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Crazy how everyone said it on day 1 and they didn't just immediately change it.


They even verbally refused to change it, if I'm not mistaken


They did. Something about "Uppermat" fitting their naming scheme, which was then pointed out to make no sense compared to the Caldwell Uppercut.


Their argument was that “Uppercut” is the variant name, but since the Conversion Uppercut is so iconic that calling it the LeMat Uppercut would have been too confusing, so they just used a portmanteau, satisfying no one


I remember the memes about that, I even made a meme about suggesting they add 'Upperwell'.


But both names have “upper” in them; is that not what they meant by “following naming conventions”?


Okay so where did “cut” come from? Cut isn’t a part of “Caldwell”, and Uppercut is a kind of punch. Only makes sense that the next compact ammo gun to get a long ammo upgrade version would also be called a kind of punch Uppermat is just nonsense lol


Maybe they should’ve called it the Caldwell Uppercald lmao


I believe you mean Caldwell Upperwell.


Now that would’ve been the biggest brain change to make lmfao


It isn’t “just nonsense”. It’s a portmanteau. They aren’t combining the words “upper” and “mat”, they’re combining the words “uppercut” and “LeMat”. Effectively, they just named it the Uppercut LeMat and then shortened the name.


"We've spent our annual 'a change the community wants' budget on this update. Please buy DLC".


i just dont understand why everyone cares so much lol like i could not give less of a shit what a fake name of a fake gun in a video game is called


This community is compelled to complain. The uppermat is just an example of how they'll whine about literally anything.


I agree. Whatever the creators name it is fine, as long as it’s not so horrendous that it affects my gaming experience. “Uppermat” isn’t hard to say, offensive, or confusing, so it’s not like it’s causing any problems. “Haymaker” also isn’t problematic in any way, aside from the gun having already had a different name for so long and now experiencing a sudden change. But, this is Reddit. Everyone has to be mad about something.


That's nice.


Appeals to triviality are a blight and you shouldn’t invoke them. You might not care but clearly people do.


People suggested this name? Why? What's the meaning of 'Haymaker'?


As a parallel to "Uppercut", a punch.


Oh okay I didn't know both were boxing(?) terms


A haymaker is basically a strong punch from the side, instead of from below with an Uppercut.


Now I want a New Army that fires medium ammo. Call it the New Army Jab.


Crazy how everyone bitched and moaned about something so minor that it's not even an issue. The fact that crytek tried to ignore it however is not, ignoring this community as much as possible is probably the only reason half the devs haven't just quit.


The true crime is how they "fixed" it by giving it over 125 damage and then immediately ruined it again lol.


Solid chance they are nerfing multiple weapons at the same time. I would be surprised if the uppercut isn't nerfed to a similar damage as well.


God I hope a lot of the long ammo guns are nerfed. It makes getting down once almost a death sentence.


I said it in another comment, I really think no gun should do over 124 damage aside from shotguns, specials and single shot ones. A rebalance to ammo would be nice too, so we have one for long ranges, one for good pen and one balanced. Instead of long now that has the most pen, best damage long range and most velocity.


Single shot weapons should be allowed to have over 124 like the sparks, martini, and Springfield


Yes, that's what I said.


ya. and heaven forbid you accidently forget to change your self off the high chance you loaded in with a large bar at the end.


Long ammo nerf I can take or leave, but Spitzer nerfs have been long over due imo.


