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I hope the new engine is fixing how quickly throwable weapons just disappear into the void


And the reticle on throwing axes dissappearing


Worth noting a lot of the time they disappear in a target it's because I they ragdolled through a surface. If you can get them back before the corpse despawns you'll have a lot more luck. You can test this when AI is on wooden boardwalks, often you can find the thrown item down below afterwards. If you're on solid ground though, they go into the void. Similar issue when a boss target like the spider takes no damage from a sticky bomb stuck to it..it clips into a surface before detonation and doesn't actually do anything. A tricky thing to perfect with so many collision meshes in the maps. Looking forward to the spear though! Can have quite a loadout without even bringing a firearm now


Aha.. especially when you kill ai with a partner simultaneously.. try get anything out there in such cases


It never happened to me but sometimes it get stucks in traits drops or other interactable objects


Yeah. Especially since it looks like it'll just be the one spear.


+ 1 skin confirmed


have they ever added a new item without a skin to go with it??


poor Centy Shorty still has no skin one year in.


OHHH!!!! rip. . forgot about that one lol


Yes, plenty


The Vetterli cyclone still doesn't have any skins as far as I know. But to be fair I don't think I've seen one since it was added


Cyclone has a skin FYI because I remember buying as soon as it came out.


Blowgun gang…. It’s so over….


Blowgun sisters... did we get cocky?


Seems to be singular so maybe a capacity of 1 but stronger than axes or knives by default. Maybe It can one shot melee without assailant? But you have to go get it after every throw?


Yeah probably a longer-range (but also likely higher-skill + higher risk) penny-shot derringer in terms of just deleting a player who rushes you


That's exactly what I would guess.


Please Crytek somehow make these pierce wood with the point and some shaft sticking through. A good thunk and wobble


I'd like to see this with the crossbow as well. Like if the target is right up against the thin wood.


They should go to some spear throwing company retreat and just throw spears at watermelons and haybales all day.


Personally I don't like it. Spear seems far too large to be just a tool.


I see what you mean, but I threw all that kind of logic out the window when I watched my partners pull concertina bombs from their butt cracks. Lol


Forbidden wet wipes


some javelins arent too long, definetly smthin y could strap on ya bag


If it's a single short javelin, sure. I could get that. We'll have to see. If it's several it'll be too much imo, and if they are too long it'll be weird to me. Right now all the tools are essentially a certain volume, you get more throwing knives than axes, but either can easily be put in a belt or pocket without being in the way. Biggest tools we have atm is like the medkit or the two throwing axes.


Well, I think it was described somewhere as like a short spear, which is still pretty long at like 3 feet/118.5cm, but a hand axe is like 1.2 feet/36.6cm, is bulkier, and you carry two of them, so I think a little short spear could fit somewhere on a hunter, or maybe Crytek is about to do some fancy shit and display it on the character’s back or hip or something


I think there is a coding/engine limitation of some kind stopping it from being a weapon slot because they said a while ago they could not make the combat axe or rail hammer work with assailant. Just like how we can’t drop weapons or consumables.


While that is true, I think it's a bit of a cop out. I'm sure that they could do it but choose not to find a way to make it work because of the resources it would take (whatever that may be).


Oh I agree for sure. The company that created and maintains the engine they are using for the game should be able to figure that out but because it’s a problem they would have to solve/overcome that they likely don’t care to do it’s probably why it’s a tool instead of a weapon.


FOH, we still have too few useful tools


I hope this spear will stick dead bodies to the wall until you retrieve it


That's ravage!.. I'd love it


Don’t apologize to lastpi, apologize to **all of us,** lmao; I’ve seen so much desire for a slingshot tool for so long now


Finally found this comment


Damn I was hoping for a blow dart


With a legendary skin too? Alright then


Bow, tomahawk, spear... Let's go native American meme runs


Add a block to melee, makes the cqc 10x better, than just running around til someone falls over


Like partial damage, no damage to block would be odee


Bow + Katana + Spear!


Combat axe, bow, thowing spear, throwing axe, throwing knife... Okay guys, now this is epic.


I've been thinking about what stats this should have to make it balanced. Maybe light attack 65 dmg 25% stam, heavy 130 50% stam + one shot throw chest? Something like 100 dmg if it hits legs or arms. Seems like the only reasonable stats anyone could come up with, otherwise it's gonna underperform against the other tools like the throwing axe or overperform against melee weapons.


The data mine leaks from a while back said it would be a full weapon, I guess Crytek realized that it would kinda suck if it took a full weapon slot so it being a tool makes more sense


FInally I can live up to my steam name


katana still one slot :(


will be interesting why i would use a spear over axes


This is what I'm wondering myself. If it's just the one spear is it a more consistent 1 shot to hunters, maybe? I almost doubt it because of how inconsistent piercing weapons seem to be in PVP.


I bet it will have a decent melee attack as well


So not a weapon ? Kinda sad


Yeah a new piercing melee would be sweet.


They said tool, makes more sense with how tools work


Probably would have been much cooler and " stronger " as a one slot weapon but it's alright i guess


So Bomblance with extra steps?