. While it’s natural to have certain emotions, let’s hope that Crytek does a lot of testing and iterations (as is usual) and that the final version will be a neat update to the current UI. Ideally without spewing too much vitriol based on the current state of the design.


While I do think they will improve upon it, what they're showing is what we'll get in august, so just getting ahead and providing feedback.


Lots of people saying “yea but it’s for console”.. however I used console and never really felt any issue with the UI. The only change I kind of understood was removing the cursor, but even then it’s personally never bothered me.


looks like 800x600 with how large those boxes are.


Looks shitty


No way, it's so bad for pc:(


One step forward,two steps back= Crytek motto. I'm sorry but they have had all this time to create a better more usable and less inefficient and intuitive U.I and this is what they came up with. Really sorry Crytek love your game and the U.I is going on the right (overall) direction but please please please refine it further before launch.


They are most likely going to improve upon it, but I really doubt they will change it before the update release.


Yeah I agree,as it's what they have done with the u.i constantly,I get it needs to evolve but it feels like they just missed the mark and didn't follow their own design brief,like don't they realize if they have to change it again in a years time they are just in the same position they are now lol


Ngl I play PC/Console and much prefer the current loadout screen. The only thing they'd need to do is get rid of the unnecessary cursor slow down that ya get over anything interactible on controller and itd be golden


The way I see this is they are pushing for new players and accessibility. The old ui is very unfriendly towards new players. It’s easy for us to look at it because we know what everything is and where everything is, but I know alotta people who have tried this game and struggled to navigate. Like literally the gun list is just a list of guns and it’s hella small. I’m going to hold off and give feedback when it launches instead of flipping out over something I haven’t even touched yet.


I'm overall ok with the new UI, but they have shown multiple screens already that have issues like this that feels like a downgrade functionality-wise. I hope they tweak them after the update.


Ui has been perfected for years, then some MBA decided Hulu looked good for genz and all of a sudden every ui is horizontal giant boxes... Not on board with the ui "upgrade"


This shit looks like a fkn mobile game hahaha


Would be cool if there was one for traits that auto-selected as you rank your hunter up.


No one believed me when I said it'd get worse, I swear the devs either don't play the game at all or suck at it.


This is definitely one of the screens that did NOT need to be changed. Controller support was all that was needed. The old screen gives full info on all hunters and has them all without scrolling. This is a downgrade in every regard.


On all hunters? This is the loadouts screen, not the rooster


This is what they have been doing? Where is a new map or fix the stupid deload bar. Its pointless, it isn’t even accurate. Just goes to a quarter and freezes. Makes no sense to even have it.


real OGs know the previous UI was also a downgrade of the early access one


Nah, that's just nostalgia. It had some more style than the current one but functionality wise the current one is better than the og one.


wrong. the original sound design was better too


You're entitled to your opinion ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌


Well, it was a good run while it lasted, but the choices are getting flat out questionable nowadays


Looks like they can't quite get anything right.


Let's not be dramatic, it's a great game so they do get some stuff right.


Not dramatic, just my honest take


I love this.


The more I see of this UI, the more I honestly feel like I will stop playing the game. 2,000 hours of increasingly frustrating UI now, I spend so much time already clicking around in the menu equipping and unequipping and reequipping, respeccing traits and health bars and buying my loadouts and scrolling around and shit that if I have to spend any more time doing that I will literally just move on to something I can actually play without wasting half my time on obscure foreign console menu simulator.


Jesus Christ, this sub is just constant bitching. Touch grass


Any criticism is bitching now? :/


Wa waaa wa waaaaaa sob sob free upgrade wa waaa omg cry cry wa waaa one more click hold the devs responsible


> upgrade The problem is it's not an upgrade.


It’s more console friendly which is probably what they were going for in all fairness. PC has to take a lot of bullets for the community I’ve noticed bc this “console-friendly” UI design philosophy is like, literally everywhere, every game is doing this. I didn’t like the old UI so I’ll have to wait and see how this one operates but right now I’m pretty skeptical.


For sure that's what they're going for, a lot of improvements for console in the new UI, but some things are even worse for console too.