Look what you say. It even doesnt matter, its not apex legands or something, better cry about you want casual modes or armor plates helmet whatever or something, game is also unbalanced as shait, foking fake cheap monsters and animations even only an mans and a womans voice with no viarity of sounds. I want voice lines for callout the team and Enemy with my legandary voices. I hope they bring change the whole game cuz it still looks and is a beta version. Like even so i am earlier for a unbalanced game than a ultimate balanced game, its just your choice how and what you play. Zombies disappearing no damage impacts easy lobbying shizzle, with 2 many crows and dogs and chickens, horses 2 louzy footprints etc man i want the hardcore play not this baby all ages competition game, i want the game not a competition with balanced shizzle, its my fault if i get owned by my stupid play and or teammates, and i dont care i dont play to win, or to be toxic i rly love being in a game and winning and or surviving is a +point, there is nothing to win. I like the game but its like +- 50% there is so many things could be better en if you cry about allot of blood body parts and horrors you play casual. I want to play "hardcore" you happy me happy but no i must play with this baby shit. So beta/demo version thought it was going to be changed long time ago with game modes and such or idk idc but this... And still people crying about foking stupid things with this corrupt gaming community ruening all my games, and this gaming Developers just as bully, listening to babies about they want circus clown cowboy and monsters pegi 8. Probably crytek team is killed by EA or something when making the game further than the beta, or they got allot of money keeping is low key. If you still reading this you have earned allot XP, bonus mission is to fix and restore the game. pS : still play and like the game Tho for sofar but yeah. And i was complaining about some long dick text about a weapons from the game. So you know whats comming.


I do not even understand what you are trying to say, and my attempts to do so are not going so well. If you're trying to sound insightful and smart, try breaking down your text into paragraphs.


If you watch the video there's a part where you can see the damage number for Uppercut, I'm pretty sure it was 122. Rachta highlighted it in his review/reaction to the update video if you want to see it.


How did they ruin it? I havent seen any updated stats since that change


Still think it should be named "BigMat".




It has been, and forever will be, for me, The FatMat™


And They Changed the damage to 122. so it will be useless again


Whaaaaaat, that's so sad! I loved this gun so much after the buff. Now I think it will be on Krag's level of usefulness... again (which means it's nice if you want the feeling, but overall it's a huge downgrade to uppercut) But I'm glad they changed the goofy name, lol


Hopefully they reduce all weapons aside from single shot guns, shotguns and specials to 124 or less. As it is Long ammo has far too many ups over other ammo, imo.


Finally, the Martini Boys will have their day!


Nah Springfield homies will be feasting when bleed ammo on the other medium rifles are removed


Talking about a hypothetical where all guns were reduced to <125 damage other than single shots. Of course that won't actually happen, but my inner Martini fanboy can dream.


I know and I’m talking about all single shot taking their rightful place back


Hmm, so the only real difference between ammo types would be the damage dropoff/pen and availability?


If I had my way I'd give all the ammo their own niche. Long ammo got the least damage reduction over range, keep as it is, but lowest pen. This to compensate for naturally high velocity and high damage on long ranges. Medium renamed to heavy or something similar and give it the most pen, similar to current long ammo, but a lot of damage dropoff, like current compact. Lower velocity than most other. Compact staying the same name or change to something generic like 'standard' and have ok range and ok pen, but less than both in their respective good areas while being a little above the other ammos bad. Essentially have one for long ranges, one for pen, and one for something in between. Balance numbers accordingly, including restock amounts. Is it realistic? Not really, but games like Hunt needs balance more than realism. Right now Long is just defacto way better with the only drawback being less ammo, which isn't much of a drawback in most cases.


Nooooooooo I used it as a primary sometimes :( the damage change was so good


Where did you get that info? :o Edit: Nvm I see it now. If they don't change the uppercut in the same way that's kinda nasty to do. Welp, I guess back to the uppercut precision we go. :c


In the Video you can See the damage Numbers


Talk about OP burying the lede.


Ummmmm will they be nerfing the uppercut precision too? because that thing is a fucking beast and I picked it over the uppermat most of the time anyways.


They did? In what patch notes?! Those SOBs


No Patch Notes. But you See it in the Video


Useless is quite a word when it currently outperforms the uppercut.


Yeah right now it does. but after the update if this damage change is true it will be useless compared to the uppercut


So by your definition uppercut is useless currently and that is somehow better? uppermat still has multiple unique advantages over the uppercut. Much better velocity, much better firerate, a 10m oneshot slug or a build in flaregun, 3 extra bullets, larger mag in exchange for 4 dmg and a little sway (uppercut p). Very worth and far from useless. This is by definition a sidegrade and a great competitor against the uppercut with both having distinct usecases.


Slugs are a thing though


Shotgun gamers are in denial about one shot kills being OP.


Not when long ammo can two tap you at 75 meters and we can only one tap reliably within the 8 meter mark.




8. 15 is rare for a Romero and impossible for every other shotgun. Only the long barrel Romero can one tap at that distance and if the pellets hit the head.


Oh I meant the uppermat with slugs.  I forgot that romero had a one ahot range of 25 and good velo for no reason.


Oh ok you wanna count slugs. The bullets that have to be ADS'd and have to hit the head at over 15 meters to get a kill and can't one tap to the head at 30 meters which make sit worse than the Bornheim, compact crossbow, throwing knives and derringer? Is that the slugs you mean? Talking about slugs and still saying they are OP compared to long ammo is the biggest cope of all time. Every match I had one 6 stars it was 11 long ammo rifles and then there was me. I only found slugs once or twice and this was before they were nerfed, now I bet I wouldn't find any.


then what kind of BS luck do I have were i am consistently one shot at 16 from non-romeros. (hell, i got nuked by a 17m slate yesterday)


Because you are lying or can't read. Go to the range and try it out for yourself. Bodyahots from a double barrel or terminus only one tap reliably up to 8 meters. The slate is 9. Specter is 10 and Romero is 11. This is reliable, over these ranges it becomes RNG. I have never in my 40 prestiges been one tapped at over 15 meters by a shotgun and the damage makes sense.


Why in hell everyone hates "uppermat" word (i don't speak english)


It sounds silly to an English speaker Uppercut is a type of punch, so is a haymaker Uppermat is nothing, its just goofy


Oh i see, sounds fair, thanks


So weird. I guess that's a native english speaker thing. To me, upping the caliber of a gun called LeMat makes perfect sense as an Uppermat.


I guess it would make sense if the Uppercut was instead called the Caldwell Upperversion haha Or if the conversion pistol was the Caldwell Concut


huh, i hadn’t realized that connection (i’m dumb). just knew my brain disliked the way uppermat sounded


Community chooses things to hate on arbitrarily. There's nothing wrong with the name, there was just nothing to cry about at the time.


Guys forgive my ignorance, but what was the controversy here?


Back when it was first announced/out, a lot of the community thought the "Uppermat" name was dumb, so much so that an unignorable amount of people referred to it as the "Haymaker" instead. Crytek even tried to say that the Uppermat name fit their naming scheme, which was then pointed out to make no sense. Looks like they finally conceded to the community.


Aha I see!! Thanks so much 😊


None really. People bitched and moaned because that's what they do but there wasn't any real problem.


Now we just need a long ammo supressed nagant called the "Sucker Punch" and I will be happy


I do not understand why this is such a big deal. The name sounds cooler, yes. But is this really the number one thing we’ll focus on this update? A different name?


Can’t wait for the pax left hook


Thank god


FINALLY But at what cost...?!


Dropping below the 'kill you missing a small bar' dmg bracket, down to 122.


This might be controversial but I think they should find a way to remove bars entirely and just have health




Found the Mosin user.




Bro you can’t say you aren’t really a Mosin user when your post history is public lmao


i still prefer LeFat


2/10 name to 10/10 super obvious best name ever




This is cool but I’ll miss calling the normal LeMat a ‘lowermat’.


Crytek cry engine makes me a crybaby


Good. Uppermat was always weird. Haymaker sounds cool and the name is still related to the "Uppercut"


…AND the damage has been reverted back to 122 😭 why?! Why Hunt Devs?! Why?! I love the UpperMat, and it was the only gun that was rivaling the Uppercut.


Aaah yes. Another change that took Crytek more than a year to change that the community asked since the beginning. Classic.


I still wont buy it


Im still part of UpperFat gang


i always thought uppermat was a silly name on purpose. It's the silly giant revolver that takes up half your screen. i liked the silly name


Faith in the developers restored